private async Task AddCrossHairAnnotation(double x, double y, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await this.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => Diagram.Model.Annotations.Clear(), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background); await Task.Run(() => { var vannotation = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation { X = x, Y = 0, Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, Color = OxyColors.Gainsboro, LineStyle = LineStyle.Dash }; var hannotation = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation { X = 0, Y = y, Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = OxyColors.Gainsboro, LineStyle = LineStyle.Dash }; return(vannotation, hannotation); }, cancellationToken).ContinueWith(async a => { var result = await a; Diagram.Model.Annotations.Add(result.vannotation); Diagram.Model.Annotations.Add(result.hannotation); Diagram.Model.InvalidatePlot(true); }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()); }
public LineSeriesControl() { InitializeComponent(); Plot.Model = new OxyPlot.PlotModel(); Plot.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; var linearAxis1 = new LinearAxis(); linearAxis1.MajorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(40, 0, 0, 139); linearAxis1.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; linearAxis1.MinorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(20, 0, 0, 139); linearAxis1.MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; linearAxis1.Position = AxisPosition.Bottom; linearAxis1.Title = "Position"; linearAxis1.Unit = "mm"; Plot.Model.Axes.Add(linearAxis1); var linearAxis2 = new OxyPlot.Axes.LinearAxis(); linearAxis2.MajorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(40, 0, 0, 139); linearAxis2.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; linearAxis2.MinorGridlineColor = OxyColor.FromArgb(20, 0, 0, 139); linearAxis2.MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; linearAxis2.Title = "Intensity"; linearAxis2.Unit = YAxisUnits[YUnitsToUse.GetHashCode()]; Plot.Model.Axes.Add(linearAxis2); Plot.Model.Background = OxyColor.FromRgb(255, 255, 255); AddNewLockinDataSeries(); var cursorX = new LineAnnotation() { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, Color = OxyColors.Green, ClipByYAxis = false, X = 0, StrokeThickness = 2 }; var cursorY = new LineAnnotation() { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = OxyColors.Green, ClipByXAxis = false, Y = 0, StrokeThickness = 2, }; Plot.Model.Annotations.Add(cursorX); Plot.Model.Annotations.Add(cursorY); Plot.Model.Padding = new OxyThickness(2); Controls.Add(Plot); }
public static List <OxyPlot.Annotations.RectangleAnnotation> DefineSupportResistanceZones(List <TradingPeriod> T) { List <OxyPlot.Annotations.RectangleAnnotation> SAR = new List <OxyPlot.Annotations.RectangleAnnotation>(); /// Get Support List <TradingPeriod> LowPivots = new List <TradingPeriod>(T.Where(x => x.IsPivotLow[0])); for (int i = LowPivots.Count; i >= 0; i--) { int VolaTilityRange; if (i > 20) { VolaTilityRange = 20; } else { VolaTilityRange = i; } double STDev = Accord.Statistics.Measures.StandardDeviation(T.GetRange(T.IndexOf(LowPivots[i]) - VolaTilityRange, VolaTilityRange).Select(x => x.Close).ToArray()); double yOne = T[i].Close + T[i].Close * 0.1 * STDev; double yTwo = T[i].Close - T[i].Close * 0.1 * STDev; List <TradingPeriod> Temps = new List <TradingPeriod>(T.Where(x => x.Close > yTwo && x.Close < yOne).ToList()); if (Temps.Count > 2) { OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation temp = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation(); temp.MinimumX = Temps.Min(x => x.Day.Ticks); temp.MinimumY = Temps.Min(x => x.Close); temp.MaximumX = Temps.Max(x => x.Day.Ticks); temp.MaximumY = Temps.Max(x => x.Close); temp.Color = OxyPlot.OxyColors.CornflowerBlue; } } /// Get Resistance //for (int i = T.Count; i >= 0 ) return(SAR); }
private void GeothermsPlotView_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // oceanicFunc = y => MathNet.Numerics.SpecialFunctions.Erf((y/(2*Math.Sqrt(1e-6*t*365*24*60*60))))*tm; //// oceanicFunc = y => MathNet.Numerics.SpecialFunctions.Erfc(y); // Func<double, double> yFunc = d => d; // //oceanicSerie = new FunctionSeries(oceanicFunc, 0, 300000, 1000); // oceanicSerie = new FunctionSeries(oceanicFunc, yFunc, 0, MAX_DEPTH, 1000, "Океаническая кривая (" + (t/1e6).ToString("0.#") + " Ma)" ); // oceanicSerie.Color = OxyColor.FromRgb(0,255,0); // oceanicSerie.StrokeThickness = 3; // //oceanicSerie.XAxisKey = "xAxis"; // //oceanicSerie.YAxisKey = "yAxis"; oceanicSerie = new FunctionSeries(); AdjustGeothermToMantle(); // model.Series.Add(oceanicSerie); model.Series.Add(mantleSeries); model.Series.Add(_continentalCrustSeries); model.Series.Add(_continentalSeries); var lithTermBoundary = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, X = 1300 }; _continentalLithosphere = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = 160000 }; model.Annotations.Add(lithTermBoundary); model.Annotations.Add(_continentalLithosphere); ContinueContinentToAdiabate(); //model.InvalidatePlot(false); }
