public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string returnStr = ""; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); string pl_nameStr = context.Request.Form["pl_name"]; pl_nameStr = pl_nameStr.Trim().ToUpper(); string codeStr = context.Request.Form["code"]; codeStr = codeStr.ToUpper().Trim(); string addressStr = context.Request.Form["address"]; addressStr = addressStr.Trim(); string workshop_idStr = context.Request.Form["workshop_id"]; string owneridStr = context.Request.Form["ownerid"]; string remarkStr = context.Request.Form["remark"]; remarkStr = remarkStr.Trim(); string create_timeStr = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string update_time = create_timeStr; SqlConnection mycon = null; SqlCommand mycom = null; mycon = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); try { mycon.Open(); mycom = mycon.CreateCommand(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Clear(); sb.Append("if not exists(select id from ProductLine_Management where pl_name='" + pl_nameStr + "')\n"); sb.Append("begin\n"); sb.Append("insert into ProductLine_Management(pl_name,code,address,workshop_id,ownerid,remark,create_by,create_time,update_by,update_time)\n"); sb.Append("values(N'" + pl_nameStr + "',N'" + codeStr + "',N'" + addressStr + "','" + workshop_idStr + "','" + owneridStr + "',N'" + remarkStr + "','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + create_timeStr + "','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + update_time + "')\n"); sb.Append("end\n"); mycom.CommandText = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); int ret = mycom.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (ret < 1) { returnStr = "线别已存在,请确认!"; } else { returnStr = "OK"; } } catch (Exception msg) { returnStr = msg.Message; } finally { if (mycon.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { mycon.Close(); } mycon = null; } context.Response.Write(returnStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string returnStr = ""; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); string idStr = context.Request.Form["input_id"]; string nameStr = context.Request.Form["name"]; nameStr = nameStr.Trim(); string usernameStr = context.Request.Form["username"]; usernameStr = usernameStr.Trim().ToLower(); string opidStr = context.Request.Form["opid"]; opidStr = opidStr.Trim().ToUpper(); string passwordStr = context.Request.Form["password"]; passwordStr = passwordStr.Trim(); string deptStr = context.Request.Form["dept"]; deptStr = deptStr.Trim(); string postStr = context.Request.Form["post"]; postStr = postStr.Trim(); string telephoneStr = context.Request.Form["telephone"]; telephoneStr = telephoneStr.Trim(); string emailStr = context.Request.Form["email"]; emailStr = emailStr.Trim().ToLower(); string weixin_noStr = context.Request.Form["weixin_no"]; weixin_noStr = weixin_noStr.Trim(); string user_stateStr = "1"; string create_timeStr = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string update_time = create_timeStr; SqlConnection mycon = null; SqlCommand mycom = null; SqlDataReader dr = null; mycon = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); try { mycon.Open(); mycom = mycon.CreateCommand(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Clear(); if (idStr == "0") { sb.Append("if not exists(select user_id from User_Manage where username='******' or opid='" + opidStr + "')\n"); sb.Append("begin\n"); sb.Append("insert into User_Manage(name,username,opid,password,dept,post,telephone,email,weixin_no,user_state,create_by,create_time,update_by,update_time)\n"); sb.Append("values(N'" + nameStr + "',N'" + usernameStr + "','" + opidStr + "',N'" + passwordStr + "','" + deptStr + "','" + postStr + "','" + telephoneStr + "','" + emailStr + "','" + weixin_noStr + "','" + user_stateStr + "','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + create_timeStr + "','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + update_time + "')\n"); sb.Append("end\n"); sb.Append("select @@IDENTITY"); mycom.CommandText = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); string ret = mycom.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); if (ret != "" && ret != null) { sb.Append("insert into Auth_Manage(user_id,menu_id,power_no,power_desc,create_by,create_time,update_by,update_time)\n"); sb.Append("select '" + ret + "',menu_id,init_power,'','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' from Menu_Manage"); mycom.CommandText = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); int retCount = mycom.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (retCount > 0) { returnStr = "OK"; } else { returnStr = "用户添加成功,菜单初始权限设置失败!"; } } else { returnStr = "账号已存在,请确认!"; } } else { mycom.CommandText = "update User_Manage set name=N'" + nameStr + "',username=N'" + usernameStr + "',opid='" + opidStr + "',password=N'" + passwordStr + "',dept='" + deptStr + "',post='" + postStr + "',telephone='" + telephoneStr + "',email='" + emailStr + "',weixin_no='" + weixin_noStr + "',update_by='" + context.Session["user_id"] + "',update_time='" + update_time + "' where user_id='" + idStr + "'"; int ret = mycom.