public WaveSoundPlayer(WaveFile w, bool loop) { ac = new AudioContext (); bufferlist = new List<int> (NUM_BUFFERS); bufferlist.AddRange (AL.GenBuffers (NUM_BUFFERS)); source = AL.GenSource (); this._PlayState = PlayState.NotLoaded; wfile = w; bufferlist.ForEach (x => { byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; buf = wfile.DataBinary.ReadBytes(BUFFER_SIZE); AL.BufferData(x,wfile.SoundFormat,buf,buf.Length,wfile.SampleRate); }); AL.SourceQueueBuffers (source, NUM_BUFFERS, bufferlist.ToArray ()); if (loop) AL.Source (source, ALSourceb.Looping, true); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (AL.GetSourceState(source).ToString()); this._PlayState = PlayState.Stopped; }
public override void PlaySound(string assetName) { if (audioContext == null) audioContext = new AudioContext (); Thread soundThread = new Thread (() => this.PlaySoundThread (assetName, false)); soundThread.Start (); }
/// <summary> /// MusicPlayer クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。 /// </summary> public MusicPlayer(MusicOptions options) { if (options == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("options"); this.bufferSize = options.BufferSize; this.bufferCount = options.BufferCount; this.samplingRate = options.SamplingRate; this.updateInterval = options.UpdateInterval; this.context = new AudioContext(); this.master = new Master(options.SamplingRate, 23); this.preset = new Preset(); this.layer = new Dictionary<string, SequenceLayer>(); this.source = AL.GenSource(); this.buffers = AL.GenBuffers(this.bufferCount); this.sbuf = new short[this.bufferSize]; this.fbuf = new float[this.bufferSize]; foreach (int buffer in this.buffers) this.FillBuffer(buffer); AL.SourceQueueBuffers(this.source, this.buffers.Length, this.buffers); AL.SourcePlay(this.source); this.Updater = Task.Factory.StartNew(this.Update); }
public void Init(Client tclient, ClientCVar cvar) { if (Context != null) { Context.Dispose(); } TheClient = tclient; CVars = cvar; Context = new AudioContext(AudioContext.DefaultDevice, 0, 0, false, true); Context.MakeCurrent(); try { if (Microphone != null) { Microphone.StopEcho(); } Microphone = new MicrophoneHandler(this); } catch (Exception ex) { SysConsole.Output("Loading microphone handling", ex); } if (Effects != null) { foreach (SoundEffect sfx in Effects.Values) { sfx.Internal = -2; } } Effects = new Dictionary<string, SoundEffect>(); PlayingNow = new List<ActiveSound>(); Noise = LoadSound(new DataStream(Convert.FromBase64String(NoiseDefault.NoiseB64)), "noise"); }
public static void Init () { if (context != null) return; context = new AudioContext (); }
internal OpenTKAudioCue(Stream data, AudioContext ac) { = ac; buffer = AL.GenBuffer(); ac.CheckErrors(); source = AL.GenSource(); ac.CheckErrors(); AL.Source(source, ALSourcef.Gain, (float)this.Volume); ac.CheckErrors(); using (AudioReader ar = new AudioReader(data)) { SoundData d = ar.ReadToEnd(); AL.BufferData(source, d); ac.CheckErrors(); } AL.Source(source, ALSourcei.Buffer, buffer); ac.CheckErrors(); this.VolumeChanged += new VolumeChangedEventHandler(OpenTKAudioCue_VolumeChanged); this.BalanceChanged += new BalanceChangedEventHandler(OpenTKAudioCue_BalanceChanged); this.FadeChanged += new FadeChangedEventHandler(OpenTKAudioCue_FadeChanged); }
public Player() { _context = new AudioContext(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) _freeSources.Enqueue(AL.GenSource()); }