public static PlotModel LineAnnotation() { var model = new PlotModel { Title = "LineAnnotation", Subtitle = "Click and drag the annotation line." }; model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, Minimum = -20, Maximum = 80 }); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left, Minimum = -10, Maximum = 10 }); var la = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, X = 4 }; la.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.ChangedButton != OxyMouseButton.Left) { return; } la.StrokeThickness *= 5; model.InvalidatePlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; // Handle mouse movements (note: this is only called when the mousedown event was handled) la.MouseMove += (s, e) => { la.X = la.InverseTransform(e.Position).X; model.InvalidatePlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; la.MouseUp += (s, e) => { la.StrokeThickness /= 5; model.InvalidatePlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; model.Annotations.Add(la); return model; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //定义model _myPlotModel = new PlotModel() { Title = "Temp & Humi", LegendTitle = "Legend", LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal, LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Inside, LegendPosition = LegendPosition.TopRight, LegendBackground = OxyColor.FromAColor(200, OxyColors.Beige), LegendBorder = OxyColors.Black }; //X轴 _dateAxis = new DateTimeAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, IntervalLength = 80, IsZoomEnabled = false, IsPanEnabled = false }; _myPlotModel.Axes.Add(_dateAxis); //Y轴 _valueAxis = new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, IntervalLength = 80, Angle = 60, IsZoomEnabled = false, IsPanEnabled = false, Maximum = 100, Minimum = -1 }; _myPlotModel.Axes.Add(_valueAxis); //添加标注线,温度上下限和湿度上下限 var lineTempMaxAnnotation = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation() { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = OxyColors.Red, LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, Y = 10, Text = "Temp MAX:10" }; _myPlotModel.Annotations.Add(lineTempMaxAnnotation); var lineTempMinAnnotation = new LineAnnotation() { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = 30, Text = "Temp Min:30", Color = OxyColors.Red, LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid }; _myPlotModel.Annotations.Add(lineTempMinAnnotation); var lineHumiMaxAnnotation = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation() { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = OxyColors.Red, LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, //lineMaxAnnotation.MaximumX = 0.8; Y = 75, Text = "Humi MAX:75" }; _myPlotModel.Annotations.Add(lineHumiMaxAnnotation); var lineHumiMinAnnotation = new LineAnnotation() { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = 35, Text = "Humi Min:35", Color = OxyColors.Red, LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid }; _myPlotModel.Annotations.Add(lineHumiMinAnnotation); //添加两条曲线 var series = new LineSeries() { Color = OxyColors.Green, StrokeThickness = 2, MarkerSize = 3, MarkerStroke = OxyColors.DarkGreen, MarkerType = MarkerType.Diamond, Title = "Temp", Smooth = true }; _myPlotModel.Series.Add(series); series = new LineSeries() { Color = OxyColors.Blue, StrokeThickness = 2, MarkerSize = 3, MarkerStroke = OxyColors.BlueViolet, MarkerType = MarkerType.Star, Title = "Humi", Smooth = true }; _myPlotModel.Series.Add(series); plotView1.Model = _myPlotModel; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { var date = DateTime.Now; _myPlotModel.Axes[0].Maximum = DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(date.AddSeconds(1)); var lineSer = plotView1.Model.Series[0] as LineSeries; lineSer.Points.Add(new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(date), rand.Next(100, 300) / 10.0)); if (lineSer.Points.Count > 100) { lineSer.Points.RemoveAt(0); } lineSer = plotView1.Model.Series[1] as LineSeries; lineSer.Points.Add(new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(date), rand.Next(350, 750) / 10.0)); if (lineSer.Points.Count > 100) { lineSer.Points.RemoveAt(0); } _myPlotModel.InvalidatePlot(true); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }); }
static void GenerateGraph(ImagePlot plot) { PlotModel model = new PlotModel { Title = }; model.LegendTitle = "Descriptor"; if (arguments.Flip) model.LegendTitle = "Image"; float maxPrecision = 0; int colorIndex = 0; foreach(DescriptorData data in plot.descriptors) { String title = data.descriptor; if (arguments.Flip) title = data.image; title += " (" + data.correctMatches + "/" + data.totalMatches + ")"; LineSeries line = new LineSeries { Title = title, Color = colors[colorIndex++ % colors.Length] }; for (int i = 0; i < data.pointData.Count; i++ ) { maxPrecision = Math.Max(maxPrecision, data.pointData[i].precision); line.Points.Add(new DataPoint(data.pointData[i].precision, data.pointData[i].recall)); } model.Series.Add(line); } // If global scale is on, we'll use that instead. if (arguments.GlobalScale) maxPrecision = globalScaleMax; // Add some padding maxPrecision = (float)Math.Min(maxPrecision + (maxPrecision * .2), 1.2f); // If we aren't scaling, just set it to 1.0 if (!arguments.Scale && !arguments.GlobalScale) maxPrecision = 1.0f; LineAnnotation max = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, X = 1.0, Color = OxyColors.LightGray, LineStyle = OxyPlot.LineStyle.Dash }; model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left, Minimum = 0.0, Maximum = maxPrecision, Title = "Recall" }); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, Minimum = 0.0, Maximum = 1.05, Title = "Precision" }); model.Annotations.Add(max); plot.plot = model; }
