public static void SpeakWord(Word w) { if (!WavFilePlayer(w)) { EspeakTTS(w, "eo", false); } }
public EditCardWindow(Word current_word) { this.current_word = current_word; InitializeComponent(); QuestionBox.Text = current_word.question; AnswerBox.Text = current_word.answer; ExampleBox.Text = current_word.example; StudiedBox.IsChecked = current_word.studied; WavFileBox.Text = current_word.wav_file_loc; ImageFileBox.Text = current_word.image_file_location; }
public static bool EspeakTTS(Word w, string lang, bool _generate_wav) { string espeak_binary_location = PamyaSettings.Instance.GetSetting("espeakbin"); Dictionary<string, string> eo_string_replace_dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("Ĝ", "Gx"); //FIXME eo_string_replace_dict.Add("ĝ", "gx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("Ĥ", "Hx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("ĥ", "hx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("Ĵ", "Jx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("ĵ", "jx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("Ŝ", "Sx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("ŝ", "sx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("Ĉ", "Cx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("ĉ", "cx"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("Ŭ", "Ux"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("ŭ", "ux"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("-", "_"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add(" ", "_"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add("!", "_"); eo_string_replace_dict.Add(",", "_"); var text = eo_string_replace_dict.Aggregate(w.Target, (current, value) => current.Replace(value.Key, value.Value)); if (File.Exists(espeak_binary_location) && (! _generate_wav)) { //ugly stuff for now System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.FileName = espeak_binary_location; startInfo.Arguments = "-v " + lang + " \"" + text + "\""; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); return true; } else if (File.Exists(espeak_binary_location) && _generate_wav) { System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.FileName = espeak_binary_location; startInfo.Arguments = "-w " + text + ".wav " + "-v " + lang + " \"" + text + "\""; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = PamyaDeck.Instance.CurrentDeckFolder; process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); w.SoundFileLocation = text + ".wav "; return true; } else { return false; } }
private static bool WavFilePlayer(Word w) { var wav_file_loc = PamyaDeck.Instance.CurrentDeckFolder + @"\" + w.SoundFileLocation; if (File.Exists(wav_file_loc)) { SoundPlayer my_wave_file = new SoundPlayer(wav_file_loc); my_wave_file.Play(); return true; } else { return false; } }
public void fillDeckFromString(string s) { dc = new List<Word>(); int id = 0; foreach (string l in s.Split('\n')) { string[] ws = l.Split('|'); id++; string guid = new Guid().ToString(); Word word = new Word(ws[0].Trim(), ws[1].Trim()); = id; word.guid = guid; dc.Add(word); } }
public EditCardDialog(Word ToEditWord) { CurrentWord = ToEditWord.Clone(); Translations = new BindingList<StringWrapper>((from s in CurrentWord.Translations select new StringWrapper { Value = s }).ToList()); Examples = new BindingList<StringWrapper>((from s in CurrentWord.Examples select new StringWrapper { Value = s }).ToList()); if (Translations.Count == 0) { Translations.Add(new StringWrapper { Value = "" }); } if (Examples.Count == 0) { Examples.Add(new StringWrapper { Value = "" }); } InitializeComponent(); Translations.ListChanged += TranslationsListChanged; Examples.ListChanged += ExamplesListChanged; _DisplayDesc(); bCanDo = true; //_DisplayImage(); }
private void Save_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { current_word.question = QuestionBox.Text; current_word.answer = AnswerBox.Text; current_word.example = ExampleBox.Text; current_word.studied = (bool)StudiedBox.IsChecked; current_word.wav_file_loc = WavFileBox.Text; current_word.image_file_location = ImageFileBox.Text; if ((bool)ResetWordBox.IsChecked) { Word w = new Word("", ""); current_word.I = w.I; current_word.EF = w.EF; current_word.n = w.n; current_word.studied = w.studied; current_word.time_due = w.time_due; } this.Close(); }
public string FindWordPageTranslationOnly(Word word) { //Word word = PamyaDeck.Instance.CurrentDeck.Words.Find(w => w.sGuid == sGuid); var translationText = string.Join(", ", word.Translations); var translations = FormatTranslationsFirst(word); var rootElement = new XElement("content", translations); return rootElement.ToString(); }
public void AddWord(Word w) { dc.Add(w); }
public Queue<Word> RandomWords(int amount, Word exclude) { Queue<Word> ws = new Queue<Word>(); dc.Shuffle(); int offset = 0; bool bExclude = dc.Count > 1; if (dc.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < amount + 1; i++) { ws.Enqueue(new Word("TOO", "TOO SHORT")); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < amount + 1; ) { if (i + offset == dc.Count) { i = 0; offset = 0; } if (bExclude && dc[i + offset].question == exclude.question) { offset++; } else { ws.Enqueue(dc[i + offset]); i++; } } } return ws; }
private XElement FormatTranslationsFirst(Word word) { var translations = new XElement("paragraph"); if (word.Translations.Count > 0) translations.Add(new XElement("h1", word.Translations[0])); if (word.Translations.Count > 1) { translations.Add(new XElement("br")); foreach (var t in word.Translations.GetRange(1, word.Translations.Count - 1)) { var textEl = new XElement("text", t + " "); textEl.SetAttributeValue("Colour", "#333333"); translations.Add(textEl); } } return translations; }
private XElement FormatTranslationsAfter(Word word) { var translations = new XElement("paragraph"); if (word.Translations.Count > 0) { translations.Add(new XElement("br")); foreach (var t in word.Translations) { var textEl = new XElement("text", t + " "); textEl.SetAttributeValue("Colour", "#333333"); translations.Add(textEl); } } return translations; }
public List<LinkSpan> GetWordPageSpansTranslationPlusElse(Word w) { return ParseMarkUp(FindWordPageTranslationPlusElse(w)); }
private void _AddCard(object sender, EventArgs e) { Word word = (Word)DeckDataGrid.SelectedItem; int selectedOrder; if (word != null) selectedOrder = word.OrderId; else selectedOrder = 1; Word newWord = new Word { Translations = new List<string> { "Verbum" }, Target = "Novum", EF = Word.DEFAULT_EF, I = Word.DEFAULT_I, n = Word.DEFAULT_N, bStudied = false, TimeDue = 0, SoundFileLocation = "", Examples = new List<string> { "" }, XMLDescription = "", sGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ImageFileLocation = "", Id = Words.Max(tw => tw.Id)+1, OrderId = selectedOrder, }; foreach (Word w in Words.FindAll(tw => tw.OrderId >= selectedOrder)) { w.OrderId += 1; } Words.Add(newWord); SortView(); }
private Word _EditCardDialog(Word word) { var editCardDialog = new EditCardDialog(word); editCardDialog.ShowDialog(); if (editCardDialog.DialogResult.Value) { return editCardDialog.CurrentWord; } return word; }
public string FindWordPage(Word word) { //Word word = PamyaDeck.Instance.CurrentDeck.Words.Find(w => w.sGuid == sGuid); var translations = FormatTranslationsAfter(word); var examples = new XElement("paragraph"); foreach (var example in word.Examples) { examples.Add(example); examples.Add(new XElement("br")); } var rootElement = new XElement("content", new XElement("paragraph", new XElement("h1", word.Target) ), //new XElement("h2","Translations"), translations, new XElement("br"), new XElement("paragraph", word.XMLDescription), new XElement("h2", "Examples"), examples ); return rootElement.ToString(); }
public void UpdateDeckDB(Word w) { UpdateDeckDB(new List<Word>() { w }); }
public void AddWord(Word w) { Words.Add(w); }