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (ret > 0) { returnStr = "OK"; } else { returnStr = "用户编辑更新失败!"; } } } catch (Exception msg) { returnStr = msg.Message; } finally { if (dr != null) { dr.Close(); } if (mycon.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { mycon.Close(); } mycon = null; } context.Response.Write(returnStr); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); int resultFlag = 0; string msgStr = ""; //首先判断登陆是否超时并返回超时信息Time Out if (context.Session.Count == 0) { msgStr = "Time Out"; } else { string firstOrNext = context.Request.Form["FirstOrNext"]; string menuID = context.Request.Form["menuID"]; mycon = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); myconT = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); try { mycon.Open(); mycom = mycon.CreateCommand(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Clear(); switch (firstOrNext) { case "0": //获取主目录 sb.Append("SELECT A.menu_id,A.menu_name,A.menu_url,A.icon,B.power_no\n"); sb.Append("FROM\n"); sb.Append("Menu_Manage A\n"); sb.Append("inner join\n"); sb.Append("Auth_Manage B\n"); sb.Append("ON A.menu_id=B.menu_id\n"); sb.Append("WHERE A.parent_id='0' AND A.menu_state='1' AND B.user_id='" + context.Session["user_id"] + "' AND B.power_no<>0\n"); sb.Append("ORDER BY A.order_num ASC"); mycom.CommandText = sb.ToString(); dr = mycom.ExecuteReader(); menuList.Clear(); while (dr.Read()) { menuitem.menuID = dr[0].ToString(); menuitem.menuName = dr[1].ToString(); menuitem.menuURL = dr[2].ToString(); menuitem.menuIco = dr[3].ToString(); menuitem.menuPower = dr[4].ToString(); menuList.Add(menuitem); } resultFlag = 1; break; case "1": //获取主目录下所有的次阶目录以及各次级目录下的菜单 nextMenuHTML.Clear(); menuCount = 0; nextMenuHTML.Append("<div style=\"color:white;margin-left: 15px;line-height:30px;\">\n"); if ((msgStr = SearchNextMenu(menuID, 1)) == "") { nextMenuHTML.Append("</div>"); resultFlag = 1; if (menuCount > 0) { msgStr = nextMenuHTML.ToString(); } } else { msgStr = "(" + msgStr + ")"; } break; default: break; } sb.Clear(); switch (firstOrNext) { case "0": //主目录时,在此处拼接返回的HTML foreach (menuItem m in menuList) { sb.Append("<span style=\"height: 80px; width: 150px; text-align:center; display: inline-block; \" onclick=\"InitNextMenu(this,'" + m.menuID + "');\"><p style=\"line-height:70px; \"><img src=\"Images/" + m.menuIco + "\" style=\"height: 70px; width: 80px; \" /></p><p style=\"line-height:8px; color: white; font-weight:700; margin-top:-5px; \">" + m.menuName + "</p></span>\n"); } msgStr = sb.ToString(); break; case "1": //直接在上面代码和SearchNextMenu函数中拼接HTML,比较方便 break; default: break; } } catch (Exception msg) { msgStr = msg.Message; } finally { if (dr != null) { dr.Close(); dr = null; } if (mycon.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { mycon.Close(); } mycon = null; } if (drT != null) { drT.Close(); drT = null; } if (myconT.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { myconT.Close(); } myconT = null; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Result = resultFlag, Msg = msgStr, Data = "" })); //返回JSON数据 }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); SqlConnection mycon = null; SqlCommand mycom = null; SqlDataAdapter da = null; SqlDataReader dr = null; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int code = 0; string msgStr = ""; int count = 0; string condition = context.Request.QueryString["condition"].Trim().ToUpper(); int curr = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["curr"]); int nums = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["nums"]); int totalCount = 0; mycon = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); mycon.Open(); mycom = mycon.CreateCommand(); sb.Clear(); sb.Append("SELECT\n"); sb.Append("count(id) from SteelMesh_Detail_Storage\n"); if (condition != "") { sb.Append("WHERE storage_name LIKE '%" + condition + "%' OR storage_id=(select id from SteelMesh_Storage_Management where storage_name='" + condition + "')"); } mycom.CommandText = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); dr = mycom.