public void PlotSpectra(MSFeatureLight feature, IEnumerable<XYData> spectrum) { var series = new StemSeries { Color = OxyColors.Black }; var minimumMz = double.MaxValue; var maximumMz = double.MinValue; var maxAbundance = double.MinValue; if (spectrum.Count() < 1) return; foreach (var peak in spectrum) { minimumMz = Math.Min(peak.X, minimumMz); maximumMz = Math.Max(peak.X, maximumMz); maxAbundance = Math.Max(maxAbundance, peak.Y); series.Points.Add(new DataPoint(peak.X, peak.Y)); } var maxAbundanceTop = maxAbundance*.5; Model.Axes[0].AbsoluteMinimum = minimumMz; Model.Axes[0].AbsoluteMaximum = maximumMz; Model.Series.Add(series); // Add in the monoisotopic peak var colors = new ColorTypeIterator(); var chargeColor = colors.GetColor(feature.ChargeState); var msFeature = new StemSeries { Color = chargeColor }; msFeature.Points.Add(new DataPoint(feature.Mz, feature.Abundance)); Model.Series.Add(msFeature); // Add in the rest of the isotopes var alphaColor = OxyColor.FromAColor(100, OxyColors.Red); var charge = feature.ChargeState; var mz = feature.Mz; var abundance = Convert.ToDouble(feature.Abundance); var monoPeakAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, X = mz, Color = alphaColor, TextColor = alphaColor, Text = string.Format("mono peak: {0} m/z", mz.ToString("F3")) }; Model.Annotations.Add(monoPeakAnnotation); var lastMz = mz; var spacing = 1.0/charge; while (mz < maximumMz && abundance > 1) { mz = mz + (1.0/charge); abundance *= .75; var peakAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, X = mz, Color = alphaColor, TextColor = alphaColor, Text = string.Format("{0} m/z", mz.ToString("F3")) }; var spaceAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = alphaColor, TextColor = alphaColor, TextHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, TextPosition = new DataPoint(.5, 0), MinimumX = lastMz, MaximumX = mz, Text = string.Format("d={0}", spacing.ToString("F2")), Y = maxAbundance*.75 }; maxAbundance *= .75; lastMz = mz; Model.Annotations.Add(spaceAnnotation); Model.Annotations.Add(peakAnnotation); } if (feature.ParentFeature != null) { var features = feature.ParentFeature.Features; foreach (var subFeature in features) { var msms = subFeature.MSnSpectra.Where(x => x.PrecursorMz > minimumMz && x.PrecursorMz < maximumMz); foreach (var fragmentation in msms) { var spaceAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, Color = OxyColors.Gray, TextColor = OxyColors.Gray, FontWeight = 3, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, TextPosition = new DataPoint(1, 0), StrokeThickness = 2, Text = string.Format("msms {0} - scan {1}", fragmentation.PrecursorMz.ToString("F2"), fragmentation.Scan), X = fragmentation.PrecursorMz }; Model.Annotations.Add(spaceAnnotation); var lowerMz = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = OxyColors.LightGray, TextColor = OxyColors.LightGray, FontWeight = 3, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, TextPosition = new DataPoint(1, 0), StrokeThickness = 2, Y = maxAbundanceTop, Text = string.Format("{0} m/z", MsmsDistanceLower.ToString("F2")), MinimumX = fragmentation.PrecursorMz - MsmsDistanceLower, MaximumX = fragmentation.PrecursorMz }; var upperMz = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = OxyColors.LightGray, TextColor = OxyColors.LightGray, FontWeight = 3, TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, TextPosition = new DataPoint(1, 0), StrokeThickness = 2, Text = string.Format("{0} m/z", MsmsDistanceUpper.ToString("F2")), Y = maxAbundanceTop, MinimumX = fragmentation.PrecursorMz, MaximumX = fragmentation.PrecursorMz + MsmsDistanceUpper }; Model.Annotations.Add(upperMz); Model.Annotations.Add(lowerMz); } } } }
private void SetPlotModel() { if (oxyMainPlot.Model != null) oxyMainPlot.Model = null; PlotModel l_PlotModel = new PlotModel("Remote CTrader chart"); l_PlotModel.PlotAreaBorderColor = OxyColor.FromRgb(0, 0, 0); CandleStickSeries l_CandleSticks = new CandleStickSeries(); l_CandleSticks.DataFieldClose = "Close"; l_CandleSticks.DataFieldOpen = "Open"; l_CandleSticks.DataFieldHigh = "Max"; l_CandleSticks.DataFieldLow = "Min"; l_CandleSticks.DataFieldX = "Time"; l_CandleSticks.CandleWidth = 5; l_CandleSticks.Background = OxyColor.FromRgb(0, 0, 0); if (m_SelectedRobot > 0) { m_MarketData = m_PipeProxy.GetMarketDataByLength(m_SelectedRobot, 100); m_AdditionalData = m_PipeProxy.GetAdditionalData(m_SelectedRobot); } l_CandleSticks.ItemsSource = m_MarketData; l_PlotModel.Series.Add(l_CandleSticks); #region Bottom Axis setup DateTimeAxis l_BottomAxis = new DateTimeAxis(); l_BottomAxis.StringFormat = "yy-MM-dd hh:mm"; l_BottomAxis.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Auto; l_BottomAxis.FontSize = 8; l_PlotModel.Axes.Add(l_BottomAxis); l_BottomAxis.AxisChanged += l_BottomAxis_AxisChanged; #endregion #region Side Axis setup LinearAxis l_SideAxis = new LinearAxis(); l_PlotModel.Axes.Add(l_SideAxis); l_SideAxis.AxisChanged += l_SideAxis_AxisChanged; #endregion #region Initialize top line m_TopLine = new LineAnnotation(); m_TopLine.Color = OxyColor.FromRgb(125, 230, 125); m_TopLine.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; m_TopLine.StrokeThickness = 3; m_TopLine.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal; m_TopLine.Selectable = true; m_TopLine.TextColor = m_TopLine.Color; m_TopLine.Y = m_MarketData.Last().Close; m_TopLine.Text = m_TopLine.Y.ToString("N4"); l_PlotModel.Annotations.Add(m_TopLine); #endregion #region Initialize bottom line m_BottomLine = new LineAnnotation(); m_BottomLine.Color = OxyColor.FromRgb(230, 125, 125); m_BottomLine.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; m_BottomLine.StrokeThickness = 3; m_BottomLine.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal; m_BottomLine.Selectable = true; m_BottomLine.Y = m_MarketData.Last().Close; m_BottomLine.TextColor = m_BottomLine.Color; m_BottomLine.Text = m_BottomLine.Y.ToString("N4"); l_PlotModel.Annotations.Add(m_BottomLine); #endregion #region Initialize pending order line m_PendingLine = new LineAnnotation(); m_PendingLine.Color = OxyColor.FromRgb(125, 125, 230); m_PendingLine.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; m_PendingLine.StrokeThickness = 3; m_PendingLine.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal; m_PendingLine.Selectable = true; m_PendingLine.Y = m_MarketData.Last().Close; m_PendingLine.TextColor = m_PendingLine.Color; m_PendingLine.Text = m_PendingLine.Y.ToString("N4"); if(chbPEnabled.IsEnabled) l_PlotModel.Annotations.Add(m_PendingLine); #endregion oxyMainPlot.Model = l_PlotModel; l_PlotModel.Updated += l_PlotModel_Updated; }
