// add symbol table entry to the symbol table. // return true if successful // returns false if symbol by that name is already in table public bool Add(SymbolRec symbolToAdd) { // ensure symbol is not already in table for (int i = ScopeHash.Count - 1; i >= (AllowLocalToMaskOuter ? ScopeHash.Count - 1 : 0); i--) { if (ScopeHash[i].ContainsKey(symbolToAdd.SymbolName)) { return(false); } } ScopeHash[ScopeHash.Count - 1].Add(symbolToAdd.SymbolName, symbolToAdd); return(true); }
private static void SymbolicArgListToType( SymbolRec functionSymbol, out DataTypes[] argsTypesOut, out string[] argsNamesOut) { List <DataTypes> argsTypes = new List <DataTypes>(); List <string> argsNames = new List <string>(); SymbolListRec argNode = functionSymbol.FunctionArgList; while (argNode != null) { SymbolRec arg = argNode.First; argsTypes.Add(arg.VariableDataType); argsNames.Add(arg.SymbolName); argNode = argNode.Rest; } argsTypesOut = argsTypes.ToArray(); argsNamesOut = argsNames.ToArray(); }
private static SymbolRec ArgListTypesToSymbol( string functionName, DataTypes[] argsTypes, DataTypes returnType) { SymbolListRec head = null; for (int i = argsTypes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SymbolRec symbolArg = new SymbolRec(null); symbolArg.SymbolBecomeVariable(argsTypes[i]); SymbolListRec node = new SymbolListRec(symbolArg, head); head = node; } SymbolRec symbol = new SymbolRec(functionName); symbol.SymbolBecomeFunction(head, returnType); return(symbol); }
/* compile a special function. a special function has no function header, but is */ /* simply some code to be executed. the parameters the code is expecting are provided */ /* in the FuncArray[] and NumParams. the first parameter is deepest beneath the */ /* top of stack. the TextData is NOT altered. if an error occurrs, *FunctionOut */ /* will NOT contain a valid object */ public static CompileErrors CompileSpecialFunction( CodeCenterRec CodeCenter, FunctionParamRec[] FuncArray, out int ErrorLineNumber, out DataTypes ReturnTypeOut, string TextData, bool suppressCILEmission, out PcodeRec FunctionOut, out ASTExpression ASTOut) { CompileErrors Error; ErrorLineNumber = -1; ASTOut = null; FunctionOut = null; ReturnTypeOut = DataTypes.eInvalidDataType; ScannerRec <KeywordsType> TheScanner = new ScannerRec <KeywordsType>(TextData, KeywordTable); SymbolTableRec TheSymbolTable = new SymbolTableRec(); // reconstitute function prototypes for (int i = 0; i < CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures.Length; i++) { SymbolRec functionSignature = ArgListTypesToSymbol( CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures[i].Key, CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures[i].Value.ArgsTypes, CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures[i].Value.ReturnType); bool f = TheSymbolTable.Add(functionSignature); Debug.Assert(f); // should never fail (due to duplicate) since CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures is unique-keyed } /* build parameters into symbol table */ int StackDepth = 0; int MaxStackDepth = 0; int ReturnAddressIndex = StackDepth; for (int i = 0; i < FuncArray.Length; i += 1) { SymbolRec TheParameter = new SymbolRec(FuncArray[i].ParameterName); TheParameter.SymbolBecomeVariable(FuncArray[i].ParameterType); /* allocate stack slot */ StackDepth++; MaxStackDepth = Math.Max(MaxStackDepth, StackDepth); TheParameter.SymbolVariableStackLocation = StackDepth; if (!TheSymbolTable.Add(TheParameter)) // our own code should never pass in a formal arg list with duplicates { Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } /* fence them off */ TheSymbolTable.IncrementSymbolTableLevel(); /* reserve spot for fake return address (so we have uniform calling convention everywhere) */ StackDepth++; MaxStackDepth = Math.Max(MaxStackDepth, StackDepth); if (StackDepth != FuncArray.Length + 1) { // stack depth error before evaluating function Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } ASTExpressionList ListOfExpressions; Error = ParseExprList( out ListOfExpressions, new ParserContext( TheScanner, TheSymbolTable), out ErrorLineNumber); /* compile the thing */ if (Error != CompileErrors.eCompileNoError) { return(Error); } ASTExpression TheExpressionThang = new