        /// <summary>
        /// The GUI initialization method is invoked before the verification so that the verification options are passed
        /// into the assertion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The model checking form or null in the console mode</param>
        /// <param name="behavior"></param>
        /// <param name="engine"></param>
        public virtual void UIInitialize(ISynchronizeInvoke target, int behavior, int engine)
            //initialize the parameters
            isiTarget = target;
            isRunning = false;

            SelectedBahavior = behavior;
            SelectedEngine   = engine;

            if (ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviorsNames.Count <= SelectedBahavior)
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Behavior Selection");
            SelectedBahaviorName = ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviorsNames[SelectedBahavior];

            if (ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviors[SelectedBahavior].VerificationEngines.Count <= SelectedEngine)
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Engine Selection");
            SelectedEngineName = ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviors[SelectedBahavior].VerificationEngines[SelectedEngine];

            VerificationOutput = new VerificationOutput(SelectedEngineName);
            VerificationMode   = true;
文件: DTMC.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        //public double MaxProbabilityWorkAntiChain(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
        //    //calculate the states whose maximul prob is 1
        //    //HashSet<MDPState> MaxProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(maxProbOne());
        //    //if (MaxProbOne.Contains(InitState)) return 1;
        //    //foreach (MDPState state in MaxProbOne)
        //    //{
        //    //    AddTargetStates(state);
        //    //    state.Distributions.Clear();//note here may affect prob
        //    //}
        //    HashSet<MDPState> working = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);
        //    double maxDifference = 1;
        //    //int counter = 0;
        //    while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE)
        //    {
        //        //counter++;
        //        VerificationOutput.MDPIterationNumber++;
        //        maxDifference = 0;
        //        //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
        //        HashSet<MDPState> newWorking = new HashSet<MDPState>();
        //        foreach (MDPState state in working)
        //        {
        //            foreach (MDPState mdpState in state.Pre)
        //            {
        //                //if (nonSafe.Contains(mdpState)) //note changed here
        //                //{
        //                newWorking.Add(mdpState);
        //                //}
        //            }
        //        }
        //        List<MDPState> toRemove = new List<MDPState>();
        //        foreach (MDPState node in newWorking)
        //        {
        //            double newMax = 0;
        //            foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
        //            {
        //                double result = 0;
        //                foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distribution.States)
        //                {
        //                    result += pair.Key * pair.Value.CurrentProb;
        //                }
        //                newMax = Math.Max(newMax, result);
        //                //newMax = Math.Max(newMax, DistributionProbCalc(node, distribution));//note self-loop detected
        //            }
        //            if (node.CurrentProb < newMax)
        //            {
        //                maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (newMax - node.CurrentProb) / node.CurrentProb);///relative difference
        //                node.CurrentProb = newMax;
        //                //note: add for subset
        //                node.AntichainUpdate = false;
        //                foreach (MDPState subnode in node.Sub)
        //                {
        //                    if (subnode.CurrentProb < newMax)
        //                    {
        //                        subnode.AntichainUpdate = true;
        //                        subnode.CurrentProb = newMax;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                //note: add for subset
        //            }
        //            else if (node.CurrentProb == newMax)
        //            {
        //                if (!node.AntichainUpdate)
        //                {
        //                    toRemove.Add(node);
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    node.AntichainUpdate = false;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        foreach (MDPState i in toRemove)
        //        {
        //            newWorking.Remove(i);
        //        }
        //        working = newWorking;
        //    }
        //    //System.Console.Write(counter);
        //    return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);
        public double MaxProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            //calculate the states whose maximul prob is 1
            //HashSet<MDPState> MaxProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(maxProbOne());
            //if (MaxProbOne.Contains(InitState)) return 1;
            //foreach (MDPState state in MaxProbOne)
            //    AddTargetStates(state);
            //    state.Distributions.Clear();//note here may affect prob
            int counter = 0;

            HashSet<DTMCState> working = new HashSet<DTMCState>(TargetStates);
            double maxDifference = 1;
            //int counter = 0;

            while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE)

                maxDifference = 0;

                //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
                HashSet<DTMCState> newWorking = new HashSet<DTMCState>();
                foreach (DTMCState state in working)
                    foreach (DTMCState DTMCState in state.Pre)
                        //if (nonSafe.Contains(DTMCState)) //note changed here

                List<DTMCState> toRemove = new List<DTMCState>();
                foreach (DTMCState node in newWorking)
                    //double newMax = 0;
                    //foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
                    double result = 0;
                    foreach (var pair in node.Transitions)
                        result += pair.Key * pair.Value.CurrentProb;
                    //newMax = Math.Max(newMax, result);
                    //newMax = Math.Max(newMax, DistributionProbCalc(node, distribution));//note self-loop detected

                    if (node.CurrentProb < result)
                        maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (result - node.CurrentProb) / node.CurrentProb);///relative difference
                        node.CurrentProb = result;

                        ////note: add for subset
                        //foreach(MDPState subnode in node.Sub)
                        //    if(subnode.CurrentProb < newMax)
                        //    {
                        //        subnode.CurrentProb = newMax;
                        //    }
                        ////note: add for subset

                foreach (DTMCState i in toRemove)

                working = newWorking;

            return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public double MaxProbability(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput, bool isZeno = false, bool isAntiChain = false)
            if (TargetStates.Count == 0)
                return 0;

            if (TargetStates.Contains(InitState))
                return 1;

            if (isAntiChain)
                return MaxProbabilityWorkAntiChain(VerificationOutput);
            else if (isZeno)
                return MaxProbabilityWork_Zeno(VerificationOutput);
            //return BuildQuotientMDP(VerificationOutput).MaxProbabilityWork();
            //return BuildQuotientMDPBisimulation(VerificationOutput).MaxProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput);
            //return yourQuotient(VerificationOutput).MaxProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput);
            return MaxProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput);
 private bool StatisticVerificationMinReach(MDPStat mdp, VerificationOutput verificationOutput)
     var sml = new Simulation(mdp);
     var pl = new Policy(mdp);
     var tst = new RunTest();
     tst.initRunTest(StatisticalParameters[1], StatisticalParameters[2], StatisticalParameters[3], StatisticalParameters[0]);
        // string str;
     return tst.verifyMDPSPRT(sml, pl, out str);
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        //re-calculate the distribution after removing selfloop
        //public Distribution DistrbutionReCalculate(List<string> newSCC, MDPState node, Distribution distr)
        //    double nonSelfLoopProb = 0.0;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < distr.States.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair = distr.States[i];
        //        if (newSCC.Contains(pair.Value.ID))
        //        {
        //            //selfLoopProb += pair.Key;
        //            //hasSelfLoop = true;
        //            //the self loop is removed in this distribution
        //            distr.States.Remove(pair);
        //            //i-- is used to keep the loop correct after removing one element
        //            i--;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            nonSelfLoopProb += pair.Key;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distr.States)
        //    {
        //        //KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> newPair = new KeyValuePair<double, MDPState>(pair.Key / nonSelfLoopProb, pair.Value);
        //        distr.AddProbStatePair(pair.Key / nonSelfLoopProb, pair.Value);
        //        distr.States.Remove(pair);
        //    }
        //    return distr;
        //this method is used to remove all loops in a DTMC.
        public MDP BuildQuotientMDPBisimulation(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            MDP toReturn = new MDP(Precision, MAX_DIFFERENCE);

            //calculate the nonsafe states, whose maximal prob is not 0
            Stack<MDPState> NonSafe = new Stack<MDPState>(TargetStates);
            Stack<MDPState> helper = new Stack<MDPState>(TargetStates);

            //backward checking from target states
            while (helper.Count != 0)
                MDPState t = helper.Pop();
                foreach (MDPState s in t.Pre)
                    bool addState = false;

                    //check each distribution; as long as s has a post state in NonSafe, then s should be added.
                    foreach (Distribution distribution in s.Distributions)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distribution.States)
                            if (NonSafe.Contains(pair.Value))
                                addState = true;

                        if (addState)

                    if (addState && !NonSafe.Contains(s))


            //note here remaining doesn't include the target states and initial states
            HashSet<MDPState> remaining = new HashSet<MDPState>();
            foreach (MDPState mdpState in NonSafe)
                if (!TargetStates.Contains(mdpState) && InitState != mdpState)

            //add Initial
            MDPState Initial = new MDPState(InitState.ID);

            //add target
            MDPState Target = new MDPState("target");

            //add safe
            MDPState Safe = new MDPState("safe");

            //add remaining
            //MDPState Remaining = new MDPState("remaining");

            //add selfloop at Target.
            //Target.AddDistribution(new Distribution(Constants.TAU, Target));

            //add selfloop at Safe.
            //Safe.AddDistribution(new Distribution(Constants.TAU, Safe));

            //add the group distributions in Remaining

            List<HashSet<MDPState>> SeperatingRemaining = new List<HashSet<MDPState>>();


            bool refinement = true;

            while (refinement)//if the former iteration has splitted some groups
                refinement = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < SeperatingRemaining.Count; i++)
                    HashSet<MDPState> mdpStates = SeperatingRemaining[i];

                    if (mdpStates.Count > 1)
                        Dictionary<string, HashSet<MDPState>> groups = SeperateGroup(SeperatingRemaining, mdpStates, Initial, Target, Safe);

                        if (groups.Count > 1)

                            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<MDPState>> keyValuePair in groups)

                            refinement = true;
                //List<HashSet<MDPState>> NewSeperating = new List<HashSet<MDPState>>();

                //foreach (HashSet<MDPState> mdpStates in SeperatingRemaining)

                //    if (mdpStates.Count > 1)
                //        {
                //            int counter = 0;

                //            foreach (HashSet<MDPState> grouped in SeperateGroup(SeperatingRemaining, mdpStates, Initial, Target, Safe).Values)
                //            {
                //                counter++;
                //                NewSeperating.Add(grouped);
                //            }

                //            if (counter > 1)
                //            {
                //                refinement = true;
                //            }

                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            NewSeperating.Add(mdpStates);
                //        }
                //    }

                ////todo: reduce the loop number
                //SeperatingRemaining = NewSeperating;


            //add distributions after all the refinement
            foreach (HashSet<MDPState> mdpStates in SeperatingRemaining)
                //add representative state of each groupd states
                MDPState Grouped = StateFromHashset(mdpStates);
                toReturn.AddState(new MDPState(Grouped.ID));


            foreach (MDPState state in toReturn.States.Values)
                if (state.ID == "target" || state.ID == "safe")

                HashSet<Distribution> DistrToAdd = new HashSet<Distribution>();

                foreach (Distribution Distr in this.States[state.ID].Distributions)
                    Distribution newDistr = calcGroupedDistr(SeperatingRemaining, Distr, Initial, Target, Safe, toReturn);

                foreach (Distribution distribution in DistrToAdd)
                    toReturn.AddDistribution(state.ID, distribution);
            //foreach (HashSet<MDPState> mdpStates in SeperatingRemaining)
            //    MDPState Grouped = StateFromHashset(mdpStates);
            //    FinalgroupedDistribution(SeperatingRemaining, Grouped, Target, Safe, toReturn);//calculate the grouped distributions

            //note: add initial state's distributions after refinement
            //FinalgroupedDistribution(SeperatingRemaining, InitState, Target, Safe, toReturn);
            return toReturn;
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public MDP ComputeGCPP(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            MDP toReturn = new MDP(Precision, MAX_DIFFERENCE);

            //add Initial
            MDPState Initial = new MDPState(InitState.ID);

            //add target
            foreach (MDPState targetstate in this.TargetStates)

            //note here remaining doesn't include the target states and initial states
            HashSet<MDPState> remaining = new HashSet<MDPState>();
            foreach (MDPState mdpState in States.Values)
                if (!TargetStates.Contains(mdpState) && InitState != mdpState)

            //instantiate GCPP
            GCPP gcpp = new GCPP();
            Dictionary<string, int> table = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            foreach (MDPState mdpState in remaining)
                gcpp.MDPTable.Add(mdpState.ID, mdpState);
                table.Add(mdpState.ID, 0);

            int n = 0;
            foreach (MDPState mdpState1 in remaining)
                foreach (MDPState mdpState2 in remaining)
                    List<MDPState> list = new List<MDPState>();
                    if (mdpState1 != mdpState2 && table[mdpState1.ID] == table[mdpState2.ID] && PropositionEquals(mdpState1, mdpState2))
                        table[mdpState1.ID] = 1;
                        table[mdpState2.ID] = 1;
                        gcpp.PartOrder.Add(n, n);
                        gcpp.Partition.Add(n, list);
                        gcpp.PartitionGetKey.Add(list, n++);

            gcpp.partition = null;
            gcpp.partorder = null;

            while (gcpp.Partition != gcpp.partition || gcpp.PartOrder != gcpp.partorder)
                gcpp.partition = gcpp.Partition;
                gcpp.partorder = gcpp.PartOrder;

                foreach (List<MDPState> B in gcpp.partition.Values)
                    //GCPP item = new GCPP();
                    gcpp = Split(gcpp, B);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<MDPState>> pair in gcpp.partition)
                        gcpp.Partition.Add(n, pair.Value);
                        gcpp.PartitionGetKey.Add(pair.Value, n);
                    //   ∪{(B',X)|X∈∑:B'∈∑B:(B,X)∈≤}
                    //   ∪{(X,B')|X∈∑:B'∈∑B:(X,B)∈≤}
                    //    \{(B,X),(X,B)|X∈∑:(X,B),(B,X)∈≤}
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> pair in gcpp.partorder)
                        gcpp.PartOrder.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
                    foreach (List<MDPState> X in gcpp.Partition.Values)
                        if (SamePartOrder(X, B, gcpp.PartOrder, gcpp.PartitionGetKey) && SamePartOrder(B, X, gcpp.PartOrder, gcpp.PartitionGetKey))
                            var query1 = from p in gcpp.PartOrder
                                         where p.Key == gcpp.PartitionGetKey[B] && p.Value == gcpp.PartitionGetKey[X]
                                         select p.Key;

                            var query2 = from p in gcpp.PartOrder
                                         where p.Key == gcpp.PartitionGetKey[X] && p.Value == gcpp.PartitionGetKey[B]
                                         select p.Key;
                        foreach (List<MDPState> B1 in gcpp.partition.Values)
                            if (SamePartOrder(B, X, gcpp.PartOrder, gcpp.PartitionGetKey))
                                gcpp.PartOrder.Add(gcpp.PartitionGetKey[B1], gcpp.PartitionGetKey[X]);
                            if (SamePartOrder(X, B, gcpp.PartOrder, gcpp.PartitionGetKey))
                                gcpp.PartOrder.Add(gcpp.PartitionGetKey[X], gcpp.PartitionGetKey[B1]);


            return toReturn;
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public double MinReward(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput, RewardConfig reward)
            if (TargetStates.Count == 0)
                return double.PositiveInfinity;

            if (TargetStates.Contains(InitState))
                return 0;

            return MinRewardWork(VerificationOutput, reward);
        public double MinProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            ////calculate the nonsafe states, whose minimal prob is not 0
            //Stack<MDPStateStat> NonSafe = new Stack<MDPStateStat>(TargetStates);
            //Stack<MDPStateStat> helper = new Stack<MDPStateStat>(TargetStates);

            ////backward checking from target states
            //while (helper.Count != 0)
            //    MDPStateStat t = helper.Pop();
            //    foreach (MDPStateStat s in t.Pre)
            //    {
            //        bool addState = true;

            //        foreach (DistributionStat distribution in s.Distributions)
            //        {
            //            bool keepDistr = false;

            //            //check each distribution; if states in s.distribution are not included in NonSafe, then s should not be added.
            //            foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPStateStat> pair in distribution.States)
            //            {

            //                if (NonSafe.Contains(pair.Value))
            //                {
            //                    keepDistr = true;
            //                    //s.Distributions.Remove(distribution);
            //                    break;
            //                }

            //            }

            //            if (!keepDistr)
            //            {
            //                addState = false;
            //                break;
            //            }
            //        }

            //        if (addState && !NonSafe.Contains(s))//add a state to NonSafe
            //        {
            //            helper.Push(s);
            //            NonSafe.Push(s);
            //        }

            //    }

            //HashSet<MDPStateStat> nonSafe = new HashSet<MDPStateStat>(NonSafe);

            HashSet<MDPStateStat> working = new HashSet<MDPStateStat>(TargetStates);

            double maxDifference = 1;
            while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE)

                maxDifference = 0;
                //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
                HashSet<MDPStateStat> newWorking = new HashSet<MDPStateStat>();
                foreach (MDPStateStat state in working)
                    foreach (MDPStateStat mdpState in state.Pre)
                        //if (nonSafe.Contains(mdpState)) //note changed here

                List<MDPStateStat> toRemove = new List<MDPStateStat>();

                foreach (MDPStateStat node in newWorking)
                    double newMin = 1;

                    foreach (DistributionStat distribution in node.Distributions)
                        double result = 0;
                        bool hasNewValues = false;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPStateStat> pair in distribution.States)
                            result += pair.Value.CurrentProb * pair.Key;
                            hasNewValues = true;

                        if (hasNewValues)
                            newMin = Math.Min(newMin, result);

                    if (node.CurrentProb < newMin)
                        maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (newMin - node.CurrentProb) / node.CurrentProb);///relative difference
                        node.CurrentProb = newMin;

                foreach (MDPStateStat i in toRemove)

                working = newWorking;

            return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public double MinProbabilityWorkAntiChain(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            //calculate the states whose minimal probability is 1
            //HashSet<MDPState> MinProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(minProbOne());
            //if (MinProbOne.Contains(InitState)) return 1;
            //foreach (MDPState state in MinProbOne)
            //    AddTargetStates(state);


            //HashSet<MDPState> MinProbNotZero = new HashSet<MDPState>(minProbNotZero());
            //if (!MinProbNotZero.Contains(InitState)) return 0;

            HashSet<MDPState> working = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);

            double maxDifference = 1;
            while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE)

                maxDifference = 0;
                //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
                HashSet<MDPState> newWorking = new HashSet<MDPState>();
                foreach (MDPState state in working)
                    foreach (MDPState mdpState in state.Pre)
                        //if (MinProbNotZero.Contains(mdpState)) //note changed here

                List<MDPState> toRemove = new List<MDPState>();
                //HashSet<MDPState> toAdd = new HashSet<MDPState>();

                foreach (MDPState node in newWorking)
                    if (node.CurrentProb == 1)
                        if (node.AntichainUpdate)
                            node.AntichainUpdate = false;

                    double newMin = 1;
                    foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
                        double result = 0;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distribution.States)
                            result += pair.Key * pair.Value.CurrentProb;

                        newMin = Math.Min(newMin, result);
                        //newMin = Math.Min(newMin, DistributionProbCalc(node, distribution)); //note self-loop detected

                    if (node.CurrentProb < newMin)
                        maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (newMin - node.CurrentProb) / node.CurrentProb);///relative difference
                        node.CurrentProb = newMin;
                        //note: add for subset
                        node.AntichainUpdate = false;
                        foreach (MDPState subnode in node.Sub)

                            if (subnode.CurrentProb < newMin)
                                subnode.AntichainUpdate = true;
                                subnode.CurrentProb = newMin;

                        //note: add for subset
                    else if (node.CurrentProb == newMin)
                        if (!node.AntichainUpdate)
                            node.AntichainUpdate = false;



                foreach (MDPState i in toRemove)

                working = newWorking;

            return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public MDP BuildQuotientMDP(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            //return this;

            MDP toReturn = new MDP(Precision, MAX_DIFFERENCE);

            //todo change to set
            List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> BoundaryOneTransition = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

            //todo change to set
            List<Distribution> ProbTransitions = new List<Distribution>();

            Dictionary<string, List<Distribution>> GlobalProbTransitions = new Dictionary<string, List<Distribution>>();

            StringDictionary<bool> visited = new StringDictionary<bool>(States.Count);
            List<KeyValuePair<HashSet<string>, MDPState>> sccs = new List<KeyValuePair<HashSet<string>, MDPState>>();

            Dictionary<string, int> preorder = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            Dictionary<string, int> lowlink = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            //HashSet<string> scc_found = new HashSet<string>();
            Stack<MDPState> TaskStack = new Stack<MDPState>();

            //Dictionary<string, List<string>> OutgoingTransitionTable = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            Stack<MDPState> stepStack = new Stack<MDPState>(1024);

            visited.Add(InitState.ID, false);

            //# Preorder counter
            int preor = 0;

                while (TaskStack.Count > 0)
                    MDPState pair = TaskStack.Peek();
                    string v = pair.ID;

                    if (visited.GetContainsKey(v) && visited.GetContainsKey(v))

                    if (!preorder.ContainsKey(v))
                        preorder.Add(v, preor);

                    bool done = true;

                    List<Distribution> list = pair.Distributions;
                    List<MDPState> nonProbTrans = new List<MDPState>();
                    List<Distribution> ProbTrans = new List<Distribution>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        if (list[i].IsTrivial())

                    if (ProbTrans.Count > 0 && !GlobalProbTransitions.ContainsKey(v))
                        GlobalProbTransitions.Add(v, ProbTrans);

                    for (int k = nonProbTrans.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                        MDPState step = nonProbTrans[k];
                        string tmp = step.ID;

                        if (visited.ContainsKey(tmp))
                            //if this node is still not visited
                            if (!preorder.ContainsKey(tmp))
                                //only put the first one to the work list stack.
                                //if there are more than one node to be visited,
                                //simply ignore them and keep its event step in the list.
                                if (done)
                                    done = false;
                            visited.Add(tmp, false);
                            //OutgoingTransitionTable.Add(tmp, new List<string>(8));

                            //only put the first one into the stack.
                            if (done)
                                done = false;

                    if (done)
                        int lowlinkV = preorder[v];
                        int preorderV = preorder[v];

                        bool selfLoop = false;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nonProbTrans.Count; j++)
                            string w = nonProbTrans[j].ID;

                            if (w == v)
                                selfLoop = true;

                            if (!visited.GetContainsKey(w))
                                if (preorder[w] > preorderV)
                                    lowlinkV = Math.Min(lowlinkV, lowlink[w]);
                                    lowlinkV = Math.Min(lowlinkV, preorder[w]);
                            else //in this case, there is a tau transition leading to an SCC; must add the transition into the toReturn automaton
                                BoundaryOneTransition.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(v, w));

                        lowlink[v] = lowlinkV;


                        HashSet<string> scc = new HashSet<string>();

                        if (lowlinkV == preorderV)
                            visited.SetValue(v, true);

                            while (stepStack.Count > 0 && preorder[stepStack.Peek().ID] > preorderV)
                                string s = stepStack.Pop().ID;

                                visited.SetValue(s, true);

                            MDPState newstate = new MDPState(toReturn.States.Count.ToString());
                            if (scc.Count > 1 || (scc.Count == 1 && selfLoop))
                                newstate.AddDistribution(new Distribution(Constants.TAU, newstate)); //add self loop: sun jun
                            sccs.Add(new KeyValuePair<HashSet<string>, MDPState>(scc, newstate));


                            if (scc.Contains(InitState.ID))

                            foreach (MDPState state in TargetStates)
                                if (scc.Contains(state.ID))

                if (ProbTransitions.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Distribution step in ProbTransitions)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in step.States)
                            string stateID = pair.Value.ID;
                            if (!visited.ContainsKey(stateID))
                                visited.Add(stateID, false);
            } while (TaskStack.Count > 0);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in BoundaryOneTransition)
                MDPState source = null;
                MDPState target = null;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<HashSet<string>, MDPState> sccstate in sccs)
                    if (sccstate.Key.Contains(pair.Key))
                        source = sccstate.Value;

                    if (sccstate.Key.Contains(pair.Value))
                        target = sccstate.Value;

                toReturn.AddDistribution(source.ID, new Distribution(Constants.TAU, target));


            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<Distribution>> pair in GlobalProbTransitions)
                MDPState source = null;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<HashSet<string>, MDPState> sccstate in sccs)
                    if (sccstate.Key.Contains(pair.Key))
                        source = sccstate.Value;

                foreach (Distribution distribution in pair.Value)
                    Distribution disNew = new Distribution(distribution.Event);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> state in distribution.States)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<HashSet<string>, MDPState> sccstate in sccs)
                            if (sccstate.Key.Contains(state.Value.ID))
                                disNew.AddProbStatePair(state.Key, sccstate.Value);

                    toReturn.AddDistribution(source.ID, disNew);
            VerificationOutput.ReducedMDPStates = toReturn.States.Count;
            return toReturn;
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public double MaxRewardWork(VerificationOutput verificationOutput, RewardConfig reward)
            //note here should calculate MinProbNotZero instead of MaxProbNotZero
            //note to test the efficiency of MaxPorbNotZero and MaxProbNotZero
            //HashSet<MDPState> minProbNotZero = new HashSet<MDPState>(MinProbNotZero());

            //note here calculate the states whose minimal prob to targets are 1;
            HashSet<MDPState> minProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(this.minProbOne());

            //if Initial state is not in MinProbNotZero, then return Rmax = infinity
            if (!minProbOne.Contains(InitState))
                return double.PositiveInfinity;

            HashSet<MDPState> working = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);

            HashSet<MDPState> visited = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);

            double maxDifference = 1;
            //int counter = 0;

            while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE || visited.Count < minProbOne.Count)

                maxDifference = 0;

                //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
                HashSet<MDPState> newWorking = new HashSet<MDPState>();
                foreach (MDPState state in working)
                    foreach (MDPState mdpState in state.Pre)
                        //if a pre-state is in minProbZero, then Rmax must be infinity because from initial state there is a finite trace to this state.
                        if (!minProbOne.Contains(mdpState))
                            return double.PositiveInfinity;



                List<MDPState> toRemove = new List<MDPState>();

                foreach (MDPState node in newWorking)
                    double newMaxReward = 0;

                    foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
                        double result = 0;
                        bool hasNewValues = false;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distribution.States)
                            //if there is a state which is not in nonsafe, which means from that state we cannot arrive the target states, then the result should be infinity.
                            if (!minProbOne.Contains(pair.Value))
                                return double.PositiveInfinity;

                            KeyValuePair<Expression, double> value;
                            if (reward.EventToRewardMapping.TryGetValue(distribution.Event, out value))
                                result += (value.Value + pair.Value.CurrentReward) * pair.Key;
                                result += pair.Value.CurrentReward * pair.Key;

                            hasNewValues = true;

                        if (hasNewValues)
                            newMaxReward = Math.Max(newMaxReward, result);

                    if (node.CurrentReward < newMaxReward)
                        maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (newMaxReward - node.CurrentReward) / node.CurrentReward);///relative difference
                        node.CurrentReward = newMaxReward;
                    else if (node.CurrentReward != 0)

                foreach (MDPState i in toRemove)

                working = newWorking;

            return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentReward, Precision);
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public double MaxProbabilityWork_Zeno(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            //calculate the states whose maximul prob is 1
            //HashSet<MDPState> MaxProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(maxProbOne());
            //if (MaxProbOne.Contains(InitState)) return 1;
            //foreach (MDPState state in MaxProbOne)
            //    AddTargetStates(state);
            //    state.Distributions.Clear();//note here may affect prob

            HashSet<MDPState> working = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);
            double maxDifference = 1;
            //int counter = 0;

            while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE)

                maxDifference = 0;

                //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
                HashSet<MDPState> newWorking = new HashSet<MDPState>();
                foreach (MDPState state in working)
                    foreach (MDPState mdpState in state.Pre)
                        //if (nonSafe.Contains(mdpState)) //note changed here
                        if (mdpState.CurrentProb >= 0)

                List<MDPState> toRemove = new List<MDPState>();
                foreach (MDPState node in newWorking)
                    double newMax = 0;
                    bool notAllZeno = false;
                    foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
                        double result = 0;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distribution.States)
                            if (pair.Key * pair.Value.CurrentProb >= 0)
                                result += pair.Key * pair.Value.CurrentProb;
                                result = -1;
                        if (result < 0) continue;
                        newMax = Math.Max(newMax, result);
                        notAllZeno = true;
                        //newMax = Math.Max(newMax, DistributionProbCalc(node, distribution));//note self-loop detected

                    if (!notAllZeno)
                        node.CurrentProb = -1;
                        maxDifference = 1;

                    if (node.CurrentProb < newMax)
                        maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (newMax - node.CurrentProb) / node.CurrentProb);///relative difference
                        node.CurrentProb = newMax;