public PlotModel LineSeries (TrendbarJson[] data) { var model = new PlotModel { Title = "LineSeries", LegendSymbolLength = 24 }; var s1 = new OxyPlot.Series.LineSeries { Title = currentSymbol.SymbolName, Color = OxyColors.Orange, }; foreach (TrendbarJson item in data) { s1.Points.Add (new DataPoint (item.Timestamp, item.Close)); } model.Series.Add (s1); model.Axes.Add (new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left, MaximumPadding = 0.3, MinimumPadding = 0.3 }); model.Axes.Add (new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, MaximumPadding = 0.03, MinimumPadding = 0.03 }); var arrowAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Color = OxyColors.Red, Y = data[data.Length - 1].Close, Text = data[data.Length - 1].Close.ToString(), TextColor = OxyColors.White }; model.Annotations.Add(arrowAnnotation); return model; }
public void DrawLine( object x1, object y1, object x2, object y2, Models.Graph.LineType type, Models.Graph.LineThicknessType thickness, Color colour) { OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation annotation = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation(); double x1Position = 0.0; if (x1 is DateTime) { x1Position = DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(x1); } else { x1Position = Convert.ToDouble(x1); } double y1Position = 0.0; if ((double)y1 == double.MinValue) { y1Position = AxisMinimum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); } else if ((double)y1 == double.MaxValue) { y1Position = AxisMaximum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); } else { y1Position = (double)y1; } double x2Position = 0.0; if (x2 is DateTime) { x2Position = DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(x2); } else { x2Position = Convert.ToDouble(x2); } double y2Position = 0.0; if ((double)y2 == double.MinValue) { y2Position = AxisMinimum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); } else if ((double)y2 == double.MaxValue) { y2Position = AxisMaximum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); } else { y2Position = (double)y2; } annotation.X = x1Position; annotation.Y = y1Position; annotation.MinimumX = x1Position; annotation.MinimumY = y1Position; annotation.MaximumX = x2Position; annotation.MaximumY = y2Position; annotation.Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical; annotation.Color = OxyColor.FromArgb(colour.A, colour.R, colour.G, colour.B); // Line type. // LineStyle oxyLineType; // if (Enum.TryParse<LineStyle>(type.ToString(), out oxyLineType)) // annotation.LineStyle = oxyLineType; // Line thickness if (thickness == LineThicknessType.Thin) { annotation.StrokeThickness = 0.5; } this.plot1.Model.Annotations.Add(annotation); }
/// <summary> /// Plots the UMC's /// </summary> /// <param name="features"></param> private void PlotFeatures(IEnumerable<UMCLight> features) { var markerIterator = new MarkerTypeIterator(); m_colorIterator = new ColorTypeIterator(); var i = 0; m_scanAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { X = 0, TextColor = OxyColors.Gray, Text = "0", TextOrientation = AnnotationTextOrientation.Vertical, LineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, }; Model.Annotations.Add(m_scanAnnotation); foreach (var feature in features) { var chargeMap = feature.CreateChargeMap(); foreach (var charge in chargeMap.Keys) { var msFeatures = chargeMap[charge]; msFeatures = msFeatures.OrderBy(x => x.Scan).ToList(); var mz = msFeatures[0].Mz; var newSeries = new LineSeries { Color = m_colorIterator.GetColor(charge), MarkerFill = m_colorIterator.GetColor(charge), MarkerSize = 3, MarkerStroke = OxyColors.White, MarkerStrokeThickness = 1.5, MarkerType = markerIterator.GetMarker(i++), Title = string.Format("{0} m/z - Charge {1}", mz.ToString("F3"), charge) }; double abundance = 0; MSFeatureLight bestFeature = null; foreach (var msFeature in msFeatures) { if (abundance < msFeature.Abundance) { bestFeature = msFeature; abundance = msFeature.Abundance; } foreach (var msms in msFeature.MSnSpectra) { var peptideSequence = ""; if (msms.Peptides.Count > 0) peptideSequence = msms.Peptides[0].Sequence; var msmsAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, X = msms.Scan, Y = msFeature.Abundance, StrokeThickness = 2, Color = m_colorIterator.GetColor(msFeature.ChargeState), TextColor = m_colorIterator.GetColor(msFeature.ChargeState), Text = string.Format("{2} - {0} m/z {1}", msms.PrecursorMz.ToString("F3"), peptideSequence, msms.CollisionType) }; Model.Annotations.Add(msmsAnnotation); } newSeries.Points.Add(new DataPoint(msFeature.Scan, msFeature.Abundance)); } newSeries.Tag = charge; if (bestFeature != null) { ScanAnnotationX = bestFeature.Scan; SelectedCharge = charge; } Model.Series.Add(newSeries); } } }
public static List <OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation> DefineSupportResistanceZonesPivots(Stock T, Stock.Interval Period) { List <OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation> SAR = new List <OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation>(); List <TradingPeriod> TList = new List <TradingPeriod>(); int VolaTilityRange = 0; int min = 0; double AnnualisationFactor = 0; switch (Period) { case Stock.Interval.Hour: TList = T.HourlyHist; VolaTilityRange = 120; AnnualisationFactor = 252 * 6; min = 10; break; case Stock.Interval.Day: TList = T.DailyHist; VolaTilityRange = 21; AnnualisationFactor = 252; min = 10; break; case Stock.Interval.Week: TList = T.WeeklyHist; VolaTilityRange = 4; AnnualisationFactor = 52; min = 3; break; case Stock.Interval.Month: TList = T.MonthlyHist; VolaTilityRange = 1; AnnualisationFactor = 12; min = 3; break; } /// Get Support /// Adam Grimes formula List <TradingPeriod> LowPivots = new List <TradingPeriod>(TList.Where(x => x.IsPivotLow[0])); for (int i = LowPivots.