ASTExpression( ListOfExpressions, TheScanner.GetCurrentLineNumber()); /* make sure there is nothing after it */ TokenRec <KeywordsType> Token = TheScanner.GetNextToken(); if (Token.GetTokenType() != TokenTypes.eTokenEndOfInput) { ErrorLineNumber = TheScanner.GetCurrentLineNumber(); return(CompileErrors.eCompileInputBeyondEndOfFunction); } DataTypes ResultingType; Error = TheExpressionThang.TypeCheck(out ResultingType, out ErrorLineNumber); if (Error != CompileErrors.eCompileNoError) { return(Error); } OptimizeAST(ref TheExpressionThang); PcodeRec TheFunctionCode = new PcodeRec(); TheExpressionThang.PcodeGen( TheFunctionCode, ref StackDepth, ref MaxStackDepth); Debug.Assert(StackDepth <= MaxStackDepth); ReturnTypeOut = TheExpressionThang.ResultType; /* 2 extra words for retaddr, resultofexpr */ if (StackDepth != FuncArray.Length + 1 /*retaddr*/ + 1 /*result*/) { // stack depth error after evaluating function Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } /* now put the return instruction */ int unused; TheFunctionCode.AddPcodeInstruction(Pcodes.epReturnFromSubroutine, out unused, TheScanner.GetCurrentLineNumber()); // special function returns without popping args -- so that args can be have in/out behavior TheFunctionCode.AddPcodeOperandInteger(0); StackDepth -= 1; /* pop retaddr */ Debug.Assert(StackDepth <= MaxStackDepth); if (StackDepth != 1 + FuncArray.Length) { // stack depth is wrong at end of function Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } TheFunctionCode.MaxStackDepth = MaxStackDepth; /* optimize stupid things away */ TheFunctionCode.OptimizePcode(); if (CILObject.EnableCIL && !suppressCILEmission) { DataTypes[] argsTypes = new DataTypes[FuncArray.Length]; string[] argsNames = new string[FuncArray.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < argsTypes.Length; i++) { argsTypes[i] = FuncArray[i].ParameterType; argsNames[i] = FuncArray[i].ParameterName; } CILAssembly cilAssembly = new CILAssembly(); CILObject cilObject = new CILObject( CodeCenter.ManagedFunctionLinker, argsTypes, argsNames, TheExpressionThang.ResultType, TheExpressionThang, cilAssembly, true /*argsByRef*/); // args by ref true for special functions to permit multiple return values TheFunctionCode.cilObject = cilObject; cilAssembly.Finish(); } /* it worked, so return the dang thing */ FunctionOut = TheFunctionCode; ASTOut = TheExpressionThang; return(CompileErrors.eCompileNoError); }
// Compile multiple modules. (eliminates the need to do prototyping or function signature inference.) // CodeCenter is cleared, and if compilation succeeds, the functions are added to CodeCenter. public static CompileErrors CompileWholeProgram( out int ErrorLineNumber, out int ErrorModuleIndex, string[] TextDatas, object[] Signatures, CodeCenterRec CodeCenter, string[] Filenames) { Debug.Assert(TextDatas.Length == Signatures.Length); Debug.Assert(TextDatas.Length == Filenames.Length); ErrorLineNumber = -1; ErrorModuleIndex = -1; CodeCenter.FlushAllCompiledFunctions(); CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures = new KeyValuePair <string, FunctionSignature> [0]; // parse List <SymbolRec> SymbolTableEntriesForForm = new List <SymbolRec>(); List <ASTExpression> FunctionBodyRecords = new List <ASTExpression>(); List <int> ModuleIndices = new List <int>(); Dictionary <string, List <ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo> > FunctionRefSymbolList = new Dictionary <string, List <ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo> >(); List <int> InitialLineNumbersOfForm = new List <int>(); for (int module = 0; module < TextDatas.Length; module++) { string TextData = TextDatas[module]; ErrorModuleIndex = module; ScannerRec <KeywordsType> TheScanner = new ScannerRec <KeywordsType>(TextData, KeywordTable); SymbolTableRec TheSymbolTable = new SymbolTableRec(); /* loop until there are no more things to parse */ while (true) { TokenRec <KeywordsType> Token = TheScanner.GetNextToken(); int InitialLineNumberOfForm = TheScanner.GetCurrentLineNumber(); if (Token.GetTokenType() == TokenTypes.eTokenEndOfInput) { /* no more functions to parse, so stop */ break; } SymbolRec SymbolTableEntryForForm; ASTExpression FunctionBodyRecord; /* parse the function */ TheScanner.UngetToken(Token); CompileErrors Error = ParseForm( out