public Example_20() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_20.pdf", FileMode.Create))); BufferedStream bis = new BufferedStream( new FileStream("data/testPDFs/PDFjetLogo.pdf", FileMode.Open)); SortedDictionary <Int32, PDFobj> objects = pdf.Read(bis); bis.Close(); pdf.AddResourceObjects(objects); Font f1 = new Font(pdf, new FileStream( "fonts/OpenSans/", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Font.STREAM); f1.SetSize(18f); List <PDFobj> pages = pdf.GetPageObjects(objects); PDFobj contents = pages[0].GetContentsObject(objects); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); float height = 105f; // The logo height in points. float x = 50f; float y = 50f; float xScale = 0.5f; float yScale = 0.5f; page.DrawContents( contents.GetData(), height, x, y, xScale, yScale); page.SetPenColor(Color.darkblue); page.SetPenWidth(0f); page.DrawRect(0f, 0f, 50f, 50f); PDFjet.NET.Path path = new PDFjet.NET.Path(); path.Add(new Point(13.0f, 0.0f)); path.Add(new Point(15.5f, 4.5f)); path.Add(new Point(18.0f, 3.5f)); path.Add(new Point(15.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(15.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(20.5f, 7.5f)); path.Add(new Point(21.0f, 9.5f)); path.Add(new Point(25.0f, 9.0f)); path.Add(new Point(24.0f, 13.0f)); path.Add(new Point(25.5f, 14.0f)); path.Add(new Point(19.0f, 19.0f)); path.Add(new Point(20.0f, 21.5f)); path.Add(new Point(13.5f, 20.5f)); path.Add(new Point(13.5f, 27.0f)); path.Add(new Point(12.5f, 27.0f)); path.Add(new Point(12.5f, 20.5f)); path.Add(new Point(6.0f, 21.5f)); path.Add(new Point(7.0f, 19.0f)); path.Add(new Point(0.5f, 14.0f)); path.Add(new Point(2.0f, 13.0f)); path.Add(new Point(1.0f, 9.0f)); path.Add(new Point(5.0f, 9.5f)); path.Add(new Point(5.5f, 7.5f)); path.Add(new Point(10.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(10.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(8.0f, 3.5f)); path.Add(new Point(10.5f, 4.5f)); path.SetClosePath(true); path.SetColor(; // path.SetFillShape(true); path.SetLocation(100f, 100f); path.ScaleBy(10f); path.DrawOn(page); page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); TextLine line = new TextLine(f1, "Hello, World!"); line.SetLocation(50f, 50f); line.DrawOn(page); QRCode qr = new QRCode( "", ErrorCorrectLevel.L); // Low qr.SetModuleLength(3f); qr.SetLocation(50f, 200f); qr.DrawOn(page); pdf.Close(); }
public Example_02() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_02.pdf", FileMode.Create))); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); Box flag = new Box(85.0f, 85.0f, 64.0f, 32.0f); PDFjet.NET.Path path = new PDFjet.NET.Path(); path.Add(new Point(13.0f, 0.0f)); path.Add(new Point(15.5f, 4.5f)); path.Add(new Point(18.0f, 3.5f)); path.Add(new Point(15.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(15.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(20.5f, 7.5f)); path.Add(new Point(21.0f, 9.5f)); path.Add(new Point(25.0f, 9.0f)); path.Add(new Point(24.0f, 13.0f)); path.Add(new Point(25.5f, 14.0f)); path.Add(new Point(19.0f, 19.0f)); path.Add(new Point(20.0f, 21.5f)); path.Add(new Point(13.5f, 20.5f)); path.Add(new Point(13.5f, 27.0f)); path.Add(new Point(12.5f, 27.0f)); path.Add(new Point(12.5f, 20.5f)); path.Add(new Point(6.0f, 21.5f)); path.Add(new Point(7.0f, 19.0f)); path.Add(new Point(0.5f, 14.0f)); path.Add(new Point(2.0f, 13.0f)); path.Add(new Point(1.0f, 9.0f)); path.Add(new Point(5.0f, 9.5f)); path.Add(new Point(5.5f, 7.5f)); path.Add(new Point(10.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(10.5f, 13.5f, Point.CONTROL_POINT)); path.Add(new Point(8.0f, 3.5f)); path.Add(new Point(10.5f, 4.5f)); path.SetClosePath(true); path.SetColor(; path.SetFillShape(true); path.PlaceIn(flag, 19.0f, 3.0f); path.DrawOn(page); Box box = new Box(); box.SetSize(16, 32); box.SetColor(; box.SetFillShape(true); box.PlaceIn(flag, 0.0, 0.0); box.DrawOn(page); box.PlaceIn(flag, 48.0, 0.0); box.DrawOn(page); path.ScaleBy(15.0); path.SetFillShape(false); float[] xy = path.DrawOn(page); box = new Box(); box.SetLocation(xy[0], xy[1]); box.SetSize(20f, 20f); box.DrawOn(page); pdf.Complete(); }
public Example_22() { PDF pdf = new PDF(new BufferedStream( new FileStream("Example_22.pdf", FileMode.Create)), Compliance.PDF_UA); Font f1 = new Font(pdf, new FileStream( "fonts/OpenSans/", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Font.STREAM); /* * PDF pdf = new PDF(new FileStream("Example_22.pdf", FileMode.Create)); * * Font f1 = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); */ Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); TextLine text = new TextLine(f1, "Page #1 -> Go to Destination #3."); text.SetGoToAction("dest#3"); text.SetLocation(90f, 50f); page.AddDestination("dest#0", 0f); page.AddDestination("dest#1", text.GetDestinationY()); text.DrawOn(page); page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); text = new TextLine(f1, "Page #2 -> Go to Destination #3."); text.SetGoToAction("dest#3"); text.SetLocation(90f, 550f); page.AddDestination("dest#2", text.GetDestinationY()); text.DrawOn(page); page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); text = new TextLine(f1, "Page #3 -> Go to Destination #4."); text.SetGoToAction("dest#4"); text.SetLocation(90f, 700f); page.AddDestination("dest#3", text.GetDestinationY()); text.DrawOn(page); page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); text = new TextLine(f1, "Page #4 -> Go to Destination #0."); text.SetGoToAction("dest#0"); text.SetLocation(90f, 100f); page.AddDestination("dest#4", text.GetDestinationY()); text.DrawOn(page); text = new TextLine(f1, "Page #4 -> Go to Destination #2."); text.SetGoToAction("dest#2"); text.SetLocation(90f, 200f); text.DrawOn(page); // Create a box with invisible borders Box box = new Box(20f, 20f, 20f, 20f); box.SetColor(Color.white); box.SetGoToAction("dest#0"); box.DrawOn(page); // Create an up arrow and place it in the box PDFjet.NET.Path path = new PDFjet.NET.Path(); path.Add(new Point(10f, 1f)); path.Add(new Point(17f, 9f)); path.Add(new Point(13f, 9f)); path.Add(new Point(13f, 19f)); path.Add(new Point(7f, 19f)); path.Add(new Point(7f, 9f)); path.Add(new Point(3f, 9f)); path.SetClosePath(true); path.SetColor(Color.oldgloryblue); path.SetColor(Color.deepskyblue); path.SetFillShape(true); path.PlaceIn(box); path.DrawOn(page); FileStream fis = new FileStream( "images/up-arrow.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Image image = new Image(pdf, fis, ImageType.PNG); image.SetLocation(40f, 40f); image.SetGoToAction("dest#0"); image.DrawOn(page); pdf.Complete(); }