public override void Draw()
            //Get the asset size so the lights can be spaced nicely
            Vector2 assetSize = UnlitLight.WidthHeightToVector2();

            //Go through all the lights
            for (int i = 0; i < ActionCmd.MaxLights; i++)
                Vector2 newpos    = StartPos;
                float   baseScale = .5f;
                float   newScale  = baseScale;

                //Check if the last light should be big and enlarge it and offset it if so
                if (LastLightBig == true && i == (ActionCmd.MaxLights - 1))
                    newpos  += new Vector2(assetSize.X * (baseScale / 2f), -assetSize.Y * (baseScale / 2f));
                    newScale = 1f;

                newpos += new Vector2((i * (baseScale * assetSize.X)) + (i * (DistBetweenLights * baseScale)), 0);

                CroppedTexture2D light = (i >= ActionCmd.LightsFilled) ? UnlitLight : LitLight;

                SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(light.Tex, newpos, light.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), newScale, false, false, .7f);
        public void DrawLights(Vector2 startPos, float distBetweenLights, bool lastLightBig)
            //Make sure this distance is always positive
            distBetweenLights = Math.Abs(distBetweenLights);

            //Get the asset size so the lights can be spaced nicely
            Vector2 assetSize = UnlitLight.WidthHeightToVector2();

            //Go through all the lights
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxLights; i++)
                Vector2 newpos    = startPos;
                float   baseScale = .5f;
                float   newScale  = baseScale;

                //Check if the last light should be big and enlarge it and offset it if so
                if (lastLightBig == true && i == (MaxLights - 1))
                    newpos  += new Vector2(assetSize.X * (baseScale / 2f), -assetSize.Y * (baseScale / 2f));
                    newScale = 1f;

                newpos += new Vector2((i * (baseScale * assetSize.X)) + (i * (distBetweenLights * baseScale)), 0);

                CroppedTexture2D light = (i >= LightsFilled) ? UnlitLight : LitLight;

                SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(light.Tex, newpos, light.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), newScale, false, false, .7f);
        public BombSquadActionCommandUI(BombSquadCommand bombSquadCommand) : base(bombSquadCommand)
            Texture2D battleGFX = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.UIRoot}/Battle/BattleGFX.png");

            CroppedTexture2D croppedTex2D = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(14, 273, 46, 46));

            Cursor = new UIFourPiecedTex(croppedTex2D, croppedTex2D.WidthHeightToVector2(), .5f, Color.White);
        private void Initialize()
            //Add all existing entities
            BManager.GetAllBattleEntities(NoHPEntities, null);


            Texture2D battleGFX = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png");

            HPBar     = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(513, 275, 38, 13));
            HPBarFill = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(516, 292, 1, 8));

            HPTextOffset = HPBar.WidthHeightToVector2();
        public PowerLiftActionCommandUI(PowerLiftCommand powerLiftCommand) : base(powerLiftCommand)
            Texture2D battleGFX = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.UIRoot}/Battle/BattleGFX.png");

            BigCursor   = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(14, 273, 46, 46));
            SmallCursor = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(10, 330, 13, 12));
            ArrowIcon   = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(5, 353, 50, 61));
            BarEdge     = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(514, 245, 7, 28));
            Bar         = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(530, 245, 1, 28));
            BarFill     = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(541, 255, 1, 1));

            Cursor = new UIFourPiecedTex(BigCursor, BigCursor.WidthHeightToVector2(), .6f, CursorColor);

        public override void StartInput(params object[] values)

            StartPosition = Camera.Instance.SpriteToUIPos((Vector2)values[0]);

            NumBombsThrown = 0;
            ElapsedTime    = 0d;

            LastBombThrowTime = ElapsedTime + AutomaticThrowTime;
            CursorAngle       = MinCursorAngle;

            Texture2D battleGFX = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.UIRoot}/Battle/BattleGFX.png");

            CroppedTexture2D croppedTex2D = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(14, 273, 46, 46));

            Cursor          = new UIFourPiecedTex(croppedTex2D, croppedTex2D.WidthHeightToVector2(), .5f, Color.White);
            Cursor.Position = UtilityGlobals.GetPointAroundCircle(new Circle(StartPosition, CircleRadius), CursorAngle, true);
        private void Initialize()
            //Define the UI to display
            Texture2D battleGFX = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png");

            CroppedTexture2D croppedTex2D = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(14, 273, 46, 46));

            Cursor = new UIFourPiecedTex(croppedTex2D, croppedTex2D.WidthHeightToVector2(), .5f, Color.White);

            MarioHPIcon = new UICroppedTexture2D(new CroppedTexture2D(AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.UIRoot}/Battle/BattleHUD.png"),
                                                                      new Rectangle(2, 38, 45, 41)));
            FPIcon = new UICroppedTexture2D(new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(179, 416, 40, 39)));