SymbolTableEntryForForm, out FunctionBodyRecord, new ParserContext( TheScanner, TheSymbolTable, FunctionRefSymbolList), out ErrorLineNumber); if (Error != CompileErrors.eCompileNoError) { return(Error); } Debug.Assert(FunctionBodyRecord != null); ModuleIndices.Add(module); SymbolTableEntriesForForm.Add(SymbolTableEntryForForm); FunctionBodyRecords.Add(FunctionBodyRecord); InitialLineNumbersOfForm.Add(InitialLineNumberOfForm); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo> > name in FunctionRefSymbolList) { foreach (ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo funcRef in name.Value) { funcRef.module = module; } } } // push function type signatures into function call refs Dictionary <string, bool> functionNamesUsed = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); for (int i = 0; i < SymbolTableEntriesForForm.Count; i++) { ErrorModuleIndex = ModuleIndices[i]; SymbolRec FunctionDeclarationSymbol = SymbolTableEntriesForForm[i]; if (functionNamesUsed.ContainsKey(FunctionDeclarationSymbol.SymbolName)) { ErrorLineNumber = FunctionBodyRecords[i].LineNumber; return(CompileErrors.eCompileMultiplyDeclaredFunction); } functionNamesUsed.Add(FunctionDeclarationSymbol.SymbolName, false); List <ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo> symbols; if (FunctionRefSymbolList.TryGetValue(FunctionDeclarationSymbol.SymbolName, out symbols)) { foreach (ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo functionRef in symbols) { functionRef.symbol.SymbolBecomeFunction2( FunctionDeclarationSymbol.FunctionArgList, FunctionDeclarationSymbol.FunctionReturnType); } FunctionRefSymbolList.Remove(FunctionDeclarationSymbol.SymbolName); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo> > name in FunctionRefSymbolList) { foreach (ParserContext.FunctionSymbolRefInfo funcRef in name.Value) { ErrorModuleIndex = funcRef.module; ErrorLineNumber = funcRef.lineNumber; return(CompileErrors.eCompileMultiplyDeclaredFunction); } } // type check and type inference for (int i = 0; i < FunctionBodyRecords.Count; i++) { int module = ModuleIndices[i]; SymbolRec SymbolTableEntryForForm = SymbolTableEntriesForForm[i]; ASTExpression FunctionBodyRecord = FunctionBodyRecords[i]; int InitialLineNumberOfForm = InitialLineNumbersOfForm[i]; ErrorModuleIndex = module; /* SymbolTableEntryForForm will be the symbol table entry that */ /* was added to the symbol table. FunctionBodyRecord is either */ /* an expression for a function or NIL if it was a prototype */ Debug.Assert(!CodeCenter.CodeCenterHaveThisFunction(SymbolTableEntryForForm.SymbolName)); /* step 1: do type checking */ DataTypes ResultingType; CompileErrors Error = FunctionBodyRecord.TypeCheck( out ResultingType, out ErrorLineNumber); if (Error != CompileErrors.eCompileNoError) { return(Error); } /* check to see that resulting type matches declared type */ if (!CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionReturnType, ResultingType)) { ErrorLineNumber = InitialLineNumberOfForm; return(CompileErrors.eCompileTypeMismatch); } /* if it has to be promoted, then promote it */ if (MustRightBePromotedToLeft(SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionReturnType, ResultingType)) { /* insert promotion operator above expression */ ASTExpression ReplacementExpr = PromoteTheExpression( ResultingType, SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionReturnType, FunctionBodyRecord, InitialLineNumberOfForm); FunctionBodyRecord = ReplacementExpr; /* sanity check */ Error = FunctionBodyRecord.TypeCheck( out ResultingType, out ErrorLineNumber); if (Error != CompileErrors.eCompileNoError) { // type promotion caused failure Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (ResultingType != SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionReturnType) { // after type promotion, types are no longer the same Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } } // code generation CILAssembly cilAssembly = null; if (CILObject.EnableCIL) { cilAssembly = new CILAssembly(); } FuncCodeRec[] TheWholeFunctionThings = new FuncCodeRec[FunctionBodyRecords.