public virtual TranResult CreateSpecTSQL <TEntity>(LambdaExpression exp, List <Type> types = null, string prefix = null) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); if (types != null) { foreach (var t in types) { this.AddTable(t.GetTableMapping()); } } if (exp != null) { if (prefix.IsNotNullAndEmpty()) { this.Append(prefix + " "); } this.Visit(exp); } return(this.GetTranResult(tr)); }
public override void VisitTableExpression(TranResult tr, List <JoinTable> join = null) { if (join != null && join.Count > 0) { this.Append(" FROM "); for (int i = 0; i < join.Count; i++) { this.Append("("); } this.Append(tr.TableMapping.Name + " "); this.Append(" AS " + tr.TableMapping.AliasName + " "); foreach (var item in join) { Type right = item.Expression.Parameters[1].Type; TableMapping rightMt = right.GetTableMapping(); this.Append(item.JoinType.ToUpper() + " "); this.Append(rightMt.Name + " "); this.Append(" AS " + rightMt.AliasName + " "); this.Append(" ON "); BinaryExpression be = item.Expression.Body as BinaryExpression; this.Visit(be.Left); this.Append(" = "); this.Visit(be.Right); this.Append(") "); } } else { this.Append(" FROM " + tr.TableMapping.Name + " "); this.Append(" AS " + tr.TableMapping.AliasName + " "); } }
public virtual TranResult CreateSelectPageListTSQL <TEntity>(int pageIndex, int pageSize, LambdaExpression where, LambdaExpression order = null, LambdaExpression select = null, LambdaExpression group = null, List <JoinTable> join = null) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); this.AddTable(join); this.Append("SELECT TOP " + pageSize + " "); this.VisitSelectExpression(select); this.VisitTableExpression(tr, join); this.Append(" WHERE "); this.Append(tr.TableMapping.AliasName + "."); this.Append(tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.Name + " NOT IN(SELECT TOP "); this.Append(pageIndex * pageSize + " "); this.Append(tr.TableMapping.AliasName + "."); this.Append(tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.Name + " "); this.VisitTableExpression(tr, join); this.VisitWhereExpression(where); this.VisitGroupByExpression(group); this.VisitOrderByExpression(order); this.Append(")"); if (where != null) { this.Append(" AND "); this.Visit(where); } this.VisitGroupByExpression(group); this.VisitOrderByExpression(order); return(this.GetTranResult(tr)); }
public virtual ATSqlCommand AddParameter <T>(T entity, bool isAddPrimaryKey = true) { Type type = typeof(T); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); //不获取继承属性 为实例属性 为公开的 PropertyInfo[] pis = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); foreach (var item in pis) { if (isAddPrimaryKey) { if (item.IsIgnore() || (!item.PropertyType.IsValueType && item.PropertyType != typeof(string))) { continue; } } else { if (item.IsIgnore() || (item.Name == tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.Name && tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.IsIdentity) || (!item.PropertyType.IsValueType && item.PropertyType != typeof(string))) { continue; } } this.AddParameter(item.Name, item.GetValue(entity, null)); } return(this); }
protected TranResult GetTranResult(TranResult tr) { foreach (var table in this.tableNames) {, "t" + table.Index); } tr.Parameter = this.parameter; tr.TableNames = this.tableNames; tr.CmdText =; return(tr); }
public virtual TranResult CreateDeleteTSQL <TEntity>(LambdaExpression where) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); this.Append("DELETE "); this.Append("FROM " + tr.TableMapping.Name + " "); this.VisitWhereExpression(where); return(this.GetModifyTranResult(tr)); }
public override int Excute() { using (var translator = DMObjectContainer.GetTSQLTranslator()) { TranResult tr = translator.CreateDeleteTSQL <T1>(where.LambdaExpression); ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand(); cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetTrans(base.trans); cmd.SetConnectionString(base.ConnectionString); return(cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()); } }
public virtual TranResult CreateSelectTSQL <TEntity>(LambdaExpression where, LambdaExpression select = null, List <JoinTable> join = null) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); this.AddTable(join); this.Append("SELECT TOP 1 "); this.VisitSelectExpression(select); this.VisitTableExpression(tr, join); this.VisitWhereExpression(where); return(this.GetTranResult(tr)); }
