public override void Visit(NilProcess np)
     if (np.Parent is NonDeterministicChoice) {
         _warnings.Add(new Warning(np.LexicalInfo, "Nil process will never be chosen in non deterministic choice. P+0 == 0"));
         np.IsUsed = false;
     } else if (np.Parent is ParallelComposition) {
         _warnings.Add(new Warning(np.LexicalInfo, "A nil process has no effect in parallel composition. P | 0 == 0"));
         np.IsUsed = false;
     } else if (np.Parent is ProcessDefinition) {
         string procName = ((ProcessDefinition)np.Parent).Name;
         _warnings.Add(new Warning(np.Parent.LexicalInfo, "Process " + procName + " has no effect and can be replaced with the nil process as appropriate"));
 void ActionPrefix(out Process proc, string locality)
     Process nextproc = new NilProcess(); proc = null; Action action = null;
     if (la.kind == 17 || la.kind == 19 || la.kind == 20) {
     Action(out action, locality);
     if (la.kind == 13) {
         ActionPrefix(out nextproc, locality);
     proc = new ActionPrefix(action, nextproc); CopyPos(proc, action, t);
     } else if (la.kind == 14) {
     Process(out proc, locality);
     } else if (la.kind == 16) {
     proc = new NilProcess(); SetPos(proc, t);
     } else SynErr(27);
 public virtual void Visit(NilProcess node)
 void ActionPrefix(out Process proc)
     ActionPrefix ap = null; ActionPrefix prev = null; ActionPrefix first = null; Process nextProc = null; ProcessConstant pc; proc = null; Action act = null;
     while (la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5 || la.kind == 6) {
     Token startAction = la;
     Action(out act);
     ap = new ActionPrefix(act, null); SetStartPos(ap,startAction); if (first == null) first = ap; if (prev != null) { prev.Process = ap;} prev = ap;
     SetPos(act, startAction, t);
     if (la.kind == 10) {
     Process(out nextProc);
     } else if (la.kind == 17) {
     nextProc = new NilProcess(); SetPos(nextProc, t);
     } else if (la.kind == 1) {
     ProcessConstantInvoke(out pc);
     nextProc = pc;
     } else if (la.kind == 18) {
     BranchProcess(out nextProc);
     } else SynErr(42);
     if (first == null) proc = nextProc; else {ap.Process = nextProc; proc = first;};
     if (la.kind == 21) {
     PreProcessActions ppa = null;
     Relabelling(out ppa);
     nextProc.PreProcessActions = ppa;
     if (la.kind == 24) {
     ActionRestrictions ar = null;
     Restriction(out ar);
     nextProc.ActionRestrictions = ar;
 public override void Visit(NilProcess node)
     List<string> children = PopChildren();
     Return("0" + children[0] + children[1]);
 public virtual string Format(NilProcess np)
     return "0";