public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("bg-BG"); Component mcardVLC = new Motherboard("VLC", (decimal)185.98); Component vcardRadeon = new GraphicCard("Radeon", (decimal)102.34, "the best grafic card forever"); Component vcardGeForce = new GraphicCard("GeForce", (decimal)154.45, "is not worth"); Component procIntel = new Processor("Intel", (decimal)346.563, "can be better"); Component procAMD = new Processor("AMD", (decimal)405.239, "always the best"); Computer compAMDRadeon = new Computer("Fasty", new List<Component>() { mcardVLC, vcardRadeon, procAMD }); Computer compIntelGeForce = new Computer("Star"); compIntelGeForce.Components.Add(vcardGeForce); compIntelGeForce.Components.Add(mcardVLC); List<Computer> computers = new List<Computer>() { compIntelGeForce, compAMDRadeon }; computers.OrderBy(c => c.Price).ToList().ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(c.ToString())); }