		// Update is called once per frame
		void LateUpdate () {
			if (prevNode == null) {
				NNInfo nninfo = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(transform.position);
				prevNode = nninfo.node;
				prevPos = transform.position;

			if (prevNode == null) {

			if (prevNode != null) {
				var graph = AstarData.GetGraph(prevNode) as IRaycastableGraph;
				if (graph != null) {
					GraphHitInfo hit;
					if (graph.Linecast(prevPos, transform.position, prevNode, out hit)) {
						hit.point.y = transform.position.y;
						Vector3 closest = VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLine(hit.tangentOrigin, hit.tangentOrigin+hit.tangent, transform.position);
						Vector3 ohit = hit.point;
						ohit = ohit + Vector3.ClampMagnitude((Vector3)hit.node.position-ohit, 0.008f);
						if (graph.Linecast(ohit, closest, hit.node, out hit)) {
							hit.point.y = transform.position.y;
							transform.position = hit.point;
						} else {
							closest.y = transform.position.y;

							transform.position = closest;
					prevNode = hit.node;

			prevPos = transform.position;
		public GraphNode GetOther ( GraphNode a ) {
			if ( this.connections.Length < 2 ) return null;
			if ( this.connections.Length != 2 ) throw new System.Exception ("Invalid NodeLink3Node. Expected 2 connections, found " + this.connections.Length);
			return a == connections[0] ? (connections[1] as NodeLink3Node).GetOtherInternal(this) : (connections[0] as NodeLink3Node).GetOtherInternal(this);
		public override bool GetPortal (GraphNode other, List<Vector3> left, List<Vector3> right, bool backwards)
			if ( this.connections.Length < 2 ) return false;
			if ( this.connections.Length != 2 ) throw new System.Exception ("Invalid NodeLink3Node. Expected 2 connections, found " + this.connections.Length);
			//if ( other != connections[0] || other != connections[1] ) return false;
			if ( left != null ) {
				//Debug.DrawLine ( portalA, portalB, Color.red);
				left.Add ( portalA );
				right.Add ( portalB );
				Vector3 normal = link.transform.forward;
				Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Dot (normal, (Vector3)(other.Position - this.Position) ) > 0 ? link.transform.right*0.5f : -link.transform.right*0.5f;
				Debug.DrawLine ( link.transform.position -tangent * link.portalWidth, link.transform.position +tangent * link.portalWidth, Color.red);
				Debug.DrawRay ( link.transform.position -tangent * link.portalWidth, Vector3.up*5, Color.red);
				Debug.Break ();
				left.Add ( link.transform.position -tangent * link.portalWidth );
				right.Add (link.transform.position +tangent * link.portalWidth );*/
			return true;
		public static FloodPath Construct (GraphNode start, OnPathDelegate callback = null) {
			if (start == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("start");

			var p = PathPool.GetPath<FloodPath>();
			p.Setup(start, callback);
			return p;
 public override void AddConnection(GraphNode node, uint cost)
     if (this.connections != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < this.connections.Length; i++)
             if (this.connections[i] == node)
                 this.connectionCosts[i] = cost;
     int num = (this.connections == null) ? 0 : this.connections.Length;
     GraphNode[] array = new GraphNode[num + 1];
     uint[] array2 = new uint[num + 1];
     for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
         array[j] = this.connections[j];
         array2[j] = this.connectionCosts[j];
     array[num] = node;
     array2[num] = cost;
     this.connections = array;
     this.connectionCosts = array2;
        public override void Execute()
            if(Path.path.Count >= Index)
            { return; }

            Node = Path.path[Index];
		/** Returns all nodes reachable from the seed node.
		 * This function performs a BFS (breadth-first-search) or flood fill of the graph and returns all nodes which can be reached from
		 * the seed node. In almost all cases this will be identical to returning all nodes which have the same area as the seed node.
		 * In the editor areas are displayed as different colors of the nodes.
		 * The only case where it will not be so is when there is a one way path from some part of the area to the seed node
		 * but no path from the seed node to that part of the graph.
		 * The returned list is sorted by node distance from the seed node
		 * i.e distance is measured in the number of nodes the shortest path from \a seed to that node would pass through.
		 * Note that the distance measurement does not take heuristics, penalties or tag penalties.
		 * Depending on the number of reachable nodes, this function can take quite some time to calculate
		 * so don't use it too often or it might affect the framerate of your game.
		 * \param seed The node to start the search from
		 * \param tagMask Optional mask for tags. This is a bitmask.
		 * \returns A List<Node> containing all nodes reachable from the seed node.
		 * For better memory management the returned list should be pooled, see Pathfinding.Util.ListPool
		public static List<GraphNode> GetReachableNodes (GraphNode seed, int tagMask = -1) {
			var stack = StackPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();
			var list = ListPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();
			/** \todo Pool */
			var map = new HashSet<GraphNode>();
			GraphNodeDelegate callback;
			if (tagMask == -1) {
				callback = delegate (GraphNode node) {
					if (node.Walkable && map.Add (node)) {
						list.Add (node);
						stack.Push (node);
			} else {
				callback = delegate (GraphNode node) {
					if (node.Walkable && ((tagMask >> (int)node.Tag) & 0x1) != 0 && map.Add (node)) {
						list.Add (node);
						stack.Push (node);
			callback (seed);
			while (stack.Count > 0) {
				stack.Pop ().GetConnections (callback);
			StackPool<GraphNode>.Release (stack);
			return list;
		/** Add a connection from this node to the specified node.
		 * If the connection already exists, the cost will simply be updated and
		 * no extra connection added.
		 * \note Only adds a one-way connection. Consider calling the same function on the other node
		 * to get a two-way connection.
		public override void AddConnection (GraphNode node, uint cost) {
			if (connections != null) { 
				for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
					if (connections[i] == node) {
						connectionCosts[i] = cost;
			int connLength = connections != null ? connections.Length : 0;
			GraphNode[] newconns = new GraphNode[connLength+1];
			uint[] newconncosts = new uint[connLength+1];
			for (int i=0;i<connLength;i++) {
				newconns[i] = connections[i];
				newconncosts[i] = connectionCosts[i];
			newconns[connLength] = node;
			newconncosts[connLength] = cost;
			connections = newconns;
			connectionCosts = newconncosts;
        public override void Execute()
            var closestResult = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(Position);
            if (closestResult.node == null) { return; }

