private void ButtonModifyIssue_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //int newId = Int32.Parse(textBoxid.Text); is this needed? I'm not sure if we are supposed to modify the id. It is greyed out in the example string newIssueTitle = textBoxtitle.Text.Trim(); string newIssueDiscoverer = comboBoxdiscoverer.Text.Trim(); string newIssueComponent = textBoxcomponent.Text.Trim(); string newDescription = textBoxdescription.Text.Trim(); int newStatusId = issueStatusRepository.GetIdByStatus(comboBoxstatus.Text); DateTime newDate = dateTimediscovery.Value; //_SelectedIssueId = Convert.ToInt32(preferenceRepository.GetPreference(_CurrentAppUser.UserName, FakePreferenceRepository.PREFERENCE_PROJECT_ID)); if (newIssueTitle == "") { MessageBox.Show("Issue name cannot be empty or blank", "Attention"); return; } FakeIssueRepository issueRepository = new FakeIssueRepository(); Issue issue = new Issue { Id = _SelectedIssueId, Title = newIssueTitle, DiscoveryDate = newDate, Discoverer = newIssueDiscoverer, InitialDescription = newDescription, Component = newIssueComponent, IssueStatusId = newStatusId }; string result = issueRepository.Modify(issue); if (result != FakeIssueRepository.NO_ERROR) { MessageBox.Show("Error modifying issue. Error: " + result); } else { MessageBox.Show("Issue modification successful.", "Information"); this.Close(); } }
private void FormRecordIssue_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.CenterToParent(); int nextID; string disc; string IsStat; FakeIssueRepository IssueRepo = new FakeIssueRepository(); FakeAppUserRepository AppRepo = new FakeAppUserRepository(); FakeIssueStatusRepository IssueStatRepo = new FakeIssueStatusRepository(); List <AppUser> userList = new List <AppUser>(); List <IssueStatus> issueStatList = new List <IssueStatus>(); nextID = IssueRepo.GetNextIssueID(ID); textBoxIssueID.Text = nextID.ToString(); userList = AppRepo.GetAll(); foreach (AppUser user in userList) { disc = (user.LastName + ", " + user.FirstName); comboBoxDiscoverer.Items.Add(disc); } issueStatList = IssueStatRepo.GetAll(); foreach (IssueStatus stat in issueStatList) { IsStat = stat.Value; comboBoxIssueStatus.Items.Add(IsStat); } }
public IssueDashboard(AppUser _CurrentAppUser, int selected_id) { _currentAppUser = _CurrentAppUser; _SelectedProjectId = selected_id; IssueRepository = new FakeIssueRepository(selected_id); InitializeComponent(); }
public FormDashboard(AppUser appUser, int selId, FakeIssueRepository fake) { _Issues = fake; _CurrentAppUser = appUser; _selId = selId; InitializeComponent(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows == null) { MessageBox.Show("A project must be selected.", "Attention"); } else { string selectedId = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value + string.Empty; _SelectedIssueId = Convert.ToInt32(selectedId); } if (previousPage == 1) { this.Hide(); FormModifyIssue form = new FormModifyIssue(_SelectedIssueId); form.ShowDialog(); form.Dispose(); } if (previousPage == 2) { this.Hide(); DialogResult isSure = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to remove: " + dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(), "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (isSure == DialogResult.Yes) { FakeIssueRepository repository = new FakeIssueRepository(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); string title = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value + string.Empty; DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString()); string discoverer = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value + string.Empty; string description = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value + string.Empty; string component = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[5].Value + string.Empty; string status = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[6].Value + string.Empty; int issuestatus = _StatusRepository.GetIdByStatus(status); Issue issue = new Issue { Id = id, Title = title, DiscoveryDate = date, Discoverer = discoverer, InitialDescription = description, Component = component, IssueStatusId = issuestatus }; bool result = repository.Remove(issue); if (result == true) { MessageBox.Show("Issue removed.", "Information"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error removing issue " + issue.Title, "Information"); } Close(); } if (isSure == DialogResult.No) { MessageBox.Show("Remove canceled", "Attention", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Close(); } } }
public FormRecord(AppUser appUser, int selId, FakeIssueRepository faker) { IssueRepository = faker; _selId = selId; _CurrentAppUser = appUser; InitializeComponent(); }
public RecordIssue(AppUser _CurrentAppUser, int selected, FakeIssueRepository issueRepo) { curUser = _CurrentAppUser; _SelectedProjectID = selected; issueRepository = issueRepo; fakeIssueStatusRepository = new FakeIssueStatusRepository(); InitializeComponent(); dateTimePicker1.MaxDate = DateTime.Today; }
private void UpdateIssuesByMonth(int projectId) { FakeIssueRepository issueRepository = new FakeIssueRepository(); List <string> issuesByMonthList = issueRepository.GetIssuesByMonth(projectId); var issuesByMonthCount = from issue in issuesByMonthList group issue by issue into monthGroup select new { Month = monthGroup.Key.ToString() + ": " + monthGroup.Count().ToString() }; for (int i = 0; i < issuesByMonthCount.Count(); i++) { string line = parseIssuesByMonth(issuesByMonthCount.ElementAt(i).ToString()); listBoxIssuesByMonth.Items.Add(line); } }
private void buttonCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isValid = false; string ValidIssue; string IssueStat; FakeIssueRepository IssueRepository = new FakeIssueRepository(); FakeIssueStatusRepository StatRepo = new FakeIssueStatusRepository(); IssueStatus IsStat = new IssueStatus(); Issue issue = new Issue(); issue.ProjectID = ID; issue.ID = IssueRepository.GetNextIssueID(ID); issue.DiscoveryDate = dateTimeDiscoveryDate.Value; if (!IssueRepository.isDuplicate(textBoxIssueTitle.ToString())) { issue.Title = textBoxIssueTitle.Text.ToString(); } if (comboBoxDiscoverer.SelectedIndex > 0) { issue.Discoverer = comboBoxDiscoverer.SelectedItem.ToString(); } issue.InitialDescription = textBoxInitialDescription.Text.ToString(); issue.Component = textBoxComponent.Text.ToString(); IssueStat = comboBoxIssueStatus.SelectedItem.ToString(); issue.IssueStatusID = StatRepo.GetIdByStatus(IssueStat); ValidIssue = IssueRepository.ValidateIssue(issue); if (ValidIssue == "") { IssueRepository.Add(issue); isValid = true; MessageBox.Show("Issue was successfully created!", "Attention"); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show(ValidIssue, "Attention"); isValid = false; } }
private string selectAProject() { string selectedProject = ""; FormSelectProject form = new FormSelectProject(); form.ShowDialog(); if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { FakePreferenceRepository preferenceRepository = new FakePreferenceRepository(); preferenceRepository.SetPreference(_CurrentAppUser.UserName, FakePreferenceRepository.PREFERENCE_PROJECT_NAME, form._SelectedProjectName); int selectedProjectId = form._SelectedProjectId; preferenceRepository.SetPreference(_CurrentAppUser.UserName, FakePreferenceRepository.PREFERENCE_PROJECT_ID, selectedProjectId.ToString()); this.Text = "Main - " + form._SelectedProjectName; this.selected_id = form._SelectedProjectId; selectedProject = form._SelectedProjectName; fakeIssueRepository = new FakeIssueRepository(selectedProjectId); } form.Dispose(); return(selectedProject); }