/// <summary> /// Allows the game component to perform any initialization it needs to before starting /// to run. This is where it can query for any required services and load content. /// </summary> public override void Initialize() { // We don't want XNA calling this method each time we resume from the menu, // unfortunately, it'll call it whatever we try. So the only thing // we can do is check if it has been called already and return. Yes, it's ugly. if (mSpriteBatch != null) { GhostSoundsManager.ResumeLoops(); return; } // Otherwise, this is the first time this component is Initialized, so proceed. GhostSoundsManager.Init(Game); Grid.Reset(); Constants.Level = 1; mSpriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(SpriteBatch)); mGraphicsDeviceManager = (GraphicsDeviceManager)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(GraphicsDeviceManager)); mSoundBank = (SoundBank)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(SoundBank)); mScoreFont = Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Score"); mScoreEventFont = Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("ScoreEvent"); mXLife = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("sprites/ExtraLife"); mPPill = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("sprites/PowerPill"); mCrump = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("sprites/Crump"); mBoard = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("sprites/Board"); mBoardFlash = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("sprites/BoardFlash"); mBonusEaten = new Dictionary<string, int>(); mBonus = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>(9); mBonus.Add("Apple", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Apple")); mBonus.Add("Banana", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Banana")); mBonus.Add("Bell", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Bell")); mBonus.Add("Cherry", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Cherry")); mBonus.Add("Key", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Key")); mBonus.Add("Orange", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Orange")); mBonus.Add("Pear", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Pear")); mBonus.Add("Pretzel", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Pretzel")); mBonus.Add("Strawberry", Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("bonus/Strawberry")); mScoreEvents = new List<ScoreEvent>(5); mBonusPresent = false; mBonusSpawned = 0; mEatenGhosts = 0; Score = 0; mXLives = 2; mPaChomp = true; mPLayerDied = false; mPlayer = new Player(Game); mGhosts = new List<Ghost> { new Ghost(Game, mPlayer, EGhostType.Blinky), new Ghost(Game, mPlayer, EGhostType.Clyde), new Ghost(Game, mPlayer, EGhostType.Inky), new Ghost(Game, mPlayer, EGhostType.Pinky) }; mGhosts[2].SetBlinky(mGhosts[0]); // Oh, dirty hack. Inky needs this for his AI. mSoundBank.PlayCue("Intro"); LockTimer = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(4500); base.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game component to update itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Some events (death, new level, etc.) lock the game for a few moments. if (DateTime.Now - mEventTimer < LockTimer) { mGhosts.ForEach(g => g.LockTimer(gameTime)); // Also we need to do the same thing for our own timer concerning bonuses mBonusSpawnedTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime; return; } // Remove special events older than 5 seconds mScoreEvents.RemoveAll(e => DateTime.Now - e.Date > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // If the player had died, spawn a new one or end game. if (mPLayerDied) { // extra lives are decremented here, at the same time the pac man is spawned; this makes those // events seem linked. mXLives--; //mXLives++; // Give infinite lives to the evil developer; if (mXLives >= 0) { mPLayerDied = false; mPlayer = new Player(Game); mGhosts.ForEach(g => g.Reset(false, mPlayer)); mScoreEvents.Clear(); } else { // The game is over Menu.SaveHighScore(Score); Game.Components.Add(new Menu(Game, null)); Game.Components.Remove(this); GhostSoundsManager.StopLoops(); return; } } // When all crumps have been eaten, wait a few seconds and then spawn a new level if (noCrumpsLeft()) { if (Constants.Level < 21) { mBonusSpawned = 0; Grid.Reset(); mPlayer = new