public override TranResult CreateAggregateTSQL <TEntity>(LambdaExpression where, LambdaExpression select = null, LambdaExpression group = null, List <JoinTable> join = null) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); this.AddTable(join); this.Append("SELECT "); this.VisitSelectExpression(select); this.VisitTableExpression(tr, join); this.VisitWhereExpression(where); this.VisitGroupByExpression(group); return(this.GetTranResult(tr)); }
public TResult Excute() { using (var translator = DMObjectContainer.GetTSQLTranslator()) { using (TranResult tr = translator.CreateAggregateTSQL <T1>(where.LambdaExpression, select.LambdaExpression, group.LambdaExpression, join.LambdaExpression)) { using (ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand()) { cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetConnectionString(base.ConnectionString); return(cmd.ExecuteScalar <TResult>()); } } } }
public virtual TResult Single() { using (var translator = DMObjectContainer.GetTSQLTranslator()) { using (TranResult tr = translator.CreateSelectTSQL <T1>(where.LambdaExpression, select.LambdaExpression, join.LambdaExpression)) { using (ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand()) { cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetConnectionString(base.ConnectionString); return(cmd.ToEntity <TResult>()); } } } }
public virtual List <TResult> ToList(int top) { using (var translator = DMObjectContainer.GetTSQLTranslator()) { using (TranResult tr = translator.CreateSelectListTSQL <T1>(top, where.LambdaExpression, order.LambdaExpression, select.LambdaExpression, group.LambdaExpression, join.LambdaExpression)) { using (ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand()) { cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetConnectionString(base.ConnectionString); return(cmd.ToList <TResult>()); } } } }
public override TranResult CreateSelectPageListTSQL <TEntity>(int pageIndex, int pageSize, LambdaExpression where, LambdaExpression order = null, LambdaExpression select = null, LambdaExpression group = null, List <JoinTable> join = null) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); this.AddTable(join); this.Append("SELECT "); this.VisitSelectExpression(select); this.VisitTableExpression(tr, join); this.VisitWhereExpression(where); this.VisitGroupByExpression(group); this.VisitOrderByExpression(order); this.Append(" LIMIT " + pageIndex * pageSize + "," + pageSize); return(this.GetTranResult(tr)); }
public virtual PageList <TResult> ToPageList(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { PageList <TResult> pl = new PageList <TResult>(); using (var translator = DMObjectContainer.GetTSQLTranslator()) { Expression <Func <T1, int> > count = (p) => p.DMCount("1"); using (TranResult countTr = translator.CreateAggregateTSQL <T1>(where.LambdaExpression, count, group.LambdaExpression, join.LambdaExpression)) { using (ATSqlCommand countCmd = new ATSqlCommand()) { countCmd.SetCmdText(countTr.CmdText); countCmd.SetParameters(countTr.Parameter.ToArray()); countCmd.SetConnectionString(base.ConnectionString); if (group.LambdaExpression != null) { pl.Total = countCmd.ToDataTable().Rows.Count; } else { pl.Total = countCmd.ExecuteScalar <int>(); } pl.Index = pageIndex; pl.Size = pageSize; } } if (pl.Total != 0) { using (TranResult tr = translator.CreateSelectPageListTSQL <T1>(pageIndex, pageSize, where.LambdaExpression, order.LambdaExpression, select.LambdaExpression, group.LambdaExpression, join.LambdaExpression)) { using (ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand()) { cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetConnectionString(base.ConnectionString); pl.List = cmd.ToList <TResult>(); } } } return(pl); } }
public virtual TranResult CreateSelectListTSQL <TEntity>(int top, LambdaExpression where, LambdaExpression order = null, LambdaExpression select = null, LambdaExpression group = null, List <JoinTable> join = null) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); this.AddTable(join); this.Append("SELECT "); if (top != 0) { this.Append("TOP " + top + " "); } this.VisitSelectExpression(select); this.VisitTableExpression(tr, join); this.VisitWhereExpression(where); this.VisitGroupByExpression(group); this.VisitOrderByExpression(order); return(this.GetTranResult(tr)); }
