public Boss() : base(Difficulty.Hard) { this.TextureBackground = TextureManager.boss; this.Texture = TextureManager.bossForeground; this.charge = ChargeState.NotCharging; = DodgeState.NotDodging; this.Depth = 0.5f; this.Opacity = 0f; this.possibleAttacks = new List<int>(); this.EngineAnimation = TextureManager.bossEngineAnimation; this.MaxFrame = 3; this.FrameWidth = 163; this.FrameHeight = 139; this.Colour = Color.Red; // Modules this.Health = new Bar(new Vector2(70, 10), 200, 25, 150, Color.Red); ShipShield = new Shield(new Vector2(270, 10), (int)ShipShield.Width, 20, 0, 0, 3); ShipShield.Description = "|W|Shield: |0,0,255|" + ShipShield.MaxValue + "|W|\nWill teleport to another location just before being hit."; ShipHull = new Hull(this, 0, 3); ShipHull.Description = "|W|Armor: |255,255,0|" + ShipHull.Armor + "|255,255,100|\nPlaces mines on tiles in the tileboard.\nThe Player will take 20 damage when matching tiles with mines.\nMines will be disarmed when matched or then falling."; Weapons[0].Description = "|W|Charges forward and deals massive damage if it hits the Player.\nThe Boss is vurnerable when charging."; Weapons[1].Description = "|W|Shoot several shots, eighter in a X pattern or a V patterns."; Weapons[1].Method = Weapon.ListOfMethods()[0]; }
public void UpdateInventory() { // Crafting if (currentlyCrafting > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Globals.Randomizer.Next(5, 10); i++) { SceneManager.GameObjects.Add(new Piece(new Vector2(864, 350), TextureManager.explosion, 90, 1.5f)); } } craft.Update(); currentlyCrafting--; if (CanCraft() && currentlyCrafting < 0) { if (craft.Press()) { currentlyCrafting = 60; SoundManager.craft.Play(); } } if (currentlyCrafting == 0) { SoundManager.explosion.Play(); int itemLevel = (int)((Inventory[0, 6].ItemLevel + Inventory[1, 6].ItemLevel + Inventory[2, 6].ItemLevel) / 3 + MathHelper.Lerp(-0.2f, 0.2f, (float)Globals.Randomizer.NextDouble())); Inventory[0, 6] = new Item(Globals.Nothing); Inventory[1, 6] = new Item(Globals.Nothing); Inventory[2, 6] = new Item(Globals.Nothing); if (Inventory[3, 6].Type != ItemType.nothing) { AddItem(Inventory[3, 6]); } int random = Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, 3); if (random == 0) { Inventory[3, 6] = new Weapon(this, Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, Weapon.ListOfMethods().Count()), itemLevel); } else if (random == 1) { Inventory[3, 6] = new Hull(this, Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, Hull.ListOfHullMethods().Count()), itemLevel); } else if (random == 2) { Inventory[3, 6] = new Shield(new Vector2(200, Globals.ScreenSize.Y - 35), 100, 20, 60 + itemLevel * 20 + Globals.Randomizer.Next(-5, 15), Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, Shield.ListOfShieldMethods().Count()), itemLevel); } } for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Inventory.GetLength(1); j++) { if (Inventory[i, j].Pressed() && Inventory[i, j].Type != ItemType.nothing) { selectedItem = Inventory[i, j]; selectedItemArrayPosition = new Point(i, j); } // Right click if (Inventory[i, j].PressedRight() && Inventory[i, j].Type != ItemType.nothing) { Inventory[i, j].UseItem(this, Inventory[i, j]); } } } if (Globals.MState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { if (selectedItem != null) { // Move item in inventory for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Inventory.GetLength(1); j++) { if (Inventory[i, j].HoverOver()) { if ((i == 0 && j == 5) || (selectedItemArrayPosition.X == 0 && selectedItemArrayPosition.Y == 5)) // shield { if (selectedItem.Type == ItemType.shield && Inventory[i, j].Type == ItemType.shield) { SwapItem(new Point(i, j)); break; } } else if ((i == 1 && j == 5) || (selectedItemArrayPosition.X == 1 && selectedItemArrayPosition.Y == 5)) // hull { if (selectedItem.Type == ItemType.hull && Inventory[i, j].Type == ItemType.hull) { SwapItem(new Point(i, j)); break; } } else if ((i > 1 && j == 5) || (selectedItemArrayPosition.X > 1 && selectedItemArrayPosition.Y == 5)) // weapons { if ((((selectedItem.Type == ItemType.weapon || Inventory[i, j].Type == ItemType.weapon) && Inventory[i, j].Type == ItemType.nothing) && (Weapons.Count > 1 || !Weapons.Any(item => item == selectedItem)) || (selectedItem.Type == ItemType.weapon && Inventory[i, j].Type == ItemType.weapon))) { int numberOfWeapons = Weapons.Count(); SwapItem(new Point(i, j)); if (numberOfWeapons > Weapons.Count()) { SelectedWeapon = 0; } break; } } else if (!(i > 2 && j == 6)) // inventory { SwapItem(new Point(i, j)); break; } } } } } selectedItem = null; selectedItemArrayPosition = new Point(0, 0); // remove for (int i = Inventory.GetLength(0) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = Inventory.GetLength(1) - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (Inventory[i, j].Dead) { Inventory[i, j] = new Item(Item.Nothing, ItemType.nothing, TextureManager.none, "", ""); } } } } }
