        public void GetSteeringCommand(ref double?steeringAngle)
            // calculate a sinusoidal curvature
            double theta     = (DateTime.Now.Second + DateTime.Now.Millisecond / 1000.0) / 30 * 2 * Math.PI;
            double curvature = 0.075 * Math.Sin(theta);

            steeringAngle = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(curvature, 1);
        public static void ComputeSteeringCommand(IRelativePath path, double dt, bool outputDataset, out double steeringWheelAngle)
            // get steering Parameters
            double q1 = q1_param.Value;
            double q2 = q2_param.Value;
            double r  = r_param.Value;

            OperationalVehicleState vs = Services.StateProvider.GetVehicleState();

            // get the feedback data
            SteeringControlData data = path.GetSteeringControlData(new SteeringControlDataOptions(vs.speed * TahoeParams.actuation_delay));

            double offtrackError = data.offtrackError;
            double headingError  = data.headingError;
            // for now, just use 0 for the curvature if it is null
            // later, we may want to switch to pure-pursuit in this case
            double curvature = data.curvature.GetValueOrDefault(0);

            // cap the off-track error term
            if (offtrackError > offtrack_error_max_param.Value)
                offtrackError = Math.Sign(offtrackError) * offtrack_error_max_param.Value;

            // adjust the heading error 180 degrees if we're in reverse
            if (vs.transGear == TransmissionGear.Reverse)
                headingError += Math.PI;

            // wrap heading error between -pi and pi
            headingError = Math.IEEERemainder(headingError, 2 * Math.PI);
            // check for numerical problems
            if (double.IsNaN(headingError))
                headingError = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Heading Error is NaN (In OpPathFollowingBehavior:Process)");
            else if (Math.Abs(headingError) > Math.PI)
                headingError -= Math.Sign(headingError) * 2 * Math.PI;

            // compute desired curvature
            double desiredCurvature = (offtrackError * Math.Sqrt(q1 / r)) +
                                      (headingError * Math.Sqrt(q2 / r)) +

            // reverse desired curvature if in reverse gear
            if (vs.transGear == TransmissionGear.Reverse)
                desiredCurvature = -desiredCurvature;

            // check desired curvature
            if (double.IsNaN(desiredCurvature))
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Commanded Curvature is NaN (In OpPathFollowingBehavior:Process)");
                desiredCurvature = 0;

            // add the commands to the dataset
            if (outputDataset)
                CarTimestamp now = Services.CarTime.Now;
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("offtrack error").Add(offtrackError, now);
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("heading error").Add(headingError, now);
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("target curvature").Add(curvature, now);
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("commanded curvature").Add(desiredCurvature, now);
                //Operational.Instance.Dataset.ItemAs<Coordinates>("path tangent").Add(curPoint.segment.Tangent(curPoint).Normalize(), now);

            // convert the desired curvature to a steering wheel angle and return it
            steeringWheelAngle = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(desiredCurvature, vs.speed);