public void WhenIExecute(string commandLine) { var details = new RequestDetails(); Binding<WebAppHosting>().Host.Execute(() => { var args = commandLine.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var parameters = new CommandParametersParser().Parse(args); var agent = new CommandHostAgent(); var input = new StringReader(""); var output = new StringWriter(); details.StatusCode = agent.RunSingleCommand( input, output, "Default", parameters.Arguments.ToArray(), parameters.Switches.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value)); details.StatusDescription = details.StatusCode.ToString(); details.ResponseText = output.ToString(); }); Binding<WebAppHosting>().Details = details; }
public static RequestDetails SendRequest(this WebHost webHost, string urlPath, IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> postData) { var physicalPath = Bleroy.FluentPath.Path.Get(webHost.PhysicalDirectory); var details = new RequestDetails { HostName = webHost.HostName, UrlPath = urlPath, Page = physicalPath .Combine(urlPath.TrimStart('/', '\\')) .GetRelativePath(physicalPath), }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webHost.Cookies)) { details.RequestHeaders.Add("Cookie", webHost.Cookies); } if (postData != null) { var requestBodyText = postData .SelectMany(kv => kv.Value.Select(v => new { k = kv.Key, v })) .Select((kv, n) => new { p = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(kv.k) + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(kv.v), n }) .Aggregate("", (a, x) => a + (x.n == 0 ? "" : "&") + x.p); details.PostData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(requestBodyText); } webHost.Execute(() => { var output = new StringWriter(); var worker = new Worker(details, output); HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest(worker); details.ResponseText = output.ToString(); }); string setCookie; if (details.ResponseHeaders.TryGetValue("Set-Cookie", out setCookie)) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Set-Cookie: {0}", setCookie)); webHost.Cookies = (webHost.Cookies + ';' + setCookie.Split(';').FirstOrDefault()).Trim(';'); } return details; }
public static RequestDetails SendRequest(this WebHost webHost, string urlPath, IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> postData, string requestMethod = null) { var physicalPath = Bleroy.FluentPath.Path.Get(webHost.PhysicalDirectory); bool isHomepage = urlPath == "/"; if (!isHomepage) urlPath = StripVDir(urlPath, webHost.VirtualDirectory); var details = new RequestDetails { HostName = webHost.HostName, UrlPath = urlPath.Replace('\\', '/'), }; int queryIndex = urlPath.IndexOf('?'); if (queryIndex >= 0) { details.UrlPath = urlPath.Substring(0, queryIndex).Replace('\\', '/'); details.Query = urlPath.Substring(queryIndex + 1); } var physicalFilePath = physicalPath.Combine(details.UrlPath.TrimStart('/', '\\')); details.Page = (isHomepage ? "" : physicalFilePath.GetRelativePath(physicalPath).ToString()); if (!File.Exists(physicalFilePath)) details.Page = details.Page.Replace('\\', '/'); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webHost.Cookies)) { details.RequestHeaders.Add("Cookie", webHost.Cookies); } if (postData != null) { var requestBodyText = postData .SelectMany(kv => kv.Value.Select(v => new { k = kv.Key, v })) .Select((kv, n) => new { p = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(kv.k) + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(kv.v), n }) .Aggregate("", (a, x) => a + (x.n == 0 ? "" : "&") + x.p); if (requestMethod == "POST") details.PostData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(requestBodyText); else details.Query = requestBodyText; } webHost.Execute(() => { var output = new StringWriter(); var worker = new Worker(details, output); HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest(worker); details.ResponseText = output.ToString(); }); string setCookie; if (details.ResponseHeaders.TryGetValue("Set-Cookie", out setCookie)) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Set-Cookie: {0}", setCookie)); var cookieName = setCookie.Split(';')[0].Split('=')[0]; DateTime expires; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webHost.Cookies) && setCookie.Contains("expires=") && DateTime.TryParse(setCookie.Split(new[] { "expires=" }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split(';')[0], out expires) && expires < DateTime.Now) { // remove Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Removing cookie: {0}", cookieName)); webHost.Cookies = Regex.Replace(webHost.Cookies, string.Format("{0}=[^;]*;?", cookieName), ""); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webHost.Cookies) && Regex.IsMatch(webHost.Cookies, string.Format("\b{0}=", cookieName))) { // replace Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Replacing cookie: {0}", cookieName)); webHost.Cookies = Regex.Replace(webHost.Cookies, string.Format("{0}=[^;]*(;?)", cookieName), string.Format("{0}$1", setCookie.Split(';')[0])); } else { // add Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Adding cookie: {0}", cookieName)); webHost.Cookies = (webHost.Cookies + ';' + setCookie.Split(';').FirstOrDefault()).Trim(';'); } Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Cookie jar: {0}", webHost.Cookies)); } return details; }