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i < VolaTilityRange) { VolaTilityRange = i; } List <double> LogReturns = new List <double>(); List <double> Prices = TList.GetRange(TList.IndexOf(LowPivots[i]) - VolaTilityRange, VolaTilityRange).Select(x => x.AdjClose).ToList(); for (int MN = 1; MN < VolaTilityRange; MN++) { double Temp = Math.Log(Prices[MN] / Prices[MN - 1]); LogReturns.Add(Temp); } double STDev = Accord.Statistics.Measures.StandardDeviation(LogReturns.ToArray()) * Math.Sqrt(AnnualisationFactor); //double STDev = Accord.Statistics.Measures.StandardDeviation(TList.GetRange(TList.IndexOf(LowPivots[i]) - VolaTilityRange, VolaTilityRange).Select(x => x.ReturnSeries).ToArray()) * Math.Sqrt(AnnualisationFactor); //double yOne = LowPivots[i].AdjClose + STDev; //double yTwo = LowPivots[i].AdjClose - STDev; double yOne = Math.Abs(LowPivots[i].Close * (1 + Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); double yTwo = Math.Abs(LowPivots[i].Close * (1 - Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); List <TradingPeriod> Temps = new List <TradingPeriod>(); for (int x = i; x >= 0; x--) { if (LowPivots[x].Close > yTwo && LowPivots[x].Close < yOne) { Temps.Add(LowPivots[x]); } else { break; } } for (int x = i; x < LowPivots.Count - 1; x++) { if (LowPivots[x].Close > yTwo && LowPivots[x].Close < yOne) { Temps.Add(LowPivots[x]); } else { break; } } if (Temps.Count > min) { OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation temp = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation(); OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation temp2 = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation(); temp.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal; temp.MinimumX = Temps.Min(x => x.Index); temp.MaximumX = Temps.Max(x => x.Index); //if (Period != Stock.Interval.Week) temp.Y = Temps.OrderBy(x => x.Close).Take(2).Last().Close; //else temp.Y = Temps.Min(x => x.Close); temp.Y = Temps.Min(x => x.Close); temp.Color = OxyColors.Red; temp2.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal; temp2.MinimumX = Temps.Min(x => x.Index); temp2.MaximumX = Temps.Max(x => x.Index); //if (Period != Stock.Interval.Week) temp2.Y = Temps.OrderByDescending(x => x.Close).Take(2).Last().Close; //else temp2.Y = Temps.Max(x => x.Close); temp2.Y = Temps.Max(x => x.Close); temp2.Color = OxyColors.Red; //double High1 = Math.Abs(temp.Y * (1 + Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); //double Low1 = Math.Abs(temp.Y * (1 - Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); //double High2 = Math.Abs(temp2.Y * (1 + Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); //double Low2 = Math.Abs(temp2.Y * (1 - Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); //List<OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation> MoreTemps1 = new List<LineAnnotation>(); //List<OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation> MoreTemps2 = new List<LineAnnotation>(); //MoreTemps1 = SAR.Where(x => x.Y < High1 && x.Y > Low1).ToList(); //MoreTemps2 = SAR.Where(x => x.Y < High2 && x.Y > Low2).ToList(); //if (MoreTemps1.Count > 0) //{ // temp.MinimumX = MoreTemps1.Min(x => x.MinimumX); // temp.MaximumX = MoreTemps1.Max(x => x.MaximumX); // temp.Y = MoreTemps1.Average(x => x.Y); // //foreach (var v in MoreTemps1) // //{ // // SAR.Remove(v); // //} // SAR.Add(temp); //} //else SAR.Add(temp); //if (MoreTemps2.Count > 0) //{ // temp2.MinimumX = MoreTemps2.Min(x => x.MinimumX); // temp2.MaximumX = MoreTemps2.Max(x => x.MaximumX); // temp2.Y = MoreTemps2.Average(x => x.Y); // //foreach (var c in MoreTemps2) // //{ // // SAR.Remove(c); // //} // SAR.Add(temp2); //} //else SAR.Add(temp2); SAR.Add(temp); SAR.Add(temp2); } foreach (var t in Temps) { i--; TList.Remove(TList.Last()); } } /// Get Resistance /// switch (Period) { case Stock.Interval.Hour: TList = T.HourlyHist; VolaTilityRange = 120; AnnualisationFactor = 252 * 6; min = 10; break; case Stock.Interval.Day: TList = T.DailyHist; VolaTilityRange = 21; AnnualisationFactor = 252; min = 10; break; case Stock.Interval.Week: TList = T.WeeklyHist; VolaTilityRange = 4; AnnualisationFactor = 52; min = 2; break; case Stock.Interval.Month: TList = T.MonthlyHist; VolaTilityRange = 1; AnnualisationFactor = 12; min = 1; break; } List <TradingPeriod> HighPivots = new List <TradingPeriod>(TList.Where(x => x.IsPivotHigh[0])); for (int i = HighPivots.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i < VolaTilityRange) { VolaTilityRange = i; } List <double> LogReturns = new List <double>(); List <double> Prices = TList.GetRange(TList.IndexOf(HighPivots[i]) - VolaTilityRange, VolaTilityRange).Select(x => x.AdjClose).ToList(); for (int MN = 1; MN < VolaTilityRange; MN++) { double Temp = Math.Log(Prices[MN] / Prices[MN - 1]); LogReturns.Add(Temp); } double STDev = Accord.Statistics.Measures.StandardDeviation(LogReturns.ToArray()) * Math.Sqrt(AnnualisationFactor); //double STDev = Accord.Statistics.Measures.StandardDeviation(TList.GetRange(TList.IndexOf( HighPivots[i]) - VolaTilityRange, VolaTilityRange).Select(x => x.ReturnSeries).ToArray()) * Math.Sqrt(AnnualisationFactor); double yOne = Math.Abs(HighPivots[i].Close * (1 + Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); double yTwo = Math.Abs(HighPivots[i].Close * (1 - Math.Pow(STDev, 2))); //double yOne = HighPivots[i].AdjClose + STDev; //double yTwo = HighPivots[i].AdjClose - STDev; List <TradingPeriod> Temps = new List <TradingPeriod>(); for (int x = i; x >= 0; x--) { if (HighPivots[x].High > yTwo && HighPivots[x].High < yOne) { Temps.Add(HighPivots[x]); } else { break; } } for (int x = i; x < HighPivots.Count - 1; x++) { if (HighPivots[x].High > yTwo && HighPivots[x].High < yOne) { Temps.Add(HighPivots[x]); } else { break; } } if (Temps.Count > min) { OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation temp = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation(); OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation temp2 = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation(); temp.