            NearestNode = closestResult.node;
		/** Returns all nodes reachable from the seed node.
		 * This function performs a BFS (breadth-first-search) or flood fill of the graph and returns all nodes which can be reached from
		 * the seed node. In almost all cases this will be identical to returning all nodes which have the same area as the seed node.
		 * In the editor areas are displayed as different colors of the nodes.
		 * The only case where it will not be so is when there is a one way path from some part of the area to the seed node
		 * but no path from the seed node to that part of the graph.
		 * The returned list is sorted by node distance from the seed node
		 * i.e distance is measured in the number of nodes the shortest path from \a seed to that node would pass through.
		 * Note that the distance measurement does not take heuristics, penalties or tag penalties.
		 * Depending on the number of reachable nodes, this function can take quite some time to calculate
		 * so don't use it too often or it might affect the framerate of your game.
		 * \param seed The node to start the search from
		 * \param tagMask Optional mask for tags. This is a bitmask.
		 * \returns A List<Node> containing all nodes reachable from the seed node.
		 * For better memory management the returned list should be pooled, see Pathfinding.Util.ListPool
		public static List<GraphNode> GetReachableNodes (GraphNode seed, int tagMask = -1) {
			Stack<GraphNode> stack = Pathfinding.Util.StackPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();
			List<GraphNode> list = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();
			HashSet<GraphNode> map = new HashSet<GraphNode>();
			GraphNodeDelegate callback;
			if (tagMask == -1) {
				callback = delegate (GraphNode node) {
					if (node.Walkable && map.Add (node)) {
						list.Add (node);
						stack.Push (node);
			} else {
				callback = delegate (GraphNode node) {
					if (node.Walkable && ((tagMask >> (int)node.Tag) & 0x1) != 0 && map.Add (node)) {
						list.Add (node);
						stack.Push (node);
			callback (seed);
			while (stack.Count > 0) {
				stack.Pop ().GetConnections (callback);
			Pathfinding.Util.StackPool<GraphNode>.Release (stack);
			return list;
		/** Updates graphs and checks if all nodes are still reachable from each other.
		 * Graphs are updated, then a check is made to see if the nodes are still reachable from each other.
		 * If they are not, the graphs are reverted to before the update and \a false is returned.\n
		 * This is slower than a normal graph update.
		 * All queued graph updates and thread safe callbacks will be flushed during this function.
		 * \note This might return true for small areas even if there is no possible path if AstarPath.minAreaSize is greater than zero (0).
		 * So when using this, it is recommended to set AstarPath.minAreaSize to 0 (A* Inspector -> Settings -> Pathfinding)
		 * \param guo The GraphUpdateObject to update the graphs with
		 * \param node1 Node which should have a valid path to \a node2. All nodes should be walkable or \a false will be returned.
		 * \param node2 Node which should have a valid path to \a node1. All nodes should be walkable or \a false will be returned.
		 * \param alwaysRevert If true, reverts the graphs to the old state even if no blocking ocurred
		 * \returns True if the given nodes are still reachable from each other after the \a guo has been applied. False otherwise.
var guo = new GraphUpdateObject (tower.GetComponent<Collider>.bounds);
var spawnPointNode = AstarPath.active.GetNearest (spawnPoint.position).node;
var goalNode = AstarPath.active.GetNearest (goalNode.position).node;
if (GraphUpdateUtilities.UpdateGraphsNoBlock (guo, spawnPointNode, goalNode, false)) {
	// Valid tower position
	// Since the last parameter (which is called "alwaysRevert") in the method call was false
	// The graph is now updated and the game can just continue
} else {
	// Invalid tower position. It blocks the path between the spawn point and the goal
	// The effect on the graph has been reverted
	Destroy (tower);
		public static bool UpdateGraphsNoBlock (GraphUpdateObject guo, GraphNode node1, GraphNode node2, bool alwaysRevert = false) {
			List<GraphNode> buffer = ListPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();
			buffer.Add (node1);
			buffer.Add (node2);
			bool worked = UpdateGraphsNoBlock (guo, buffer, alwaysRevert);
			ListPool<GraphNode>.Release (buffer);
			return worked;
 public GraphHitInfo(Vector3 point)
     this.tangentOrigin = Vector3.zero;
     this.origin = Vector3.zero;
     this.point = point;
     this.node = null;
     this.tangent = Vector3.zero;
		/** Adds a node to the heap */
		public void Add(GraphNode node) {
			if (node == null) {
				Debug.Log ("Sending null node to BinaryHeap");
			if (numberOfItems == binaryHeap.Length) {
				Debug.Log ("Forced to discard nodes because of binary heap size limit, please consider increasing the size ("+numberOfItems +" "+binaryHeap.Length+")");
			binaryHeap[numberOfItems] = node;
			//node.heapIndex = numberOfItems;//Heap index
			int bubbleIndex = numberOfItems;
			uint nodeF = node.f;
			while (bubbleIndex != 1) {
				int parentIndex = bubbleIndex / 2;
				/*if (binaryHeap[parentIndex] == null) {
					Debug.Log ("WUT!!");
				if (nodeF <= binaryHeap[parentIndex].f) {
					//binaryHeap[bubbleIndex].f <= binaryHeap[parentIndex].f) { /** \todo Wouldn't it be more efficient with '<' instead of '<=' ? * /
					//Node tmpValue = binaryHeap[parentIndex];
					//tmpValue.heapIndex = bubbleIndex;//HeapIndex
					binaryHeap[bubbleIndex] = binaryHeap[parentIndex];
					binaryHeap[parentIndex] = node;//binaryHeap[bubbleIndex];
					//binaryHeap[bubbleIndex].heapIndex = bubbleIndex; //Heap index
					//binaryHeap[parentIndex].heapIndex = parentIndex; //Heap index
					bubbleIndex = parentIndex;
				} else {
				/*if (binaryHeap[bubbleIndex].f <= binaryHeap[parentIndex].f) { /** \todo Wouldn't it be more efficient with '<' instead of '<=' ? *
					Node tmpValue = binaryHeap[parentIndex];
					//tmpValue.heapIndex = bubbleIndex;//HeapIndex
					binaryHeap[parentIndex] = binaryHeap[bubbleIndex];
					binaryHeap[bubbleIndex] = tmpValue;
					bubbleIndex = parentIndex;
				} else {*/
 public static bool InSearchTree(GraphNode node, Path path)
     if (path == null || path.pathHandler == null)
         return true;
     PathNode pathNode = path.pathHandler.GetPathNode(node);
     return pathNode.pathID == path.pathID;
 public override bool ContainsConnection(GraphNode node)
     for (int i = 0; i < this.connections.Length; i++)
         if (this.connections[i] == node)
             return true;
     return false;
        public override void Execute()
            if(Path.vectorPath.Count == 0) { return; }

            var closestNode = Path.FindClosestNodeTo(PositionToCheck);
            OutputNode = closestNode;
            if (DistanceToClosest > 0 || DistanceToClosest < 0)
                var nodePosition = (Vector3) closestNode.position;
                DistanceToClosest = Vector3.Distance(nodePosition, PositionToCheck);
        /** Returns all nodes up to a given node-distance from the seed node.
         * This function performs a BFS (breadth-first-search) or flood fill of the graph and returns all nodes within a specified node distance which can be reached from
         * the seed node. In almost all cases when \a depth is large enough this will be identical to returning all nodes which have the same area as the seed node.
         * In the editor areas are displayed as different colors of the nodes.
         * The only case where it will not be so is when there is a one way path from some part of the area to the seed node
         * but no path from the seed node to that part of the graph.
         * The returned list is sorted by node distance from the seed node
         * i.e distance is measured in the number of nodes the shortest path from \a seed to that node would pass through.
         * Note that the distance measurement does not take heuristics, penalties or tag penalties.
         * Depending on the number of nodes, this function can take quite some time to calculate
         * so don't use it too often or it might affect the framerate of your game.
         * \param seed The node to start the search from.
         * \param depth The maximum node-distance from the seed node.
         * \param tagMask Optional mask for tags. This is a bitmask.
         * \returns A List<Node> containing all nodes reachable up to a specified node distance from the seed node.
         * For better memory management the returned list should be pooled, see Pathfinding.Util.ListPool
         * \warning This method is not thread safe. Only use it from the Unity thread (i.e normal game code).
        public static List<GraphNode> BFS(GraphNode seed, int depth, int tagMask = -1)
            BFSQueue = BFSQueue ?? new Queue<GraphNode>();
            var que = BFSQueue;

