private void btnCut_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _numberOfPastes = 0; if (_selectedFigures.Count != 0) { nothingToPaste = false; cutOrCopy = cutOrCopyMode.cut; cuttedOrCopiedArcs.Clear(); cuttedOrCopiedFigures.Clear(); cuttedOrCopiedFigures.AddRange(_selectedFigures); cuttedOrCopiedArcs.AddRange(_selectedArcs); List <PetriNetNode> cuttedF = new List <PetriNetNode>(); List <VArc> cuttedA = new List <VArc>(); cuttedF.AddRange(cuttedOrCopiedFigures); cuttedA.AddRange(cuttedOrCopiedArcs); List <VArc> impl = new List <VArc>(); AddThisArcsToListOfCuttedArcs(cuttedOrCopiedFigures, impl); List <PetriNetNode> cutF = new List <PetriNetNode>(); List <VArc> cutA = new List <VArc>(); cutF.AddRange(cuttedOrCopiedFigures); cutA.AddRange(impl); UnselectFigures();//(selectedFigures, selectedArcs); List <PetriNetNode> old = new List <PetriNetNode>(); foreach (PetriNetNode figure in cutF) { PetriNetNode f = PetriNetNode.Create(); f.CoordX = figure.CoordX; f.CoordY = figure.CoordY; f.Id = figure.Id; old.Add(f); } CutFigures(cutF, cutA); CutCommand newCommand = new CutCommand(cuttedF, old, cuttedA, impl); Command.ExecutedCommands.Push(newCommand); Command.CanceledCommands.Clear(); HideAllProperties(); } else { nothingToPaste = true; } TurnOnSelectMode(); }
public VArc(PetriNetNode first, PetriNetNode second) { //TODO Здесь очень большая опасность в случае сетей Петри! //TODO Можно засунуть неправильную сеть //TODO сейчас проверяю при создании сети вообще //Debug.Assert(((first is Place) && (second is Place)) || ((first is Transition) && (second is Transition)), "first and second must be of different types"); From = first; To = second; Counter++;//какой ужас! в конструкторе!!! Id = "arc" + Counter; Weight = "1"; }
public void ShowProperties(PetriNetNode selected) { lblID.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblIDValue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblName.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; tbName.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; btnOkName.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblIngoingArcs.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBoxIngoinArcs.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblOutgoinArcs.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBoxOutgoingArcs.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; lblIDValue.Content = selected.Id; tbName.Text = selected.Label; VPlace place = selected as VPlace; if (place != null) { ShowOnlyPlaceProperties(); tbTokenNumber.Text = place.NumberOfTokens.ToString(); } else //HideOnlyPlaceProperties(); { VTransition transition = selected as VTransition; ShowOnlyTransitionProperties(); tbPriority.Text = transition.Priority.ToString(); } textBoxIngoinArcs.Clear(); textBoxOutgoingArcs.Clear(); foreach (VArc a in selected.ThisArcs) { VArc arc = a; if (a.To != selected) { textBoxOutgoingArcs.Text += arc.To.Id + "\n"; } else { textBoxIngoinArcs.Text += arc.From.Id + "\n"; } } }
public void RemoveNode(PetriNetNode node) { node.IsSelect = false; VPlace place = node as VPlace; if (place != null) { //Net.places.Remove(place); VPlace selPlace = place; MainModelCanvas.Children.Remove(selPlace.NumberOfTokensLabel); while (selPlace.TokensList.Count != 0) { MainModelCanvas.Children.Remove(selPlace.TokensList[0]); selPlace.TokensList.RemoveAt(0); } } // else // Net.transitions.Remove(selected as Transition); DeleteArcs(node.ThisArcs); //selected.ThisArcs.Clear(); var objectToRemove = GetKeyByValueForFigures(node); _allFiguresObjectReferences.Remove(objectToRemove); Shape shapeToRemove = objectToRemove as Shape; if (shapeToRemove != null) { shapeToRemove.Stroke = Brushes.Black; MainModelCanvas.Children.Remove(shapeToRemove); } Label labelForRemove; NodesToLabelsInCanvas.TryGetValue(node, out labelForRemove); MainModelCanvas.Children.Remove(labelForRemove); Net.RemoveNode(node); }
public ChangeNameCommand(PetriNetNode figure, string oldN, string newN) { namedFigure = figure; oldName = oldN; newName = newN; }
public AddFigureCommand(PetriNetNode thisFigure, Shape thisShape) { newFigure = thisFigure; shape = thisShape; }