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal; temp.MinimumX = Temps.Min(x => x.Index); temp.MaximumX = Temps.Max(x => x.Index); //if (Period != Stock.Interval.Week) temp2.Y = Temps.OrderByDescending(x => x.Close).Take(2).Last().Close; //else temp2.Y = Temps.Max(x => x.Close); temp2.Y = Temps.Max(x => x.Close); temp.Color = OxyColors.LawnGreen; temp2.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal; temp2.MinimumX = Temps.Min(x => x.Index); temp2.MaximumX = Temps.Max(x => x.Index); //if (Period != Stock.Interval.Week) temp.Y = Temps.OrderBy(x => x.Close).Take(2).Last().Close; //else temp.Y = Temps.Min(x => x.Close); temp.Y = Temps.Min(x => x.Close); temp2.Color = OxyColors.LawnGreen; SAR.Add(temp); SAR.Add(temp2); } foreach (var t in Temps) { i--; TList.Remove(HighPivots.Last()); } } return(SAR); }
public AreaSeriesViewModel() { var pnls = new List<Pnl>(); var random = new Random(31); var dateTime = DateTime.Today.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(9)); for (var pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < 50; pointIndex++) { pnls.Add(new Pnl { Time = dateTime, Value = -200 + random.Next(1000), }); dateTime = dateTime.AddMinutes(1); } var minimum = pnls.Min(x => x.Value); var maximum = pnls.Max(x => x.Value); var plotModel = this.PlotModel; plotModel.Title = "Area Series Animation Demo"; var series = new AreaSeries { Title = "P & L", ItemsSource = pnls, DataFieldX = "Time", DataFieldY = "Value", Color = OxyColor.Parse("#4CAF50"), Fill = OxyColor.Parse("#454CAF50"), MarkerSize = 3, MarkerFill = OxyColor.Parse("#FFFFFFFF"), MarkerStroke = OxyColor.Parse("#4CAF50"), MarkerStrokeThickness = 1.5, MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle, StrokeThickness = 1, }; plotModel.Series.Add(series); var annotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = 0 }; plotModel.Annotations.Add(annotation); var dateTimeAxis = new DateTimeAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours, IntervalLength = 50 }; plotModel.Axes.Add(dateTimeAxis); var margin = (maximum - minimum) * 0.05; var valueAxis = new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left, Minimum = minimum - margin, Maximum = maximum + margin, }; plotModel.Axes.Add(valueAxis); }
private void Plot(string filename, double[,] impact, int numEvents, bool plotMarketNeutral, bool plotEvents, bool plotErrorBars) { Console.WriteLine("Plotting Graph"); var plotModel1 = new PlotModel(); if (plotMarketNeutral) { plotModel1.Title = "market relative mean of " + numEvents + " events"; } else { plotModel1.Title = "mean of " + numEvents + " events"; } var horizAxis = new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, Minimum = studyRange.Min() - 1, Maximum = studyRange.Max() + 1, Title = "Days" }; plotModel1.Axes.Add(horizAxis); var vertAxis = new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left, Minimum = Math.Min(studyStat.Min(), 0.5), Maximum = Math.Max(studyStat.Max(), 1.2), Title = "Cumulative Abnormal Returns" }; plotModel1.Axes.Add(vertAxis); var meanLineSeries = new LineSeries { Color = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 00, 00, 255) }; meanLineSeries.MarkerFill = meanLineSeries.Color; meanLineSeries.MarkerStroke = meanLineSeries.Color; meanLineSeries.MarkerType = MarkerType.Plus; meanLineSeries.StrokeThickness = 4; meanLineSeries.Title = "Mean"; IEnumerator<int> x = studyRange.GetEnumerator(); var y = studyStat.GetEnumerator(); while (x.MoveNext() && y.MoveNext()) meanLineSeries.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x.Current, y.Current)); plotModel1.Series.Add(meanLineSeries); if (plotEvents) { // draw a line for each event var eventLineSeries = new LineSeries { Color = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 255, 00, 00), StrokeThickness = 1 }; x = studyRange.GetEnumerator(); for (int i = 0; x.MoveNext() && i < impact.GetLength(0); i++) foreach (int j in Enumerable.Range(0, impact.GetLength(1))) eventLineSeries.Points.Add(new DataPoint(x.Current, impact[i, j])); } // draw a horizontal line at Y = 1.0 var lineAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = 1.0, Color = OxyColors.Black }; plotModel1.Annotations.Add(lineAnnotation); if (plotErrorBars) { // draw errorbars if user wants them var errorSeries = new ErrorSeries { Color = OxyColor.FromArgb(255, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF) }; for (int i = lookbackDays; i < studyStd.Count; i++) { errorSeries.Points.Add(new ErrorItem(i - lookbackDays, studyStat[i], 0, studyStd[i] * 2)); } plotModel1.Series.Add(errorSeries); } using (var fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream (filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create)) { OxyPlot.PdfExporter.Export(plotModel1, fileStream, 1000, 800); } }
public static PlotModel LineAnnotation() { var model = new PlotModel("LineAnnotation", "Click and drag the annotation line."); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis(AxisPosition.Bottom, -20, 80)); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis(AxisPosition.Left, -10, 10)); var la = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, X = 4 }; la.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.ChangedButton != OxyMouseButton.Left) { return; } la.StrokeThickness *= 5; model.RefreshPlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; // Handle mouse movements (note: this is only called when the mousedown event was handled) la.MouseMove += (s, e) => { la.X = la.InverseTransform(e.Position).X; model.RefreshPlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; la.MouseUp += (s, e) => { la.StrokeThickness /= 5; model.RefreshPlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; model.Annotations.Add(la); return model; }
public Example GenerateGraph(Stock Stck, Stock.Interval Period) { int length = 0; double startPost = 0; double endPOs = 0; List <TradingPeriod> TradingList = new List <TradingPeriod>(); switch (Period) { case Stock.Interval.Hour: length = Stck.HourlyHist.Count; TradingList = Stck.HourlyHist; startPost = length + 6; endPOs = length - 50; break; case Stock.Interval.Day: length = Stck.DailyHist.Count; TradingList = Stck.DailyHist; startPost = length + 6; endPOs = length - 110; break; case Stock.Interval.Week: length = Stck.WeeklyHist.Count; TradingList = Stck.WeeklyHist; startPost = length + 6; endPOs = length - 80; break; case Stock.Interval.Month: length = Stck.MonthlyHist.Count; TradingList = Stck.MonthlyHist; startPost = length + 3; endPOs = length - 48; break; } VolumeStyle style = VolumeStyle.Combined; bool naturalY = false; bool naturalV = false; var pm = new PlotModel { }; var series = new CandleStickAndVolumeSeries { PositiveColor = OxyColors.DarkGreen, NegativeColor = OxyColors.Red, PositiveHollow = false, NegativeHollow = false, SeparatorColor = OxyColors.Gray, SeparatorLineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, VolumeStyle = VolumeStyle.Combined }; // create bars foreach (var v in TradingList) { OhlcvItem Temp = new OhlcvItem(); Temp.BuyVolume = (v.Volume); Temp.Close = v.Close; Temp.High = v.High; Temp.Low = v.Low; Temp.Open = v.Open; Temp.X = v.Index; series.Append(Temp); } // create visible window var Istart = length - 10; var Iend = length - 1; var Ymin = series.Items.Skip((int)endPOs).Take((int)startPost - (int)endPOs + 1).Select(x => x.Low).Min(); var Ymax = series.Items.Skip((int)endPOs).Take((int)startPost - (int)endPOs + 1).Select(x => x.High).Max(); // setup axes var timeAxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.DateTimeAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, Minimum = endPOs, Maximum = startPost, //StartPosition = Xmax - TimeSpan.FromDays(180).Ticks, //EndPosition = Xmax, }; var barAxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.LogarithmicAxis() { Position = AxisPosition.Left, Key = series.BarAxisKey, StartPosition = 0.15, EndPosition = 1.0, Minimum = naturalY ? double.NaN : Ymin, Maximum = naturalY ? double.NaN : Ymax, }; var volAxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.LinearAxis() { Position = AxisPosition.Left, Key = series.VolumeAxisKey, StartPosition = 0.0, EndPosition = 0.15, Minimum = naturalV ? double.NaN : 0, Maximum = naturalV ? double.NaN : TradingList.Max(x => x.Volume) }; switch (style) { case VolumeStyle.None: barAxis.Key = null; barAxis.StartPosition = 0.0; pm.Axes.Add(timeAxis); pm.Axes.Add(barAxis); break; case VolumeStyle.Combined: case VolumeStyle.Stacked: pm.Axes.Add(timeAxis); pm.Axes.Add(barAxis); pm.Axes.Add(volAxis); break; case VolumeStyle.PositiveNegative: volAxis.Minimum = naturalV ? double.NaN : -5000; pm.Axes.Add(timeAxis); pm.Axes.Add(barAxis); pm.Axes.Add(volAxis); break; } pm.Series.Add(series); if (naturalY == false) { timeAxis.AxisChanged += (sender, e) => AdjustYExtent(series, timeAxis, barAxis); //timeAxis.AxisChanged += (sender, e) => AdjustYExtent(series, timeAxis, volAxis); } ///Adding Pivot Annotation /// Stck.GetPivots(Period); var ResistanceLines = new List <OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation>(); var FirstOrderPivots = new List <OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation>(); var SecondOrderPivots = new List <OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation>(); var ThirdOrderPivots = new List <OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation>(); foreach (var f in TradingList) { if (f.IsPivotHigh[0]) { FirstOrderPivots.Add(new OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation() { Fill = OxyColors.LawnGreen, X = f.Index, Y = f.High }); } if (f.IsPivotHigh[1]) { SecondOrderPivots.Add(new OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation() { Fill = OxyColors.Green, X = f.Index, Y = f.High }); } if (f.IsPivotHigh[2]) { ThirdOrderPivots.Add(new OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation() { Fill = OxyColors.DarkGreen, X = f.Index, Y = f.High }); } if (f.IsPivotLow[0]) { FirstOrderPivots.Add(new OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation() { Fill = OxyColors.Pink, X = f.Index, Y = f.Low }); } if (f.IsPivotLow[1]) { SecondOrderPivots.Add(new OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation() { Fill = OxyColors.Red, X = f.Index, Y = f.Low }); } if (f.IsPivotLow[2]) { ThirdOrderPivots.Add(new OxyPlot.Annotations.PointAnnotation() { Fill = OxyColors.DarkRed, X = f.Index, Y = f.Low }); } } ResistanceLines = MarketStructure.DefineSupportResistanceZonesPivots(Stck, Period); GraphOverlays FOP = new GraphOverlays(); GraphOverlays SOP = new GraphOverlays(); GraphOverlays TOP = new GraphOverlays(); GraphOverlays Lines = new GraphOverlays(); FOP.Name = "First Order Pivot"; SOP.Name = "Second Order Pivot"; TOP.Name = "Third Order Pivot"; Lines.Name = "Resistance Lines"; FOP.Overlay = FirstOrderPivots; SOP.Overlay = SecondOrderPivots; TOP.Overlay = ThirdOrderPivots; Lines.Overlay = ResistanceLines; FOP.Period = Period; SOP.Period = Period; TOP.Period = Period; Lines.Period = Period; CurrentOverlays.Add(FOP); CurrentOverlays.Add(SOP); CurrentOverlays.Add(TOP); CurrentOverlays.Add(Lines); ///Adding line annotation... var la = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = TradingList.Last().Close }; la.