//int NextPlayingBuffer; //int numPLayedBuffer; /// <summary> /// Constructor for Sound class /// </summary> /// <param name="StartThread">Are we starting the sound thread?</param> public Sound(bool StartThread) { disposed = false; SoundList = new Dictionary<string, SoundType>(); context = new AudioContext(); // default audio device lock (context) { context.MakeCurrent(); } //XRamExtension XRam = new XRamExtension(); /*SoundBuffers = AL.GenBuffers(4); // number of buffers SoundSource = AL.GenSource(); SoundStreamSource = AL.GenSource();*/ RunSoundThread = true; isPlaying = false; NowPlayingName = string.Empty; //NowPlayingBuffer = -1; NextPlayingName = string.Empty; //NextPlayingBuffer = -1; //numPLayedBuffer = 0; //?? /*OpenTK.Vector3 v3 = new OpenTK.Vector3(1, 1, 1); AL.Source(AL.GenBuffer(), ALSource3f.Position, ref v3);*/ //Debug.WriteLine(AL.Get(ALGetString.Version)); tr = new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(PlayThread)); if (StartThread) { RunThread(); } }
public static void Main() { using (AudioContext context = new AudioContext()) { int buffer = AL.GenBuffer(); int source = AL.GenSource(); int state; int channels, bits_per_sample, sample_rate; byte[] sound_data = LoadWave(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open), out channels, out bits_per_sample, out sample_rate); AL.BufferData(buffer, GetSoundFormat(channels, bits_per_sample), sound_data, sound_data.Length, sample_rate); AL.Source(source, ALSourcei.Buffer, buffer); AL.SourcePlay(source); Trace.Write("Playing"); // Query the source to find out when it stops playing. do { Thread.Sleep(250); Trace.Write("."); AL.GetSource(source, ALGetSourcei.SourceState, out state); } while ((ALSourceState)state == ALSourceState.Playing); Trace.WriteLine(""); AL.SourceStop(source); AL.DeleteSource(source); AL.DeleteBuffer(buffer); } }
static Sound() { App.Init(); audio = new AudioContext(); AL.DistanceModel(ALDistanceModel.ExponentDistanceClamped); Listener = Vec2.Zero; }
public AudioOutputAL() { try { context = new AudioContext(); } catch( Exception e ) { Console.WriteLine( e ); } }
public void Initialize(OpenTK.GameWindow window) { if (isInitialized) { Error("Trying to double initialize sound manager!"); } context = new AudioContext(); managedSounds = new List<SoundInstance>(); isInitialized = true; }
public void MakeCurrent() { if (this.disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName); } AudioContext.MakeCurrent(this); }
public void Dispose() { if (_disposed) return; _context.Dispose(); _context = null; _disposed = true; }
private static void MakeCurrent(AudioContext context) { lock (AudioContext.audio_context_lock) { if (!Alc.MakeContextCurrent(context != null ? context.context_handle : ContextHandle.Zero)) { throw new AudioContextException(string.Format("ALC {0} error detected at {1}.", (object)((object)Alc.GetError(context != null ? (IntPtr)context.context_handle : IntPtr.Zero)).ToString(), context != null ? (object)context.ToString() : (object)"null")); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WavePlayer"/> class. /// </summary> private WavePlayer() { this.context = new AudioContext(); this.buffer = AL.GenBuffer(); this.source = AL.GenSource(); this.thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.SourceStateListen)); this.thread.Start(); }
public static void Main() { using (AudioContext context = new AudioContext()) { Trace.WriteLine("Testing WaveReader({0}).ReadToEnd()", filename); EffectsExtension efx = new EffectsExtension(); int buffer = AL.GenBuffer(); int source = AL.GenSource(); int state; int effect = efx.GenEffect(); int slot = efx.GenAuxiliaryEffectSlot(); efx.BindEffect(effect, EfxEffectType.Reverb); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbDecayTime, 3.0f); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbDecayHFRatio, 0.91f); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbDensity, 0.7f); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbDiffusion, 0.9f); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbRoomRolloffFactor, 3.1f); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbReflectionsGain, 0.723f); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbReflectionsDelay, 0.03f); efx.Effect(effect, EfxEffectf.ReverbGain, 