public DataTable Query(DetailReportQueryModel model) { String sql = "SELECT B.ID, B.SN, B.RUNNINGNO, B.EXCTIME, B.EXCSOURCE, B.NETPAY,B.PAYABLE, B.HANDLING, B.STATUE, B.BANKRUNNINGNO FROM `BUSINESS_TRANSFLOW` B "; if (model.StoreId != null && model.StoreId!=Guid.Empty.ToString()) { sql += String.Format( " INNER JOIN `BPSYS_STORESN` N ON B.`SN`= N.`CODE` " + " INNER JOIN `BPSYS_STORE` S ON S.`ID`= N.`STOREID` " + " WHERE 1=1 AND S.`ID`= '{0}' ", model.StoreId); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SN)) { sql += String.Format(" AND N.CODE='{0}'", model.SN); } } else { sql += " WHERE 1=1 "; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Source)) { sql += String.Format(" AND B.EXCSOURCE='{0}'", model.Source); } if (model.StartTime.HasValue && model.FinishTime.HasValue) { sql += String.Format(" AND B.EXCTIME BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' ", model.StartTime.Value.ToString(TIME_FORMAT), model.FinishTime.Value.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (DataBaseProcess process=new DataBaseProcess()) { dt = process.Query(sql); } return dt; }
private void Query() { DetailReportQueryModel model=new DetailReportQueryModel(); model.StartTime = dateTimePickerStart.Value; model.FinishTime = dateTimePickerFinish.Value; model.SN = textBoxSN.Text.Trim(); model.Source = comboBoxSource.SelectedText; if (comboBoxStore.SelectedValue != null) { DataRow dr =((System.Data.DataRowView)comboBoxStore.SelectedValue).Row; model.StoreId = dr["ID"].ToString(); } DetailReportAction action=new DetailReportAction(); DataTable dt= action.Query(model); Bind(dt); }