        public static Model Plane(float width, float height, MeshMaterial material, OpenToolkit.Mathematics.Matrix4 state = default, RenderFlags renderFlags = RenderFlags.Solid)
            var vertices = new MeshVertex[]
                new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(-width, 0.0f, -height), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(width, 0.0f, -height), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(-width, 0.0f, height), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(width, 0.0f, height), Normal = Vector3.UnitY

            var indices = new uint[]
                0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3

            return(new Model(vertices, indices, material, state, renderFlags: renderFlags));
            public Model CreateModel(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Vector4 color)
                // TODO: create Align method for matrices, the same as for quaternions
                Matrix4 align = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(origin);

                if (direction != Vector3.UnitY)
                    align *= Matrix4.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Cross(Vector3.UnitY, direction), (float)Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.UnitY, direction)));

                return(new Model(new Mesh[]
                    Primitives.Cylinder(0.01f, 0, 1f, 20, new MeshMaterial
                        Diffuse = color
                    Primitives.Cone(0.05f, 0.2f, 20, new MeshMaterial
                        Diffuse = color
                    }, Vector3.UnitY)
                }, align * Matrix4.CreateScale(_scale)));
        public static Model Grid(int lines, float stride, MeshMaterial material, OpenToolkit.Mathematics.Matrix4 state = default, RenderFlags renderFlags = RenderFlags.Solid)
            float lineLengthHalf = (lines - 1) * stride / 2;

            var vertices = new List <MeshVertex>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
                var current = -lineLengthHalf + i * stride;

                // Z parallel lines
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(current, 0, -lineLengthHalf), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(current, 0, lineLengthHalf), Normal = Vector3.UnitY

                // X parallel lines
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(-lineLengthHalf, 0, current), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(lineLengthHalf, 0, current), Normal = Vector3.UnitY

            var indices = new uint[vertices.Count];

            for (uint i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                indices[i] = i;

            return(new Model(vertices.ToArray(), indices, material, state, renderFlags: renderFlags));
        public static Model Cube(float halfX, float halfY, float halfZ, MeshMaterial material, OpenToolkit.Mathematics.Matrix4 state = default, RenderFlags renderFlags = RenderFlags.Solid)
            var vertices = new List <MeshVertex>();

            float x, y, z;

            foreach (var sign in new int[] { -1, 1 })
                // X ortho faces
                x = sign * halfX;
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(x, halfY, halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(sign, 0.0f, 0.0f)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(x, halfY, -halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(sign, 0.0f, 0.0f)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(x, -halfY, halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(sign, 0.0f, 0.0f)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(x, -halfY, -halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(sign, 0.0f, 0.0f)

                // Y ortho faces
                y = sign * halfY;
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(halfX, y, halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, sign, 0.0f)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(halfX, y, -halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, sign, 0.0f)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(-halfX, y, halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, sign, 0.0f)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(-halfX, y, -halfZ), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, sign, 0.0f)

                // Z ortho faces
                z = sign * halfZ;
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(halfX, halfY, z), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, sign)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(halfX, -halfY, z), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, sign)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(-halfX, halfY, z), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, sign)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(-halfX, -halfY, z), Normal = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, sign)

            var indices = new List <uint>();

            uint k;

            for (uint i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                k = 4 * i;

                // lower triangle
                indices.Add(k + 1);
                indices.Add(k + 2);

                // upper triangle
                indices.Add(k + 1);
                indices.Add(k + 2);
                indices.Add(k + 3);

            return(new Model(vertices.ToArray(), indices.ToArray(), material, state, renderFlags: renderFlags));
        public static Mesh Cylinder(float radius, float extentDown, float extentUp, int circleCount, MeshMaterial material, OpenToolkit.Mathematics.Matrix4 state = default, RenderFlags renderFlags = RenderFlags.Solid)
            float radiusInv = 1.0f / radius;
            float angleStep = 2 * (float)Math.PI / circleCount;