public static void ShieldChanceReduceDamage(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { if (Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, 101) < 50) { ship.TakeDamage(damage / 2, goThroughShield, damageType, true); } else { ship.TakeDamage(damage, goThroughShield, damageType, true); } }
public static void ShieldChanceToTeleport(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { if (Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, 101) < shield.Chance) { List <int> locations = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i != (int)ship.ShipLocation) { locations.Add(i); } } ship.ShipLocation = (Location)locations[Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, locations.Count())]; ship.Size = 0; ship.Position = new Vector2((int)ship.ShipLocation * 100 + 200, ship.Position.Y); } else { ship.TakeDamage(damage, goThroughShield, damageType, true); } }
public static void ShieldBonusDamage(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { ship.TakeDamage(damage, goThroughShield, damageType, true); ship.BonusDamageOneFight += Globals.Randomizer.Next(1, 4); }
public static void ShieldDamageEnergy(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { if (Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, 101) < shield.Chance && ship.GetType().Name == "Player") { Player p = (Player)ship; p.Energy.Change(-damage); } else { ship.TakeDamage(damage, goThroughShield, damageType, true); } }
public static void ShieldDamageOverTime(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { ship.SetDamageOverTime(damage / 5, 5, goThroughShield); }
public static void ShieldCounterShoot(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { if (Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, 101) < shield.Chance) { ship.CurrentWeapon.Method(ship, ship.CurrentWeapon, 3, SceneManager.mapScene.CurrentLevel, false); } ship.TakeDamage(damage, goThroughShield, damageType, true); }
public static void ShieldReflect(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { if (damageType == DamageType.laser && Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, 101) < shield.Chance) { List <string> targets = new List <string>(); targets.Add(ship.GetType().Name == "Player" ? "Enemy" : "Player"); SceneManager.mapScene.CurrentLevel.ToAdd.Add(new Shot(ship.Position, MathHelper.Lerp((float)Math.PI + 0.2f, (float)Math.PI * 2 - 0.2f, (float)Globals.Randomizer.NextDouble()), damage, Shot.HitBasic, targets, 0f, 0)); } else { ship.TakeDamage(damage, goThroughShield, damageType, true); } }
public static void ShieldStandard(float damage, float goThroughShield, DamageType damageType, Ship ship, Shield shield) { ship.TakeDamage(damage, goThroughShield, damageType, true); }
public void RankUp() { int random = Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, 7); SceneManager.mapScene.NewRank.Flash = 10; if (random == 0) { AddItem(new Shield(new Vector2(200, Globals.ScreenSize.Y - 35), 100, 20, 60 + Globals.Randomizer.Next(-10, 20), Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, Shield.ListOfShieldMethods().Count()), Rank - 1)); RankPerks.Add("Shield Module"); } else if (random == 1) { AddItem(new Hull(this, Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, Hull.ListOfHullMethods().Count()), Rank - 1)); RankPerks.Add("Hull Module"); } else if (random == 2) { AddItem(new Weapon(this, Globals.Randomizer.Next(0, Weapon.ListOfMethods().Count()), Rank - 1)); RankPerks.Add("Weapon Module"); } else if (random == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { AddItem(new Item(Globals.Heal)); AddItem(new Item(Globals.Flee)); } RankPerks.Add("Misc items"); } else if (random == 4) { Health.MaxValue += 10; Health.Change(10); RankPerks.Add("Increase health by 10"); } else if (random == 5) { shieldRegeneration += 0.01f; RankPerks.Add("Increase shield regeneration"); } else if (random == 6) { BonusDamage += 2; RankPerks.Add("Increase damage"); } }