         * This will load a PFB to be embedded into a document.
         * @param doc The PDF document that will hold the embedded font.
         * @param dict The Font dictionary to write to.
         * @param pfbStream The pfb input.
         * @throws IOException If there is an error loading the data.
        public PdfType1FontEmbedder(Document doc, PdfDictionary dict, Bytes.IInputStream pfbStream, Encoding encoding)
            dict[PdfName.Subtype] = PdfName.Type1;

            // read the pfb
            byte[]    pfbBytes  = pfbStream.ToByteArray();
            PfbParser pfbParser = new PfbParser(pfbBytes);

            type1 = Type1Font.CreateWithPFB(pfbBytes);

            if (encoding == null)
                fontEncoding = Type1Encoding.FromFontBox(type1.Encoding);
                fontEncoding = encoding;

            // build font descriptor
            FontDescriptor fd = BuildFontDescriptor(type1);

            PdfStream fontStream = new PdfStream(pfbParser.GetInputStream());

            fontStream.Header[PdfName.Length] = PdfInteger.Get(pfbParser.Size);
            for (int i = 0; i < pfbParser.Lengths.Length; i++)
                fontStream.Header[new PdfName("Length" + (i + 1))] = PdfInteger.Get(pfbParser.Lengths[i]);
            fd.FontFile = new FontFile(doc, fontStream);

            // set the values
            dict[PdfName.FontDescriptor] = fd.BaseObject;
            dict[PdfName.BaseFont]       = PdfName.Get(type1.Name);

            // widths
            List <int> widths = new List <int>(256);

            for (int code = 0; code <= 255; code++)
                string name  = fontEncoding.GetName(code);
                int    width = (int)Math.Round(type1.GetWidth(name));

            dict[PdfName.FirstChar] = PdfInteger.Get(0);
            dict[PdfName.LastChar]  = PdfInteger.Get(255);
            dict[PdfName.Widths]    = new PdfArray(widths.Select(p => PdfInteger.Get(p)));
            dict[PdfName.Encoding]  = encoding.GetPdfObject();
        internal static Type1Font LoadType1Font(FontFile fontFile)
            Type1Font t1 = null;

            var stream  = fontFile.BaseDataObject;
            int length1 = fontFile.Length1;
            int length2 = fontFile.Length2;

            // repair Length1 and Length2 if necessary
            byte[] bytes = stream.ExtractBody(true).GetBuffer();
            length1 = RepairLength1(bytes, length1);
            length2 = RepairLength2(bytes, length1, length2);

            if (bytes.Length > 0 && (bytes[0] & 0xff) == PFB_START_MARKER)
                // some bad files embed the entire PFB, see PDFBOX-2607
                t1 = Type1Font.CreateWithPFB(bytes);
                // the PFB embedded as two segments back-to-back
                byte[] segment1 = new byte[length1];
                Array.Copy(bytes, 0, segment1, 0, length1);

                byte[] segment2 = new byte[length2];
                Array.Copy(bytes, length1, segment2, 0, length2);

                // empty streams are simply ignored
                if (length1 > 0 && length2 > 0)
                    t1 = Type1Font.CreateWithSegments(segment1, segment2);