            MarioHPText = new UIText("0", Color.White);
            FPText      = new UIText("0", Color.Black);

            //Set UI properties
            MarioHPIcon.Position = MarioHPText.Position = ActionCmd.StartPosition + new Vector2(-10, -45);
            FPIcon.Position      = FPText.Position = ActionCmd.StartPosition + new Vector2(-45, -95);

            MarioHPText.Position += new Vector2(0f, 10f);
            FPText.Position      += new Vector2(0f, 10f);

            if (ShowPartnerInfo == true)
                PartnerHPIcon = new UICroppedTexture2D(new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(324, 407, 61, 58)));
                PartnerHPText = new UIText("0", Color.White);

                PartnerHPIcon.Position  = PartnerHPText.Position = ActionCmd.StartPosition + new Vector2(-80, -45);
                PartnerHPText.Position += new Vector2(0f, 10f);
                PartnerHPIcon.Origin    = PartnerHPText.Origin = new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
                PartnerHPIcon.Depth     = .6f;
                PartnerHPText.Depth     = .61f;

            MarioHPIcon.Depth = FPIcon.Depth = .6f;
            MarioHPText.Depth = FPText.Depth = .61f;

            MarioHPIcon.Origin = FPIcon.Origin = MarioHPText.Origin = FPText.Origin = new Vector2(.5f, .5f);

            //Set cursor position
            Cursor.Position = UtilityGlobals.GetPointAroundCircle(new Circle(ActionCmd.StartPosition, ActionCmd.CircleRadius), ActionCmd.CursorAngle, true);
        public ShellBreakAnimObj(Vector2 position, double animDuration, float maxRotationVal, double rotationTime)
            Position     = position;
            AnimDuration = animDuration;
            MaxRotation  = maxRotationVal;
            RotationTime = rotationTime;

            //Load the halves
            Texture2D shellSheet = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.SpriteRoot}/Neutral/ShellShieldShell.png");

            ShellLeftHalf  = new CroppedTexture2D(shellSheet, new Rectangle(7, 298, 108, 129));
            ShellRightHalf = new CroppedTexture2D(shellSheet, new Rectangle(117, 298, 94, 128));

            //Calculate the position offsets for the shell halves
            //They're not the same size, with the left half being larger than the right half
            Vector2 leftHalfSize = ShellLeftHalf.WidthHeightToVector2();

            LeftHalfPosOffset = new Vector2(0f, leftHalfSize.Y / 2);

            RightHalfPosOffset = new Vector2(leftHalfSize.X - (Math.Abs(ShellRightHalf.SourceRect.Value.Width - leftHalfSize.X)), LeftHalfPosOffset.Y);
        private void SetUpGrid()
            //Create the grid
            PowerLiftGrid = new UIGrid(ActionCmd.NumColumns, ActionCmd.NumRows, ActionCmd.LiftGridCellSize);

            //Populate the grid based on how many columns and rows it has
            int totalSize = PowerLiftGrid.MaxElementsInGrid;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalSize; i++)
                //Small cursors are on the grid
                PowerLiftGrid.AddGridElement(new UIFourPiecedTex(SmallCursor.Copy(), SmallCursor.WidthHeightToVector2(), .5f, Color.White));

            //Although the grid is drawn on the UI layer, we center it using the sprite layer's (0, 0) position for ease
            PowerLiftGrid.Position = Camera.Instance.SpriteToUIPos(Vector2.Zero);

            Vector2 paddingSize = ActionCmd.LiftGridCellSize / 2;

            PowerLiftGrid.ChangeGridPadding(0, (int)paddingSize.X, 0, (int)paddingSize.Y);

            PowerLiftGrid.Spacing = ActionCmd.LiftGridSpacing;
        protected override void OnDraw()

            string text  = "NO!";
            Color  color = Color.Red;

            if (AllLightsFilled)
                text  = "OKAY!";
                color = Color.Green;

            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUIText(AssetManager.Instance.TTYDFont, text, new Vector2(300, 100), color, .7f);

            Vector2 startPos    = new Vector2(250, 180);
            Vector2 barStartPos = startPos + new Vector2(-30, 0f);

            Vector2 barScale = new Vector2(130, 1f);

            //Draw the bar
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(LightBarEnd.Tex, barStartPos, LightBarEnd.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), Vector2.One, false, false, .69f);
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(LightBarMiddle.Tex, barStartPos + new Vector2((int)(LightBarEnd.WidthHeightToVector2().X / 2), 0f), LightBarMiddle.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), barScale, false, false, .69f);
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(LightBarEnd.Tex, barStartPos + new Vector2(barScale.X + (int)(LightBarEnd.WidthHeightToVector2().X - 1), 0f), LightBarEnd.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), Vector2.One, true, false, .69f);