            BFSMap = BFSMap ?? new Dictionary<GraphNode,int>();
            var map = BFSMap;

            // Even though we clear at the end of this function, it is good to
            // do it here as well in case the previous invocation of the method
            // threw an exception for some reason
            // and didn't clear the que and map
            que.Clear ();
            map.Clear ();

            List<GraphNode> result = ListPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();

            int currentDist = -1;
            GraphNodeDelegate callback;
            if (tagMask == -1) {
                callback = node => {
                    if (node.Walkable && !map.ContainsKey (node)) {
                        map.Add (node, currentDist+1);
                        result.Add (node);
                        que.Enqueue (node);
            } else {
                callback = node => {
                    if (node.Walkable && ((tagMask >> (int)node.Tag) & 0x1) != 0 && !map.ContainsKey (node)) {
                        map.Add (node, currentDist+1);
                        result.Add (node);
                        que.Enqueue (node);

            callback (seed);

            while (que.Count > 0 ) {
                GraphNode n = que.Dequeue ();
                currentDist = map[n];

                if (currentDist >= depth) break;

                n.GetConnections (callback);

            que.Clear ();
            map.Clear ();

            return result;
 static int CanTraverse(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
         Pathfinding.Path      obj  = (Pathfinding.Path)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.Path>(L, 1);
         Pathfinding.GraphNode arg0 = (Pathfinding.GraphNode)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.GraphNode>(L, 2);
         bool o = obj.CanTraverse(arg0);
         LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
 static int CalculateHScore(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
         Pathfinding.Path      obj  = (Pathfinding.Path)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.Path>(L, 1);
         Pathfinding.GraphNode arg0 = (Pathfinding.GraphNode)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.GraphNode>(L, 2);
         uint o = obj.CalculateHScore(arg0);
         LuaDLL.lua_pushnumber(L, o);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
 public void Trace(GraphNode from)
     GraphNode graphNode = from;
     int num = 0;
     while (graphNode != null)
         graphNode = this.flood.GetParent(graphNode);
         if (num > 1024)
             Debug.LogWarning("Inifinity loop? >1024 node path. Remove this message if you really have that long paths (FloodPathTracer.cs, Trace function)");
 public RichSpecial Initialize(NodeLink2 nodeLink, GraphNode first)
     this.nodeLink = nodeLink;
     if (first == nodeLink.StartNode)
         this.first = nodeLink.StartTransform;
         this.second = nodeLink.EndTransform;
         this.reverse = false;
         this.first = nodeLink.EndTransform;
         this.second = nodeLink.StartTransform;
         this.reverse = true;
     return this;
    public Pathfinding.GraphNode GetClosestNode(Vector3 position)
        Pathfinding.GraphNode closestNode = null;
        float minDistance = float.MaxValue;

        for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < _nodes.Count; ++nodeIndex)
            Pathfinding.GraphNode node = _nodes[nodeIndex];
            float distance             = Vector3.Distance((Vector3)node.position, position);
            if (minDistance > distance)
                closestNode = node;
                minDistance = distance;

 static int GetConnectionSpecialCost(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 4);
         Pathfinding.Path      obj  = (Pathfinding.Path)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.Path>(L, 1);
         Pathfinding.GraphNode arg0 = (Pathfinding.GraphNode)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.GraphNode>(L, 2);
         Pathfinding.GraphNode arg1 = (Pathfinding.GraphNode)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.GraphNode>(L, 3);
         uint arg2 = (uint)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
         uint o    = obj.GetConnectionSpecialCost(arg0, arg1, arg2);
         LuaDLL.lua_pushnumber(L, o);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
		/** Returns all nodes reachable from the seed node.
		 * This function performs a BFS (breadth-first-search) or flood fill of the graph and returns all nodes which can be reached from
		 * the seed node. In almost all cases this will be identical to returning all nodes which have the same area as the seed node.
		 * In the editor areas are displayed as different colors of the nodes.
		 * The only case where it will not be so is when there is a one way path from some part of the area to the seed node
		 * but no path from the seed node to that part of the graph.
		 * The returned list is sorted by node distance from the seed node
		 * i.e distance is measured in the number of nodes the shortest path from \a seed to that node would pass through.
		 * Note that the distance measurement does not take heuristics, penalties or tag penalties.
		 * Depending on the number of reachable nodes, this function can take quite some time to calculate
		 * so don't use it too often or it might affect the framerate of your game.
		 * \param seed The node to start the search from
		 * \param tagMask Optional mask for tags. This is a bitmask.
		 * \returns A List<Node> containing all nodes reachable from the seed node.
		 * For better memory management the returned list should be pooled, see Pathfinding.Util.ListPool
		public static List<GraphNode> GetReachableNodes (GraphNode seed, int tagMask = -1) {
			System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
			watch.Start ();
			Stack<GraphNode> stack = Pathfinding.Util.StackPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();
			List<GraphNode> list = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool<GraphNode>.Claim ();
			HashSet<GraphNode> map = new HashSet<GraphNode>();
			GraphNodeDelegate callback;
			if (tagMask == -1) {
				callback = delegate (GraphNode node) {
					if (node.Walkable && map.Add (node)) {
						list.Add (node);
						stack.Push (node);
			} else {
				callback = delegate (GraphNode node) {
					if (node.Walkable && ((tagMask >> (int)node.Tag) & 0x1) != 0 && map.Add (node)) {
						list.Add (node);
						stack.Push (node);
			callback (seed);
			while (stack.Count > 0) {
				stack.Pop ().GetConnections (callback);
			Pathfinding.Util.StackPool<GraphNode>.Release (stack);
			watch.Stop ();
			Debug.Log ((1000*watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds).ToString("0.0 ms"));
			return list;
    void selectTargetNode()

        if (_targetTransform == null)

        TargetNodes targetNodes = _targetTransform.GetComponent <TargetNodes>();

        Pathfinding.GraphNode targetNode = targetNodes.GetClosestNode(_transform.position);

        if (targetNode == null)

