public void DisplayEnemyAttackSprites(BattleEnemy currentListEnemy) { enemyAttackPictureBox.Visible = true; //separate pictureBox control for the enemies' attacks HideEnemyDefaultPicture(currentListEnemy); //enemy cannot be visible in attack pictureBox and default pictureBox simultaneously try { if (currentListEnemy is Goomba) { enemyAttackPictureBox.Load(""); enemyAttackPictureBox.Location = new Point(186, 23); } else if (currentListEnemy is SpikedGoomba) { enemyAttackPictureBox.Load(""); enemyAttackPictureBox.Location = new Point(186, 23); } else if (currentListEnemy is Paragoomba) { enemyAttackPictureBox.Load(""); enemyAttackPictureBox.Location = new Point(174, 70); } marioDefaultPicturebox.Load(""); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Internet connection is required to run this program. Please check your internet connection and restart the program."); Environment.Exit(1); } return; }
public void DisplayUserAttackSprites(AttackType selectedAttack, BattleEnemy enemyToAttack) { if (selectedAttack == AttackType.Jump) //user takes damage instead if enemy is spiked and is jumped on { IsEnemySpiked(enemyToAttack); } else if (selectedAttack == AttackType.Hammer) { try { marioDefaultPicturebox.Load(""); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Internet connection is required to run this program. Please check your internet connection and restart the program."); Environment.Exit(1); } HammerSpriteDisplay(enemyToAttack); //the Hammer itself is a separate sprite in its own pictureBox control enemyToAttack.Health -= 1; //because damage logic is only one line, object logic is combined with UI logic instructionLabel.Text = "The Enemy Took 1 Damage! The Enemies Attack Next!"; } else //Tattle attack does no damage { try { marioDefaultPicturebox.Load(""); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Internet connection is required to run this program. Please check your internet connection and restart the program."); Environment.Exit(1); } instructionLabel.Visible = false; } }
public void PictureBoxLoader(BattleEnemy enemyToDisplay) { try { if (enemyToDisplay.SpotOnScreen == 1) { if (enemyToDisplay is Goomba) { enemy1BattlePicture.Load(""); } else if (enemyToDisplay is SpikedGoomba) { enemy1BattlePicture.Load(""); } else if (enemyToDisplay is Paragoomba) { enemy1BattlePicture.Load(""); } } else if (enemyToDisplay.SpotOnScreen == 2) { if (enemyToDisplay is Goomba) { enemy2BattlePicture.Load(""); } else if (enemyToDisplay is SpikedGoomba) { enemy2BattlePicture.Load(""); } else if (enemyToDisplay is Paragoomba) { enemy2BattlePicture.Load(""); } } else if (enemyToDisplay.SpotOnScreen == 3) { if (enemyToDisplay is Goomba) { enemy3BattlePicture.Load(""); } else if (enemyToDisplay is SpikedGoomba) { enemy3BattlePicture.Load(""); } else if (enemyToDisplay is Paragoomba) { enemy3BattlePicture.Load(""); } } return; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Internet connection is required to run this program. Please check your internet connection and restart the program."); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public void Tattle(BattleEnemy enemyToTattle) //retrieves enemy info from database and displays to user { try { using (var db = new EnemyDatabaseContext4()) { var query = from g in db.Enemies where g.EnemyId == enemyToTattle.ID select g; foreach (var item in query) { TattleForm tattleForm = new TattleForm(item); tattleForm.ShowDialog(); } } } catch //Mainly used to catch SqlException when attempting to communicate with database; attempts again by re-sending data { BattleEnemy enemyToResend = enemyToTattle; Tattle(enemyToResend); } for (int i = 0; i < (enemyList.ToArray()).Length; i++) //This for loop makes enemy HP bars visible { var tattledEnemyType = enemyToTattle.GetType(); //once one enemy of any type is Tattled, HP bars of all enemies of that type are visible if (enemyList[i].GetType() == tattledEnemyType) { switch (enemyList[i].SpotOnScreen) { case 1: enemy1HPLabel.Visible = true; enemy1HPLabel.Text = "HP: " + enemy1.Health + " / " + enemy1.MaxHealth; break; case 2: enemy2HPLabel.Visible = true; enemy2HPLabel.Text = "HP: " + enemy2.Health + " / " + enemy2.MaxHealth; break; case 3: enemy3HPLabel.Visible = true; enemy3HPLabel.Text = "HP: " + enemy3.Health + " / " + enemy3.MaxHealth; break; } } } }
public void HideEnemyDefaultPicture(BattleEnemy enemyToHide) { switch (enemyToHide.SpotOnScreen) { case 1: enemy1BattlePicture.Visible = false; return; case 2: enemy2BattlePicture.Visible = false; return; case 3: enemy3BattlePicture.Visible = false; return; } }
public void DisplayEnemyDefaultSprites(BattleEnemy enemyToDisplay) { switch (enemyToDisplay.SpotOnScreen) //uses the property to determine the correct picturebox control to load { case 1: PictureBoxLoader(enemyToDisplay); return; case 2: PictureBoxLoader(enemyToDisplay); return; case 3: PictureBoxLoader(enemyToDisplay); return; } }
public void DisplayEnemyHurtSprites(BattleEnemy clickedEnemy) { switch (clickedEnemy.SpotOnScreen) //uses same logic as DisplayEnemyDefaultSprites, but calls a different function { case 1: PictureBoxLoaderHurt(clickedEnemy); return; case 2: PictureBoxLoaderHurt(clickedEnemy); return; case 3: PictureBoxLoaderHurt(clickedEnemy); return; } }
public BattleEnemy BuildEnemyCaller(BattleEnemy enemyToSet, int id, int spotOnScreen) //named this because this function calls the appropriate object's constructor { switch (id) { case 1: enemyToSet = new Goomba(spotOnScreen); break; case 2: enemyToSet = new SpikedGoomba(spotOnScreen); break; case 3: enemyToSet = new Paragoomba(spotOnScreen); break; } return(enemyToSet); }
public void DisplayHiddenSprites(BattleEnemy attackingEnemy) { enemyAttackPictureBox.Visible = false; switch (attackingEnemy.SpotOnScreen) { case 1: enemy1BattlePicture.Visible = true; return; case 2: enemy2BattlePicture.Visible = true; return; case 3: enemy3BattlePicture.Visible = true; return; } }
public void HammerSpriteDisplay(BattleEnemy enemyToAttack) { hammerAttackPictureBox.Visible = true; switch (enemyToAttack.SpotOnScreen) { case 1: marioDefaultPicturebox.Location = new Point(461, 160); hammerAttackPictureBox.Location = new Point(548, 225); return; case 2: marioDefaultPicturebox.Location = new Point(587, 162); hammerAttackPictureBox.Location = new Point(674, 227); return; case 3: marioDefaultPicturebox.Location = new Point(716, 150); hammerAttackPictureBox.Location = new Point(803, 215); return; } }
public void IsEnemySpiked(BattleEnemy enemyToAttack) //primary focus of this function is displaying user sprite { if (enemyToAttack.IsSpiked) //sets the Image property of the pictureBox { try { marioDefaultPicturebox.Load(""); switch (enemyToAttack.SpotOnScreen) { case 1: enemy1BattlePicture.Load(""); break; case 2: enemy2BattlePicture.Load(""); break; case 3: enemy3BattlePicture.Load(""); break; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Internet connection is required to run this program. Please check your internet connection and restart the program."); Environment.Exit(1); } BattleForm.CURRENT_MARIO_HP -= 1; //because damage logic is only one line of code, object logic is combined with UI logic instructionLabel.Text = "You Took 1 Damage! The Enemies Attack Next!"; } else { try { marioDefaultPicturebox.Load(""); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Internet connection is required to run this program. Please check your internet connection and restart the program."); Environment.Exit(1); } enemyToAttack.Health -= 1; instructionLabel.Text = "The Enemy Took 1 Damage! The Enemies Attack Next!"; } switch (enemyToAttack.SpotOnScreen) //sets the Location of the pictureBox { case 1: { marioDefaultPicturebox.Location = new Point(575, 65); return; } case 2: { marioDefaultPicturebox.Location = new Point(672, 20); return; } case 3: { marioDefaultPicturebox.Location = new Point(806, 18); return; } } }