public ActionResult PartialOrDiscardIfEmpty()
   var model = new PageModel { PageTitle = "This view will not render the partial at all" };
   //model.OtherFragments = new[] { new FragmentModel { Title = "Uncomment this line", Text = "If you want to see that it works when not null" } };
   //model.OtherFragments = new[] { new FragmentModel { Title = "Uncomment this line", Text = "If you want to see the wrapper in action (there is no empty <li></li>)" }, null };
   return View(model);
 public ActionResult PartialOrDiscardWithWrapper()
   var model = new PageModel { PageTitle = "This view will not render the partial or the wrapper at all" };
   //model.MainFragment = new FragmentModel { Title = "Uncomment this line", Text = "If you want to see that it works when not null"};
   return View(model);
 public ActionResult PartialOrNull()
   var model = new PageModel { PageTitle = "This view will render 'The fragment is null!'" };
   //model.MainFragment = new FragmentModel { Title = "Uncomment this line", Text = "If you want to see that it works when not null"};
   return View(model);
 public ActionResult TheProblemException()
   var model = new PageModel { PageTitle = "This view will throw an exception" };
   return View(model);