		public Size LayoutInternal(bool doLayout, ClockControl clock) {
			Size ps = Size.Empty;
			Padding p = clock.Padding;

			int width = 0;
			Size clockFaceSize = Size.Empty;
			if (doLayout) {
				clockFaceSize = clock.ClockFaceSize;
				width = clock.Width;
			else {
				width = GetPreferredClockDiameter(clock);
				clockFaceSize = new Size(width, width);
				clock.ClockFaceSize = clockFaceSize;
				width += p.Horizontal;

			Size szAM = clock.ClockItemAM.PreferredSize;
			Size szPM = clock.ClockItemPM.PreferredSize;
			Point ptAM = Point.Empty;
			if (clock.ClockItemAM.Owner != null)
				ptAM = GetLocation(Point.Empty, clockFaceSize, clock.ClockItemAMAngleDegrees, szAM, (int) (-clock.ClockItemAMDistanceFactor * szAM.Width));

			Point ptPM = Point.Empty;
			if (clock.ClockItemPM.Owner != null)
				ptPM = GetLocation(Point.Empty, clockFaceSize, clock.ClockItemPMAngleDegrees, szPM, (int) (-clock.ClockItemPMDistanceFactor * szPM.Width));
			int offsetX = 0;

			if (ptAM.X < -clockFaceSize.Width / 2) {
				offsetX = -(clockFaceSize.Width / 2) - ptAM.X;
				width = p.Horizontal + (ptPM.X + szPM.Width - ptAM.X);

			ps.Width = width;
			int h2 = clock.GetHeaderHeight();
			int gap = clock.GetHeaderClockFaceGap();
			int ww = clockFaceSize.Width;
			clock.ClockFaceCenter = new Point(offsetX + p.Left + ww / 2, h2 + gap + ww / 2);

			if (doLayout) {
				var headers = new [] { clock.ClockItemHour, clock.ClockItemColon, clock.ClockItemMinute, clock.ClockItemAMPM };
				double[] alignY = new [] { 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0 };
				int gap0 = clock.hourItems[0].PreferredSize.Width / 3;
				int[] gaps = new [] { gap0, gap0, (int) (1.4 * gap0), 0 };

				int totalWidth = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) {
					var h = headers[i];
					var s = h.PreferredSize;
					totalWidth += s.Width + gaps[i];

				int m1 = clock.ClockItemHour.TextBounds.X;
				int m2 = clock.ClockItemAMPM.PreferredSize.Width - clock.ClockItemAMPM.TextBounds.Right;
				totalWidth -= (m1 + m2);
				int x = Math.Max(0, width - totalWidth) / 2 - m1;

				for (int i = 0; i < alignY.Length; i++) {
					var h = headers[i];
					int idealy = (int) Math.Ceiling(0.5 * (h2 - h.TextBounds.Height));
					int dy = idealy - h.TextBounds.Y;
					int dy2 = (int) Math.Ceiling((alignY[i] - 0.5) * (headers[0].TextBounds.Height - h.TextBounds.Height));
					int y = p.Top + dy + dy2;
					var s = h.PreferredSize;
					h.SetBounds(new Point(x, y + 1), s);
					x += s.Width + gaps[i];

				var items = (clock.clockFace == ClockFace.Hours ? clock.hourItems : clock.minuteItems);
				foreach (var item in items) {
					Size s = item.PreferredSize;
					Point pt = GetLocation(clock, item);
					item.SetBounds(pt, s);

			ptAM = GetLocation(clock.ClockFaceCenter, clockFaceSize, clock.ClockItemAMAngleDegrees, szAM, (int) (-clock.ClockItemAMDistanceFactor * szAM.Width));
			ptPM = GetLocation(clock.ClockFaceCenter, clockFaceSize, clock.ClockItemPMAngleDegrees, szPM, (int) (-clock.ClockItemPMDistanceFactor * szPM.Width));
			ptPM.X++; // pixel adjustment

			Padding mOK = clock.ClockButtonOK.Margin;
			Padding mCancel = clock.ClockButtonCancel.Margin;

			//var r = clock.miAM.Bounds;
			int y2a = 0;
			if (clock.ClockItemAM.Owner != null)
				y2a = ptAM.Y + (int) (clock.ButtonGapFactor * szAM.Height) + 1; // +1 otherwise the starting y-loc
			int y2b = 0;
			if (clock.ClockItemPM.Owner != null)
				y2b = ptPM.Y + (int) (clock.ButtonGapFactor * szPM.Height) + 1; // would be on the separator line

			int y2 = Math.Max(y2a, y2b);
			if (y2 == 0) {
				// use the same gap above the clock as below the clock when no AM button and no PM button are visible
				y2 = clock.ClockFaceCenter.Y + clockFaceSize.Height / 2 + gap;

			if (doLayout) {
				if (clock.ClockItemAM.Owner != null)
					clock.ClockItemAM.SetBounds(ptAM, szAM);
				if (clock.ClockItemPM.Owner != null)
					clock.ClockItemPM.SetBounds(ptPM, szPM);

			if (clock.ClockButtonOK.Owner != null || clock.ClockButtonCancel.Owner != null) {
				int wOK = (int) Math.Ceiling(clock.ClockButtonOKWidthFactor * width);
				int xOK = (int) ((width - wOK) * clock.ClockButtonOKAlignX) + mOK.Left;
				wOK = wOK - mOK.Horizontal;
				Point ptOK = new Point(xOK, y2 + mOK.Top);
				Size szOK = new Size(wOK, clock.ClockButtonOK.PreferredSize.Height);
				int wCancel = (int) Math.Ceiling(clock.ClockButtonCancelWidthFactor * width);
				int xCancel = (int) ((width - wCancel) * clock.ClockButtonCancelAlignX) + mCancel.Left;
				wCancel = wCancel - mCancel.Horizontal;
				Point ptCancel = new Point(xCancel, y2 + mCancel.Top);			
				Size szCancel = new Size(wCancel, clock.ClockButtonCancel.PreferredSize.Height);

				if (doLayout) {
					if (clock.ClockButtonOK.Owner != null)					
						clock.ClockButtonOK.SetBounds(ptOK, szOK);
					if (clock.ClockButtonCancel.Owner != null)
						clock.ClockButtonCancel.SetBounds(ptCancel, szCancel);

				int yz1 = ptOK.Y + szOK.Height + mOK.Bottom + p.Bottom;
				int yz2 = ptCancel.Y + szCancel.Height + mCancel.Bottom + p.Bottom;
				ps.Height = Math.Max(yz1, yz2); // expected to be identical
			else {
				ps.Height = y2 + p.Bottom;
			return ps;
		private static Point GetLocation(ClockControl clock, ClockNumberItem item, int gap = 3) {
			return GetLocation(clock.ClockFaceCenter, clock.ClockFaceSize, item.AngleDegrees, item.PreferredSize, gap);
		public int GetPreferredClockDiameter(ClockControl clock) {
			Size s = Size.Empty;
			foreach (var cni in clock.minuteItems) {
				Size ps = cni.PreferredSize;
				if (ps.Width > s.Width)
					s.Width = ps.Width;
				if (ps.Height > s.Height)
					s.Height = ps.Height;
			foreach (var cni in clock.hourItems) {
				Size ps = cni.PreferredSize;
				if (ps.Width > s.Width)
					s.Width = ps.Width;
				if (ps.Height > s.Height)
					s.Height = ps.Height;

			int r = Math.Max(s.Width, s.Height);
			double circumference = 12 * clock.ClockFaceSizeFactor * r;
			double diameter = circumference / Math.PI;
			int w = (int) Math.Ceiling(diameter);
			return w;