public SearchTransaction(IBL BL) { this.itsBL = BL; string cmd; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("search transaction by :"); Console.WriteLine("\t1. transaction ID "); Console.WriteLine("\t2. date time "); Console.WriteLine("\t3. is a return "); Console.WriteLine("\t4. payment method "); Console.WriteLine("\t5. gat all transaction "); Console.WriteLine("\t6. back "); Console.WriteLine("\t7. back to main menu "); cmd = Console.ReadLine(); switch (cmd) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID you want to search (notice! must be numbers): "); string tID = Console.ReadLine(); while (!(InputCheck.isInt(tID))) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid ID. \n try again"); tID = Console.ReadLine(); } List <object> tIDList = itsBL.queryByString(Classes.Transaction, stringFields.transactionID, tID); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("row. Transaction ID|Transaction Date Time|Is a Return|Payment Method"); List <Transaction> newList1 = tIDList.Cast <Transaction>().ToList(); if (newList1.LongCount() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no items to show"); } int counterI = 1; foreach (Transaction t in newList1) { Console.WriteLine(counterI + ". " + t.TransactionID.ToString() + " | " + t.DateTime.ToString() + " | " + t.Is_a_return.ToString() + " | " + t.PaymentMethod.ToString()); // print the list on the screen counterI++; } subMenu whatNext1 = new subMenu(itsBL); whatNext1.Menu("3", counterI, tIDList); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("Choose an option: "); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Search for specific date "); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Search range of dates "); string search = Console.ReadLine(); string fromValue = DateTime.MinValue.ToString(); string toValue = DateTime.MaxValue.ToString(); bool ans = false; while (!ans) { switch (search) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("enter the date: "); Console.Write("Year: "); string year = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Month: "); string month = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Day: "); string day = Console.ReadLine(); fromValue = (day + "/" + month + "/" + year); toValue = (day + "/" + month + "/" + year); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("enter from when to search: "); Console.Write("Year: "); string fromYear = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Month: "); string fromMonth = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Day: "); string fromDay = Console.ReadLine(); fromValue = (fromDay + "/" + fromMonth + "/" + fromYear); Console.WriteLine("enter until when to search: "); Console.Write("Year: "); string toYear = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Month: "); string toMonth = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Day: "); string toDay = Console.ReadLine(); toValue = (toDay + "/" + toMonth + "/" + toYear); break; default: Console.WriteLine("You perform illegal move, please choose 1 or 2"); Thread.Sleep(2400); break; } try { bool ans1 = InputCheck.isDateTime(fromValue); bool ans2 = InputCheck.isDateTime(toValue); ans = ans1 || ans2; } catch (Exception e) { print(e.Message, "\n ERROR: "); // inform the user Console.ReadKey(); } } List <object> dateList = itsBL.queryByRange(Classes.Transaction, rangeFields.dateTime, fromValue, toValue); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("row. Transaction ID|Transaction Date Time|Is a Return|Payment Method"); List <Transaction> newList2 = dateList.Cast <Transaction>().ToList(); if (newList2.LongCount() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no items to show"); } int counterD = 1; foreach (Transaction t in newList2) { Console.WriteLine(counterD + ". " + t.TransactionID.ToString() + " | " + t.DateTime.ToString() + " | " + t.Is_a_return.ToString() + " | " + t.PaymentMethod.ToString()); // print the list on the screen counterD++; } subMenu whatNext2 = new subMenu(itsBL); whatNext2.Menu("3", counterD, dateList); break; case "3": Console.WriteLine("choose an option: "); Console.WriteLine("\t1. show all the transaction that returned "); Console.WriteLine("\t2. show all the transaction that didn't reurn "); string tReturn = Console.ReadLine(); string tIsReturn = ""; switch (tReturn) { case "1": tIsReturn = "true"; break; case "2": tIsReturn = "false"; break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have performed an illegal move, please enter 1 or 2"); Thread.Sleep(2400); break; } List <object> isReturnList = itsBL.queryByString(Classes.Transaction, stringFields.is_A_Return, tIsReturn); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("row. Transaction ID|Transaction Date Time|Is a Return|Payment Method"); List <Transaction> newList3 = isReturnList.Cast <Transaction>().ToList(); if (newList3.LongCount() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no items to show"); } int counterR = 1; foreach (Transaction t in newList3) { Console.WriteLine(counterR + ". " + t.TransactionID.ToString() + " | " + t.DateTime.ToString() + " | " + t.Is_a_return.ToString() + " | " + t.PaymentMethod.ToString()); // print the list on the screenn counterR++; } subMenu whatNext3 = new subMenu(itsBL); whatNext3.Menu("3", counterR, isReturnList); break; case "4": Console.WriteLine("Choose the number of the payment method that you want to search by: "); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Cash \n\t 2. Credit \n\t 3. Check "); string tPay = Console.ReadLine(); string tPayment = ""; switch (tPay) { case "1": tPayment = "Cash"; break; case "2": tPayment = "Credit"; break; case "3": tPayment = "Check"; break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have to choose number between 1 to 3"); Thread.Sleep(2400); break; } List <object> paymentList = itsBL.queryByString(Classes.Transaction, stringFields.paymentMethod, tPayment); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("row. Transaction ID|Transaction Date Time|Is a Return|Payment Method"); List <Transaction> newList4 = paymentList.Cast <Transaction>().ToList(); if (newList4.LongCount() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no items to show"); } int counterP = 1; foreach (Transaction t in newList4) { Console.WriteLine(counterP + ". " + t.TransactionID.ToString() + " | " + t.DateTime.ToString() + " | " + t.Is_a_return.ToString() + " | " + t.PaymentMethod.ToString()); // print the list on the screen counterP++; } subMenu whatNext4 = new subMenu(itsBL); whatNext4.Menu("3", counterP, paymentList); break; case "5": List <Transaction> newList5 = itsBL.getAllTransaction().Transactionss; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("row. Transaction ID|Transaction Date Time|Is a Return|Payment Method"); if (newList5.LongCount() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no items to show"); } int counterA = 1; foreach (Transaction t in newList5) { Console.WriteLine(counterA + ". " + t.TransactionID.ToString() + " | " + t.DateTime.ToString() + " | " + t.Is_a_return.ToString() + " | " + t.PaymentMethod.ToString()); // print the list on the screen counterA++; } List <object> allList = newList5.Cast <object>().ToList(); subMenu whatNext5 = new subMenu(itsBL); whatNext5.Menu("3", counterA, allList); break; case "6": Search back = new Search(itsBL);; break; case "7": MainMenu moveToMenu = new MainMenu(itsBL); break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have performed an illegal move, please enter a number between 1-7"); Thread.Sleep(2400); break; } } }