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0].ToString()); } dr.Close(); dr = null; sb.Append("SELECT top " + nums.ToString() + "\n"); sb.Append("id,(select storage_name from SteelMesh_Storage_Management where id=SteelMesh_Detail_Storage.storage_id) AS storage,storage_name,status\n"); sb.Append("FROM\n"); sb.Append("SteelMesh_Detail_Storage\n"); if (condition != "") { sb.Append("WHERE (storage_name LIKE '%" + condition + "%'\n"); sb.Append("OR storage_id=(select id from SteelMesh_Storage_Management where storage_name='" + condition + "'))\n"); sb.Append("and id not in(select top " + (nums * (curr - 1)).ToString() + " id from SteelMesh_Detail_Storage WHERE storage_name LIKE '%" + condition + "%'\n"); sb.Append("OR storage_id=(select id from SteelMesh_Storage_Management where storage_name='" + condition + "'))\n"); } else { sb.Append("WHERE id not in(select top " + (nums * (curr - 1)).ToString() + " id from SteelMesh_Detail_Storage)\n"); } sb.Append("ORDER BY id ASC\n"); mycom.CommandText = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); da = new SqlDataAdapter(mycom.CommandText, mycon); da.Fill(ds); } catch (Exception msg) { code = 1; msgStr = msg.Message; } finally { if (dr != null) { dr.Close(); dr = null; } if (da != null) { da.Dispose(); } if (mycon.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { mycon.Close(); } mycon = null; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { code = code, msg = msgStr, count = totalCount, data = ds.Tables[0] })); //返回JSON数据 ds.Dispose(); ds = null; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("menu_name", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("parent", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("url", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("type", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("status", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("remark", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("power", typeof(string))); mycon = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); myconT = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); //首先查询主目录 try { mycon.Open(); mycom = mycon.CreateCommand(); mycom.CommandText = "select menu_id,menu_name,menu_state,remark,(select power_no from Auth_Manage where user_id='" + context.Session["user_id"].ToString() + "' and menu_id=Menu_Manage.menu_id) as init_power from Menu_Manage where parent_id='0' and menu_state='1' order by order_num asc"; dr = mycom.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { totalCount++; drow = dt.NewRow(); drow[0] = dr[1].ToString(); drow[1] = "N/A"; drow[2] = "N/A"; drow[3] = "目录"; drow[4] = dr[2].ToString(); drow[5] = dr[3].ToString(); if (dr[4].ToString() == "0") { drow[6] = "不可显"; } else if (dr[4].ToString() == "1") { drow[6] = "只读"; } else if (dr[4].ToString() == "2") { drow[6] = "读写"; } dt.Rows.Add(drow); GetNextMenu(dr[0].ToString()); } ds.Tables.Add(dt); } catch (Exception msg) { code = 1; msgStr = msgStr + msg.Message + "\n"; } finally { if (drT != null) { drT.Close(); drT = null; } if (myconT.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { myconT.Close(); } myconT = null; if (dr != null) { dr.Close(); dr = null; } if (mycon.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { mycon.Close(); } mycon = null; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { code = code, msg = msgStr, count = totalCount, data = ds.Tables[0] })); //返回JSON数据 ds.Dispose(); ds = null; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string returnStr = ""; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); string idStr = context.Request.Form["input_id"]; string storage_nameStr = context.Request.Form["storage_name"]; storage_nameStr = storage_nameStr.Trim().ToUpper(); string addressStr = context.Request.Form["address"]; addressStr = addressStr.Trim(); string statusStr = "1"; string create_timeStr = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string update_time = create_timeStr; SqlConnection mycon = null; SqlCommand mycom = null; mycon = DBConnect.ConnectSQLServer(); try { mycon.Open(); mycom = mycon.CreateCommand(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Clear(); if (idStr == "0") { sb.Append("if not exists(select id from SteelMesh_Storage_Management where storage_name='" + storage_nameStr + "')\n"); sb.Append("begin\n"); sb.Append("insert into SteelMesh_Storage_Management(storage_name,address,status,create_by,create_time,update_by,update_time)\n"); sb.Append("values(N'" + storage_nameStr + "',N'" + addressStr + "','" + statusStr + "','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + create_timeStr + "','" + context.Session["user_id"] + "','" + update_time + "')\n"); sb.Append("end\n"); mycom.CommandText = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); int ret = mycom.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (ret < 1) { returnStr = "储位已存在,请确认!"; } else { returnStr = "OK"; } } else { mycom.CommandText = "update SteelMesh_Storage_Management set storage_name=N'" + storage_nameStr + "',address=N'" + addressStr + "' where id='" + idStr + "'"; int ret = mycom.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (ret > 0) { returnStr = "OK"; } else { returnStr = "储位编辑更新失败!"; } } } catch (Exception msg) { returnStr = msg.Message; } finally { if (mycon.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { mycon.Close(); } mycon = null; } context.Response.Write(returnStr); }