public Queue<Word> RandomWords(int amount, Word exclude) { Queue<Word> ws = new Queue<Word>(); Words.Shuffle(); //Don't do this int offset = 0; bool bExclude = Words.Count > 1; if (Words.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < amount + 1; i++) { ws.Enqueue(new Word("TOO", "TOO SHORT")); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < amount + 1; ) { if (i + offset == Words.Count) { i = 0; offset = 0; } if (bExclude && Words[i + offset].sGuid == exclude.sGuid) { offset++; } else { ws.Enqueue(Words[i + offset]); i++; } } } Words = Words.OrderBy(a => a.OrderId).ToList(); return ws; }
public string FindWordPageTranslationPlusElse(Word word) { //Word word = PamyaDeck.Instance.CurrentDeck.Words.Find(w => w.sGuid == sGuid); var separator = new XElement("br"); var translationText = string.Join(", ", word.Translations); var translations = FormatTranslationsFirst(word); XElement image = null; if(! string.IsNullOrEmpty(word.ImageFileLocation)) { image = new XElement("paragraph", new XElement("img", word.ImageFileLocation) ); } XElement examples = null; if (word.Examples != null) { examples = new XElement("paragraph"); word.Examples.RemoveAll(ex => string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex)); if (word.Examples.Count > 0) { examples.Add(new XElement("h2", "Examples")); } foreach (var example in word.Examples) { examples.Add(example); examples.Add(separator); } } XElement desc = null;//, ); if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty(word.XMLDescription)) { desc = new XElement("paragraph"); desc.Add(new XElement("h2", "Description")); desc.Add(word.XMLDescription); } var rootElement = new XElement("content", translations); if (desc != null) rootElement.Add(desc); if (examples != null) rootElement.Add(examples); if (image != null) rootElement.Add(image); //MessageBox.Show(rootElement.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)); return rootElement.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting); }
public List<LinkSpan> GetWordPageSpans(Word w) { return ContentMarkupToWPF(FindWordPage(w)); }
public void _OpenDeck(string FileName, int GameType) { //this.Title = "Pamya - " + fname; //FIXME CurrentDeckFolder = DecksFolder + @"\" + FileName; DeckFile = CurrentDeckFolder + @"\deck.sqlite"; UserFile = CurrentDeckFolder + @"\userdata.sqlite"; //I feel like this is too much overhead SQLiteConnection deckdbcon; deckdbcon = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + DeckFile + ";Version=3;"); deckdbcon.Open(); SQLiteConnection userdbcon; userdbcon = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + UserFile + ";Version=3;"); userdbcon.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM deck ORDER BY id ASC"; SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, deckdbcon); SQLiteDataReader deck_reader = command.ExecuteReader(); CurrentDeck = new Deck(); while (deck_reader.Read()) { var word = new Word(deck_reader["question"].ToString(), deck_reader["answer"].ToString()); = Convert.ToInt32(deck_reader["id"]); word.wav_file_loc = deck_reader["wavfileloc"].ToString(); word.guid = deck_reader["guid"].ToString(); word.example = deck_reader["example"].ToString(); word.image_file_location = deck_reader["imagefileloc"].ToString(); var user_sql = "SELECT * FROM deck WHERE guid='" + deck_reader["guid"].ToString() + "'"; var user_command = new SQLiteCommand(user_sql, userdbcon); try { var user_reader = user_command.ExecuteReader(); user_reader.Read(); word.EF = Convert.ToDouble(user_reader["ef"]); word.I = Convert.ToDouble(user_reader["i"]); word.n = Convert.ToInt32(user_reader["n"]); word.studied = Convert.ToBoolean(user_reader["studied"]); word.time_due = Convert.ToInt32(user_reader["timedue"]); user_reader.Close(); CurrentDeck.AddWord(word); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } deck_reader.Close(); userdbcon.Close(); deckdbcon.Close(); //TODO //FIND OUT WHICH GAME IS PLAYED //OPEN THE GAME GameChangeDelegates[GameType + 1].DynamicInvoke(); // +1 as 0 is the mainmenu page }
private void _InsertCardAfter(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (lvCards.SelectedIndex > -1) { int index = lvCards.SelectedIndex; int id = index + 1; foreach (Word w in deck.dc.Where(x => > id)) {; } Word new_word = new Word("Novum", "Verbum"); = id + 1; deck.dc.Insert(index + 1, new_word); } ShowDeck(); }