        _aiPath.destination = (Vector3)targetNode.position;
		public bool Contains (GraphNode node) {
			Vector3 point = (Vector3)node.position;
			//Debug.DrawRay (node.position,-Vector3.up*2,Color.magenta);
			if (convex) {
				if (_convexPoints == null) return false;
				for (int i=0,j=_convexPoints.Length-1;i<_convexPoints.Length;j=i,i++) {
					if (Polygon.Left (_convexPoints[i],_convexPoints[j],point)) return false;
			} else {
				if (_points	== null) return false;
				return Polygon.ContainsPoint (_points,point);
			//Debug.DrawRay (node.position,Vector3.up*2,Color.blue);
			return true;
        public PathNode GetPathNode(GraphNode node)
            int nodeIndex = node.NodeIndex;

            return(this.nodes[nodeIndex >> 10][nodeIndex & 1023]);
		public override bool ContainsConnection (GraphNode node) {
			for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) if (connections[i] == node) return true;
			return false;
 public void AddPortal(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, List <Vector3> left, List <Vector3> right)
		/** Returns if there is an obstacle between \a origin and \a end on the graph.
		 * \param [in] _a Point to linecast from
		 * \param [in] _b Point to linecast to
		 * \param [out] hit Contains info on what was hit, see GraphHitInfo
		 * \param [in] hint If you have some idea of what the start node might be (the one close to \a _a), pass it to hint since it can enable faster lookups
		 * \param trace If a list is passed, then it will be filled with all nodes the linecast traverses
		 * This is not the same as Physics.Linecast, this function traverses the graph and looks for collisions.
		 * \astarpro */
		public bool Linecast (Vector3 _a, Vector3 _b, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List<GraphNode> trace) {
			hit = new GraphHitInfo ();
			//Node n2 = GetNearest (_b,NNConstraint.None);
			_a = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (_a);
			_a.x -= 0.5F;
			_a.z -= 0.5F;
			_b = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (_b);
			_b.x -= 0.5F;
			_b.z -= 0.5F;
			//Grid coordinates
			//Int3 a = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.z));
			//Int3 b = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.z));
			//Clamping is needed
			if (_a.x < -0.5F || _a.z < -0.5F || _a.x >= width-0.5F || _a.z >= depth-0.5F || 
			    _b.x < -0.5F || _b.z < -0.5F || _b.x >= width-0.5F || _b.z >= depth-0.5F) {
				//Bounding points of the grid
				Vector3 p1 = new Vector3 (-0.5F     ,0,      -0.5F);
				Vector3 p2 = new Vector3 (-0.5F     ,0,	depth-0.5F);
				Vector3 p3 = new Vector3 (width-0.5F,0,	depth-0.5F);
				Vector3 p4 = new Vector3 (width-0.5F,0,		 -0.5F);
				int intersectCount = 0;
				bool intersect = false;
				Vector3 intersection = Polygon.SegmentIntersectionPoint (p1,p2,_a,_b, out intersect);
				if (intersect) {
					//Debug.Log ("Intersection with p1 and p2 "+_a+" "+_b+" - Intersection: "+intersection);
					if (!Polygon.Left (p1,p2,_a)) {
						_a = intersection;
					} else {
						_b = intersection;
				intersection = Polygon.SegmentIntersectionPoint (p2,p3,_a,_b, out intersect);
				if (intersect) {
					//Debug.Log ("Intersection with p2 and p3 "+_a+" "+_b+" - Intersection: "+intersection);
					if (!Polygon.Left (p2,p3,_a)) {
						_a = intersection;
					} else {
						_b = intersection;
				intersection = Polygon.SegmentIntersectionPoint (p3,p4,_a,_b, out intersect);
				if (intersect) {
					//Debug.Log ("Intersection with p3 and p4 "+_a+" "+_b+" - Intersection: "+intersection);
					if (!Polygon.Left (p3,p4,_a)) {
						_a = intersection;
					} else {
						_b = intersection;
				intersection = Polygon.SegmentIntersectionPoint (p4,p1,_a,_b, out intersect);
				if (intersect) {
					//Debug.Log ("Intersection with p4 and p1 "+_a+" "+_b+" - Intersection: "+intersection);
					if (!Polygon.Left (p4,p1,_a)) {
						_a = intersection;
					} else {
						_b = intersection;
				if (intersectCount == 0) {
					//The line does not intersect with the grid
					return false;
			Vector3 dir = _b-_a;
			float magn = dir.magnitude;
			if (magn == 0) {
				//Zero length line
				return false;
			float sampleLength = 0.2F;
			float newMagn = nodeSize * sampleLength;
			newMagn -= nodeSize * 0.02F;
			dir = (dir / magn) * newMagn;
			//Floor to int, number of samples on the line
			int its = (int)(magn / newMagn);
			//Debug.Log ("Num Its: "+its+" "+dir);
			Vector3 originOffset = _a + dir * nodeSize * 0.01F;
			GraphNode prevNode = null;
			for (int i=0;i <= its;i++) {
				Vector3 p = originOffset + dir * i;
				int x = Mathf.RoundToInt (p.x);
				int z = Mathf.RoundToInt (p.z);
				x = x < 0 ? 0 : (x >= width ? width-1 : x);
				z = z < 0 ? 0 : (z >= depth ? depth-1 : z);
				/*if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x >= width || z >= depth) {
					Debug.LogError ("Point Out Of Bounds "+"("+x+", "+z+") "+p+" in iteration "+i+" of "+its+" With a direction magn "+dir.magnitude+"\nA: "+_a+"\nB: "+_b);
					throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException ("The point "+x+","+z+ " is outside the bounds of the grid");
				GraphNode node = nodes[z*width+x];
				if (node == prevNode) continue;
				if (!node.Walkable) {
					if (i > 0) {
						hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (originOffset + dir * (i-1)+new Vector3 (0.5F,0,0.5F));
					} else {
						hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (_a+new Vector3 (0.5F,0,0.5F));
					hit.origin = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (_a+new Vector3 (0.5F,0,0.5F));
					hit.node = node;
					return true;
				if (i > its-1) {
					if (Mathf.Abs (p.x-_b.x) <= 0.50001F || Mathf.Abs (p.z - _b.z) <= 0.50001F) {
						return false;
				if (trace != null) trace.Add (node);
				prevNode = node;
			return false;
		//public void GenerateBounds () {
			//bounds.center = offset+new Vector3 (0,height*0.5F,0);
			//bounds.size = new Vector3 (width*scale,height,depth*scale);
		/** \todo Set clamped position for Grid Graph */
		public override NNInfo GetNearest (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, GraphNode hint) {
			if (nodes == null || depth*width != nodes.Length) {
				return new NNInfo ();
			position = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (position);
			float xf = position.x-0.5F;
			float zf = position.z-0.5f;
			int x = Mathf.Clamp (Mathf.RoundToInt (xf)  , 0, width-1);
			int z = Mathf.Clamp (Mathf.RoundToInt (zf)  , 0, depth-1);
			NNInfo nn = new NNInfo(nodes[z*width+x]);
			float y = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((Vector3)nodes[z*width+x].position).y;
			nn.clampedPosition = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(xf,x-0.5f,x+0.5f)+0.5f,y,Mathf.Clamp(zf,z-0.5f,z+0.5f)+0.5f));
			//Set clamped position
			//nn.clampedPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp (xf,x-0.5f,x+0.5f),position.y,Mathf.Clamp (zf,z-0.5f,z+0.5f));
			//nn.clampedPosition = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (nn.clampedPosition);
			return nn;
        public override string DebugString(PathLog logMode)
            if (logMode == PathLog.None || (!error && logMode == PathLog.OnlyErrors))