public static List <VArc> OpenGraphMl(XmlDocument graphmlDoc, out bool exc) { var returnArcs = new List <VArc>(); keys.Clear(); exc = false; XmlNode graph = null; if (graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.LastChild.Name == "graph") { graph = graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.LastChild; } for (var i = 0; i < graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { if (graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].Name != "key") { continue; } string keyId = null, keyValue = null; for (var j = 0; j < graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].Attributes.Count; j++) { switch (graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].Attributes[j].Name) { case "id": keyId = graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].Attributes[j].Value; break; case "": keyValue = graphmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[i].Attributes[j].Value; break; } } if (!keys.ContainsKey(keyId)) { keys.Add(keyId, keyValue); } } bool isArcsDirectedByDefault = false; if (graph == null) { MessageBox.Show("Node 'graph' is missed, check the file"); exc = true; return(returnArcs); } else if (graph.LastChild.Name == "edgedefault") { if (graph.LastChild.Value == "directed") { isArcsDirectedByDefault = true; } } XmlNodeList graphObjects = graph.ChildNodes; if (graphObjects.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There are no nodes in the graph, check the file"); exc = true; return(returnArcs); } foreach (XmlNode node in graphObjects) { var id = ""; if (node.Name == "node") { for (int i = 0; i < node.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (node.Attributes[i].Name == "id") { id = node.Attributes[i].Value; } } VPlace place = VPlace.Create(0, 0); place.Id = id; PNEditorControl.Net.places.Add(place); //SetOfFigures.Figures.Add(place); } else if (node.Name == "edge") { } else { MessageBox.Show("The file contains element with foreign name, it will be ignored, check the file"); } } if (PNEditorControl.Net.Nodes.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There are no nodes in the graph, check the file"); exc = true; return(returnArcs); } else { foreach (XmlNode node in graphObjects) { if (node.Name != "edge") { continue; } PetriNetNode from = null, to = null; string fromId = null, toId = null, id = null, directed = null; for (int i = 0; i < node.Attributes.Count; i++) { switch (node.Attributes[i].Name) { case "source": fromId = node.Attributes[i].Value; break; case "target": toId = node.Attributes[i].Value; break; case "id": id = node.Attributes[i].Value; break; case "directed": directed = node.Attributes[i].Value; break; } } double weight = 0; if (node.FirstChild != null) { var data = node.FirstChild; for (var i = 0; i < data.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (data.Attributes[i].Name != "key") { continue; } string weightValue; keys.TryGetValue(data.Attributes[i].Value, out weightValue); if (weightValue == "weight") { double.TryParse(data.InnerText.Replace('.', ','), out weight); } } } foreach (var figure in PNEditorControl.Net.Nodes) { if (figure.Id == fromId) { from = figure; } else if (figure.Id == toId) { to = figure; } } var arc = new VArc(from, to) { Weight = weight > 1 ? weight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "1", Id = id }; if (directed != null) { arc.IsDirected = directed == "true"; } else { arc.IsDirected = isArcsDirectedByDefault; } returnArcs.Add(arc); } } return(returnArcs); }
private object GetKeyByValueForFigures(PetriNetNode el) { return((from ex in _allFiguresObjectReferences where ex.Value.Equals(el) select ex.Key).FirstOrDefault()); }
