public async Task<IActionResult> RemoveFromCart(
            int id,
            CancellationToken requestAborted)
            // Retrieve the current user's shopping cart
            var cart = ShoppingCart.GetCart(_db, HttpContext);

            // Get the name of the album to display confirmation
            var cartItem = await _db.CartItems
                .Where(item => item.CartItemId == id)
                .Include(c => c.Product)

            string message;
            int itemCount;
            if (cartItem != null)
                // Remove from cart
                itemCount = cart.RemoveFromCart(id);

                await _db.SaveChangesAsync(requestAborted);

                string removed = (itemCount > 0) ? " 1 copy of " : string.Empty;
                message = removed + cartItem.Product.Title + " has been removed from your shopping cart.";
                itemCount = 0;
                message = "Could not find this item, nothing has been removed from your shopping cart.";

            // Display the confirmation message

            var results = new ShoppingCartRemoveViewModel
                Message = message,
                CartTotal = cart.GetTotal().ToString(),
                CartCount = cart.GetCount(),
                ItemCount = itemCount,
                DeleteId = id

            return Json(results);
        public async Task<IActionResult> RemoveFromCart(int id)
            var formParameters = await Context.Request.ReadFormAsync();
            var requestVerification = formParameters["RequestVerificationToken"];
            string cookieToken = null;
            string formToken = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestVerification))
                var tokens = requestVerification.Split(':');

                if (tokens != null && tokens.Length == 2)
                    cookieToken = tokens[0];
                    formToken = tokens[1];

            var antiForgery = Context.RequestServices.GetService<AntiForgery>();
            antiForgery.Validate(Context, new AntiForgeryTokenSet(formToken, cookieToken));

            // Start timer for save process telemetry
            var startTime = System.DateTime.Now;

            // Retrieve the current user's shopping cart
            var cart = ShoppingCart.GetCart(_db, Context);

            // Get the name of the product to display confirmation
            // TODO [EF] Turn into one query once query of related data is enabled
            int productId = _db.CartItems.Single(item => item.CartItemId == id).ProductId;
            string productName = _db.Products.Single(a => a.ProductId == productId).Title;

            // Remove from cart
            int itemCount = cart.RemoveFromCart(id);

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync(Context.RequestAborted);

            string removed = (itemCount > 0) ? " 1 copy of " : string.Empty;

            // Trace remove process
            var measurements = new Dictionary<string, double>()
                {"ElapsedMilliseconds", System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds }
            _telemetry.TrackEvent("Cart/Server/Remove", null, measurements);

            // Display the confirmation message
            var items = cart.GetCartItems();
            var itemsCount = items.Sum(x => x.Count);
            var subTotal = items.Sum(x => x.Count * x.Product.Price);
            var shipping = itemsCount * (decimal)5.00;
            var tax = (subTotal + shipping) * (decimal)0.05;
            var total = subTotal + shipping + tax;

            var results = new ShoppingCartRemoveViewModel
                Message = removed + productName +
                    " has been removed from your shopping cart.",
                CartSubTotal = subTotal.ToString("C"),
                CartShipping = shipping.ToString("C"),
                CartTax = tax.ToString("C"),
                CartTotal = total.ToString("C"),
                CartCount = itemsCount,
                ItemCount = itemCount,
                DeleteId = id

            return Json(results);
        public async Task<ActionResult> RemoveFromCart([FromUri] int id)

            // Start timer for save process telemetry
            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Retrieve the current user's shopping cart
            var cart = ShoppingCart.GetCart(db, HttpContext);

            // Get the name of the product to display confirmation
            var cartItem = db.CartItems.Include("Product").Single(item => item.CartItemId == id);
            string productName = cartItem.Product.Title;

            // Remove from cart
            int itemCount = cart.RemoveFromCart(id);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            string removed = (itemCount > 0) ? " 1 copy of " : string.Empty;

            // Trace remove process
            var measurements = new Dictionary<string, double>()
                {"ElapsedMilliseconds", DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds }
            telemetry.TrackEvent("Cart/Server/Remove", null, measurements);

            // Display the confirmation message
            var items = cart.GetCartItems();
            var itemsCount = items.Sum(x => x.Count);
            var subTotal = items.Sum(x => x.Count * x.Product.Price);
            var shipping = itemsCount * (decimal)5.00;
            var tax = (subTotal + shipping) * (decimal)0.05;
            var total = subTotal + shipping + tax;

            var results = new ShoppingCartRemoveViewModel
                Message = removed + productName +
                    " has been removed from your shopping cart.",
                CartSubTotal = subTotal.ToString("C"),
                CartShipping = shipping.ToString("C"),
                CartTax = tax.ToString("C"),
                CartTotal = total.ToString("C"),
                CartCount = itemsCount,
                ItemCount = itemCount,
                DeleteId = id

            return Json(results);