public Worker(RequestDetails details, TextWriter output) : base(details.Page, details.Query, output) { _details = details; _output = output; PostContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; }
public void WhenIHit(string submitText) { var submit = _doc.DocumentNode .SelectSingleNode(string.Format("(//input[@type='submit'][@value='{0}']|//button[@type='submit'][text()='{0}'])", submitText)); var form = Form.LocateAround(submit); var urlPath = form.Start.GetAttributeValue("action", Details.UrlPath); var inputs = form.Children .SelectMany(elt => elt.DescendantsAndSelf("input")) .Where(node => !((node.GetAttributeValue("type", "") == "radio" || node.GetAttributeValue("type", "") == "checkbox") && node.GetAttributeValue("checked", "") != "checked")) .GroupBy(elt => elt.GetAttributeValue("name", elt.GetAttributeValue("id", "")), elt => elt.GetAttributeValue("value", "")) .ToDictionary(elt => elt.Key, elt => (IEnumerable<string>)elt); Details = Host.SendRequest(urlPath, inputs); _doc = new HtmlDocument(); _doc.Load(new StringReader(Details.ResponseText)); }
public void WhenIGoTo(string urlPath) { Details = Host.SendRequest(urlPath); _doc = new HtmlDocument(); _doc.Load(new StringReader(Details.ResponseText)); }
public void WhenIGoToPathOnHost(string urlPath, string host) { Host.HostName = host; Details = Host.SendRequest(urlPath); _doc = new HtmlDocument(); _doc.Load(new StringReader(Details.ResponseText)); }
public void WhenIHit(string submitText) { var submit = _doc.DocumentNode .SelectSingleNode(string.Format("(//input[@type='submit'][@value='{0}']|//button[@type='submit'][text()='{0}'])", submitText)); string urlPath = null; if (submit == null) { // could be a simple link using "unsafeurl" property submit = _doc.DocumentNode .SelectNodes("//a") .SingleOrDefault(elt => elt.InnerHtml == submitText) ?? _doc.DocumentNode .SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//a[@title='{0}']", submitText)); urlPath = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(submit.Attributes["href"].Value); } var form = Form.LocateAround(submit); if (urlPath == null) { urlPath = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(form.Start.GetAttributeValue("action", Details.UrlPath)); } var inputs = form.Children .SelectMany(elt => elt.DescendantsAndSelf("input").Concat(elt.Descendants("textarea"))) .Where(node => !((node.GetAttributeValue("type", "") == "radio" || node.GetAttributeValue("type", "") == "checkbox") && node.GetAttributeValue("checked", "") != "checked")) .GroupBy(elt => elt.GetAttributeValue("name", elt.GetAttributeValue("id", "")), elt => elt.GetAttributeValue("value", "")) .Where(g => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(g.Key)) // add values of <select>s .Concat( // select all <select> elements form.Children.SelectMany(elt => elt.DescendantsAndSelf("select")).Where(elt => elt.Name.Equals("select", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // group them by their name with value that comes from first of: // (1) value of option with 'selecturlPath.Replace("", "localhost")ed' attribute, // (2) value of first option (none have 'selected'), // (3) empty value (e.g. select with no options) .GroupBy( sel => sel.GetAttributeValue("name", sel.GetAttributeValue("id", "")), sel => (sel.Descendants("option").SingleOrDefault(opt => opt.Attributes["selected"] != null) ?? sel.Descendants("option").FirstOrDefault() ?? new HtmlNode(HtmlNodeType.Element, _doc, 0)).GetOptionValue())) .ToDictionary(elt => elt.Key, elt => (IEnumerable<string>)elt); if (submit.Attributes.Contains("name")) inputs.Add(submit.GetAttributeValue("name", ""), new[] {submit.GetAttributeValue("value", "yes")}); Details = Host.SendRequest(urlPath, inputs, form.Start.GetAttributeValue("method", "GET").ToUpperInvariant()); _doc = new HtmlDocument(); _doc.Load(new StringReader(Details.ResponseText)); }
public void WhenIGoTo(string urlPath) { Details = Host.SendRequest(urlPath); _doc = new HtmlDocument(); _doc.Load(new StringReader(Regex.Replace(Details.ResponseText, @">\s+<", "><"))); }