        private static Dictionary <ulong, NodeDataDTO> GetSIBlockData(SIBLOCK siblock, PSTFile pst)
            var ret = new Dictionary <ulong, NodeDataDTO>();

            foreach (var entry in siblock.Entries)
                var curSLBlockBBT = pst.GetBlockBBTEntry(entry.SLBlockBID);
                var slblock       = new SLBLOCK(pst.Header.isUnicode, BlockBO.GetBBTEntryData(curSLBlockBBT, pst)[0]);
                var data          = BlockBO.GetSLBlockData(slblock, pst);
                foreach (var item in data)
                    ret.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

        //gets all the data for an SL block.  an SL block points directly to all the immediate subnodes
        private static Dictionary <ulong, NodeDataDTO> GetSLBlockData(SLBLOCK slblock, PSTFile pst)
            var ret = new Dictionary <ulong, NodeDataDTO>();

            foreach (var entry in slblock.Entries)
                //this data should represent the main data part of the subnode
                var data = BlockBO.GetBBTEntryData(pst.GetBlockBBTEntry(entry.SubNodeBID), pst);
                var cur  = new NodeDataDTO {
                    NodeData = data
                ret.Add(entry.SubNodeNID, cur);

                //see if there are sub nodes of this current sub node
                if (entry.SubSubNodeBID != 0)
                    //if there are subnodes, treat them like any other subnode
                    cur.SubNodeData = GetSubNodeData(pst.GetBlockBBTEntry(entry.SubSubNodeBID), pst);
        //gets all the data for an SL block.  an SL block points directly to all the immediate subnodes
        private static Dictionary<ulong, NodeDataDTO> GetSLBlockData(SLBLOCK slblock, PSTFile pst)
            var ret = new Dictionary<ulong, NodeDataDTO>();
            foreach(var entry in slblock.Entries)
                //this data should represent the main data part of the subnode
                var data = BlockBO.GetBBTEntryData(pst.GetBlockBBTEntry(entry.SubNodeBID), pst);
                var cur = new NodeDataDTO {NodeData = data};
                ret.Add(entry.SubNodeNID, cur);

                //see if there are sub nodes of this current sub node
                if (entry.SubSubNodeBID != 0)
                    //if there are subnodes, treat them like any other subnode
                    cur.SubNodeData = GetSubNodeData(pst.GetBlockBBTEntry(entry.SubSubNodeBID), pst);

            return ret;
        private static Dictionary<ulong, NodeDataDTO> GetSIBlockData(SIBLOCK siblock, PSTFile pst)
            var ret = new Dictionary<ulong, NodeDataDTO>();

            foreach(var entry in siblock.Entries)
                var curSLBlockBBT = pst.GetBlockBBTEntry(entry.SLBlockBID);
                var slblock = new SLBLOCK(BlockBO.GetBBTEntryData(curSLBlockBBT, pst)[0]);
                var data = BlockBO.GetSLBlockData(slblock, pst);
                foreach(var item in data)
                    ret.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

            return ret;