public List<Breed> GetBreedList(int sid, PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { List<Breed> lstReturn = null; string cacheKey = string.Concat("$BreedList_sid$" ,sid); object CachedList = m_Cache.Get(cacheKey) as List<Breed>; if (CachedList == null)//get from the service { CoreServiceReference.CoreServiceClient cs = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetBreedListRequest cRequest = new CoreServiceGetBreedListRequest(); cRequest.SpeciesId = sid; CoreServiceGetBreedListResponse cbResponse = cs.GetBreedList(cRequest); //insert select breed on the top if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbResponse.Error.ErrorText))//check error { if (cbResponse.Breeds != null) { lstReturn = ModifyMixedBreed(sid, cbResponse.Breeds); m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, lstReturn); } } else { lstReturn = null; LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "Error during getting breed list", cbResponse.Error.ErrorText, mCustomer); ///Test email server //le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", msg, "<hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch (Exception ex) { ///Test email server //lblError.Text = ex.ToString(); try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } } } else { lstReturn = (List<Breed>)CachedList; } return lstReturn; }
private void LoggingError(string ops, string msg) { LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(this.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, string.Concat("Error during ", ops), msg, mCustomer); } catch (Exception ex) { try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } }
private void DisplayError(string ops, string msg, bool bDisplay) { if (bDisplay) { if (mCustomer != null) lblError.Text = string.Format((string)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FriendlyErrorMsg"], ops, mCustomer.CallCenter); else lblError.Text = string.Format((string)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FriendlyErrorMsg"], ops, "855-270-PETS(7387)"); } LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(this.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, ops, msg, mCustomer);//log to table } catch (Exception ex1) { try//log failed, send out email { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex1.ToString(), "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } }
public PetColor[] GetColorList(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { PetColor[] lstReturn = null; string cacheKey = "$ColorList$"; object CachedList = m_Cache.Get(cacheKey) as PetColor[]; if (CachedList == null)//get from the service { CoreServiceReference.CoreServiceClient cs = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetColorListResponse ccResponse = cs.GetColorList(); //insert select breed on the top if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ccResponse.Error.ErrorText))//check error { if (ccResponse.Colors !=null) { lstReturn = ccResponse.Colors; m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, lstReturn); } } else { lstReturn = null; LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "Error during getting color list", ccResponse.Error.ErrorText, mCustomer); ///Test email server //le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", msg, "<hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch (Exception ex) { ///Test email server //lblError.Text = ex.ToString(); try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } } } else { lstReturn = (PetColor[])CachedList; } return lstReturn; }
public List<MilitaryStatus> GetMilitaryStatusList(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { List<MilitaryStatus> lstReturn = new List<MilitaryStatus>(); string cacheKey = "$MilitaryStatusList$"; object CachedList = m_Cache.Get(cacheKey) as List<MilitaryBranch>; if (CachedList == null)//get from the service { CoreServiceReference.CoreServiceClient cs = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetMilitaryStatusResponse ccResponse = cs.GetMilitaryStatusList(); foreach (MilitaryStatus ms in ccResponse.Status) { lstReturn.Add(ms); } if (lstReturn.Count > 0) { m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, lstReturn); } else { lstReturn = null; LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "Error retreiving military status", ccResponse.Error.ErrorText, mCustomer); ///Test email server //le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", msg, "<hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch (Exception ex) { ///Test email server //lblError.Text = ex.ToString(); try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } } } else { lstReturn = (List<MilitaryStatus>)CachedList; } return lstReturn; }
private void displayError(string ops, string msg, Label lbl) { LogException le = new LogException(); try { if (lbl != null && mCustomer != null) lbl.Text = string.Format((string)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FriendlyErrorMsg"], ops, mCustomer.CallCenter); else if (lbl != null) lbl.Text = string.Format((string)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FriendlyErrorMsg"], ops, "855-270-PETS (7387)"); le.LogError(this.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, string.Concat("Error during ", ops), msg, mCustomer); ///Test email server //le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", msg, "<hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch (Exception ex) { try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } }
private void displayApplyError(string ops, string msg) { LogException le = new LogException(); try { lblApplyError.Text = string.Format((string)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FriendlyErrorMsg"], ops, mCustomer.CallCenter); le.LogError(this.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, string.Concat("Error during ", ops), msg, mCustomer); } catch (Exception ex) { ///Test email server //lblError.Text = ex.ToString(); try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } }