/// <summary> /// Update the FullDBM with a new constraint /// </summary> /// <param name="timerID">which timer the constraint is on</param> /// <param name="op">0 for equal; 1 for >=; -1 for <=</param> /// <param name="constant"></param> public void AddConstraint(byte timer, TimerOperationType op, int constant) { Debug.Assert(timer > 0); int boundt0 = DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[timer * dimention + 0]); int bound0t = DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[0 * dimention + timer]); switch (op) { case TimerOperationType.Equals: if (boundt0 > constant) { Matrix[timer * dimention + 0] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(constant, dbm_WEAK); } if (bound0t > -1 * constant) { Matrix[0 * dimention + timer] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(-1 * constant, dbm_WEAK); } break; case TimerOperationType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo: if (bound0t > -1 * constant) { Matrix[0 * dimention + timer] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(-1 * constant, dbm_WEAK); } break; case TimerOperationType.LessThanOrEqualTo: if (boundt0 > constant) { Matrix[timer * dimention + 0] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(constant, dbm_WEAK); } break; case TimerOperationType.GreaterThan: if (bound0t > -1 * constant) { Matrix[0 * dimention + timer] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(-1 * constant, dbm_STRICT); //MatrixStrictness[0 * dimention + timer] = true; } //ClockLowerValues[timer - 1] = Math.Max(constant, ClockLowerValues[timer - 1]); break; case TimerOperationType.LessThan: if (boundt0 > constant) { Matrix[timer * dimention + 0] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(constant, dbm_STRICT); } break; } IsCanonicalForm = false; }
private void GetCanonicalForm() { //int dimention = Matrix.Count; for (int k = 0; k < dimention; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimention; i++) { if (i != k) { for (int j = 0; j < dimention; j++) { //check for the overflow problem if (Matrix[i * dimention + k] != dbm_LS_INFINITY && Matrix[k * dimention + j] != dbm_LS_INFINITY) { //Attension, Matrix[i* dimention + k] + Matrix[k* dimention + j] is bigger than int.MaxValue, there is a possbility of overflow. //Matrix[i* dimention + j] = Math.Min(Matrix[i* dimention + j], Matrix[i* dimention + k] + Matrix[k* dimention + j]); int dbm_ikkj = dbm_addFiniteFinite(Matrix[i * dimention + k], Matrix[k * dimention + j]); if (Matrix[i * dimention + j] > dbm_ikkj) { Matrix[i * dimention + j] = dbm_ikkj; } //if (Matrix[i * dimention + j] > Matrix[i * dimention + k] + Matrix[k * dimention + j]) //{ // Matrix[i * dimention + j] = Matrix[i * dimention + k] + Matrix[k * dimention + j]; // MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + j] = MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + k] || MatrixStrictness[k * dimention + j]; //} //else if (Matrix[i * dimention + j] == Matrix[i * dimention + k] + Matrix[k * dimention + j]) //{ // MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + j] = MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + j] || (MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + k] || MatrixStrictness[k * dimention + j]); //} } } if (Matrix[i * dimention + i] < dbm_LE_ZERO) { IsCanonicalForm = true; Matrix[0 * dimention + 0] = -1; return; } } } } if (!SpecificationBase.IsSimulation && Matrix[0 * dimention + 0] >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dimention; i++) { int boundi = DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[0 * dimention + i]); for (int j = 0; j < dimention; j++) { int boundij = DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[i * dimention + j]); int boundj = DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[0 * dimention + j]); //=======================classic extrapolation====================== if (i > 0 && ClockMaxValues[i] > 0 && boundij > ClockMaxValues[i]) { //Debug.Assert(Matrix[i* dimention + j] <= ClockMaxValues[i - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = dbm_LS_INFINITY; // int.MaxValue; } if (j > 0 && ClockMaxValues[j] > 0 && -1 * boundij > ClockMaxValues[j]) { //Debug.Assert(-1*Matrix[i* dimention + j] <= ClockMaxValues[j - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(-1 * ClockMaxValues[j], dbm_STRICT); //MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + j] = true; } //=======================classic