private void CloseSink(HTTPSession ss) { bool err = false; string erraddr = ""; ss.CancelAllEvents(); lock (TagQueue) { KeepAliveTimer.Remove(this.GetHashCode()); if (TagQueue.Count > 0) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(this, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information, "Switching Pipeline Modes [" + ss.GetHashCode().ToString() + "]"); _PIPELINE = false; if (!ReceivedFirstResponse) { erraddr = ((StateData)TagQueue.Peek()).Dest.ToString(); } } if (!ReceivedFirstResponse) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(this, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, "Server[" + erraddr + "] closed socket without answering"); err = true; } while (TagQueue.Count > 0) { StateData sd = (StateData)TagQueue.Dequeue(); if (!err) { HTTPRequest TR = new HTTPRequest(); TR.ProxySetting = ProxySetting; TR._PIPELINE = true; if (this.OnSniff != null) TR.OnSniff += new HTTPRequest.SniffHandler(NonPipelinedSniffSink); if (this.OnSniffPacket != null) TR.OnSniffPacket += new HTTPRequest.RequestHandler(NonPipelinedSniffPacketSink); TR.OnResponse += new HTTPRequest.RequestHandler(NonPipelinedResponseSink); this.NotPipelinedTable[TR] = TR; TR.PipelineRequest(sd.Dest, sd.Request, sd.Tag); } else { if (OnResponse != null) OnResponse(this, null, sd.Tag); } } s = null; } }
private void SniffPacketSink(HTTPSession sender, HTTPMessage MSG) { if (this.OnSniffPacket != null) { if (sender.StateObject == null) { OnSniffPacket(this, MSG, null); return; } StateData sd = (StateData)sender.StateObject; object Tag = sd.Tag; OnSniffPacket(this, MSG, Tag); } }
private void RequestAnsweredSink(HTTPSession ss) { lock (TagQueue) { if (!ReceivedFirstResponse) { ReceivedFirstResponse = true; IEnumerator en = TagQueue.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { StateData sd = (StateData)en.Current; try { if (ProxySetting == null) { ss.Send(sd.Request); } else { HTTPMessage pr = (HTTPMessage)sd.Request.Clone(); pr.DirectiveObj = "http://" + sd.Dest.ToString() + pr.DirectiveObj; pr.Version = "1.0"; ss.Send(pr); } } catch (Exception ex) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(ex); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Terminates and disposes this object /// </summary> public void Dispose() { lock (this.TagQueue) { HTTPSession x = this.s; if (x != null) x.Close(); s = null; TagQueue.Clear(); } }
private void HeaderSink(HTTPSession sender, HTTPMessage header, Stream TheStream) { _Source = sender.Source; StateData sd = null; if (TheStream != null) { // This is the result of post-headers in a chunked document sd = (StateData)sender.StateObject; object Tag = sd.Tag; if (sd.HeaderCB != null) sd.HeaderCB(this, sender, header, TheStream, Tag); sender.StateObject = null; KeepAliveTimer.Add(this.GetHashCode(), 10); } else { lock (TagQueue) { sd = (StateData)TagQueue.Dequeue(); } sender.StateObject = sd; object Tag = sd.Tag; if (sd.HeaderCB != null) { sd.HeaderCB(this, sender, header, TheStream, Tag); if (sender.UserStream != null && !sender.IsChunked) { // If I don't set this to null, this holds a strong reference, resulting in // possible memory leaks sender.StateObject = null; } } } }
private void Accept(IAsyncResult result) { HTTPSession WebSession = null; try { Socket AcceptedSocket = MainSocket.EndAccept(result); lock (SessionTable) { WebSession = new HTTPSession(this.LocalIPEndPoint, AcceptedSocket); WebSession.OnClosed += new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CloseSink); WebSession.OnHeader += new HTTPSession.ReceiveHeaderHandler(HandleHeader); WebSession.OnReceive += new HTTPSession.ReceiveHandler(HandleRequest); SessionTable[WebSession] = WebSession; } SessionTimer.Add(WebSession, 3); OnSessionEvent.Fire(this, WebSession); WebSession.StartReading(); } catch (Exception err) { if (err.GetType() != typeof(System.ObjectDisposedException)) { // Error OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(err); } } try { MainSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(Accept), null); } catch (Exception) { // Socket was closed } }
private void HandleHeader(HTTPSession sender, HTTPMessage Header, Stream StreamObject) { SessionTimer.Remove(sender); OnHeaderEvent.Fire(Header, sender); }
private void HeaderHandler(OpenSource.UPnP.UPnPDevice sender, OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPMessage msg, OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPSession WebSession, string VirtualDir) { msg.AddTag("", "Streaming"); msg.AddTag("", "DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01700000000000000000000000000000"); }