Player(Game); mGhosts.ForEach(g => g.Reset(true, mPlayer)); mSoundBank.PlayCue("NewLevel"); LockTimer = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); Constants.Level++; return; } else { // Game over, you win. Menu.SaveHighScore(Score); Game.Components.Add(new Menu(Game, null)); Game.Components.Remove(this); GhostSoundsManager.StopLoops(); return; } } Keys[] inputKeys = Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys(); // The user may escape to the main menu with the escape key if (inputKeys.Contains(Keys.Escape)) { Game.Components.Add(new Menu(Game, this)); Game.Components.Remove(this); GhostSoundsManager.PauseLoops(); // will be resumed in Initialize(). No need for stopping them // if the player subsequently quits the game, since we'll re-initialize GhostSoundManager in // Initialize() if the player wants to start a new game. return; } // Eat crumps and power pills. if (mPlayer.Position.DeltaPixel == Point.Zero) { Point playerTile = mPlayer.Position.Tile; if (Grid.TileGrid[playerTile.X, playerTile.Y].HasCrump) { mSoundBank.PlayCue(mPaChomp ? "PacMAnEat1" : "PacManEat2"); mPaChomp = !mPaChomp; Score += 10; Grid.TileGrid[playerTile.X, playerTile.Y].HasCrump = false; if (Grid.TileGrid[playerTile.X, playerTile.Y].HasPowerPill) { Score += 40; mEatenGhosts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mGhosts.Count; i++) { if (mGhosts[i].State == EGhostState.Attack || mGhosts[i].State == EGhostState.Scatter || mGhosts[i].State == EGhostState.Blue) { mGhosts[i].State = EGhostState.Blue; } } Grid.TileGrid[playerTile.X, playerTile.Y].HasPowerPill = false; } // If that was the last crump, lock the game for a while if (noCrumpsLeft()) { GhostSoundsManager.StopLoops(); LockTimer = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); return; } } } // Eat bonuses if (mBonusPresent && mPlayer.Position.Tile.Y == 17 && ((mPlayer.Position.Tile.X == 13 && mPlayer.Position.DeltaPixel.X == 8) || (mPlayer.Position.Tile.X == 14 && mPlayer.Position.DeltaPixel.X == -8))) { LockTimer = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5); Score += Constants.BonusScores(); mScoreEvents.Add(new ScoreEvent(mPlayer.Position, DateTime.Now, Constants.BonusScores())); mSoundBank.PlayCue("fruiteat"); mBonusPresent = false; if (mBonusEaten.ContainsKey(Constants.BonusSprite())) { mBonusEaten[Constants.BonusSprite()]++; } else { mBonusEaten.Add(Constants.BonusSprite(), 1); } } // Remove bonus if time's up if (mBonusPresent && ((DateTime.Now - mBonusSpawnedTime) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) { mBonusPresent = false; } // Detect collision between ghosts and the player foreach (Ghost ghost in mGhosts) { Rectangle playerArea = new Rectangle((mPlayer.Position.Tile.X * 16) + mPlayer.Position.DeltaPixel.X, (mPlayer.Position.Tile.Y * 16) + mPlayer.Position.DeltaPixel.Y, 26, 26); Rectangle ghostArea = new Rectangle((ghost.Position.Tile.X * 16) + ghost.Position.DeltaPixel.X, (ghost.Position.Tile.Y * 16) + ghost.Position.DeltaPixel.Y, 22, 22); if (!Rectangle.Intersect(playerArea, ghostArea).IsEmpty) { // If collision detected, either kill the ghost or kill the pac man, depending on state. if (ghost.State == EGhostState.Blue) { GhostSoundsManager.StopLoops(); mSoundBank.PlayCue("EatGhost"); ghost.State = EGhostState.Dead; mEatenGhosts++; int bonus = (int)(100 * Math.Pow(2, mEatenGhosts)); Score += bonus; mScoreEvents.Add(new ScoreEvent(ghost.Position, DateTime.Now, bonus)); LockTimer = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(900); return; } else if (ghost.State != EGhostState.Dead) { KillPacMan(); return; } // Otherwise ( = the ghost is dead), don't do anything special. } } // Periodically spawn a fruit, when the player isn't on the spawn location // otherwise we get an infinite fruit spawning bug if ((Grid.NumCrumps == 180 || Grid.NumCrumps == 80) && mBonusSpawned < 2 && !(mPlayer.Position.Tile.Y == 17 && ((mPlayer.Position.Tile.X == 13 && mPlayer.Position.DeltaPixel.X == 8) || (mPlayer.Position.Tile.X == 14 && mPlayer.Position.DeltaPixel.X == -8)))) { mBonusPresent = true; mBonusSpawned++; mBonusSpawnedTime = DateTime.Now; } // Now is the time to move player based on inputs and ghosts based on AI // If we have returned earlier in the method, they stay in place mPlayer.Update(gameTime); mGhosts.ForEach(g => g.Update(gameTime)); base.Update(gameTime); }