extrapolation====================== ////=======================diaganol extrapolation====================== if (i > 0 && ClockMaxValues[i] > 0 && -1 * boundi > ClockMaxValues[i]) { //Debug.Assert(-1 * Matrix[0* dimention + i] <= ClockMaxValues[i - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = dbm_LS_INFINITY; } if (j > 0 && ClockMaxValues[j] > 0 && i != 0 && -1 * boundj > ClockMaxValues[j]) { //Debug.Assert(-1 * Matrix[0* dimention + j] <= ClockMaxValues[j - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = dbm_LS_INFINITY; } if (j > 0 && ClockMaxValues[j] > 0 && i == 0 && -1 * boundi > ClockMaxValues[j]) { //Debug.Assert(-1 * Matrix[i* dimention + j] <= ClockMaxValues[j - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(-1 * ClockMaxValues[i], dbm_STRICT); //MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + j] = true; } ////=======================diaganol extrapolation====================== ////=======================L/U extrapolation====================== if (i > 0 && ClockLowerValues[i] > 0 && boundij > ClockLowerValues[i]) { //Debug.Assert(Matrix[i* dimention + j] <= ClockLowerValues[i - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = dbm_LS_INFINITY; } if (j > 0 && ClockUpperValues[j] > 0 && -1 * Matrix[i * dimention + j] > ClockUpperValues[j]) { //Debug.Assert(-1*Matrix[i* dimention + j] <= ClockUpperValues[j - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(-1 * ClockUpperValues[j], dbm_STRICT); //MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + j] = true; } ////=======================L/U extrapolation====================== ////=======================diaganol L/U extrapolation====================== if (i > 0 && ClockLowerValues[i] > 0 && -1 * Matrix[0 * dimention + i] > ClockLowerValues[i]) { //Debug.Assert(-1 * Matrix[0* dimention + i] <= ClockLowerValues[i - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = dbm_LS_INFINITY; } if (j > 0 && ClockUpperValues[j] > 0 && i != 0 && -1 * boundj > ClockUpperValues[j]) { //Debug.Assert(-1 * Matrix[0* dimention + j] <= ClockUpperValues[j - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = dbm_LS_INFINITY; } if (j > 0 && ClockUpperValues[j] > 0 && i == 0 && -1 * boundi > ClockUpperValues[j]) { //Debug.Assert(-1 * Matrix[i* dimention + j] <= ClockUpperValues[j - 1]); Matrix[i * dimention + j] = DBMConstraint.dbm_bound2raw(-1 * ClockUpperValues[j], dbm_STRICT); //MatrixStrictness[i * dimention + j] = true; } ////=======================diaganol L/U extrapolation====================== } } } IsCanonicalForm = true; }
public string GetID() { if (IsEmpty) { return(""); } string toReturn = ""; for (int i = 1; i < dimention; i++) { toReturn += (DBMConstraint.dbm_rawIsStrict(Matrix[0 * dimention + i]) ? "(" : "[") + DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[0 * dimention + i] * -1) + "," + DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[i * dimention + 0]) + (DBMConstraint.dbm_rawIsStrict(Matrix[i * dimention + 0]) ? ")" : "]"); } return(toReturn); }
public override String ToString() { if (IsEmpty) { return(""); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < dimention; i++) { sb.AppendLine("clock" + i + (DBMConstraint.dbm_rawIsStrict(Matrix[0 * dimention + i]) ? ":(" : ":[") + (DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[0 * dimention + i]) == int.MaxValue ? "-" + Constants.INFINITE : (Matrix[0 * dimention + i] * -1).ToString()) + "," + (Matrix[i * dimention + 0] == int.MaxValue ? Constants.INFINITE : Matrix[i * dimention + 0].ToString()) + (DBMConstraint.dbm_rawIsStrict(Matrix[i * dimention + 0]) ? ");" : "];")); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public String ToString(Dictionary <string, byte> clockMapping) { if (IsEmpty) { return(""); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, byte> pair in clockMapping) { sb.AppendLine(pair.Key + (DBMConstraint.dbm_rawIsStrict(Matrix[0 * dimention + pair.Value]) ? ":(" : ":[") + (Matrix[0 * dimention + pair.Value] == int.MaxValue ? "-" + Constants.INFINITE : (DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[0 * dimention + pair.Value] * -1)).ToString()) + "," + (Matrix[pair.Value * dimention + 0] == int.MaxValue ? Constants.INFINITE : DBMConstraint.dbm_raw2bound(Matrix[pair.Value * dimention + 0]).ToString()) + (DBMConstraint.dbm_rawIsStrict(Matrix[pair.Value * dimention + 0]) ? ");" : "];")); } return(sb.ToString()); }