private void PageHandler(OpenSource.UPnP.UPnPDevice sender, OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPMessage msg, OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPSession WebSession, string VirtualDir) { if (VirtualDir.Equals("/stream", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && msg.DirectiveObj.Equals("/swyh.mp3", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { WebSession.OnStreamDone += (s, e) => { if (sessionMp3Streams.ContainsKey(s.SessionID)) { PipeStream value; sessionMp3Streams.TryRemove(s.SessionID, out value); App.CurrentInstance.wasapiProvider.UpdateClientsList(); } }; PipeStream stream = sessionMp3Streams.GetOrAdd(WebSession.SessionID, new PipeStream()); App.CurrentInstance.wasapiProvider.UpdateClientsList(); WebSession.SendStreamObject(stream, "audio/mpeg"); } else if (VirtualDir.Equals("/stream", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && msg.DirectiveObj.Equals("/swyh.wav", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { WebSession.OnStreamDone += (s, e) => { if (sessionPcmStreams.ContainsKey(s.SessionID)) { PipeStream value; sessionPcmStreams.TryRemove(s.SessionID, out value); App.CurrentInstance.wasapiProvider.UpdateClientsList(); } }; PipeStream stream = sessionPcmStreams.GetOrAdd(WebSession.SessionID, new PipeStream()); App.CurrentInstance.wasapiProvider.UpdateClientsList(); var audioFormat = AudioSettings.GetAudioFormat(); WebSession.SendStreamObject(stream, "audio/L16;rate=" + audioFormat.SampleRate + ";channels=" + audioFormat.Channels); } else if (VirtualDir.Equals("/about", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPMessage response = new OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPMessage(); response.StatusCode = 200; response.StatusData = "OK"; response.AddTag("Content-Type", "text/html"); response.BodyBuffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Properties.Resources.About); WebSession.Send(response); } else { OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPMessage response = new OpenSource.UPnP.HTTPMessage(); response.StatusCode = 404; response.StatusData = "Not Found"; response.AddTag("Content-Type", "text/html"); response.BodyBuffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Properties.Resources.Error404); WebSession.Send(response); } }
private void Request(object msg, IPEndPoint dest) { if (dest == null) return; s = new HTTPSession(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0), dest, new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CreateSink), new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(FailSink), msg); }
public void SendStreamObject(Stream SObject, HTTPSession.Range[] Ranges, string ContentType) { Info infoObj = new Info(); infoObj.CurrentStreamObject = SObject; if (Ranges!=null && Ranges.Length>1) { infoObj.RangeSeparator = "**"+Guid.NewGuid().ToString()+"**"; infoObj.RangeContentType = ContentType; } String Packet = ""; if (Ranges == null && Headers.Version=="1.0") { // Oldskool Server Packet = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"; } else if (Ranges == null) { // 1.1 or better server Packet = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; Packet += "Transfer-Encoding: Chunked\r\n"; } if (Ranges!=null) { Packet = "HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content\r\n"; infoObj.RangeList = Ranges; try { SObject.Seek(infoObj.RangeList[0].Position,SeekOrigin.Begin); } catch(Exception ex) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(ex); //ToDo: Fail This for invalid range } if (SObject.Length-SObject.Position<infoObj.RangeList[0].Length) { infoObj.RangeList[0].Length = SObject.Length-SObject.Position; } if (infoObj.RangeList.Length==1) { Packet += "Content-Range: bytes " + infoObj.RangeList[0].Position.ToString() + "-" + (infoObj.RangeList[0].Position+infoObj.RangeList[0].Length-1).ToString() + "/" + SObject.Length.ToString() + "\r\nContent-Length: " + infoObj.RangeList[0].Length.ToString()+"\r\n"; Packet += "Content-Type: " + ContentType + "\r\n"; } else { Packet += "Content-type: multipart/byteranges; boundary=" + infoObj.RangeSeparator + "\r\n"; } } else { Packet += "Content-Type: " + ContentType + "\r\n"; } Packet += "Server: MiniWebServer\r\n"; Packet += "\r\n"; infoObj.StringPacket = Packet; lock(StateQueue) { StateQueue.Enqueue(infoObj); } lock(SendQueue) { SendQueue.Enqueue(infoObj); if (SendQueue.Count==1) { // InitiateRead infoObj.StringPacket = null; MainSocket.Send(U.GetBytes(Packet),SObject); } } }
