Inheritance: ILogger, IDisposable
        private void Main(ProgramOptions options)
            // Validate rules folder
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.RulesFolder) || options.RulesFolder.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '"', '\'', '\\', '/', ':' }) >= 0)
                Display.WriteText("Specified rule folder name does not seems to be valid: \n\n" + options.RulesFolder +
                    "\n\nEnsure the value is a single folder name (not a full path) without special characters: \", ', \\, / and :.");

            // Initialize data file provider
            IDataFileProvider fileProvider;
                // Use data folder path from options which will default the parent direcotry unless another path is specified
                // Pass custom plugins.txt file path if provided via options
                fileProvider = new DefaultDataFileProvider(options.DataFolder, options.PluginListFile);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Program will exit on error
                // Appropriate hint is displayed
                Display.WriteText("Data folder path does not seems to be valid: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + options.DataFolder +
                    "\n\nUse option -d or --data to specify correct path to the data folder or use option -h or --help for more help.");

            // Mod Ogranizer
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ModOrganizerProfile))
                    // After verifying data folder with DefaultDataFolderProvider
                    // replace it with MO data file provider
                    fileProvider = new ModOrganizerDataFileProvider(options.DataFolder, options.ModOrganizerProfile, options.ModOrganizerModsPath);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Program will exit on error
                    // Appropriate hint is displayed
                    Display.WriteText("Incorrect Mod Organizer configuration: " + ex.Message +
                        "\n\nUse option -h or --help for more help.");

            // Determine output plugin file name, use filename from options if provided
            string targetPluginFileName = options.OutputFilename ?? string.Format("Patcher-{0}.esp", options.RulesFolder);

            // File log will be created in the data folder, named as the output plugin plus .log extension
            string logFileName = Path.Combine(Program.ProgramFolder, Program.ProgramLogsFolder, targetPluginFileName + ".log");
            using (var logger = new StreamLogger(fileProvider.GetDataFile(FileMode.Create, logFileName).Open()))

                // Put some handy info at the beginning of the log file
                Log.Fine("Options: " + options);

                    // Create suitable data context according to the data folder content
                    using (DataContext context = DataContext.CreateContext(fileProvider))
                        Log.Fine("Initialized data context: " + context.GetType().FullName);

                        // Context tweaks
                        context.AsyncFormIndexing = true;
                        context.AsyncFormLoading = options.MaxLoadingThreads > 0;
                        context.AsyncFormLoadingWorkerThreshold = 100;
                        context.AsyncFromLoadingMaxWorkers = Math.Max(1, options.MaxLoadingThreads);

                        if (!options.Append)
                            // Inform context to ignore output plugin in case it is active

                        // Index all forms except hidden (such as cells and worlds)

                        if (options.Append && context.Plugins.Exists(targetPluginFileName) && context.Plugins.Count > 0)
                            // Make sure output plugin is loaded last when appending
                            var plugin = context.Plugins[(byte)(context.Plugins.Count - 1)];
                            if (!plugin.FileName.Equals(targetPluginFileName))
                                throw new ApplicationException("Output plugin must be loaded last when appending changes.");

                        using (RuleEngine engine = new RuleEngine(context))
                            engine.RulesFolder = options.RulesFolder;

                            // Apply debug scope to rule engine
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.DebugScope))
                                if (options.DebugScope == "*")
                                    engine.DebugAll = true;
                                    var parts = options.DebugScope.Split('/', '\\');
                                    if (parts.Length > 0)
                                        engine.DebugPluginFileName = parts[0];
                                    if (parts.Length > 1)
                                        engine.DebugRuleFileName = parts[1];

                            foreach (var param in options.Parameters)
                                var split = param.Split('=');
                                if (split.Length != 2 || !split[0].Contains(':'))
                                    Log.Warning("Ignored malformatted parameter: '{0}' Expected format is 'plugin:param=value'", param);
                                engine.Params.Add(split[0], split[1]);

                            // Load rules

            #if DEBUG
                            // Load supported forms in debug mode
                            context.LoadForms(f => context.IsSupportedFormKind(f.FormKind));
                            // Load all indexed forms in release mode

                            if (options.Append && context.Plugins.Exists(targetPluginFileName))
                                // Use existing plugin as the target plugin
                                engine.ActivePlugin = context.Plugins[targetPluginFileName];
                                // Create and set up target plugin
                                engine.ActivePlugin = context.CreatePlugin(targetPluginFileName);
                                engine.ActivePlugin.Author = options.Author ?? Program.GetProgramVersionInfo();
                                engine.ActivePlugin.Description = options.Description ?? string.Format("Generated by {0}", Program.GetProgramVersionInfo());

                            // See if target plugin exists
                            var targetPluginFile = fileProvider.GetDataFile(FileMode.Open, targetPluginFileName);
                            if (targetPluginFile.Exists())
                                Log.Info("Target plugin {0} already exists and will be overwriten, however previously used FormIDs will be preserved if possible.", targetPluginFileName);

                                    var inspector = new PluginInspector(context, targetPluginFile);
                                    foreach (var record in inspector.NewRecords)
                                        engine.ActivePlugin.ReserveFormId(record.FormId, record.EditorId);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Log.Warning("Previously used Form IDs cannot be preserved because target plugin {0} could not be read: {1}", targetPluginFileName, ex.ToString());


                            if (!options.KeepDirtyEdits)

                            // Prepare list of master to be removed by force
                            IEnumerable<string> removeMasters = options.RemovedMasters != null ? options.RemovedMasters.Split(',') : null;

                            // Save target plugin
                catch (UserAbortException ex)
                    Log.Error("Program aborted: " + ex.Message);
            #if !DEBUG
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("Program error: " + ex.Message);
