	///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the AuthUserPass class.</summary>
	///<param name="AuthList">An AuthenticationList object that contains the list of all valid username/password combinations.</param>
	///<remarks>If the AuthList parameter is null, any username/password combination will be accepted.</remarks>
	public AuthUserPass(AuthenticationList AuthList) {
		this.AuthList = AuthList;
 ///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the AuthUserPass class.</summary>
 ///<param name="AuthList">An AuthenticationList object that contains the list of all valid username/password combinations.</param>
 ///<remarks>If the AuthList parameter is null, any username/password combination will be accepted.</remarks>
 public AuthUserPass(AuthenticationList AuthList)
     this.AuthList = AuthList;
 ///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the SocksClient class.</summary>
 ///<param name="ClientSocket">The Socket connection between this proxy server and the local client.</param>
 ///<param name="Destroyer">The method to be called when this SocksClient object disconnects from the local client and the remote server.</param>
 ///<param name="AuthList">The list with valid username/password combinations.</param>
 ///<remarks>If the AuthList is non-null, every client has to authenticate before he can use this proxy server to relay data. If it is null, the clients don't have to authenticate.</remarks>
 public SocksClient(Socket ClientSocket, DestroyDelegate Destroyer, AuthenticationList AuthList)
     : base(ClientSocket, Destroyer)
     this.AuthList = AuthList;
	///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the Socks5Handler class.</summary>
	///<param name="ClientConnection">The connection with the client.</param>
	///<param name="Callback">The method to call when the SOCKS negotiation is complete.</param>
	///<param name="AuthList">The authentication list to use when clients connect.</param>
	///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><c>Callback</c> is null.</exception>
	///<remarks>If the AuthList parameter is null, no authentication will be required when a client connects to the proxy server.</remarks>
	public Socks5Handler(Socket ClientConnection, NegotiationCompleteDelegate Callback, AuthenticationList AuthList) : base(ClientConnection, Callback) {
		this.AuthList = AuthList;
	///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the SocksListener class.</summary>
	///<param name="Port">The port to listen on.</param>
	///<param name="Address">The address to listen on. You can specify IPAddress.Any to listen on all installed network cards.</param>
	///<param name="AuthList">The list of valid login/password combinations. If you do not need password authentication, set this parameter to null.</param>
	///<remarks>For the security of your server, try to avoid to listen on every network card (IPAddress.Any). Listening on a local IP address is usually sufficient and much more secure.</remarks>
	public SocksListener(IPAddress Address, int Port, AuthenticationList AuthList) : base(Port, Address) {
		this.AuthList = AuthList;
	///<summary>Initializes a new instance of the SocksListener class.</summary>
	///<param name="Port">The port to listen on.</param>
	///<param name="AuthList">The list of valid login/password combinations. If you do not need password authentication, set this parameter to null.</param>
	///<remarks>The SocksListener will listen on all available network cards.</remarks>
	public SocksListener(int Port, AuthenticationList AuthList) : this(IPAddress.Any, Port, AuthList) {}