public static CoordStruct Head_To_Coord(this ILocomotion locomotion) { CoordStruct tmp = default; locomotion.Head_To_Coord(tmp.GetThisPointer()); return(tmp); }
unsafe void Initialize(CoordStruct coords, double elasticity, double gravity, double maxVelocity, SingleVector3D velocity, double angularVelocity) { var func = (delegate * unmanaged[Thiscall] < ref BounceClass, ref CoordStruct, double, double, double, ref SingleVector3D, double, void >) 0x4397E0; func(ref this, ref coords, elasticity, gravity, maxVelocity, ref velocity, angularVelocity); }
public static CoordStruct Destination(this ILocomotion locomotion) { CoordStruct tmp = default; locomotion.Destination(tmp.GetThisPointer()); return(tmp); }
public unsafe CoordStruct FindInfantrySubposition(CoordStruct coords, bool ignoreContents, bool alt, bool useCellCoords) { var func = (delegate * unmanaged[Thiscall] < ref CellClass, out CoordStruct, ref CoordStruct, Bool, Bool, Bool, void >) 0x481180; func(ref this, out CoordStruct subPosition, ref coords, ignoreContents, alt, useCellCoords); return(subPosition); }
public CoordStruct FixHeight(CoordStruct crd) { if (this.ContainsBridge()) { crd.Z += Game.BridgeHeight; } return(crd); }
unsafe CoordStruct GetCoords() { var func = (delegate * unmanaged[Thiscall] < ref BounceClass, IntPtr, IntPtr >) 0x4399A0; CoordStruct ret = default; func(ref this, Pointer <CoordStruct> .AsPointer(ref ret)); return(ret); }
public static unsafe void Constructor(Pointer <LaserDrawClass> pThis, CoordStruct source, CoordStruct target, int zAdjust, byte unknown, ColorStruct innerColor, ColorStruct outerColor, ColorStruct outerSpread, int duration, bool blinks = false, bool fades = true, float startIntensity = 1.0f, float endIntensity = 0.0f) { var func = (delegate * unmanaged[Thiscall] < ref LaserDrawClass, CoordStruct, CoordStruct, int, byte, ColorStruct, ColorStruct, ColorStruct, int, Bool, Bool, float, float, void >) 0x54FE60; func(ref pThis.Ref, source, target, zAdjust, unknown, innerColor, outerColor, outerSpread, duration, blinks, fades, startIntensity, endIntensity); }
public static unsafe void Constructor(Pointer <AnimClass> pThis, Pointer <AnimTypeClass> pAnimType, CoordStruct Location, int LoopDelay = 0, int LoopCount = 1, uint flags = 0x600, int ForceZAdjust = 0, bool reverse = false) { var func = (delegate * unmanaged[Thiscall] < ref AnimClass, IntPtr, ref CoordStruct, int, int, uint, int, Bool, void >) 0x421EA0; func(ref pThis.Ref, pAnimType, ref Location, LoopDelay, LoopCount, flags, ForceZAdjust, reverse); }
public static void Constructor(Pointer <AnimClass> pThis, Pointer <AnimTypeClass> pAnimType, CoordStruct Location) { Constructor(pThis, pAnimType, Location, 0); }
/* craziest thing... first iterates Content looking to Aircraft, * failing that, calls FindTechnoNearestTo, * if that fails too, reiterates Content looking for Terrain */ public unsafe Pointer <ObjectClass> GetSomeObject(CoordStruct coords, bool alt) { var func = (delegate * unmanaged[Thiscall] < ref CellClass, ref CoordStruct, Bool, IntPtr >) 0x47C5A0; return(func(ref this, ref coords, alt)); }
public static CellStruct Coord2Cell(CoordStruct crd) { return(new CellStruct(crd.X / Game.CellSize, crd.Y / Game.CellSize)); }
BounceClass(CoordStruct coords, double elasticity, double gravity, double maxVelocity, SingleVector3D velocity, double angularVelocity) : this() { this.Initialize(coords, elasticity, gravity, maxVelocity, velocity, angularVelocity); }
public double DistanceFrom(CoordStruct other) { return((other - this).Magnitude()); }
public static void Constructor(Pointer <LaserDrawClass> pThis, CoordStruct source, CoordStruct target, ColorStruct innerColor, ColorStruct outerColor, ColorStruct outerSpread, int duration) { Constructor(pThis, source, target, 0, 1, innerColor, outerColor, outerSpread, duration); }