public LexDocument Clone() { var result = new LexDocument(); foreach (var attrs in AttributeSets) { var d = new LexAttributeList(); result.AttributeSets.Add(attrs.Key, d); foreach (var attr in attrs.Value) { d.Add(attr.Clone()); } } var ic = Rules.Count; for (var i = 0; i < ic; ++i) { result.Rules.Add(Rules[i].Clone()); } return(result); }
internal static LexDocument Parse(ParseContext pc) { var result = new LexDocument(); while (-1 != pc.Current) { var line = pc.Line; var column = pc.Column; var position = pc.Position; LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); while ('\n' == pc.Current) { pc.Advance(); LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); } var id = LexNode.ParseIdentifier(pc); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { pc.Advance(); LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); continue; } LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); pc.Expecting(':', '-', '='); if (':' == pc.Current) // attribute set { pc.Advance(); var d = new LexAttributeList(); while (-1 != pc.Current && '\n' != pc.Current) { var attr = LexAttribute.Parse(pc); d.Add(attr); LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); pc.Expecting('\n', ',', -1); if (',' == pc.Current) { pc.Advance(); } } result.AttributeSets.Add(id, d); LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); } else if ('=' == pc.Current) { pc.Advance(); LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); pc.Expecting('\''); pc.Advance(); var l = pc.CaptureBuffer.Length; pc.TryReadUntil('\'', '\\', false); pc.Expecting('\''); pc.Advance(); var rx = pc.GetCapture(l); // make sure to capture the line numbers properly: var rpc = ParseContext.Create(rx); rpc.EnsureStarted(); rpc.SetLocation(pc.Line, pc.Column, pc.Position); var rule = new LexRule(id, RegexExpression.Parse(rpc)); rule.SetLocation(line, column, position); result.Rules.Add(rule); } else if ('-' == pc.Current) { pc.TrySkipUntil('\n', true); } LexNode.SkipCommentsAndWhitespace(pc); if ('\n' == pc.Current) { pc.Advance(); } } return(result); }