            System.Text.StringBuilder text = pathHandler.DebugStringBuilder;
            text.Length = 0;

            text.Append(error ? "Path Failed : " : "Path Completed : ");
            text.Append("Computation Time ");

            text.Append((duration).ToString(logMode == PathLog.Heavy ? "0.000" : "0.00"));
            text.Append(" ms Searched Nodes ");

            if (!error)
                text.Append("\nLast Found Path Length ");
                text.Append(path == null ? "Null" : path.Count.ToString());

                if (logMode == PathLog.Heavy)
                    text.Append("\nSearch Iterations " + searchIterations);

                    text.Append("\nPaths (").Append(targetsFound.Length).Append("):");
                    for (int i = 0; i < targetsFound.Length; i++)
                        text.Append("\n\n	Path "+ i).Append(" Found: ").Append(targetsFound[i]);

                        GraphNode node = nodePaths[i] == null ? null : nodePaths[i][nodePaths[i].Count - 1];

                        text.Append("\n		Length: ");

                        if (node != null)
                            PathNode nodeR = pathHandler.GetPathNode(endNode);
                            if (nodeR != null)
                                text.Append("\n		End Node");
                                text.Append("\n			G: ");
                                text.Append("\n			H: ");
                                text.Append("\n			F: ");
                                text.Append("\n			Point: ");
                                text.Append("\n			Graph: ");
                                text.Append("\n		End Node: Null");

                    text.Append("\nStart Node");
                    text.Append("\n	Point: ");
                    text.Append("\n	Graph: ");
                    text.Append("\nBinary Heap size at completion: ");
                    text.AppendLine(pathHandler.GetHeap() == null ? "Null" : (pathHandler.GetHeap().numberOfItems - 2).ToString());                    // -2 because numberOfItems includes the next item to be added and item zero is not used

            if (error)
                text.Append("\nError: ");

            if (logMode == PathLog.Heavy && !AstarPath.IsUsingMultithreading)
                text.Append("\nCallback references ");
                if (callback != null)

            text.Append("\nPath Number ");

 public void FloodFill(GraphNode seed)
     this.FloodFill(seed, this.lastUniqueAreaIndex + 1u);
     this.lastUniqueAreaIndex += 1u;
    public TowerPrototype _towerToPlace = null; // If null, none selected.

    //private Vector3 _outOfTheWay = new Vector3(20, 0, 0);

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Active      = this;
        _spawnPoint = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(SpawnPointObject.transform.position).node;
        _goalPoint  = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(GoalNodeObject.transform.position).node;
 private void RemoveConnections(GraphNode node)
 public override void RemoveConnection(GraphNode node)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override void AddConnection(GraphNode node, uint cost)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override NNInfo GetNearest(Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, GraphNode hint)
     return(GetNearest(this, nodes, position, constraint, accurateNearestNode));
 void RemoveConnections(GraphNode node)
     //TODO, might be better to replace connection
        public override void ReturnPath()
            if (error)
                if (callbacks != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.Length; i++)
                        if (callbacks[i] != null)
                            callbacks[i] (this);

                if (callback != null)


            bool anySucceded = false;

            Vector3   _originalStartPoint = originalStartPoint;
            Vector3   _startPoint         = startPoint;
            GraphNode _startNode          = startNode;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodePaths.Length; i++)
                path = nodePaths[i];

                if (path != null)
                    CompleteState = PathCompleteState.Complete;
                    anySucceded   = true;
                    CompleteState = PathCompleteState.Error;

                if (callbacks != null && callbacks[i] != null)
                    vectorPath = vectorPaths[i];

                    //=== SEGMENT - should be identical to the one a few rows below (except "i")
                    if (inverted)
                        endPoint           = _startPoint;
                        endNode            = _startNode;             //path[0];
                        startNode          = targetNodes[i];         //path[path.Length-1];
                        startPoint         = targetPoints[i];
                        originalEndPoint   = _originalStartPoint;
                        originalStartPoint = originalTargetPoints[i];
                        endPoint         = targetPoints[i];
                        originalEndPoint = originalTargetPoints[i];
                        endNode          = targetNodes[i];               //path[path.Length-1];

                    callbacks[i] (this);

                    //In case a modifier changed the vectorPath, update the array of all vectorPaths
                    vectorPaths[i] = vectorPath;

            if (anySucceded)
                CompleteState = PathCompleteState.Complete;

                if (!pathsForAll)
                    path       = nodePaths[chosenTarget];
                    vectorPath = vectorPaths[chosenTarget];

                    //=== SEGMENT - should be identical to the one a few rows above (except "chosenTarget")
                    if (inverted)
                        endPoint           = _startPoint;
                        endNode            = _startNode;
                        startNode          = targetNodes[chosenTarget];
                        startPoint         = targetPoints[chosenTarget];
                        originalEndPoint   = _originalStartPoint;
                        originalStartPoint = originalTargetPoints[chosenTarget];
                        endPoint         = targetPoints[chosenTarget];
                        originalEndPoint = originalTargetPoints[chosenTarget];
                        endNode          = targetNodes[chosenTarget];
                CompleteState = PathCompleteState.Error;

            if (callback != null)
        public void RecalculateCosts()
            if (this.pivots == null)
            if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None)
            this.pivotCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.pivots.Length; i++)
                if (this.pivots[i] != null && (this.pivots[i].Destroyed || !this.pivots[i].Walkable))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)");
            if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.pivots.Length; j++)
                    if (this.pivots[j] == null)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)");
            Debug.Log("Recalculating costs...");
            this.pivotCount = this.pivots.Length;
            Action <int>   startCostCalculation = null;
            int            numComplete          = 0;
            OnPathDelegate onComplete           = delegate(Path path)
                if (numComplete == this.pivotCount)
                    Debug.Log("Grid graph special case!");

            startCostCalculation = delegate(int k)
                GraphNode pivot = this.pivots[k];
                FloodPath fp    = null;
                fp = FloodPath.Construct(pivot, onComplete);
                fp.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p)
                    MeshNode meshNode   = pivot as MeshNode;
                    uint     costOffset = 0u;
                    int      k;
                    if (meshNode != null && meshNode.connectionCosts != null)
                        for (k = 0; k < meshNode.connectionCosts.Length; k++)
                            costOffset = Math.Max(costOffset, meshNode.connectionCosts[k]);
                    NavGraph[] graphs = AstarPath.active.graphs;
                    for (int m = graphs.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--)
                        graphs[m].GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode node)
                            int num6 = node.NodeIndex * this.pivotCount + k;
                            PathNode pathNode = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(node);
                            if (costOffset > 0u)
                                this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != fp.pathID || pathNode.parent == null) ? 0u : Math.Max(pathNode.parent.G - costOffset, 0u));
                                this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != fp.pathID) ? 0u : pathNode.G);
                    if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && k < this.pivots.Length - 1)
                        if (this.pivots[k + 1] == null)
                            int  num  = -1;
                            uint num2 = 0u;
                            int  num3 = this.maxNodeIndex / this.pivotCount;
                            for (int n = 1; n < num3; n++)
                                uint num4 = 1073741824u;
                                for (int num5 = 0; num5 <= k; num5++)
                                    num4 = Math.Min(num4, this.costs[n * this.pivotCount + num5]);
                                GraphNode node2 = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(n).node;
                                if ((num4 > num2 || num == -1) && node2 != null && !node2.Destroyed && node2.Walkable)
                                    num  = n;
                                    num2 = num4;
                            if (num == -1)
                                Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations");
                            this.pivots[k + 1] = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(num).node;
                        startCostCalculation(k + 1);
                    _p.Release(this, false);
                AstarPath.StartPath(fp, true);
            if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut)
                for (int l = 0; l < this.pivots.Length; l++)
            this.dirty = false;
        /** Prepares the path. Searches for start and end nodes and does some simple checking if a path is at all possible */
        public override void Prepare()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Get Nearest");