private void ReceiveSink(HTTPSession sender, HTTPMessage msg) { GetText.Text = msg.StringPacket; }
private void FailSink(HTTPSession FS) { SniffText.Text = "Could not connect to resouce."; GetText.Text = "Could not connect to resouce."; }
private void CreateSink(HTTPSession CS) { CS.OnClosed += new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CloseSink); SW = new HTTPSessionWatcher(CS); SW.OnSniff += new HTTPSessionWatcher.SniffHandler(SniffSink); CS.OnReceive += new HTTPSession.ReceiveHandler(ReceiveSink); if (CS.StateObject.GetType() == typeof(HTTPMessage)) { CS.Send((HTTPMessage)CS.StateObject); } else { Queue Q = (Queue)CS.StateObject; HTTPMessage M; M = (HTTPMessage)Q.Dequeue(); while (M != null && Q.Count > 0) { CS.Send(M); M = (HTTPMessage)Q.Dequeue(); } } }
private void CloseSink(HTTPSession CS) { }
private void EventProcesser(UPnPDevice sender, HTTPMessage msg, HTTPSession WebSession, string VirtualDir) { if (ControlPointOnly == true) { String Method = msg.Directive; HTTPMessage Response = new HTTPMessage(); if (Method != "NOTIFY") { Response.StatusCode = 405; Response.StatusData = Method + " not supported"; WebSession.Send(Response); return; // Other methods are unknown to us } else if (Method == "NOTIFY") { for (int id = 0; id < Services.Length; ++id) { // SSDP.ParseURL(Services[id].__eventurl,out WebIP, out WebPort, out WebData); // if (WebData==MethodData) // { if (Services[id].IsYourEvent(msg.GetTag("SID")) == true) { Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.StatusData = "OK"; WebSession.Send(Response); Services[id]._TriggerEvent(msg.GetTag("SID"), long.Parse(msg.GetTag("SEQ")), msg.StringBuffer, 0); break; } // } } } } }
private void SniffSessionSink3(HTTPSession sender, HTTPMessage msg) { if (OnSniffPacket != null) OnSniffPacket((HTTPMessage)msg.Clone()); }
private void HandleEventReceive(HTTPSession TheSession, HTTPMessage msg) { TheSession.Close(); }
private void CloseSink(HTTPSession s) { lock (SessionTable) { SessionTable.Remove(s); } }
private void HandleHeaderRequest(HTTPMessage msg, HTTPSession WebSession) { DText parser = new DText(); HTTPMessage Response = new HTTPMessage(); String Method = msg.Directive; String MethodData = msg.DirectiveObj; VirtualDirectoryHandler H_cb = null; VirtualDirectoryHandler P_cb = null; String vd = ""; String vdobj = ""; // Check VirtualDirTable int vdi; try { vdi = MethodData.IndexOf("/", 1); if (vdi != -1) { vdobj = MethodData.Substring(vdi); vd = MethodData.Substring(0, vdi); if (VirtualDir_Header_Table.ContainsKey(vd)) { if (VirtualDir_Header_Table[vd] != null) H_cb = (VirtualDirectoryHandler)VirtualDir_Header_Table[vd]; } if (VirtualDir_Table.ContainsKey(vd)) { if (VirtualDir_Table[vd] != null) P_cb = (VirtualDirectoryHandler)VirtualDir_Table[vd]; } } } catch (Exception ex) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(ex); } if ((H_cb != null) || (P_cb != null)) { HTTPMessage _msg = (HTTPMessage)msg.Clone(); _msg.DirectiveObj = vdobj; WebSession.InternalStateObject = new Object[3] { vd, vdobj, P_cb }; if (H_cb != null) H_cb(this, _msg, WebSession, vd); return; } }
private void HandleRequest(HTTPSession WebSession, HTTPMessage request) { OnReceiveEvent.Fire(request, WebSession); }
private void HandleParent_Header(UPnPDevice sender, HTTPMessage msg, HTTPSession WebSession, string VD) { HandleHeaderRequest(msg, WebSession); }
private void ContinueRequest(IPEndPoint dest, string PQ, object Tag, HTTPMessage MSG) { HTTPMessage r = null; if (MSG == null) { r = new HTTPMessage(); r.Directive = "GET"; r.DirectiveObj = PQ; if (dest.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) r.AddTag("Host", dest.ToString()); if (dest.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) r.AddTag("Host", "[" + RemoveIPv6Scope(dest.ToString()) + "]"); } else { r = MSG; } lock (TagQueue) { this.IdleTimeout = false; KeepAliveTimer.Remove(this.GetHashCode()); LastMessage = r; if ((PIPELINE == false && _PIPELINE == false) || (_PIPELINE == false)) { HTTPRequest TR = new HTTPRequest(); TR.ProxySetting = ProxySetting; TR._PIPELINE = true; if (this.OnSniff != null) TR.OnSniff += new HTTPRequest.SniffHandler(NonPipelinedSniffSink); if (this.OnSniffPacket != null) TR.OnSniffPacket += new HTTPRequest.RequestHandler(NonPipelinedSniffPacketSink); TR.OnResponse += new HTTPRequest.RequestHandler(NonPipelinedResponseSink); this.NotPipelinedTable[TR] = TR; TR.PipelineRequest(dest, r, Tag); return; } bool NeedSend = (TagQueue.Count == 0); TagQueue.Enqueue(new StateData(r, dest, Tag, null)); IPAddress localif = IPAddress.Any; if (dest.