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < FunctionBodyRecords.Count; i++) { int module = ModuleIndices[i]; SymbolRec SymbolTableEntryForForm = SymbolTableEntriesForForm[i]; ASTExpression FunctionBodyRecord = FunctionBodyRecords[i]; int InitialLineNumberOfForm = InitialLineNumbersOfForm[i]; string Filename = Filenames[module]; object Signature = Signatures[module]; ErrorModuleIndex = module; Debug.Assert(!CodeCenter.CodeCenterHaveThisFunction(SymbolTableEntryForForm.SymbolName)); /* step 1.5: optimize the AST */ OptimizeAST(ref FunctionBodyRecord); /* step 2: do code generation */ /* calling conventions: */ /* - push the arguments */ /* - funccall pushes the return address */ /* thus, upon entry, Stack[0] will be the return address */ /* and Stack[-1] will be the rightmost argument */ /* on return, args and retaddr are popped and retval replaces them */ int StackDepth = 0; int MaxStackDepth = 0; int ReturnValueLocation = StackDepth; /* remember return value location */ int ArgumentIndex = 0; SymbolListRec FormalArgumentListScan = SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionArgList; while (FormalArgumentListScan != null) { SymbolRec TheFormalArg = FormalArgumentListScan.First; StackDepth++; /* allocate first */ MaxStackDepth = Math.Max(MaxStackDepth, StackDepth); TheFormalArg.SymbolVariableStackLocation = StackDepth; /* remember */ ArgumentIndex++; FormalArgumentListScan = FormalArgumentListScan.Rest; } /* reserve return address spot */ StackDepth++; MaxStackDepth = Math.Max(MaxStackDepth, StackDepth); /* allocate the function code */ PcodeRec TheFunctionCode = new PcodeRec(); FunctionBodyRecord.PcodeGen( TheFunctionCode, ref StackDepth, ref MaxStackDepth); Debug.Assert(StackDepth <= MaxStackDepth); /* 2 extra words for retaddr and resultofexpr */ if (StackDepth != ArgumentIndex + 1 + 1) { // stack depth error after evaluating function Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } /* now put the return instruction (pops retaddr and args, leaving retval) */ int ignored; TheFunctionCode.AddPcodeInstruction(Pcodes.epReturnFromSubroutine, out ignored, InitialLineNumberOfForm); TheFunctionCode.AddPcodeOperandInteger(ArgumentIndex); StackDepth = StackDepth - (1 + ArgumentIndex); Debug.Assert(StackDepth <= MaxStackDepth); if (StackDepth != 1) { // stack depth is wrong at end of function Debug.Assert(false); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } TheFunctionCode.MaxStackDepth = MaxStackDepth; /* step 2.5: optimize the code */ TheFunctionCode.OptimizePcode(); /* step 3: create the function and save it away */ FuncCodeRec TheWholeFunctionThing = new FuncCodeRec( SymbolTableEntryForForm.SymbolName, SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionArgList, TheFunctionCode, SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionReturnType, Filename); TheWholeFunctionThings[i] = TheWholeFunctionThing; if (CILObject.EnableCIL) { DataTypes[] argsTypes; string[] argsNames; SymbolicArgListToType(SymbolTableEntryForForm, out argsTypes, out argsNames); CILObject cilObject = new CILObject( CodeCenter.ManagedFunctionLinker, argsTypes, argsNames, SymbolTableEntryForForm.FunctionReturnType, FunctionBodyRecord, cilAssembly, false /*argsByRef*/); TheWholeFunctionThing.CILObject = cilObject; } } // register after entire assembly is emitted if (CILObject.EnableCIL) { cilAssembly.Finish(); } for (int i = 0; i < TheWholeFunctionThings.Length; i++) { FuncCodeRec TheWholeFunctionThing = TheWholeFunctionThings[i]; object Signature = Signatures[ModuleIndices[i]]; CodeCenter.AddFunctionToCodeCenter(TheWholeFunctionThing, Signature); } // retain signatures for compilation of special functions CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures = new KeyValuePair <string, FunctionSignature> [SymbolTableEntriesForForm.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures.Length; i++) { DataTypes[] argsTypes; string[] argsNames; SymbolicArgListToType(SymbolTableEntriesForForm[i], out argsTypes, out argsNames); CodeCenter.RetainedFunctionSignatures[i] = new KeyValuePair <string, FunctionSignature>( SymbolTableEntriesForForm[i].SymbolName, new FunctionSignature( argsTypes, SymbolTableEntriesForForm[i].FunctionReturnType)); } return(CompileErrors.eCompileNoError); }
public static SymbolListRec Cons(SymbolRec first, SymbolListRec rest) { return(new SymbolListRec(first, rest)); }
public SymbolListRec(SymbolRec first, SymbolListRec rest) { this.first = first; this.rest = rest; }