public PacFileHandling(BinaryReader b) { pacFile = new Pac(); pacStream = b; pacFile.header = ReadHeader(); PacDirParse dirParse = new PacDirParse(pacStream, pacFile); PACHParser pachParse = new PACHParser(); TextureParser textureParse = new TextureParser(); if ( == "PACH") { //You opened a free floating PACH file~! pacStream.BaseStream.Position = 0; pacFile.container = pachParse.ReadPACHContainer(pacStream.ReadBytes((int)pacStream.BaseStream.Length)); } else if ( == "EPK8" || == "EPAC") { pacFile.dir = dirParse.ReadDir().ToArray(); } else { //probably a texture archive... // = "Texture Archive"; pacStream.BaseStream.Position = 0; pacFile.textures = textureParse.ReadTextures(pacStream); } }
public PACH ReadPACHContainer(byte[] file) { using (MemoryStream pachStream = new MemoryStream(file)) { using (BinaryReader pachReader = new BinaryReader(pachStream)) { var Container = new PACH(); = new string(pachReader.ReadChars(4)); if ( != "PACH") { return(Container); //Thanks a lot createmode.pac.... } Container.nfiles = (int)pachReader.ReadUInt32(); //Read the file meta data Container.PACHFiles = new PACHFile[Container.nfiles]; for (var i = 0; i < Container.nfiles; i++) { Container.PACHFiles[i] = ReadPACHheader(pachReader); } //Start of data. Meta data offsets start here var pos = pachReader.BaseStream.Position; //offsets are based on this. for (var j = 0; j < Container.nfiles; j++) { pachReader.BaseStream.Position = Container.PACHFiles[j].offset + pos; Container.PACHFiles[j].stream = pachReader.ReadBytes(Container.PACHFiles[j].size); byte[] headerByteArray = new byte[4]; Array.Copy(Container.PACHFiles[j].stream, 0, headerByteArray, 0, 4); var header = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(headerByteArray); if (header == "PACH") { Container.PACHFiles[j].SubContainer = ReadPACHContainer(Container.PACHFiles[j].stream); } //Let's go ahead and decompress here. if (header == "ZLIB" || header == "BPE ") { Container.PACHFiles[j].stream = decompressor.Decompress(Container.PACHFiles[j].stream, header); Container.PACHFiles[j].size = Container.PACHFiles[j].stream.Length; //Recheck it. headerByteArray = new byte[4]; Array.Copy(Container.PACHFiles[j].stream, 0, headerByteArray, 0, 4); header = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(headerByteArray); if (header == "PACH") { Container.PACHFiles[j].SubContainer = ReadPACHContainer(Container.PACHFiles[j].stream); } else { //Check for textures, the first dds extension starts at 32. if (Container.PACHFiles[j].stream.Length >= 32) { headerByteArray = new byte[4]; Array.Copy(Container.PACHFiles[j].stream, 32, headerByteArray, 0, 4); header = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(headerByteArray); if (header == "dds\0") { using (MemoryStream texStream = new MemoryStream(Container.PACHFiles[j].stream)) { using (BinaryReader texReader = new BinaryReader(texStream)) { Container.PACHFiles[j].TexContainer = textureParse.ReadTextures(texReader); } } } } } } } return(Container); } } }