/// Deletes last element, returns its value. If stack is empty, throws exception. public ParsingStackElement Pop() { if (head == null) { throw new StackNullExeption("Trying to pop an empty stack."); } ParsingStackElement result = head; head = head.GetNext(); return result; }
/// Deletes last element, returns its value. If stack is empty, throws exception. public ParsingStackElement Pop() { if (head == null) { throw new StackNullExeption("Trying to pop an empty stack."); } ParsingStackElement result = head; head = head.GetNext(); return(result); }
private static void AddChildToStackTop(ParsingStackElement top, IParsingTreeVertex added) { if (top.GetCount() == 0) { top.GetValue().SetLeft(added); } else { top.GetValue().SetRight(added); } top.IncreaseCount(); }
/// Gets value and sets element with current value as head. public void Push(Operation value) { head = new ParsingStackElement(value, head); }