            //Draw the lights
            DrawLights(startPos, 0, true);
        public override void StartInput(params object[] values)

            ElapsedTime = 0d;
            PrevThrow = 0d;

            StartPosition = Camera.Instance.SpriteToUIPos((Vector2)values[0]);

            //Count how many BattleEntities are affected
            //If there's only one, then don't add any of the Partner information
            int entitiesAffected = (int)values[1];

            CursorAngle = MinCursorAngle;

            //Define the UI to display
            Texture2D battleGFX = AssetManager.Instance.LoadRawTexture2D($"{ContentGlobals.BattleGFX}.png");

            CroppedTexture2D croppedTex2D = new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(14, 273, 46, 46));
            Cursor = new UIFourPiecedTex(croppedTex2D, croppedTex2D.WidthHeightToVector2(), .5f, Color.White);

            MarioHPIcon = new UICroppedTexture2D(new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(324, 407, 61, 58)));
            FPIcon = new UICroppedTexture2D(new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(179, 416, 40, 39)));

            MarioHPText = new UIText("0", Color.Black);
            FPText = new UIText("0", Color.Black);

            //Set UI properties
            MarioHPIcon.Position = MarioHPText.Position = StartPosition + new Vector2(-10, -45);
            FPIcon.Position = FPText.Position = StartPosition + new Vector2(-45, -95);

            MarioHPText.Position += new Vector2(0f, 10f);
            FPText.Position += new Vector2(0f, 10f);

            if (entitiesAffected > 1)
                PartnerHPIcon = new UICroppedTexture2D(new CroppedTexture2D(battleGFX, new Rectangle(324, 407, 61, 58)));
                PartnerHPText = new UIText("0", Color.Black);

                PartnerHPIcon.Position = PartnerHPText.Position = StartPosition + new Vector2(-80, -45);
                PartnerHPText.Position += new Vector2(0f, 10f);
                PartnerHPIcon.Origin = PartnerHPText.Origin = new Vector2(.5f, .5f);
                PartnerHPIcon.Depth = .6f;
                PartnerHPText.Depth = .61f;

            MarioHPIcon.Depth = FPIcon.Depth = .6f;
            MarioHPText.Depth = FPText.Depth = .61f;

            MarioHPIcon.Origin = FPIcon.Origin = MarioHPText.Origin = FPText.Origin = new Vector2(.5f, .5f);

            //Set cursor position
            Cursor.Position = UtilityGlobals.GetPointAroundCircle(new Circle(StartPosition, CircleRadius), CursorAngle, true);

            //Define the spawner
            Vector2 startPos = new Vector2(500, 15);
            Vector2 endPos = new Vector2(startPos.X, BattleManager.Instance.PartnerPos.Y + 350f);

            RestoreTypes[] restoreTypes = null;
            int[] restoreTypeCounts = null;
            if (entitiesAffected <= 1)
                restoreTypes = new RestoreTypes[] { RestoreTypes.MarioHP, RestoreTypes.FP, RestoreTypes.PoisonMushroom };
                restoreTypeCounts = new int[] { 14, 6, 2 };
                restoreTypes = new RestoreTypes[] { RestoreTypes.MarioHP, RestoreTypes.PartnerHP, RestoreTypes.FP, RestoreTypes.PoisonMushroom };
                restoreTypeCounts = new int[] { 7, 7, 6, 2 };

            IconSpawner = new SweetTreatElementSpawner(4, 40f, 5000d, 750d, startPos, endPos, restoreTypes, restoreTypeCounts);

            //Add the cursor and other UI elements

            if (entitiesAffected > 1)

            HealingResponse = default(SweetTreatResponse);
        public override void Draw()
            if (ActionCmd.AcceptingInput == false)

            string text  = "NO!";
            Color  color = Color.Red;

            if (ActionCmd.AllLightsFilled == true)
                text  = "OKAY!";
                color = Color.Green;

            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUIText(AssetManager.Instance.TTYDFont, text, new Vector2(300, 150), color, .7f);

            Vector2 startPos    = new Vector2(250, 230);
            Vector2 barStartPos = startPos + new Vector2(-30, 0f);

            Vector2 barScale = new Vector2(130, 1f);

            //Draw the bar
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(LightBarEnd.Tex, barStartPos, LightBarEnd.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), Vector2.One, false, false, .69f);
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(LightBarMiddle.Tex, barStartPos + new Vector2((int)(LightBarEnd.WidthHeightToVector2().X / 2), 0f), LightBarMiddle.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), barScale, false, false, .69f);
            SpriteRenderer.Instance.DrawUI(LightBarEnd.Tex, barStartPos + new Vector2(barScale.X + (int)(LightBarEnd.WidthHeightToVector2().X - 1), 0f), LightBarEnd.SourceRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(.5f, .5f), Vector2.One, true, false, .69f);
