///<summary> ///Creates a shallow copy of the ArrayList. ///</summary> ///<returns>A shallow copy of the using_namespaceArrayList.</returns> public virtual using_namespaceArrayList clone() { using_namespaceArrayList al = new using_namespaceArrayList(); al.arr = (System.Collections.ArrayList) this.arr.Clone(); return(al); }
public using_namespaceArrayList GetRange(int index, int count) { System.Collections.ArrayList al = arr.GetRange(index, count); using_namespaceArrayList tnal = new using_namespaceArrayList(); tnal.arr = al; return(tnal); }
///<summary> ///Adds the elements of an using_namespaceArrayList to the end of the using_namespaceArrayList ///</summary> ///<param name="array_list">The using_namespaceArrayList whose elements should be added to the end of the ArrayList. The using_namespaceArrayList itself cannot be a null reference, but it can contain elements that are a null reference.<param> ///<returns>Return value is void</returns> public void AddRange(using_namespaceArrayList array_list) { arr.AddRange(array_list); }
public void SetRange(int index, using_namespaceArrayList tnarl) { SetRange(index, tnarl); }
///<summary> ///Inserts the elements of a collection into the using_namespaceArrayList at the specified index. ///</summary> ///<param name="index">The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted.<param> ///<param name="array_list">The using_namespaceArrayList whose elements should be inserted into the using_namespaceArrayList. The using_namespaceArrayList itself cannot be a null reference, but it can contain elements that are a null reference.<param> ///<returns>Return value is void</returns> public void InsertRange(int index, using_namespaceArrayList array_list) { arr.InsertRange(index, array_list); }