                        ////note: add for subset
                        //foreach(MDPState subnode in node.Sub)
                        //    if(subnode.CurrentProb < newMax)
                        //    {
                        //        subnode.CurrentProb = newMax;
                        //    }
                        ////note: add for subset

                foreach (MDPState i in toRemove)

                working = newWorking;

            return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);
        /// <summary>
        /// The GUI initialization method is invoked before the verification so that the verification options are passed
        /// into the assertion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The model checking form or null in the console mode</param>
        /// <param name="behavior"></param>
        /// <param name="engine"></param>
        public virtual void UIInitialize(ISynchronizeInvoke target, int behavior, int engine)
            //initialize the parameters
            isiTarget = target;
            isRunning = false;

            SelectedBahavior = behavior;
            SelectedEngine = engine;

            if (ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviorsNames.Count <= SelectedBahavior)
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Behavior Selection");
            SelectedBahaviorName = ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviorsNames[SelectedBahavior];

            if (ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviors[SelectedBahavior].VerificationEngines.Count <= SelectedEngine)
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Engine Selection");
            SelectedEngineName = ModelCheckingOptions.AddimissibleBehaviors[SelectedBahavior].VerificationEngines[SelectedEngine];

            VerificationOutput = new VerificationOutput(SelectedEngineName);
            VerificationMode = true;
文件: DTMC.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public double MinProbability(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput, bool isAntiChain = false)
            if (TargetStates.Count == 0)
                return 0;

            if (TargetStates.Contains(InitState))
                return 1;

            //if (isAntiChain)
            //    return MinProbabilityWorkAntiChain(VerificationOutput);

            //return BuildQuotientMDP(VerificationOutput).MinProbabilityWork();
            //return BuildQuotientMDPBisimulation(VerificationOutput).MinProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput);
            return MinProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput);
文件: MDP.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        public double MinRewardWork(VerificationOutput verificationOutput, RewardConfig reward)
            //note here should calculate MaxProbNotZero instead of MinProbNotZero
            //HashSet<MDPState> maxProbNotZero = new HashSet<MDPState>(MaxProbNotZero());
            HashSet<MDPState> maxProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(this.maxProbOne());
            if (!maxProbOne.Contains(InitState)) return double.PositiveInfinity;

            HashSet<MDPState> working = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);

            HashSet<MDPState> visited = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);

            double maxDifference = 1;
            while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE || visited.Count < maxProbOne.Count)

                maxDifference = 0;
                //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
                HashSet<MDPState> newWorking = new HashSet<MDPState>();
                foreach (MDPState state in working)
                    foreach (MDPState mdpState in state.Pre)
                        //if (nonSafe.Contains(mdpState)) //note changed here


                List<MDPState> toRemove = new List<MDPState>();

                foreach (MDPState node in newWorking)
                    double newMinReward = double.PositiveInfinity;

                    foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
                        double result = 0;
                        //bool hasNewValues = false;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distribution.States)
                            if (!maxProbOne.Contains(pair.Value))
                                result = double.PositiveInfinity;
                                KeyValuePair<Expression, double> value;
                                if (reward.EventToRewardMapping.TryGetValue(distribution.Event, out value))
                                    result += (value.Value + pair.Value.CurrentReward) * pair.Key;
                                    result += pair.Value.CurrentReward * pair.Key;


                            //hasNewValues = true;

                        //if (hasNewValues)
                        newMinReward = Math.Min(newMinReward, result);

                    if (node.CurrentReward < newMinReward) //+ node.StateReward
                        maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (newMinReward - node.CurrentReward) / node.CurrentReward);///relative difference + node.StateReward
                        node.CurrentReward = newMinReward; ;// + node.StateReward
                    else if (node.CurrentReward != 0)

                foreach (MDPState i in toRemove)

                working = newWorking;

            //return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);