/// <summary> /// Read model from PNML /// </summary> /// <param name="pnmlDoc">pnml document</param> /// <param name="exc">shows whether any mistakes has been detected</param> public static List <VArc> OpenPnml(XmlDocument pnmlDoc, out bool exc) { var returnArcs = new List <VArc>(); exc = false; XmlNode net = null; if (pnmlDoc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Name == "net") { net = pnmlDoc.DocumentElement.FirstChild; } if (net == null) { MessageBox.Show("Node 'net' is missed, check the file"); exc = true; return(returnArcs); } XmlNode page = null; for (var i = 0; i < net.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { if (net.ChildNodes[i].Name == "page") { page = net.ChildNodes[i]; } } if (page == null) { MessageBox.Show("Node 'page' is missed, check the file"); exc = true; return(returnArcs); } var petriNetObjects = page.ChildNodes; if (petriNetObjects.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There are no nodes in the net, check the file"); exc = true; return(returnArcs); } foreach (XmlNode figure in petriNetObjects) { string id = "", name = ""; int numberOfTokens = 0; double x = -1, y = -1; if (figure.Name == "place" || figure.Name == "transition") { for (var i = 0; i < figure.Attributes.Count; i++) { if (figure.Attributes[i].Name == "id") { id = figure.Attributes[i].Value; } } var figureNodes = figure.ChildNodes; //todo Какой-то очень стремный кусок кода. Нужно рефакторить for (int i = 0; i < figureNodes.Count; i++) { if (figureNodes[i].Name == "name") { name = figureNodes[i].FirstChild.InnerText; } else if (figureNodes[i].Name == "graphics") { for (int j = 0; j < figureNodes[i].ChildNodes.Count; j++) { if (figureNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].Name == "position") { for (int k = 0; k < figureNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].Attributes.Count; k++) { if (figureNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].Attributes[k].Name == "x") { if (double.TryParse(figureNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].Attributes[k].Value.Replace('.', ','), out x) == false || x < 0) { x = 0; MessageBox.Show("Node " + id + " has incorrect x-coordinate(it will be assumed as 0)"); } } else if (figureNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].Attributes[k].Name == "y") { if (double.TryParse(figureNodes[i].ChildNodes[j].Attributes[k].Value.Replace('.', ','), out y) == false || y < 0) { y = 0; MessageBox.Show("Node " + id + " has incorrect y-coordinate(it will be assumed as 0)"); } } } } } } else if (figureNodes[i].Name == "initialMarking") { if (int.TryParse(figureNodes[i].FirstChild.InnerText, out numberOfTokens) == false) { numberOfTokens = 0; MessageBox.Show("Place " + id + " has incorrect number of tokens(it will be assumed as 0)"); } } } if (figure.Name == "place") { var place = VPlace.Create(x, y); place.Id = id; place.Label = name; place.NumberOfTokens = numberOfTokens; PNEditorControl.Net.places.Add(place); //SetOfFigures.Figures.Add(place); } else { var transition = VTransition.Create(x, y); transition.Id = id; transition.Label = name; PNEditorControl.Net.transitions.Add(transition); //SetOfFigures.Figures.Add(transition); } } else if (figure.Name == "arc") { } else { MessageBox.Show("The file contains element with foreign name, it will be ignored, check the file"); } } if (PNEditorControl.Net.Nodes.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There are no nodes in the net, check the file"); exc = true; return(returnArcs); } else { foreach (XmlNode figure in petriNetObjects) { if (figure.Name != "arc") { continue; } PetriNetNode from = null, to = null; string fromId = null, toId = null, id = null; for (var i = 0; i < figure.Attributes.Count; i++) { switch (figure.Attributes[i].Name) { case "source": fromId = figure.Attributes[i].Value; break; case "target": toId = figure.Attributes[i].Value; break; case "id": id = figure.Attributes[i].Value; break; } } var arcWeight = 1; if (figure.FirstChild != null) { if (figure.FirstChild.Name == "name") { int.TryParse(figure.FirstChild.FirstChild.FirstChild.InnerText, out arcWeight); } } foreach (var f in PNEditorControl.Net.Nodes) { if (f.Id == fromId) { from = f; } else if (f.Id == toId) { to = f; } } var arc = new VArc(from, to) { Weight = arcWeight.ToString(), Id = id, IsDirected = true }; returnArcs.Add(arc); } } return(returnArcs); }
public List <VArc> GetIngoingArcs(PetriNetNode figure) { return(figure.ThisArcs.Where(t => t.To == figure).ToList()); }