public void GetHighScores()
     ParseQuery query = new ParseQuery("GameScore");
     query.Limit = 100;
        public static Task<IEnumerable<TabPlace>> GetPlacesByLocation(Tuple<double, double> latLng, double radius = 10)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<TabPlace>> ();
            var query = new ParseQuery ("Place");
            query.WhereWithinKilometers ("latLng", new ParseGeoPoint (latLng.Item1, latLng.Item2), radius);
            query.Include ("person");
            query.Limit = 10;

            query.FindInBackground (new TabFindCallback ((os, e) => {
                if (e != null)
                    tcs.SetException (e);
                    tcs.SetResult (os.Select (FromParse).ToList ());

            return tcs.Task;
        public static void RegisterPlace(string placeName, Tuple<double, double> latLng)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (placeName) || localLocations.Contains (placeName))

            var queryChecker = new ParseQuery ("Place");
            queryChecker.SetCachePolicy (ParseQuery.CachePolicy.NetworkOnly);
            queryChecker.WhereEqualTo ("placeName", placeName);
            queryChecker.CountInBackground (new TabCountCallback ((c, e) => {
                if (e == null && c == 0 && localLocations.Add (placeName)) {
                    var place = new TabPlace (null) {
                        PlaceName = placeName,
                        LatLng = latLng,
                        Person = TabPerson.CurrentPerson
                    place.ToParse ().SaveInBackground ();
        public Task<TabPerson> ToPerson()
            if (person != null)
                return person.Task;

            person = new TaskCompletionSource<TabPerson> ();
            var recipientQuery = new ParseQuery ("Person");
            recipientQuery.SetCachePolicy (ParseQuery.CachePolicy.CacheElseNetwork);
            if (Emails.Any ())
                recipientQuery.WhereContainedIn ("emails", Emails.Select (TabPerson.MD5Hash).ToArray ());
                recipientQuery.WhereEqualTo ("displayName", DisplayName);

            ParseObject recipient = null;
            TabPerson recipientPerson = null;
            recipientQuery.GetFirstInBackground (new TabGetCallback ((o, e) => {
                if (o != null) {
                    recipient = o;
                    recipientPerson = TabPerson.FromParse (recipient);
                    // TODO: add the emails that are in Emails and not in recipientPerson.Emails
                    person.SetResult (recipientPerson);
                } else {
                    recipientPerson = new TabPerson {
                        DisplayName = DisplayName,
                        Emails = Emails,
                    recipient = recipientPerson.ToParse ();
                    recipient.SaveInBackground (new TabSaveCallback (ex => {
                        if (ex == null)
                            person.SetResult (recipientPerson);
                        else {
                            Android.Util.Log.Error ("PersonCreator", ex.ToString ());
                            person.SetException (ex);
                    recipientQuery.ClearCachedResult ();

            return person.Task;
        internal void LaunchApp(Activity ctx, ParseUser withUser, Action uiCallback)
            // Fetch the person corresponding to the user
            Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
                var query = new ParseQuery ("Person");
                query.SetCachePolicy (ParseQuery.CachePolicy.CacheElseNetwork);
                query.WhereEqualTo ("parseUser", withUser);
                query.Include ("parseUser");
                ParseObject self = null;
                try {
                    self = query.First;
                } catch (ParseException ex) {
                    // We may have a stall result from a previous registration
                    if (query.HasCachedResult) {
                        query.ClearCachedResult ();
                        try {
                            self = query.First;
                        } catch {
                            Android.Util.Log.Error ("Landing", "Error when trying to retrieve user 2. Normal if empty. {0}", ex.ToString ());
                    Android.Util.Log.Error ("Landing", "Error when trying to retrieve user. Normal if empty. {0}", ex.ToString ());
                // First time ever, fill the info
                if (self == null) {
                    TabPerson person = null;
                    // Check if our TabPerson wasn't created indirectly by another user
                    query = new ParseQuery ("Person");
                    query.WhereEqualTo ("emails", TabPerson.MD5Hash (withUser.Email));
                    try {
                        person = TabPerson.FromParse (query.First);
                        person.AssociatedUser = withUser;
                    } catch {
                        // We use the main address email we got by parseUser
                        // and we will fill the rest lazily later from profile
                        // idem for the display name
                        person = new TabPerson {
                            AssociatedUser = withUser,
                            Emails = new string[] { withUser.Email }
                    return person;
                } else {
                    TabPerson.CurrentPerson = TabPerson.FromParse (self);
                    return null;
            }).ContinueWith (t => {
                ctx.RunOnUiThread (() => {
                    // If the user was created, we setup a CursorLoader to query the information we need
                    if (t.Result != null) {
                        var person = t.Result;
                        person.DisplayName = profile.DisplayName;
                        person.Emails = profile.Emails.Union (person.Emails);
                        person.ToParse ().SaveEventually ();
                        TabPerson.CurrentPerson = person;

                    if (uiCallback != null)
                        uiCallback ();
                    ctx.Finish ();
                    ctx.StartActivity (typeof (MainActivity));