private void UpdateLogFileCB() { if (LogFile != null) { LogFile.Text = TraceOps.GetLog(); } }
public static bool SetUpClientConnectionConfig(string toIp, int toPort, string fromIp, int fromPort) { try { TraceOps.Out("try to connect to " + toIp + " : " + toPort); var tcpClient = new TcpClient(); try { tcpClient.Connect(toIp, toPort); TraceOps.Out("Connected with " + tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint); } catch (Exception e) { TraceOps.Out(e.ToString()); } if (tcpClient.Connected) { var networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(networkStream); TraceOps.Out("Send data to " + tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint); streamWriter.WriteLine("<XML>"); streamWriter.WriteLine("<IP>" + fromIp + "</IP>"); streamWriter.WriteLine("<PORT>" + fromPort + "</PORT>"); streamWriter.WriteLine("</XML>"); streamWriter.Flush(); tcpClient.Close(); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceOps.Out(ex.ToString()); } return(false); }
public static string[] GetDllsPath(string path) { TraceOps.Out("Looking for Plugins in: " + path); var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.dll"); return(filePaths); }
public IClientPlugin[] LoadClientDlls(string[] strings) { var list = new List <IClientPlugin>(); foreach (var s in strings) { TraceOps.Out("Lade Plugin: " + s); list.AddRange(ClientDllLoad(s)); } return(list.ToArray()); }
public static void SetAutoStart() { try { var clickOnceHelper = new ClickOnceHelper(Globals.PublisherName, Globals.ProductName, Globals.ProductSuite); clickOnceHelper.UpdateUninstallParameters(); clickOnceHelper.AddShortcutToStartup(); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceOps.Out(ex.ToString()); } }
public void UpdateLogFile() { if (LogFile != null && LogFile.InvokeRequired) { var d = new UpdateLogFileCallback(UpdateLogFile); Invoke(d, new object[] { }); } else { if (LogFile != null) { LogFile.Text = TraceOps.GetLog(); } } }
public static void GetService(string server, int port, Type type) { try { var url = "http://" + server + ":" + port + "/" + type.Name + ".rem"; TraceOps.Out("Try to get service : " + url); var remoteType = new WellKnownClientTypeEntry(type, url); remoteType.ApplicationUrl = url; TraceOps.Out(remoteType.ObjectUrl); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownClientType(remoteType); } catch (Exception exception) { TraceOps.Out(exception.ToString()); } }
public IClientPlugin[] ClientDllLoad(string path) { var pluginLibrary = Assembly.LoadFrom(path); IEnumerable <Type> types = pluginLibrary.GetTypes(); var list = new List <IClientPlugin>(); foreach (var type in types) { if (type.BaseType != null && type.Name == "ClientPlugin") { TraceOps.Out("Lade ClientPlugin"); var plugin = (IClientPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(type); list.Add(plugin); } } return(list.ToArray()); }
private void Tasks() { try { while (_running) { Thread.Sleep(Threshold); var m = _messageQueue.GetMessage(_name); if (m != null) { Task.Invoke(m); } } } catch (Exception exception) { TraceOps.Out(exception.ToString()); } }
public static string GetAttribute(string[,] strings, string needle) { try { for (int i = 0; i < strings.GetLength(0); i++) { var key = strings[i, 0]; var value = strings[i, 1]; if (key.Equals(needle)) { return(value); } } } catch (Exception e) { TraceOps.Out(e.ToString()); } return(""); }
public static string GetIpString(string uri) { string dns = ""; try { foreach (IPAddress ipAddress in Dns.GetHostEntry(uri).AddressList) { if (ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { dns = ipAddress.ToString(); } } TraceOps.Out("Parsed DNS/IP 4: " + dns); } catch (Exception) { TraceOps.Out("Parsed DNS/IP 4: not parsed"); } return(dns); }