private IMessageTree MergeTree(BlockingThreadSafeQueue<IMessageTree> trees) { int max = MAX_ATOMIC_MESSAGES - 1; DefaultTransaction tran = new DefaultTransaction("_CatMergeTree", "_CatMergeTree", null); tran.Status = CatConstants.SUCCESS; tran.SetCompleted(true); IMessageTree first; trees.TryPeek(out first, false); // Usually this should not happen, because it is in the same thread with ShouldMerge() if (first == null) { return null; } // Set merge tree start time to the first massage's timestamp tran.Timestamp = first.Message.Timestamp; long lastTimestamp = 0; long lastDuration = 0; int estimatedByteSize = 0; while (max >= 0) { IMessageTree tree; trees.TryDequeue(out tree, false); if (tree != null) { tran.AddChild(tree.Message); estimatedByteSize += tree.EstimatedByteSize; if (first!=tree) { _messageIdFactory.Reuse(tree.MessageId); } lastTimestamp = tree.Message.Timestamp; if (tree.Message is DefaultTransaction) { lastDuration = ((DefaultTransaction)tree.Message).DurationInMillis; } else { lastDuration = 0; } } if (tree == null || max == 0) { // Set merge tree end time to the last massage's end time tran.DurationInMillis = (lastTimestamp - tran.Timestamp + lastDuration); break; } max--; } ((DefaultMessageTree) first).Message = tran; estimatedByteSize += tran.EstimateByteSize(); first.EstimatedByteSize = estimatedByteSize; return first; }
public void markAsNotCompleted(DefaultTransaction transaction) { DefaultEvent evt = new DefaultEvent("cat", "BadInstrument"); evt.Status = "TransactionNotCompleted"; evt.SetCompleted(true); transaction.AddChild(evt); transaction.SetCompleted(true); }