0.23f); efx.AuxiliaryEffectSlot(slot, EfxAuxiliaryi.EffectslotEffect, effect); int channels, bits, rate; byte[] data = Playback.LoadWave(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open), out channels, out bits, out rate); AL.BufferData(buffer, Playback.GetSoundFormat(channels, bits), data, data.Length, rate); AL.Source(source, ALSourcef.ConeOuterGain, 1.0f); AL.Source(source, ALSourcei.Buffer, buffer); AL.SourcePlay(source); Trace.Write("Playing"); // Query the source to find out when it stops playing. do { Thread.Sleep(250); Trace.Write("."); AL.GetSource(source, ALGetSourcei.SourceState, out state); } while ((ALSourceState)state == ALSourceState.Playing); Trace.WriteLine(""); AL.SourceStop(source); AL.DeleteSource(source); AL.DeleteBuffer(buffer); efx.DeleteEffect(effect); efx.DeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlot(slot); } }
public Game(Size screenSize, bool fullscreen) : base(screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height, GraphicsMode.Default, "Devil's nightmare", fullscreen ? GameWindowFlags.Fullscreen : GameWindowFlags.Default) { g_screenSize = screenSize; g_screenRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height); GraphicsDevice.Instance.Initialize(g_screenSize.Width, g_screenSize.Height); VSync = VSyncMode.On; audioContext = new AudioContext(); new AudioManager(16, 8, 4096, true); }
public EngineWindow() : base(1200, 800, new GraphicsMode(32, 24, 8, 4), "OpenTK", GameWindowFlags.Default, DisplayDevice.Default, 3, 1, GraphicsContextFlags.ForwardCompatible) { Global.window = this; string versionOpenGL = GL.GetString(StringName.Version); string shaderVersion = GL.GetString(StringName.ShadingLanguageVersion); Console.WriteLine("OpenGL: " + versionOpenGL); Console.WriteLine("GLSL: " + shaderVersion); AC = new AudioContext(); }
public static void Init() { ac = new AudioContext(); ac.CheckErrors(); ac.MakeCurrent(); eax_sup = ac.SupportsExtension("EAX3.0"); if (eax_sup) xram = new XRamExtension(); mp3_sup = ac.SupportsExtension("AL_EXT_mp3"); devices = Alc.GetString(IntPtr.Zero, AlcGetStringList.AllDevicesSpecifier); }
public MainWindow() : base("MD", 640, 480) { this.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; // Client area VariableContainer clientarea = new VariableContainer(); // Menu items MenuItem[] menuitems = new MenuItem[] { MenuItem.Create("File", new MenuItem[] { MenuItem.Create("Import", delegate { using(var fd = new WinForms.OpenFileDialog()) { fd.Filter = "MP3 Files |*.mp3"; if (fd.ShowDialog() == WinForms.DialogResult.OK) { string file = fd.FileName; AudioContext ac = new AudioContext(); MemoryAudioSource mas = new MP3AudioFeed(file).Copy(4096, 4096 * 100); SpectrogramView sp = new SpectrogramView(mas); clientarea.Client = sp; AudioOutput ao = new AudioOutput(mas.Play); ao.Play(); } else { return; } } }), MenuItem.Create("Exit", delegate { this.Close(); }) }) }; // Menu and splitter Menu menu = new Menu(menuitems); SplitContainer sc = new SplitContainer(Axis.Vertical, menu.WithBorder(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), clientarea); sc.NearSize = 30.0; // Main layer container LayerContainer lc = new LayerContainer(sc); this.Control = lc; }
/// <summary>Load and buffer all the sounds for the game.</summary> internal static void LoadSounds() { if (!Config.SoundEnabled) return; try { _audioContext = new AudioContext(); //Debug.WriteLine("Audio device: " + _audioContext.CurrentDevice); } catch (Exception ex) { //if we cant create an audio context then disable sounds in the config and return Debug.WriteLine("Error creating Audio Context: " + ex.Message); Config.SoundEnabled = false; Config.Save(); return; } int soundsCount = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SoundType)).Length; _buffer = new int[soundsCount]; _source = new int[soundsCount]; try { for (int i = 0; i < soundsCount; i++) { _source[i] = AL.GenSource(); _buffer[i] = AL.GenBuffer(); } BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.AddBlock, SoundType.AddBlock); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.ItemPickup, SoundType.ItemPickup); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.JumpOutOfWater, SoundType.JumpOutOfWater); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.Message, SoundType.Message); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.PlayerConnect, SoundType.PlayerConnect); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.PlayerLanding, SoundType.PlayerLanding); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.Splash, SoundType.Splash); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.RemoveBlock, SoundType.RemoveBlock); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.WaterBubbles, SoundType.WaterBubbles); BufferSound(Resources.SoundFiles.TimeToDreamMono, SoundType.MusicTimeToDreamMono); //start music here so it only gets started if sound is enabled and there were no exceptions loading sounds if (Config.MusicEnabled) Music.StartMusic(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error buffering sounds. If the problem persists try running with sound disabled.\n" + ex.Message); } //wire sound events PerformanceHost.OnSecondElapsed += PerformanceHost_OnSecondElapsed; PerformanceHost.OnFiveSecondsElapsed += PerformanceHost_OnFiveSecondsElapsed; }
void IDualityBackend.Init() { AudioLibraryLoader.LoadAudioLibrary(); // Initialize OpenTK, if not done yet DefaultOpenTKBackendPlugin.InitOpenTK(); Log.Core.Write("Available devices:" + Environment.NewLine + "{0}", AudioContext.AvailableDevices.ToString(d => d == AudioContext.DefaultDevice ? d + " (Default)" : d, "," + Environment.NewLine)); // Create OpenAL audio context this.context = new AudioContext(); Log.Core.Write("Current device: {0}", this.context.CurrentDevice); // Create extension interfaces try { this.extFx = new EffectsExtension(); if (!this.extFx.IsInitialized) this.extFx = null; } catch (Exception) { this.extFx = null; } activeInstance = this; // Log all OpenAL specs for diagnostic purposes LogOpenALSpecs(); // Generate OpenAL source pool for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int newSrc = AL.GenSource(); if (!Backend.DefaultOpenTK.AudioBackend.CheckOpenALErrors(true)) this.sourcePool.Push(newSrc); else break; } this.availSources = this.sourcePool.Count; Log.Core.Write("{0} sources available", this.sourcePool.Count); // Set up the streaming thread this.streamWorkerEnd = false; this.streamWorkerQueue = new List<NativeAudioSource>(); this.streamWorkerQueueEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.streamWorker = new Thread(ThreadStreamFunc); this.streamWorker.IsBackground = true; this.streamWorker.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public OggPlayerVBN() { m_PlayerState = OggPlayerStatus.Waiting; m_BufferSize = 8096; // Using 8KB buffer segments m_MaxTotalBufferSize = 8388608; // Max of 8MB buffered at any time m_TickInterval = 1; m_TickEnabled = false; m_PrebufferDelay = 250; // 1/4 of a second to pre-buffer before playback/seeking m_UpdateDelay = 5; m_PauseBuffer = true; m_Context = new AudioContext(); if (!InitSource()) { throw new OggPlayerSourceException("Source initialisation failed"); } ResetPlayerCondition(); }
public void Dispose() { if (_oggStreamer != null) { _oggStreamer.Dispose(); _oggStreamer = null; } if (_context != null) { _context.Dispose(); _context = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes OpenAL and loads two sound clips. /// </summary> public InteractivePlayerForm() { // Setup OpenTK audio stuff AudioContext ac = new AudioContext(); XRamExtension xram = new XRamExtension(); // Load the .ogg files guitar = new AudioClip("GuitarSample.ogg"); boing = new AudioClip("BoingSample.ogg"); externalClip = null; InitializeComponent(); }