            //Initialize the NNConstraint
            nnConstraint.tags = enabledTags;
            NNInfo startNNInfo = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(startPoint, nnConstraint, startHint);

            //Tell the NNConstraint which node was found as the start node if it is a PathNNConstraint and not a normal NNConstraint
            PathNNConstraint pathNNConstraint = nnConstraint as PathNNConstraint;

            if (pathNNConstraint != null)

            startPoint = startNNInfo.clampedPosition;

            startIntPoint = (Int3)startPoint;
            startNode     = startNNInfo.node;

            //If it is declared that this path type has an end point
            //Some path types might want to use most of the ABPath code, but will not have an explicit end point at this stage
            if (hasEndPoint)
                NNInfo endNNInfo = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(endPoint, nnConstraint, endHint);
                endPoint = endNNInfo.clampedPosition;

                // Note, other methods assume hTarget is (Int3)endPoint
                hTarget = (Int3)endPoint;
                endNode = endNNInfo.node;


            if (startNode == null && (hasEndPoint && endNode == null))
                LogError("Couldn't find close nodes to the start point or the end point");

            if (startNode == null)
                LogError("Couldn't find a close node to the start point");

            if (endNode == null && hasEndPoint)
                LogError("Couldn't find a close node to the end point");

            if (!startNode.Walkable)
                LogError("The node closest to the start point is not walkable");

            if (hasEndPoint && !endNode.Walkable)
                LogError("The node closest to the end point is not walkable");

            if (hasEndPoint && startNode.Area != endNode.Area)
                LogError("There is no valid path to the target (start area: " + startNode.Area + ", target area: " + endNode.Area + ")");
        public override void Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);

            int[]      neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
            uint[]     neighbourCosts   = gg.neighbourCosts;
            GridNode[] nodes            = gg.nodes;
            ushort     pid = handler.PathID;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (GetConnectionInternal(i))
                    GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                    if (!path.CanTraverse(other))

                    PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                    if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                        otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                        otherPN.pathID = pid;

                        otherPN.cost = neighbourCosts[i];

                        otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                        other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                        //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                        //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                        //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                        uint tmpCost = neighbourCosts[i];

                        if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                            otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                            other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                            //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                        else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G)
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                            pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                            pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                            UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);

            if (connections != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++)
                    GraphNode other = connections[i];
                    if (!path.CanTraverse(other))

                    PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                    if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                        otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                        otherPN.pathID = pid;

                        otherPN.cost = connectionCosts[i];

                        otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                        other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                        //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                        //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                        //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                        uint tmpCost = connectionCosts[i];

                        if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                            otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                            other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                            //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                        else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection(this))
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                            pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                            pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                            UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
 public uint GetTraversalCost(Path path, GraphNode node)
     // Same as default implementation
     return(path.GetTagPenalty((int)node.Tag) + node.Penalty);
 protected override bool EndPointGridGraphSpecialCase(GraphNode endNode)
 public override void RemoveConnection(GraphNode node)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException("GridNodes do not have support for adding manual connections");
        public override bool GetPortal(GraphNode other, List <Vector3> left, List <Vector3> right, bool backwards)
            if (backwards)

            GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);

            int[]      neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
            GridNode[] nodes            = gg.nodes;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (GetConnectionInternal(i) && other == nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]])
                    Vector3 middle = ((Vector3)(position + other.position)) * 0.5f;
                    Vector3 cross  = Vector3.Cross(gg.collision.up, (Vector3)(other.position - position));
                    cross *= gg.nodeSize * 0.5f;
                    left.Add(middle - cross);
                    right.Add(middle + cross);

            for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++)
                if (GetConnectionInternal(i) && other == nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]])
                    bool rClear = false;
                    bool lClear = false;
                    if (GetConnectionInternal(i - 4))
                        GridNode n2 = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i - 4]];
                        if (n2.Walkable && n2.GetConnectionInternal((i - 4 + 1) % 4))
                            rClear = true;

                    if (GetConnectionInternal((i - 4 + 1) % 4))
                        GridNode n2 = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[(i - 4 + 1) % 4]];
                        if (n2.Walkable && n2.GetConnectionInternal(i - 4))
                            lClear = true;

                    Vector3 middle = ((Vector3)(position + other.position)) * 0.5f;
                    Vector3 cross  = Vector3.Cross(gg.collision.up, (Vector3)(other.position - position));
                    cross *= gg.nodeSize * 1.4142f;
                    left.Add(middle - (lClear ? cross : Vector3.zero));
                    right.Add(middle + (rClear ? cross : Vector3.zero));

