public void ApplyFilter(SortCriterionContext context, PropertyInfo property) {

            bool ascending = Boolean.Parse(Convert.ToString(context.State.Sort));
            context.Query = ascending
                ? context.Query.OrderBy(alias => alias.ContentPartRecord(property.DeclaringType), x => x.Asc(property.Name))
                : context.Query.OrderBy(alias => alias.ContentPartRecord(property.DeclaringType), x => x.Desc(property.Name));
        public LocalizedString DisplaySortCriterion(SortCriterionContext context, ContentPartDefinition part, ContentPartFieldDefinition fieldDefinition) {
            bool ascending = (bool)context.State.Sort;

            return ascending
                       ? T("Ordered by field {0}, ascending", fieldDefinition.Name)
                       : T("Ordered by field {0}, descending", fieldDefinition.Name);

        public LocalizedString DisplaySortCriterion(SortCriterionContext context, string propertyName) {
            bool ascending = Boolean.Parse(Convert.ToString(context.State.Sort));

            if (ascending) {
                return T("Ordered by {0}, ascending", propertyName);

            return T("Ordered by {0}, descending", propertyName);
        public void ApplySortCriterion(SortCriterionContext context, int sortId, string sortName) {
            Action<IHqlExpressionFactory> predicate = y => y.Eq("CustomSortRecord.Id", sortId);

            Action<IAliasFactory> relationship = x =>
                x.ContentPartRecord<CustomSortOrderRecord>("left outer join", predicate);

            context.Query = context.Query.Join(relationship);

            context.Query = context.Query.OrderBy(relationship, x => x.Desc("SortOrder"));
        public void ApplySortCriterion(SortCriterionContext context, IFieldTypeEditor fieldTypeEditor, string storageName, Type storageType, ContentPartDefinition part, ContentPartFieldDefinition field) {
            bool ascending = Convert.ToBoolean(context.State.Sort);
            var propertyName = String.Join(".", part.Name, field.Name, storageName ?? "");

            // use an alias with the join so that two filters on the same Field Type wont collide
            var relationship = fieldTypeEditor.GetFilterRelationship(propertyName.ToSafeName());

            // generate the predicate based on the editor which has been used
            Action<IHqlExpressionFactory> predicate = y => y.Eq("PropertyName", propertyName);

            // combines the predicate with a filter on the specific property name of the storage, as implemented in FieldIndexService

            // apply where clause
            context.Query = context.Query.Where(relationship, predicate);
            // apply sort
            context.Query = ascending 
                ? context.Query.OrderBy(relationship, x => x.Asc("Value")) 
                : context.Query.OrderBy(relationship, x => x.Desc("Value"));
        public LocalizedString DisplaySortCriterion(SortCriterionContext context, string sortName) {
            return T("Ordered by {0}", sortName);

        public IEnumerable<ContentItem> GetContentItems(int queryId, int skip = 0, int count = 0) {
            var availableSortCriteria = DescribeSortCriteria().ToList();

            var queryRecord = _queryRepository.Get(queryId);

            if(queryRecord == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException("queryId");

            var contentItems = new List<ContentItem>();

            // aggregate the result for each group query
            foreach(var contentQuery in GetContentQueries(queryRecord, queryRecord.SortCriteria)) {
                contentItems.AddRange(contentQuery.Slice(skip, count));

            if(queryRecord.FilterGroups.Count <= 1) {
                return contentItems;

            // re-executing the sorting with the cumulated groups
            var ids = contentItems.Select(c => c.Id).ToArray();

            var groupQuery = _contentManager.HqlQuery().Where(alias => alias.Named("ci"), x => x.InG("Id", ids));

            // iterate over each sort criteria to apply the alterations to the query object
            foreach (var sortCriterion in queryRecord.SortCriteria) {
                var sortCriterionContext = new SortCriterionContext {
                    Query = groupQuery,
                    State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(sortCriterion.State)

                string category = sortCriterion.Category;
                string type = sortCriterion.Type;

                // look for the specific filter component
                var descriptor = availableSortCriteria.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type);

                // ignore unfound descriptors
                if (descriptor == null) {

                // apply alteration

                groupQuery = sortCriterionContext.Query;

            return groupQuery.Slice(skip, count);
        public IEnumerable<IHqlQuery> GetContentQueries(QueryPartRecord queryRecord, IEnumerable<SortCriterionRecord> sortCriteria) {
            var availableFilters = DescribeFilters().ToList();
            var availableSortCriteria = DescribeSortCriteria().ToList();

            // pre-executing all groups 
            foreach (var group in queryRecord.FilterGroups) {

                var contentQuery = _contentManager.HqlQuery().ForVersion(VersionOptions.Published);

                // iterate over each filter to apply the alterations to the query object
                foreach (var filter in group.Filters) {
                    var tokenizedState = _tokenizer.Replace(filter.State, new Dictionary<string, object>());
                    var filterContext = new FilterContext {
                        Query = contentQuery,
                        State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(tokenizedState)

                    string category = filter.Category;
                    string type = filter.Type;

                    // look for the specific filter component
                    var descriptor = availableFilters
                        .SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors)
                        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type);

                    // ignore unfound descriptors
                    if (descriptor == null) {

                    // apply alteration

                    contentQuery = filterContext.Query;

                // iterate over each sort criteria to apply the alterations to the query object
                foreach (var sortCriterion in sortCriteria) {
                    var sortCriterionContext = new SortCriterionContext {
                        Query = contentQuery,
                        State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(sortCriterion.State)

                    string category = sortCriterion.Category;
                    string type = sortCriterion.Type;

                    // look for the specific filter component
                    var descriptor = availableSortCriteria
                        .SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors)
                        .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type);

                    // ignore unfound descriptors
                    if (descriptor == null) {

                    // apply alteration

                    contentQuery = sortCriterionContext.Query;

                yield return contentQuery;