private static void ParseRestOfLine(out String line, ParseState state) { var t = ""; while (!state.AtEnd() && state.Next() != '\r' && state.Next() != '\n') { t += state.Next(); state.Advance(1); } line = t; }
public static String Preprocess(String text, MISP.Environment ScriptEngine) { var state = new ParseState { start = 0, end = text.Length, source = text }; var output = new StringBuilder(); var preprocessContext = new PreprocessContext(); preprocessContext.builder = output; var preprocessGlobals = new MISP.ScriptObject(); while (!state.AtEnd()) { while (!state.AtEnd() && !state.MatchNext("<<")) { if (state.MatchNext("\\<<")) //Skip escaped open brackets { output.Append("<<"); state.Advance(3); } else { output.Append(state.Next()); state.Advance(); } } if (!state.AtEnd()) { state.Advance(2); //skip << var script = new StringBuilder(); while (!state.AtEnd() && !state.MatchNext(">>")) { if (state.MatchNext("\\>>")) { script.Append(">>"); state.Advance(3); } else { script.Append(state.Next()); state.Advance(); } } if (!state.AtEnd()) state.Advance(2); //skip >> var scriptContext = ScriptEngine.CompileScript(script.ToString()); scriptContext.Tag = preprocessContext; ScriptEngine.RunScript(scriptContext); if (scriptContext.ExecutionState == MISP.ExecutionState.Error) { Console.WriteLine("Error in preprocessing"); Console.WriteLine(scriptContext.ErrorMessage); } } } return output.ToString(); }
private static bool ParsePassageBody(ParseState state) { state.activePassage.Leaf = false; //The summary must begin on the same line as the brace. ParseRestOfLine(out state.activePassage.summary, state); state.activePassage.summary = state.activePassage.summary.Trim(); while (true) { DevourWhitespace(state); if (state.AtEnd()) { if (state.activePassage.parent != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Error 1003 at line " + state.currentLine); else return true; } if (state.Next() == '}') { state.Advance(1); return true; } else if (state.Next() == '{') throw new InvalidOperationException("Error 1001 at line " + state.currentLine); else { var line = ""; ParseRestOfLine(out line, state); line = line.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) throw new InvalidProgramException("Error 1002 at line " + state.currentLine); var newPassage = new Passage(); newPassage.parent = state.activePassage; = line; DevourWhitespace(state); if (!state.AtEnd() && state.Next() == '{') { state.Advance(1); state.activePassage = newPassage; if (!ParsePassageBody(state)) return false; state.activePassage = newPassage.parent; } state.activePassage.children.Add(newPassage); } } }
private static void ParseToken(out String token, ParseState state) { var t = ""; while (!IsWhitespace(state.Next())) { t += state.Next(); state.Advance(1); } token = t; }
private static void DevourWhitespace(ParseState state) { while (!state.AtEnd() && " \t\r\n".Contains(state.Next())) state.Advance(); }
private static void DevourSpaces(ParseState state) { while (!state.AtEnd() && " \t".Contains(state.Next())) state.Advance(); }