//public HttpResponseMessage cadastrar(Usuario user) public HttpResponseMessage updateNotificacao(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromBody] Notificacao notificacao) { RetOk retok = new RetOk(); Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "updateNotificacao: entrou " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(notificacao), "9999", Log.TipoLog.info); ConfigAppMembers cf = new ConfigAppMembers(); cf.Cnpj = "9999"; try { try { cf = Util.ConfigApp.getConfig(); } catch (Exception exxx) { Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "updateNotificacao: erro cf " + exxx.ToString(), "9999", Log.TipoLog.erro); } Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "updateNotificacao: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(notificacao) + "d:" + cf.datasource + "s:" + cf.schema, cf.Cnpj, Log.TipoLog.info); int retquery = Database.NotificacaoADO.UpdateNotificacao(notificacao.idNotificacao, cf.datasource, cf.schema); retok.Codigo = "100"; retok.Mensagem = "OK"; } catch (Exception e) { retok.Codigo = "200"; retok.Mensagem = "NOK"; Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "updateNotificacao: " + e.ToString(), cf.Cnpj, Log.TipoLog.erro); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, retok)); } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retok); var res = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); res.Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); return(res); }
public HttpResponseMessage getuserByEmail(string email) { ConfigAppMembers cf = Util.ConfigApp.getConfig(); Usuario user = new Usuario(); RetOk retok = new RetOk(); try { user = Database.UsuarioADO.RetornaUsuarioByEmail(email, cf.codapp, cf.cdentifilial, cf.datasource, cf.schema); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.email)) { retok.Codigo = "200"; retok.Mensagem = "NOK"; } else { retok.Codigo = "100"; retok.Mensagem = "OK"; retok.dados = user; } } catch (Exception e) { Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "getuserByEmail: " + e.ToString(), cf.Cnpj, Log.TipoLog.erro); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "ERRO")); } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retok); var res = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); res.Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); return(res); //return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, user); }
//public HttpResponseMessage cadastrar(Usuario user) public HttpResponseMessage cadastrar(HttpRequestMessage request, [FromBody] Usuario user) { RetOk retok = new RetOk(); ConfigAppMembers cf = Util.ConfigApp.getConfig(); try { string aa = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.email)) //{ //Usuario userexiste = Database.UsuarioADO.ChecaEmail(user.email, user.cdapp, cf.cdentifilial, cf.datasource, cf.schema); //if (userexiste != null) //{ // retok.Codigo = "199"; // retok.Mensagem = "NOK"; //} //else //{ // Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "User post: " + aa, cf.Cnpj, Log.TipoLog.info); // int retquery = Database.UsuarioADO.InsertUser(user, cf.datasource, cf.schema); // retok.Codigo = "100"; // retok.Mensagem = "OK"; // //} //} //else //{ Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "User post: " + aa, cf.Cnpj, Log.TipoLog.info); string pass = string.Empty; bool enviarsenha = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.email) && user.senha == "CAD123VINICLARK4321") { pass = Util.Cripto.CreatePassword(6); user.senha = pass; enviarsenha = true; } int retquery = Database.UsuarioADO.InsertUser(user, cf.datasource, cf.schema); if (enviarsenha) { string query = string.Format("SELECT txsmtp,nrportasmtp,txcontaemail,txsenhaemail,stssl,txtemplateemail FROM configapp where cdapp ={0} and cdentifilial = {1}", cf.codapp, cf.cdentifilial); DataSet dts = OracleHelper.ExecQuery(query, null, null, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("conintegracao")); string smtp = string.Empty; string porta = string.Empty; string usuario = string.Empty; string senha = string.Empty; bool EnableSSL = false; string templatehtml = string.Empty; StringBuilder txbody = new StringBuilder(); if (dts.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dts.Tables[0].Rows) { smtp = dr["txsmtp"].ToString(); porta = dr["nrportasmtp"].ToString(); usuario = dr["txcontaemail"].ToString(); senha = dr["txsenhaemail"].ToString(); EnableSSL = dr["stssl"].ToString() == "1"; templatehtml = dr["txtemplateemail"].ToString(); } } RJSOptimusEmail emailsend = new RJSOptimusEmail(smtp, Convert.ToInt32(porta), usuario, senha, EnableSSL); emailsend.Subject = "Cadastro"; emailsend.To = user.email; emailsend.From = usuario; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templatehtml)) { txbody.AppendLine("Segue o seu usuário e senha de acesso."); txbody.AppendLine(string.Format("Usuário: {0}", user.email)); txbody.AppendLine(string.Format("Senha:{0}", pass)); } else {//todo dar replace txbody.Append(templatehtml); } emailsend.Body = txbody.ToString(); emailsend.Enviar(); } retok.Codigo = "100"; retok.Mensagem = "OK"; //} } catch (Exception e) { retok.Codigo = "200"; retok.Mensagem = "NOK"; Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "User post: " + e.ToString(), cf.Cnpj, Log.TipoLog.erro); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, retok)); } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retok); var res = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); res.Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); return(res); }
public HttpResponseMessage EsqueciSenhaByEmail(string email) { ConfigAppMembers cf = Util.ConfigApp.getConfig(); Usuario user = new Usuario(); RetOk retok = new RetOk(); try { user = Database.UsuarioADO.RetornaUsuarioByEmail(email, cf.codapp, cf.cdentifilial, cf.datasource, cf.schema); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.email)) { retok.Codigo = "200"; retok.Mensagem = "NOK"; } else { string query = string.Format("SELECT txsmtp,nrportasmtp,txcontaemail,txsenhaemail,stssl,txtemplateemail FROM configapp where cdapp ={0} and cdentifilial = {1}", cf.codapp, cf.cdentifilial); DataSet dts = OracleHelper.ExecQuery(query, null, null, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("conintegracao")); string smtp = string.Empty; string porta = string.Empty; string usuario = string.Empty; string senha = string.Empty; bool EnableSSL = false; string templatehtml = string.Empty; StringBuilder txbody = new StringBuilder(); if (dts.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dts.Tables[0].Rows) { smtp = dr["txsmtp"].ToString(); porta = dr["nrportasmtp"].ToString(); usuario = dr["txcontaemail"].ToString(); senha = dr["txsenhaemail"].ToString(); EnableSSL = dr["stssl"].ToString() == "1"; templatehtml = dr["txtemplateemail"].ToString(); } } RJSOptimusEmail emailsend = new RJSOptimusEmail(smtp, Convert.ToInt32(porta), usuario, senha, EnableSSL); emailsend.Subject = "Recuperação de senha"; emailsend.To = user.email; emailsend.From = usuario; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templatehtml)) { txbody.AppendLine("Você solicitou a sua senha."); txbody.AppendLine(string.Format("Usuário: {0}", email)); txbody.AppendLine(string.Format("Senha:{0}", user.senha)); } else {//todo dar replace txbody.Append(templatehtml); } emailsend.Body = txbody.ToString(); emailsend.Enviar(); retok.Codigo = "100"; retok.Mensagem = "OK"; retok.dados = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Util.LogUtil.GravaLog(this, "getuserByEmail: " + e.ToString(), cf.Cnpj, Log.TipoLog.erro); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "ERRO")); } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retok); var res = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); res.Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); return(res); //return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, user); }