public void Consoles() { PS3API PS3 = new PS3API(SelectAPI.ControlConsole); Dictionary <IPAddress, PhysicalAddress> all = GetAllDevicesOnLAN(); IPList ip = new IPList(); foreach (KeyValuePair <IPAddress, PhysicalAddress> kvp in all) { Thread.Sleep(100); string infos = "IP: " + kvp.Key + Environment.NewLine + "Mac: " + kvp.Value; string fullmacaddress = Convert.ToString(kvp.Value); fullmacaddress = fullmacaddress.Substring(0, 6); // if (PS3OUIs.Contains(fullmacaddress)) // { // IPList ip = new IPList(); MACIP = kvp.Key.ToString(); // ip.ipmac = ip.ipmac + kvp.Key + ", " + kvp.Value; List <String> iplist = new List <String>(); iplist.Add(kvp.Key.ToString() + " - " + kvp.Value.ToString()); foreach (string ips in iplist) { ip.ipmac = new string[] { ips }; } } ip.Show(); }
public void CCAPIConnect() { PS3API PS3 = new PS3API(SelectAPI.ControlConsole); Dictionary <IPAddress, PhysicalAddress> all = GetAllDevicesOnLAN(); foreach (KeyValuePair <IPAddress, PhysicalAddress> kvp in all) { Thread.Sleep(100); //"IP : {0}\n MAC {1}" + string infos = "IP: " + kvp.Key + Environment.NewLine + "Mac: " + kvp.Value; // MessageBox.Show(infos); // consoleandmacs = new [] { infos }; // // MessageBox.Show(infos); string fullmacaddress = Convert.ToString(kvp.Value); fullmacaddress = fullmacaddress.Substring(0, 6); /* * if (fullmacaddress.Length >= 6) * { * fullmacaddress = fullmacaddress.Substring(0, 6); * } * else * { * try * { * fullmacaddress = fullmacaddress.Substring(0, 3); * } * catch * { * MessageBox.Show("Error getting Macaddresses on the Network!"); * MessageBox.Show(fullmacaddress); * } * }*/ if (PS3OUIs.Contains(fullmacaddress)) { MACIP = kvp.Key.ToString(); if (PS3.ConnectTarget(MACIP)) { CCAPIConnection = true; PS3.CCAPI.RingBuzzer(CCAPI.BuzzerMode.Double); // PS3.CCAPI.BaSs_HaXoRwazHere(); this.MACIP = kvp.Key.ToString(); return; } else { CCAPIConnection = false; //MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to Console!"); // PS3.ConnectTarget(""); //PS3.CCAPI.Notify(CCAPI.NotifyIcon.WRONGWAY, "Failed!"); } } else { // MessageBox.Show("No PS3 Consoles found on your Network!"); } } }
// public string[] searchNetwork() { PS3API PS3 = new PS3API(SelectAPI.ControlConsole); Dictionary <IPAddress, PhysicalAddress> all = GetAllDevicesOnLAN(); foreach (KeyValuePair <IPAddress, PhysicalAddress> kvp in all) { string Consoles = "";//clear console string infos = "IP: " + kvp.Key + Environment.NewLine + "Mac: " + kvp.Value; // string fullmacaddress = Convert.ToString(kvp.Value); fullmacaddress = fullmacaddress.Substring(0, 6); MessageBox.Show("IPaddress: " + kvp.Key + Environment.NewLine + "MAC: " + kvp.Value); if (PS3OUIs.Contains(fullmacaddress)) { string[] consoleandmacs = null; string ip = Convert.ToString(kvp.Key); string mac = Convert.ToString(kvp.Value); Consoles = Consoles + ip + Environment.NewLine + mac + " "; consoleandmacs = new[] { Consoles }; MessageBox.Show("" + kvp.Key); } } return(new string[0]); }
public ConsoleList(PS3API f) { Api = f; data = Api.CCAPI.GetConsoleList(); }
// Token: 0x06000CE1 RID: 3297 RVA: 0x000406EC File Offset: 0x0003E8EC public ConsoleList(PS3API f) { this.Api = f; = this.Api.CCAPI.GetConsoleList(); }