            return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentReward, Precision);
文件: DTMC.cs 项目: nhannhan159/PAT
        //public double MinProbabilityWorkAntiChain(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
        //    //calculate the states whose minimal probability is 1
        //    //HashSet<MDPState> MinProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(minProbOne());
        //    //if (MinProbOne.Contains(InitState)) return 1;
        //    //foreach (MDPState state in MinProbOne)
        //    //{
        //    //    AddTargetStates(state);
        //    //}
        //    //TargetStates.AddRange(MinProbOne);
        //    //HashSet<MDPState> MinProbNotZero = new HashSet<MDPState>(minProbNotZero());
        //    //if (!MinProbNotZero.Contains(InitState)) return 0;
        //    HashSet<MDPState> working = new HashSet<MDPState>(TargetStates);
        //    double maxDifference = 1;
        //    while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE)
        //    {
        //        //VerificationOutput.MDPIterationNumber++;
        //        maxDifference = 0;
        //        //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
        //        HashSet<MDPState> newWorking = new HashSet<MDPState>();
        //        foreach (MDPState state in working)
        //        {
        //            foreach (MDPState mdpState in state.Pre)
        //            {
        //                //if (MinProbNotZero.Contains(mdpState)) //note changed here
        //                //{
        //                newWorking.Add(mdpState);
        //                //}
        //            }
        //        }
        //        List<MDPState> toRemove = new List<MDPState>();
        //        //HashSet<MDPState> toAdd = new HashSet<MDPState>();
        //        foreach (MDPState node in newWorking)
        //        {
        //            if (node.CurrentProb == 1)
        //            {
        //                if (node.AntichainUpdate)
        //                {
        //                    node.AntichainUpdate = false;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    toRemove.Add(node);
        //                }
        //                continue;
        //            }
        //            double newMin = 1;
        //            VerificationOutput.MDPIterationNumber++;
        //            foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
        //            {
        //                double result = 0;
        //                foreach (KeyValuePair<double, MDPState> pair in distribution.States)
        //                {
        //                    result += pair.Key * pair.Value.CurrentProb;
        //                }
        //                newMin = Math.Min(newMin, result);
        //                //newMin = Math.Min(newMin, DistributionProbCalc(node, distribution)); //note self-loop detected
        //            }
        //            if (node.CurrentProb < newMin)
        //            {
        //                maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (newMin - node.CurrentProb) / node.CurrentProb);///relative difference
        //                node.CurrentProb = newMin;
        //                //note: add for subset
        //                node.AntichainUpdate = false;
        //                foreach (MDPState subnode in node.Sub)
        //                {
        //                    if (subnode.CurrentProb < newMin)
        //                    {
        //                        subnode.AntichainUpdate = true;
        //                        subnode.CurrentProb = newMin;
        //                    }
        //                }
        //                //note: add for subset
        //            }
        //            else if (node.CurrentProb == newMin)
        //            {
        //                if (!node.AntichainUpdate)
        //                {
        //                    toRemove.Add(node);
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    node.AntichainUpdate = false;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        //newWorking.Union(toAdd);
        //        //foreach (MDPState i in toRemove)
        //        //{
        //        //    newWorking.Remove(i);
        //        //}
        //        working = newWorking;
        //    }
        //    return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);
        public double MinProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            //calculate the states whose minimal probability is 1
            //HashSet<MDPState> MinProbOne = new HashSet<MDPState>(minProbOne());
            //if (MinProbOne.Contains(InitState)) return 1;
            //foreach (MDPState state in MinProbOne)
            //    AddTargetStates(state);


            //HashSet<MDPState> MinProbNotZero = new HashSet<MDPState>(minProbNotZero());
            //if (!MinProbNotZero.Contains(InitState)) return 0;

            HashSet<DTMCState> working = new HashSet<DTMCState>(TargetStates);

            double maxDifference = 1;
            while (maxDifference > MAX_DIFFERENCE)

                maxDifference = 0;
                //get the nodes which should be re-calculated.
                HashSet<DTMCState> newWorking = new HashSet<DTMCState>();
                foreach (DTMCState state in working)
                    foreach (DTMCState DTMCState in state.Pre)
                        //if (MinProbNotZero.Contains(DTMCState)) //note changed here

                List<DTMCState> toRemove = new List<DTMCState>();

                foreach (DTMCState node in newWorking)
                    //if (node.CurrentProb == 1)
                    //    toRemove.Add(node);
                    //    continue;
                    //double newMin = 1;
                    //foreach (Distribution distribution in node.Distributions)
                    double result = 0;
                    foreach (var pair in node.Transitions)
                        result += pair.Key * pair.Value.CurrentProb;

                    //newMin = Math.Min(newMin, result);
                    //newMin = Math.Min(newMin, DistributionProbCalc(node, distribution)); //note self-loop detected

                    if (node.CurrentProb < result)
                        maxDifference = Math.Max(maxDifference, (result - node.CurrentProb) / node.CurrentProb);///relative difference
                        node.CurrentProb = result;
                        ////note: add for subset
                        //foreach (MDPState subnode in node.Sub)
                        //    if (subnode.CurrentProb < newMin)
                        //    {
                        //        subnode.CurrentProb = newMin;
                        //    }
                        ////note: add for subset

                //foreach (MDPState i in toRemove)
                //    newWorking.Remove(i);

                working = newWorking;


            return Ultility.Ultility.RoundProbWithPrecision(InitState.CurrentProb, Precision);
        public double MinProbability(VerificationOutput VerificationOutput)
            if (TargetStates.Count == 0)
                return 0;

            if (TargetStates.Contains(InitState))
                return 1;

            //return BuildQuotientMDP(VerificationOutput).MinProbabilityWork();
            //return BuildQuotientMDPBisimulation(VerificationOutput).MinProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput);
            return MinProbabilityWork(VerificationOutput);