public override int Excute() { switch (DMConfiguration.ProviderType) { case EnumProviderType.MySql: case EnumProviderType.MsSql: using (var translator = DMObjectContainer.GetTSQLTranslator()) { int id = 0; Type type = typeof(T1); var tm = type.GetTableMapping(); var pk = type.GetProperty(tm.PrimaryKey.Name); TranResult tr = translator.CreateInsertTSQL <T1>(this.t, select.LambdaExpression); if (pk != null && tm.PrimaryKey.IsPrimaryKey && tm.PrimaryKey.IsIdentity) { tr.CmdText += translator.GetIdentitySQL(); } ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand(); cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetTrans(base.trans); cmd.SetConnectionString(base.ConnectionString); id = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (pk != null && tm.PrimaryKey.IsPrimaryKey && tm.PrimaryKey.IsIdentity) { pk.SetValue(t, id, null); } return(id); } case EnumProviderType.Access: return(this.AccessExcute()); default: throw new NotSupportedException("不支持的数据库类型"); } }
private int AccessExcute() { int id = 0; Type type = typeof(T1); var tm = type.GetTableMapping(); var pk = type.GetProperty(tm.PrimaryKey.Name); using (var translator = DMObjectContainer.GetTSQLTranslator()) { if (base.trans == null) { using (var dmTrans = new DMTransaction(this.ConnectionString)) { try { //这里使用事务主要是为了锁表 目的是为了获取自增ID TranResult tr = translator.CreateInsertTSQL <T1>(this.t, select.LambdaExpression); ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand(); cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetTrans(dmTrans.BeginTransaction()); cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (pk != null && tm.PrimaryKey.IsPrimaryKey && tm.PrimaryKey.IsIdentity) { var identitySQL = translator.GetIdentitySQL(tm.Name); ATSqlCommand accessCmd = new ATSqlCommand(); accessCmd.SetCmdText(identitySQL); accessCmd.SetTrans(dmTrans.BeginTransaction()); id = accessCmd.ExecuteScalar(); pk.SetValue(t, id, null); } dmTrans.Commit(); } catch { dmTrans.Rollback(); throw; } } } else { TranResult tr = translator.CreateInsertTSQL <T1>(this.t, select.LambdaExpression); ATSqlCommand cmd = new ATSqlCommand(); cmd.SetCmdText(tr.CmdText); cmd.SetParameters(tr.Parameter.ToArray()); cmd.SetTrans(base.trans); cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (pk != null && tm.PrimaryKey.IsPrimaryKey && tm.PrimaryKey.IsIdentity) { var identitySQL = translator.GetIdentitySQL(tm.Name); ATSqlCommand accessCmd = new ATSqlCommand(); accessCmd.SetCmdText(identitySQL); accessCmd.SetTrans(base.trans); id = accessCmd.ExecuteScalar(); pk.SetValue(t, id, null); } } } return(id); }
public virtual TranResult CreateUpdateTSQL <TEntity>(TEntity entity, LambdaExpression where = null, LambdaExpression select = null) { this.Reset(); Type type = typeof(TEntity); TranResult tr = new TranResult(); tr.TableMapping = type.GetTableMapping(); this.AddTable(tr.TableMapping); this.Append("UPDATE "); this.Append(tr.TableMapping.Name); this.Append(" SET "); Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (select != null) { NewExpression ue = select.Body as NewExpression; NewArrayExpression ne = ue.Arguments[0] as NewArrayExpression; foreach (var item in ne.Expressions) { string name = string.Empty; if (item.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess) { MemberExpression me = item as MemberExpression; name = me.Member.Name; } else if (item.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert) { UnaryExpression iue = item as UnaryExpression; MemberExpression me = iue.Operand as MemberExpression; name = me.Member.Name; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { continue; } PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); if (pi == null || pi.IsIgnore() || (pi.Name == tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.Name && tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.IsIdentity) || (!pi.PropertyType.IsValueType && pi.PropertyType != typeof(string))) { continue; } if (pi.PropertyType.IsEnum) { dic.Add(pi.Name, (int)Enum.Parse(pi.PropertyType, pi.GetValue(entity, null).ToString())); } else { dic.Add(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(entity, null)); } } } else { //不获取继承属性 为实例属性 为公开的 PropertyInfo[] pis = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); foreach (var item in pis) { if (item.IsIgnore() || (item.Name == tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.Name && tr.TableMapping.PrimaryKey.IsIdentity) || (!item.PropertyType.IsValueType && item.PropertyType != typeof(string))) { continue; } if (item.PropertyType.IsEnum) { dic.Add(item.Name, (int)Enum.Parse(item.PropertyType, item.GetValue(entity, null).ToString())); } else { dic.Add(item.Name, item.GetValue(entity, null)); } } } int index = 0; int count = dic.Count; foreach (var item in dic) { this.Append(item.Key); this.Append(" = "); this.CreateParameter(item.Value); if (index++ != count - 1) { this.Append(","); } } this.VisitWhereExpression(where); return(this.GetModifyTranResult(tr)); }