 /** May be called by graph nodes to get a special cost for some connections.
  * Nodes may call it when PathNode.flag2 is set to true, for example mesh nodes, which have
  * a very large area can be marked on the start and end nodes, this method will be called
  * to get the actual cost for moving from the start position to its neighbours instead
  * of as would otherwise be the case, from the start node's position to its neighbours.
  * The position of a node and the actual start point on the node can vary quite a lot.
  * The default behaviour of this method is to return the previous cost of the connection,
  * essentiall making no change at all.
  * This method should return the same regardless of the order of a and b.
  * That is f(a,b) == f(b,a) should hold.
  * \param a Moving from this node
  * \param b Moving to this node
  * \param currentCost The cost of moving between the nodes. Return this value if there is no meaningful special cost to return.
 internal virtual uint GetConnectionSpecialCost(GraphNode a, GraphNode b, uint currentCost)
		/** Returns if there is an obstacle between \a origin and \a end on the graph.
		 * \param [in] _a Point to linecast from
		 * \param [in] _b Point to linecast to
		 * \param [out] hit Contains info on what was hit, see GraphHitInfo
		 * \param [in] hint If you have some idea of what the start node might be (the one close to \a _a), pass it to hint since it can enable faster lookups
		 * This is not the same as Physics.Linecast, this function traverses the graph and looks for collisions.
		 * \astarpro */
		public bool Linecast (Vector3 _a, Vector3 _b, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit) {
			return Linecast (_a, _b, hint, out hit, null);
		/** Internal method to clean up node data */
		public void DestroyNode (GraphNode node) {
			PathNode pn = GetPathNode (node);
			//Clean up reference to help GC
			pn.node = null;
			pn.parent = null;
		/** Returns if \a _b is visible from \a _a on the graph.
		 * This function is different from the other Linecast functions since it 1) snaps the start and end positions directly to the graph
		 * and it uses Bresenham's line drawing algorithm as opposed to the others which use sampling at fixed intervals.
		 * If you only care about if one \b node can see another \b node, then this function is great, but if you need more precision than one node,
		 * use the normal linecast functions
		 * \param [in] _a Point to linecast from
		 * \param [in] _b Point to linecast to
		 * \param [out] hit Contains info on what was hit, see GraphHitInfo
		 * \param [in] hint If you have some idea of what the start node might be (the one close to \a _a), pass it to hint since it can enable faster lookups
		 * This is not the same as Physics.Linecast, this function traverses the graph and looks for collisions.
		 * \astarpro */
		public bool SnappedLinecast (Vector3 _a, Vector3 _b, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit) {
			hit = new GraphHitInfo ();
			//System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
			GraphNode n1 = GetNearest (_a,NNConstraint.None).node;
			GraphNode n2 = GetNearest (_b,NNConstraint.None).node;
			_a = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 ((Vector3)n1.position);
			_a.x -= 0.5F;
			_a.z -= 0.5F;
			_b = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 ((Vector3)n2.position);
			_b.x -= 0.5F;
			_b.z -= 0.5F;
			Int3 a = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.z));
			Int3 b = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.z));
			hit.origin = (Vector3)a;
			//Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (a*100),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (b*100),Color.yellow);
			if (!nodes[a.z*width+a.x].Walkable) {
				hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
				hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
				hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
				return true;
			int dx = Mathf.Abs (a.x-b.x);
			int dz = Mathf.Abs (a.z-b.z);
			int sx = 0;
			int sz = 0;
			if (a.x < b.x) {
				sx = 1;
			} else {
				sx = -1;
			if (a.z < b.z) {
				sz = 1;
			} else {
				sz = -1;
			int err = dx-dz;
			while (true) {
				if (a.x == b.x && a.z == b.z) {
					//System.DateTime endTime2 = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
					//float theTime2 = (endTime2-startTime).Ticks*0.0001F;
					//Debug.Log ("Grid Linecast : Time "+theTime2.ToString ("0.00"));
					return false;
				int e2 = err*2;
				int dir = 0;
				Int3 newPos = a;
				if (e2 > -dz) {
					err = err-dz;
					dir = sx;
					newPos.x += sx;
				if (e2 < dx) {
					err = err+dx;
					dir += width*sz;
					newPos.z += sz;
				if (dir == 0) {
					Debug.LogError ("Offset is zero, this should not happen");
					return false;
				for (int i=0;i<neighbourOffsets.Length;i++) {
					if (neighbourOffsets[i] == dir) {
						if (CheckConnection (nodes[a.z*width+a.x] as GridNode,i)) {
							if (!nodes[newPos.z*width+newPos.x].Walkable) {
								hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
								hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
								hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
								return true;
							//Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (a*100),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (newPos*100));
							a = newPos;
						} else {
							hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
							hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
							hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
							return true;
			//Debug.DrawLine (_a,_b,Color.green);
			//hit.success = true;
			//return false;
		public PathNode GetPathNode ( GraphNode node ) {
			//Get the index of the node
			int ind = node.NodeIndex;
			return nodes[ind >> BucketSizeLog2][ind & BucketIndexMask];	
		/** Removes any connection from this node to the specified node.
		 * If no such connection exists, nothing will be done.
		 * \note This only removes the connection from this node to the other node.
		 * You may want to call the same function on the other node to remove its eventual connection
		 * to this node.
		public override void RemoveConnection (GraphNode node) {
			if (connections == null) return;
			for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
				if (connections[i] == node) {
					int connLength = connections.Length;
					GraphNode[] newconns = new GraphNode[connLength-1];
					uint[] newconncosts = new uint[connLength-1];
					for (int j=0;j<i;j++) {
						newconns[j] = connections[j];
						newconncosts[j] = connectionCosts[j];
					for (int j=i+1;j<connLength;j++) {
						newconns[j-1] = connections[j];
						newconncosts[j-1] = connectionCosts[j];
					connections = newconns;
					connectionCosts = newconncosts;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns if there is a walkable path from node1 to node2.
 /// This method is extremely fast because it only uses precalculated information.
 /// <code>
 /// GraphNode node1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(point1, NNConstraint.Default).node;
 /// GraphNode node2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(point2, NNConstraint.Default).node;
 /// if (PathUtilities.IsPathPossible(node1, node2)) {
 ///     // Yay, there is a path between those two nodes
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// See: graph-updates (view in online documentation for working links)
 /// See: <see cref="AstarPath.GetNearest"/>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsPathPossible(GraphNode node1, GraphNode node2)
     return(node1.Walkable && node2.Walkable && node1.Area == node2.Area);
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid.
        /// If both n1 and n2 are supplied it is assumed that the line goes from the center of n1 to the center of n2 and a more optimized graph linecast may be done.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool ValidateLine(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
            if (useRaycasting)
                // Use raycasting to check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid
                if (use2DPhysics)
                    if (thickRaycast && thickRaycastRadius > 0 && Physics2D.CircleCast(v1 + raycastOffset,
                                                                                       thickRaycastRadius, v2 - v1, (v2 - v1).magnitude, mask))

                    if (Physics2D.Linecast(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 + raycastOffset, mask))
                    // Perform a thick raycast (if enabled)
                    if (thickRaycast && thickRaycastRadius > 0 && Physics.SphereCast(
                            new Ray(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 - v1), thickRaycastRadius, (v2 - v1).magnitude, mask))

                    // Perform a normal raycast
                    // This is done even if a thick raycast is also done because thick raycasts do not report collisions for
                    // colliders that overlapped the (imaginary) sphere at the origin of the thick raycast.
                    // If this raycast was not done then some obstacles could be missed.
                    if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 + raycastOffset, mask))

            if (useGraphRaycasting)
                if (n1 == null)
                    n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1).node;
                if (n2 == null)
                    n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2).node;

                if (n1 != null && n2 != null)
                    // Use graph raycasting to check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid
                    var graph  = n1.Graph;
                    var graph2 = n2.Graph;

                    if (graph != graph2)

                    var rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
                    if (rayGraph != null)
                        return(!rayGraph.Linecast(v1, v2, n1));

        /** This performs a linear search through all polygons returning the closest one.
         * This will fill the NNInfo with .node for the closest node not necessarily complying with the NNConstraint, and .constrainedNode with the closest node
         * complying with the NNConstraint.
         * \see GetNearestForce(Node[],Int3[],Vector3,NNConstraint,bool)
        public static NNInfo GetNearestForceBoth(NavGraph graph, INavmeshHolder navmesh, Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, bool accurateNearestNode)
            var pos = (Int3)position;

            float     minDist = -1;
            GraphNode minNode = null;

            float     minConstDist = -1;
            GraphNode minConstNode = null;

            float maxDistSqr = constraint.constrainDistance ? AstarPath.active.maxNearestNodeDistanceSqr : float.PositiveInfinity;

            GraphNodeDelegateCancelable del = delegate(GraphNode _node) {
                var node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;

                if (accurateNearestNode)
                    Vector3 closest = node.ClosestPointOnNode(position);
                    float   dist    = ((Vector3)pos - closest).sqrMagnitude;

                    if (minNode == null || dist < minDist)
                        minDist = dist;
                        minNode = node;

                    if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node))
                        if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist)
                            minConstDist = dist;
                            minConstNode = node;
                    if (!node.ContainsPoint((Int3)position))
                        float dist = (node.position - pos).sqrMagnitude;
                        if (minNode == null || dist < minDist)
                            minDist = dist;
                            minNode = node;

                        if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node))
                            if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist)
                                minConstDist = dist;
                                minConstNode = node;
                        int dist = AstarMath.Abs(node.position.y - pos.y);

                        if (minNode == null || dist < minDist)
                            minDist = dist;
                            minNode = node;

