        private void SearchRateInFile()//this method will get rate from the data file and store it to a specific global Dictionary.
                StreamReader ReadFile  = new StreamReader("PersonnelFile.txt");
                Waga_Tax     Rate_Data = new Waga_Tax();
                while (!ReadFile.EndOfStream)
                    string x     = ReadFile.ReadLine();
                    string index = Rate_Data.getIndexFromString(x);
                    Rate_Data.AddRateToDictionary(index, Rate_Data.GetRateFromString(index, x));

            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show($"Sorry,seems something wrong:{Environment.NewLine}{e}", "Error");
        private void OpenSavedFile()
                StreamReader ReadFile  = new StreamReader("PersonnelFile.txt");
                PersonList   list_data = new PersonList();
                employee_list.ItemsSource = list_data.getEmptyArray();
                //empty the list for new data list

                List <string> NewDataList = new List <string>();
                //This List is used to store new data come from the data file.
                //Do not use Array because we do not know how many data it needs to store.

                while (!ReadFile.EndOfStream)
                    string data_string = ReadFile.ReadLine();

                string[] NewData = NewDataList.ToArray();
                //convert List to Array, my class method based on Array as a parameter.

                Waga_Tax Rate_Data = new Waga_Tax();
                //As usual,the rate of every person will be stored into a Dictionary of Waga_Tax Class.

                if (list_data.getCountFromDictionary() > 0)
                //when the number of the list item is not 0, we need to keep the data which user has already added to list
                //and add other existing data which is in the data file to list
                    foreach (string n in list_data.getArrayForList())
                    // Firstly,Traverse existing data of the list.
                        string Index_New = list_data.getIndexFromString(n);
                        foreach (string o in NewData)
                        //Secondly, compare existing data with new data which came from the data file.
                            string Index_Old = list_data.getIndexFromString(o);
                            //analyze and get  the index of existing data through its string.
                            if (Index_New != Index_Old)
                            //when it is not an existing data, add it to Person List.
                            //if it is an existing data,we do not do anything,just keep what user enters.
                                list_data.Add_NewData(Index_Old, o);
                                Rate_Data.AddRateToDictionary(Index_Old, Rate_Data.GetRateFromString(Index_Old, o));
                // when the list is empty,we do not have to check data,just add new data to the Dictionary
                    foreach (string d in NewDataList)
                        string index = Rate_Data.getIndexFromString(d);
                        list_data.Add_NewData(list_data.getIndexFromString(d), d);
                        Rate_Data.AddRateToDictionary(index, Rate_Data.GetRateFromString(index, d));

                employee_list.ItemsSource = list_data.getArrayForList(); //updata ItemSource.

            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show($"Sorry,seems something wrong:{Environment.NewLine}{e}", "Error");