/// <summary>
        /// TaskDialog wrapped in a CommonDialog class. THis is required to work well in
        /// MMC 2.1. In MMC 2.1 you must use the ShowDialog methods on the MMC classes to
        /// correctly show a modal dialog. This class will allow you to do this and keep access
        /// to the results of the TaskDialog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskDialog">The TaskDialog to show.</param>
        public VistaTaskDialogCommonDialog(VistaTaskDialog taskDialog)
            if (taskDialog == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("taskDialog");

            this.taskDialog = taskDialog;
        public static DialogResult ShowTaskDialogBox(IWin32Window Owner,
                                                 string Title,
                                                 string MainInstruction,
                                                 string Content,
                                                 string ExpandedInfo,
                                                 string Footer,
                                                 string VerificationText,
                                                 string RadioButtons,
                                                 string CommandButtons,
                                                 eTaskDialogButtons Buttons,
                                                 eSysIcons MainIcon,
                                                 eSysIcons FooterIcon,
                                                 int DefaultIndex)
            DialogResult result;
              if (OnTaskDialogShown != null)
            OnTaskDialogShown(null, EventArgs.Empty);

              if (VistaTaskDialog.IsAvailableOnThisOS && !ForceEmulationMode)
            // [OPTION 1] Show Vista TaskDialog
            VistaTaskDialog vtd = new VistaTaskDialog();

            vtd.WindowTitle = Title;
            vtd.MainInstruction = MainInstruction;
            vtd.Content = Content;
            vtd.ExpandedInformation = ExpandedInfo;
            vtd.Footer = Footer;

            // Radio Buttons
            if (RadioButtons != "")
              List<VistaTaskDialogButton> lst = new List<VistaTaskDialogButton>();
              string[] arr = RadioButtons.Split(new char[] { '|' });
              for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
              VistaTaskDialogButton button = new VistaTaskDialogButton();
              button.ButtonId = 1000 + i;
              button.ButtonText = arr[i];
            catch (FormatException)
              vtd.RadioButtons = lst.ToArray();
              vtd.NoDefaultRadioButton = (DefaultIndex == -1);
              if (DefaultIndex >= 0)
            vtd.DefaultRadioButton = DefaultIndex;

            // Custom Buttons
            if (CommandButtons != "")
              List<VistaTaskDialogButton> lst = new List<VistaTaskDialogButton>();
              string[] arr = CommandButtons.Split(new char[] { '|' });
              for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
              VistaTaskDialogButton button = new VistaTaskDialogButton();
              button.ButtonId = 2000 + i;
              button.ButtonText = arr[i];
            catch (FormatException)
              vtd.Buttons = lst.ToArray();
              if (DefaultIndex >= 0)
            vtd.DefaultButton = DefaultIndex;

            switch (Buttons)
              case eTaskDialogButtons.YesNo:
            vtd.CommonButtons = VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Yes | VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.No;
              case eTaskDialogButtons.YesNoCancel:
            vtd.CommonButtons = VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Yes | VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.No | VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel;
              case eTaskDialogButtons.OKCancel:
            vtd.CommonButtons = VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok | VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel;
              case eTaskDialogButtons.OK:
            vtd.CommonButtons = VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok;
              case eTaskDialogButtons.Close:
            vtd.CommonButtons = VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Close;
              case eTaskDialogButtons.Cancel:
            vtd.CommonButtons = VistaTaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel;
            vtd.CommonButtons = 0;

            switch (MainIcon)
              case eSysIcons.Information: vtd.MainIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Information; break;
              case eSysIcons.Question: vtd.MainIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Information; break;
              case eSysIcons.Warning: vtd.MainIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Warning; break;
              case eSysIcons.Error: vtd.MainIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Error; break;

            switch (FooterIcon)
              case eSysIcons.Information: vtd.FooterIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Information; break;
              case eSysIcons.Question: vtd.FooterIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Information; break;
              case eSysIcons.Warning: vtd.FooterIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Warning; break;
              case eSysIcons.Error: vtd.FooterIcon = VistaTaskDialogIcon.Error; break;

            vtd.EnableHyperlinks = false;
            vtd.ShowProgressBar = false;
            vtd.AllowDialogCancellation = (Buttons == eTaskDialogButtons.Cancel ||
                                       Buttons == eTaskDialogButtons.Close ||
                                       Buttons == eTaskDialogButtons.OKCancel ||
                                       Buttons == eTaskDialogButtons.YesNoCancel);
            vtd.CallbackTimer = false;
            vtd.ExpandedByDefault = false;
            vtd.ExpandFooterArea = false;
            vtd.PositionRelativeToWindow = true;
            vtd.RightToLeftLayout = false;
            vtd.NoDefaultRadioButton = false;
            vtd.CanBeMinimized = false;
            vtd.ShowMarqueeProgressBar = false;
            vtd.UseCommandLinks = (CommandButtons != "");
            vtd.UseCommandLinksNoIcon = false;
            vtd.VerificationText = VerificationText;
            vtd.VerificationFlagChecked = false;
            vtd.ExpandedControlText = "Hide details";
            vtd.CollapsedControlText = "Show details";
            vtd.Callback = null;

            // Show the Dialog
            result = (DialogResult)vtd.Show((vtd.CanBeMinimized ? null : Owner), out VerificationChecked, out RadioButtonResult);

            // if a command button was clicked, then change return result
            // to "DialogResult.OK" and set the CommandButtonResult
            if ((int)result >= 2000)
              CommandButtonResult = ((int)result - 2000);
              result = DialogResult.OK;
            if (RadioButtonResult >= 1000)
              RadioButtonResult -= 1000;  // deduct the ButtonID start value for radio buttons
            // [OPTION 2] Show Emulated Form
            using (frmTaskDialog td = new frmTaskDialog())
              td.Title = Title;
              td.MainInstruction = MainInstruction;
              td.Content = Content;
              td.ExpandedInfo = ExpandedInfo;
              td.Footer = Footer;
              td.RadioButtons = RadioButtons;
              td.CommandButtons = CommandButtons;
              td.Buttons = Buttons;
              td.MainIcon = MainIcon;
              td.FooterIcon = FooterIcon;
              td.VerificationText = VerificationText;
              td.Width = EmulatedFormWidth;
              td.DefaultButtonIndex = DefaultIndex;
              result = td.ShowDialog(Owner);

              RadioButtonResult = td.RadioButtonIndex;
              CommandButtonResult = td.CommandButtonClickedIndex;
              VerificationChecked = td.VerificationCheckBoxChecked;
              if (OnTaskDialogClosed != null)
            OnTaskDialogClosed(null, EventArgs.Empty);
              return result;