public Dictionary <string, GameInfo> GetInstalledGames() { var contentPath = Path.Combine(Origin.DataPath, "LocalContent"); var games = new Dictionary <string, GameInfo>(); if (Directory.Exists(contentPath)) { var packages = Directory.GetFiles(contentPath, "*.mfst", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var package in packages) { try { var gameId = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(package); if (!gameId.StartsWith("Origin")) { // Get game id by fixing file via adding : before integer part of the name // for example OFB-EAST52017 converts to OFB-EAST:52017 var match = Regex.Match(gameId, @"^(.*?)(\d+)$"); if (!match.Success) { logger.Warn("Failed to get game id from file " + package); continue; } gameId = match.Groups[1].Value + ":" + match.Groups[2].Value; } var newGame = new GameInfo() { Source = "Origin", GameId = gameId, IsInstalled = true, Platform = "PC" }; GameLocalDataResponse localData = null; try { localData = GetLocalManifest(gameId); } catch (Exception e) when(!Environment.IsDebugBuild) { logger.Error(e, $"Failed to get Origin manifest for a {gameId}, {package}"); continue; } if (localData == null) { continue; } if (localData.offerType != "Base Game" && localData.offerType != "DEMO") { continue; } newGame.Name = StringExtensions.NormalizeGameName(localData.localizableAttributes.displayName); var platform = => a.softwarePlatform == "PCWIN"); if (platform == null) { logger.Warn(gameId + " game doesn't have windows platform, skipping install import."); continue; } var installPath = GetPathFromPlatformPath(platform.fulfillmentAttributes.installCheckOverride); if (installPath == null || installPath.CompletePath.IsNullOrEmpty() || !File.Exists(installPath.CompletePath)) { continue; } var installDirReplacement = ExpandableVariables.InstallationDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; newGame.PlayAction = GetGamePlayTask(localData); if (newGame.PlayAction?.Type == GameActionType.File) { newGame.InstallDirectory = newGame.PlayAction.WorkingDir; newGame.PlayAction.Path = newGame.PlayAction.Path.Replace(newGame.InstallDirectory, installDirReplacement); } else { newGame.InstallDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(installPath.CompletePath); } // For games like Sims 4 if (newGame.PlayAction?.Path.EndsWith("exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false) { var task = GetGamePlayTask(newGame.InstallDirectory); newGame.InstallDirectory = task.WorkingDir; newGame.PlayAction.Path = task.Path.Replace(newGame.InstallDirectory, installDirReplacement); } // If game uses EasyAntiCheat then use executable referenced by it if (Origin.GetGameUsesEasyAntiCheat(newGame.InstallDirectory)) { var eac = EasyAntiCheat.GetLauncherSettings(newGame.InstallDirectory); if (newGame.PlayAction == null) { newGame.PlayAction = new GameAction { Type = GameActionType.File, IsHandledByPlugin = true }; } newGame.PlayAction.Path = eac.Executable.Replace(newGame.InstallDirectory, installDirReplacement); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eac.Parameters) && eac.UseCmdlineParameters == "1") { newGame.PlayAction.Arguments = eac.Parameters; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eac.WorkingDirectory)) { newGame.PlayAction.WorkingDir = Path.Combine(ExpandableVariables.InstallationDirectory, eac.WorkingDirectory); } } if (newGame.PlayAction != null) { if (!newGame.PlayAction.Path.Contains(ExpandableVariables.InstallationDirectory)) { newGame.PlayAction.Path = installDirReplacement + newGame.PlayAction.Path; } newGame.PlayAction.WorkingDir = null; games.Add(newGame.GameId, newGame); } else { logger.Warn("Found installed Origin game that's not launchable, skipping import."); logger.Warn(newGame.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) when(!Environment.IsDebugBuild) { logger.Error(e, $"Failed to import installed Origin game {package}."); } } } return(games); }