            // the order of the vertices:
            // [L, U, LC1, UC1, LS1, US1, LC2, UC2, LS2, US2, ...],
            // where
            //      L - central point of the lower circle,
            //      U - central point of the upper circle,
            //      LCi - i-th point of the lower circle with central normal,
            //      UCi - i-th point of the upper circle with central normal,
            //      LSi - i-th point of the lower circle with side normal,
            //      USi - i-th point of the upper circle with side normal
            var vertices = new List <MeshVertex>
                // add L and U
                new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(0, -extentDown, 0), Normal = -Vector3.UnitY
                new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(0, extentUp, 0), Normal = Vector3.UnitY

            float angle, cos, sin;

            for (int i = 0; i <= circleCount; i++)
                angle = i * angleStep;
                cos   = radius * (float)Math.Cos(angle);
                sin   = radius * (float)Math.Sin(angle);

                // add LCi and UCi
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(cos, -extentDown, sin), Normal = -Vector3.UnitY
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(cos, extentUp, sin), Normal = Vector3.UnitY

                // add LSi and USi
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(cos, -extentDown, sin), Normal = new Vector3(cos * radiusInv, 0, sin * radiusInv)
                vertices.Add(new MeshVertex {
                    Position = new Vector3(cos, extentUp, sin), Normal = new Vector3(cos * radiusInv, 0, sin * radiusInv)

            var indices = new List <uint>();

            // lower circle faces
            for (uint i = 0; i < circleCount; i++)
                indices.Add(4 * i + 2);
                indices.Add(4 * i + 6);

            // upper circle faces
            for (uint i = 0; i < circleCount; i++)
                indices.Add(4 * i + 3);
                indices.Add(4 * i + 7);

            // side faces
            for (uint i = 0; i < circleCount; i++)
                // lower triangle
                indices.Add(4 * i + 4);
                indices.Add(4 * i + 5);
                indices.Add(4 * i + 8);

                // upper triangle
                indices.Add(4 * i + 5);
                indices.Add(4 * i + 8);
                indices.Add(4 * i + 9);

            //return new Model(vertices.ToArray(), indices.ToArray(), material, state, renderFlags: renderFlags);
            return(new Mesh("Cylinder", vertices.ToArray(), indices.ToArray(), new MeshTexture[0], material));
        public static Model Sphere(float radius, uint stackCount, uint sectorCount, MeshMaterial material, OpenToolkit.Mathematics.Matrix4 state = default, RenderFlags renderFlags = RenderFlags.Solid)
            float radiusInv = 1.0f / radius;
            float pi2       = (float)Math.PI / 2;

            var vertices = new List <MeshVertex>();

            float x, y, z, xy; // positions
            float nx, ny, nz;  // normals
            //float s, t;  //textures

            float stackStep = (float)Math.PI / stackCount;
            float sectorStep = 2 * (float)Math.PI / sectorCount;
            float stackAngle, sectorAngle;

            for (int i = 0; i <= stackCount; i++)
                stackAngle = pi2 - i * stackStep;
                xy         = radius * (float)Math.Cos(stackAngle);
                z          = radius * (float)Math.Sin(stackAngle);

                for (int j = 0; j <= sectorCount; j++)
                    sectorAngle = j * sectorStep;

                    // positions
                    x = xy * (float)Math.Cos(sectorAngle);
                    y = xy * (float)Math.Sin(sectorAngle);

                    // normals
                    nx = x * radiusInv;
                    ny = y * radiusInv;
                    nz = z * radiusInv;

                    // textures
                    //s = (float)j / sectorCount;
                    //t = (float)i / stackCount;

                    vertices.Add(new MeshVertex
                        Position = new Vector3(x, y, z),
                        Normal   = new Vector3(nx, ny, nz)

            var indices = new List <uint>();

            uint k1, k2;

            for (uint i = 0; i < stackCount; i++)
                k1 = i * (sectorCount + 1);
                k2 = k1 + sectorCount + 1;

                for (int j = 0; j < sectorCount; j++, k1++, k2++)
                    if (i != 0)
                        indices.Add(k1 + 1);

                    if (i != stackCount - 1)
                        indices.Add(k1 + 1);
                        indices.Add(k2 + 1);

            // return a model
            return(new Model(vertices.ToArray(), indices.ToArray(), material, state, renderFlags: renderFlags));