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.ChangedButton != OxyMouseButton.Left) { return; } la.StrokeThickness *= 5; pm.InvalidatePlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; // Handle mouse movements (note: this is only called when the mousedown event was handled) la.MouseMove += (s, e) => { la.Y = la.InverseTransform(e.Position).Y; la.Text = string.Format("{0:0.###}", la.Y); pm.InvalidatePlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; la.MouseUp += (s, e) => { la.StrokeThickness /= 5; pm.InvalidatePlot(false); e.Handled = true; }; pm.Annotations.Add(la); OxyPlot.Annotations.ArrowAnnotation tmp = null; pm.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.ChangedButton == OxyMouseButton.Left) { // Create a new arrow annotation tmp = new OxyPlot.Annotations.ArrowAnnotation(); tmp.HeadLength = 0; tmp.StartPoint = tmp.EndPoint = timeAxis.InverseTransform(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y, barAxis); pm.Annotations.Add(tmp); e.Handled = true; } if (e.ChangedButton == OxyMouseButton.Middle) { //delete old arrow annotation if (e.HitTestResult != null) { if (e.HitTestResult.Element.GetType() == typeof(OxyPlot.Annotations.ArrowAnnotation)) { tmp = (OxyPlot.Annotations.ArrowAnnotation)e.HitTestResult.Element; pm.Annotations.Remove(tmp); e.Handled = true; } } } }; // Handle mouse movements (note: this is only called when the mousedown event was handled) pm.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (tmp != null) { // Modify the end point tmp.EndPoint = timeAxis.InverseTransform(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y, barAxis); tmp.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold; tmp.Text = string.Format("{0:0.##}%", ((tmp.StartPoint.Y - tmp.EndPoint.Y) * -100) / tmp.StartPoint.Y); // Redraw the plot pm.InvalidatePlot(false); e.Handled = true; } }; pm.MouseUp += (s, e) => { if (tmp != null) { tmp = null; e.Handled = true; } }; pm.Title = Stck.StockName; var controller = new PlotController(); //controller.UnbindAll(); //controller.BindMouseDown(OxyMouseButton.Middle, PlotCommands); //controller.BindMouseDown(OxyMouseButton.Left, PlotCommands.PanAt); //controller.BindMouseDown(OxyMouseButton.Middle, ); return(new Example(pm, controller)); }
public void DrawLine( object x1, object y1, object x2, object y2, Models.Graph.LineType type, Models.Graph.LineThicknessType thickness, Color colour) { OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation annotation = new OxyPlot.Annotations.LineAnnotation(); double x1Position = 0.0; if (x1 is DateTime) x1Position = DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(x1); else x1Position = Convert.ToDouble(x1); double y1Position = 0.0; if ((double)y1 == double.MinValue) y1Position = AxisMinimum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); else if ((double)y1 == double.MaxValue) y1Position = AxisMaximum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); else y1Position = (double)y1; double x2Position = 0.0; if (x2 is DateTime) x2Position = DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(x2); else x2Position = Convert.ToDouble(x2); double y2Position = 0.0; if ((double)y2 == double.MinValue) y2Position = AxisMinimum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); else if ((double)y2 == double.MaxValue) y2Position = AxisMaximum(Models.Graph.Axis.AxisType.Left); else y2Position = (double)y2; annotation.X = x1Position; annotation.Y = y1Position; annotation.MinimumX = x1Position; annotation.MinimumY = y1Position; annotation.MaximumX = x2Position; annotation.MaximumY = y2Position; annotation.Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical; annotation.Color = OxyColor.FromArgb(colour.A, colour.R, colour.G, colour.B); // Line type. // LineStyle oxyLineType; // if (Enum.TryParse<LineStyle>(type.ToString(), out oxyLineType)) // annotation.LineStyle = oxyLineType; // Line thickness if (thickness == LineThicknessType.Thin) annotation.StrokeThickness = 0.5; this.plot1.Model.Annotations.Add(annotation); }
public static PlotModel DefaultAnnotationLayer() { var plotModel1 = new PlotModel { Title = "Annotations should be drawn on top by default", Subtitle = "The line annotation should be on top!" }; var areaSeries1 = new AreaSeries(); areaSeries1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(0, 50)); areaSeries1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(10, 40)); areaSeries1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(20, 60)); areaSeries1.Points2.Add(new DataPoint(0, 60)); areaSeries1.Points2.Add(new DataPoint(5, 80)); areaSeries1.Points2.Add(new DataPoint(20, 70)); areaSeries1.Color = OxyColors.Red; areaSeries1.Color2 = OxyColors.Blue; areaSeries1.Fill = OxyColors.Yellow; plotModel1.Series.Add(areaSeries1); var lineAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical, Layer = AnnotationLayer.AboveSeries, X = 6 }; plotModel1.Annotations.Add(lineAnnotation); return plotModel1; }
public PlotModel CandleStickSeries (TrendbarJson[] data) { var model = new PlotModel { Title = "CandleStickSeries", LegendSymbolLength = 24, }; var s1 = new OxyPlot.Series.CandleStickSeries { Title = currentSymbol.SymbolName, Color = OxyColors.Black, }; foreach (TrendbarJson item in data) { s1.Items.Add (new HighLowItem (item.Timestamp, item.High, item.Low, item.Open, item.Close)); } model.Series.Add (s1); model.Axes.Add (new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Left, MaximumPadding = 0.3, MinimumPadding = 0.3 }); model.Axes.Add (new LinearAxis { Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, MaximumPadding = 0.03, MinimumPadding = 0.03 }); var arrowAnnotation = new LineAnnotation { Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal, Y = data[data.Length - 1].Close, Text = data[data.Length - 1].Close.ToString() }; model.Annotations.Add(arrowAnnotation); return model; }