public AudioDevice( IWindow window ) { try { audioContext = new AudioContext (); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException ( string.Format ( "Audio device is not available or OpenAL library is not exist: {0}", e ) ); } audioList = new List<IAudio> (); }
public bool Init() { if (_Initialized) CloseAll(); AC = new AudioContext(); AC.MakeCurrent(); closeproc = new CLOSEPROC(close_proc); _Initialized = true; _Streams = new List<AudioStreams>(); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public OggPlayerFBN() { m_PlayerState = OggPlayerStatus.Waiting; m_UpdateDelay = 10; m_Context = new AudioContext(); // Initialise the AudioContext m_BufferCount = 32; m_BufferSize = 4096; m_Buffers = new uint[m_BufferCount]; // We're using four buffers so we always have a supply of data m_TickInterval = 1; // Default tick is every second m_TickEnabled = false; // Tick event is disabled by default if (!InitSource()) { throw new OggPlayerSourceException("Source initialisation failed"); } }
public override bool Initialize() { try { _audioContext = new AudioContext(); Initialized = true; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Could not initialize Audio Context", e); return false; } return true; }
public AudioDevice(string deviceName) { if (deviceName != null && !AvailableDevices.Contains(deviceName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("AudioDevice \"{0}\" does not exist.", deviceName)); } Context = new OpenTK.Audio.AudioContext(deviceName, 0, 15, true, true, AudioContext.MaxAuxiliarySends.UseDriverDefault); CheckAlcError(); deviceHandle = Alc.GetContextsDevice(Alc.GetCurrentContext()); CheckAlcError(); Efx = new EffectsExtension(); CheckAlcError(); int[] val = new int[4]; DeviceName = Context.CurrentDevice; VendorName = AL.Get(ALGetString.Vendor); Renderer = AL.Get(ALGetString.Renderer); DriverVersion = AL.Get(ALGetString.Version); int major, minor; Alc.GetInteger(deviceHandle, AlcGetInteger.MajorVersion, 1, val); major = val[0]; Alc.GetInteger(deviceHandle, AlcGetInteger.MinorVersion, 1, val); minor = val[0]; Version = new Version(major, minor); Alc.GetInteger(deviceHandle, AlcGetInteger.EfxMajorVersion, 1, val); major = val[0]; Alc.GetInteger(deviceHandle, AlcGetInteger.EfxMinorVersion, 1, val); minor = val[0]; EfxVersion = new Version(major, minor); Alc.GetInteger(deviceHandle, AlcGetInteger.EfxMaxAuxiliarySends, 1, val); MaxRoutes = val[0]; Extensions = new List <string>(AL.Get(ALGetString.Extensions).Split(' ')).AsReadOnly(); AL.DistanceModel(ALDistanceModel.ExponentDistance); CheckAudioCapabilities(LogLevel.Verbose); LogDiagnostics(LogLevel.Verbose); Factory = new AudioFactory(this); Listener = new AudioListener(this); Listener.Orientation(Vector3.UnitY, Vector3.UnitZ); updateTaskCancelation = new CancellationTokenSource(); updateTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(Update); }
public ALAudioBackend() { try { _context = new AudioContext(); } catch (AudioContextException e1) { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to create audio context, audio will not be played."); Debug.WriteLine(e1.ToString()); } catch (DllNotFoundException e2) { Debug.WriteLine("Failed to find OpenAL Soft dll, audio will not be played."); Debug.WriteLine(e2.ToString()); } }
public AudioSystem(Common.IO.FileSystem fileSystem) { if (fileSystem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileSystem"); Context = new AudioContext(); Util.CheckOpenAlErrors(); AL.DistanceModel(ALDistanceModel.InverseDistanceClamped); Util.CheckOpenAlErrors(); DecoderFactory = new DecoderFactory(); DecoderFactory.Register(".ogg", data => new Decoders.OggDecoder(data)); AudioBufferManager = new AudioBufferManager(DecoderFactory, fileSystem); Sources = new List<AudioSource>(); }