                        if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node))
                            if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist)
                                minConstDist = dist;
                                minConstNode = node;


            var nninfo = new NNInfo(minNode);

            //Find the point closest to the nearest triangle

            if (nninfo.node != null)
                var node = nninfo.node as TriangleMeshNode;                //minNode2 as MeshNode;

                Vector3 clP = node.ClosestPointOnNode(position);

                nninfo.clampedPosition = clP;

            nninfo.constrainedNode = minConstNode;
            if (nninfo.constrainedNode != null)
                var node = nninfo.constrainedNode as TriangleMeshNode;                //minNode2 as MeshNode;

                Vector3 clP = node.ClosestPointOnNode(position);

                nninfo.constClampedPosition = clP;

		/** Internal method to initialize node data */
		public void InitializeNode (GraphNode node) {
			//Get the index of the node
			int ind = node.NodeIndex;

			int bucketNumber = ind >> BucketSizeLog2;
			int bucketIndex = ind & BucketIndexMask;
			if (bucketNumber >= nodes.Length) {
				//At least increase the size to:
				//Current size * 1.5
				//Current size + 2 or
				PathNode[][] newNodes = new PathNode[System.Math.Max (System.Math.Max (nodes.Length*3 / 2,bucketNumber+1), nodes.Length+2)][];
				for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) newNodes[i] = nodes[i];
				//Debug.Log ("Resizing Bucket List from " + nodes.Length + " to " + newNodes.Length + " (bucketNumber="+bucketNumber+")");
				bool[] newBucketNew = new bool[newNodes.Length];
				for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) newBucketNew[i] = bucketNew[i];
				bool[] newBucketCreated = new bool[newNodes.Length];
				for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) newBucketCreated[i] = bucketCreated[i];
				nodes = newNodes;
				bucketNew = newBucketNew;
				bucketCreated = newBucketCreated;
			if (nodes[bucketNumber] == null) {
				PathNode[] ns;
				if (bucketCache.Count > 0) {
					ns = bucketCache.Pop();
				} else {
					ns = new PathNode[BucketSize];
					for (int i=0;i<BucketSize;i++) ns[i] = new PathNode ();
				nodes[bucketNumber] = ns;
				if (!bucketCreated[bucketNumber]) {
					bucketNew[bucketNumber] = true;
					bucketCreated[bucketNumber] = true;
			PathNode pn = nodes[bucketNumber][bucketIndex];
			pn.node = node;
 public NNInfo(NNInfoInternal internalInfo)
     node     = internalInfo.node;
     position = internalInfo.clampedPosition;
        /* Color to use for gizmos.
         * Returns a color to be used for the specified node with the current debug settings (editor only)
        public virtual Color NodeColor(GraphNode node, PathHandler data)
            Color c      = AstarColor.NodeConnection;
            bool  colSet = false;

            if (node == null)

            switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode)
            case GraphDebugMode.Areas:
                c      = AstarColor.GetAreaColor(node.Area);
                colSet = true;

            case GraphDebugMode.Penalty:
                c      = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)node.Penalty / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
                colSet = true;

            case GraphDebugMode.Tags:
                c      = AstarMath.IntToColor((int)node.Tag, 0.5F);
                colSet = true;

                /* Wasn't really usefull
                 * case GraphDebugMode.Position:
                 *      float r = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.x/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.x/300000F,1F);
                 *      float g = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.y/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.y/200000F,1F);
                 *      float b = Mathf.PingPong (node.position.z/10000F,1F) + Mathf.PingPong (node.position.z/100000F,1F);
                 *      c = new Color (r,g,b);
                 *      break;

            if (!colSet)
                if (data == null)

                PathNode nodeR = data.GetPathNode(node);

                switch (AstarPath.active.debugMode)
                case GraphDebugMode.G:
                    //c = Mathfx.IntToColor (node.g,0.5F);
                    c = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.G / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);

                case GraphDebugMode.H:
                    c = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.H / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);

                case GraphDebugMode.F:
                    c = Color.Lerp(AstarColor.ConnectionLowLerp, AstarColor.ConnectionHighLerp, (float)nodeR.F / (float)AstarPath.active.debugRoof);
            c.a *= 0.5F;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all nodes up to a given node-distance from the seed node.
        /// This function performs a BFS (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search">breadth-first search</a>) or flood fill of the graph and returns all nodes within a specified node distance which can be reached from
        /// the seed node. In almost all cases when depth is large enough this will be identical to returning all nodes which have the same area as the seed node.
        /// In the editor areas are displayed as different colors of the nodes.
        /// The only case where it will not be so is when there is a one way path from some part of the area to the seed node
        /// but no path from the seed node to that part of the graph.
        /// The returned list is sorted by node distance from the seed node
        /// i.e distance is measured in the number of nodes the shortest path from seed to that node would pass through.
        /// Note that the distance measurement does not take heuristics, penalties or tag penalties.
        /// Depending on the number of nodes, this function can take quite some time to calculate
        /// so don't use it too often or it might affect the framerate of your game.
        /// Returns: A List<GraphNode> containing all nodes reachable up to a specified node distance from the seed node.
        /// For better memory management the returned list should be pooled, see Pathfinding.Util.ListPool
        /// Warning: This method is not thread safe. Only use it from the Unity thread (i.e normal game code).
        /// The video below shows the BFS result with varying values of depth. Points are sampled on the nodes using <see cref="GetPointsOnNodes"/>.
        /// [Open online documentation to see videos]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seed">The node to start the search from.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">The maximum node-distance from the seed node.</param>
        /// <param name="tagMask">Optional mask for tags. This is a bitmask.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">Optional filter for which nodes to search. You can combine this with depth = int.MaxValue and tagMask = -1 to make the filter determine everything.
        ///      Only walkable nodes are searched regardless of the filter. If the filter function returns false the node will be treated as unwalkable.</param>
        public static List <GraphNode> BFS(GraphNode seed, int depth, int tagMask = -1, System.Func <GraphNode, bool> filter = null)
                        #if ASTAR_PROFILE
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            BFSQueue = BFSQueue ?? new Queue <GraphNode>();
            var que = BFSQueue;

            BFSMap = BFSMap ?? new Dictionary <GraphNode, int>();
            var map = BFSMap;

            // Even though we clear at the end of this function, it is good to
            // do it here as well in case the previous invocation of the method
            // threw an exception for some reason
            // and didn't clear the que and map

            List <GraphNode> result = ListPool <GraphNode> .Claim();

            int currentDist = -1;
            System.Action <GraphNode> callback;
            if (tagMask == -1)
                callback = node => {
                    if (node.Walkable && !map.ContainsKey(node))
                        if (filter != null && !filter(node))

                        map.Add(node, currentDist + 1);
                callback = node => {
                    if (node.Walkable && ((tagMask >> (int)node.Tag) & 0x1) != 0 && !map.ContainsKey(node))
                        if (filter != null && !filter(node))

                        map.Add(node, currentDist + 1);


            while (que.Count > 0)
                GraphNode n = que.Dequeue();
                currentDist = map[n];

                if (currentDist >= depth)



                        #if ASTAR_PROFILE
            Debug.Log((1000 * watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds).ToString("0.0 ms"));