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) localif = IPAddress.IPv6Any; if (s == null) { ReceivedFirstResponse = false; if (ProxySetting != null) { s = new HTTPSession(new IPEndPoint(localif, 0), ProxySetting, new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CreateSink), new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CreateFailedSink), null); } else { s = new HTTPSession(new IPEndPoint(localif, 0), dest, new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CreateSink), new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CreateFailedSink), null); } } else { if (s.IsConnected && this.ReceivedFirstResponse) { try { if (ProxySetting == null) { s.Send(r); } else { HTTPMessage pr = (HTTPMessage)r.Clone(); pr.DirectiveObj = "http://" + dest.ToString() + pr.DirectiveObj; pr.Version = "1.0"; s.Send(pr); } } catch (Exception ex) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(ex); } } } } }
private void HandleWebRequest(HTTPMessage msg, HTTPSession WebSession) { DText parser = new DText(); HTTPMessage Response = new HTTPMessage(); HTTPMessage Response2 = null; String Method = msg.Directive; String MethodData = msg.DirectiveObj; if (WebSession.InternalStateObject != null) { HTTPMessage _msg = (HTTPMessage)msg.Clone(); object[] state = (object[])WebSession.InternalStateObject; _msg.DirectiveObj = (string)state[1]; VirtualDirectoryHandler t = (VirtualDirectoryHandler)state[2]; WebSession.InternalStateObject = null; t(this, _msg, WebSession, (string)state[0]); return; } if ((Method != "GET") && (Method != "HEAD") && (Method != "POST") && (Method != "SUBSCRIBE") && (Method != "UNSUBSCRIBE") && (Method != "NOTIFY")) { Response.StatusCode = 405; Response.StatusData = Method + " not supported"; WebSession.Send(Response); return; // Other methods are unknown to us } // Process Headers if (Method == "GET" || Method == "HEAD") { try { Response = Get(MethodData, WebSession.Source); } catch (UPnPCustomException ce) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(ce); Response.StatusCode = ce.ErrorCode; Response.StatusData = ce.ErrorDescription; WebSession.Send(Response); return; } catch (Exception e) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(e); Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; Response.StringBuffer = e.ToString(); } if (Method == "HEAD") { Response.BodyBuffer = null; } WebSession.Send(Response); } if (Method == "POST") { //InvokerInfo[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] = WebSession; try { Response = Post(MethodData, msg.StringBuffer, msg.GetTag("SOAPACTION"), WebSession); } catch (DelayedResponseException ex) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(ex); InvokerInfo.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); WebSession.StopReading(); return; } catch (UPnPCustomException ce) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(this, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, "UPnP Error [" + ce.ErrorCode.ToString() + "] " + ce.ErrorDescription); Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(ce); WebSession.Send(Response); InvokerInfo.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); return; } catch (UPnPInvokeException ie) { Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; if (ie.UPNP != null) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(this, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, "UPnP Error [" + ie.UPNP.ErrorCode.ToString() + "] " + ie.UPNP.ErrorDescription); Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(ie.UPNP); } else { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(this, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, "UPnP Invocation Error [" + ie.MethodName + "] " + ie.Message); Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(new UPnPCustomException(500, ie.Message)); } WebSession.Send(Response); InvokerInfo.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); return; } catch (UPnPTypeMismatchException tme) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(tme); Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(new UPnPCustomException(402, tme.Message)); WebSession.Send(Response); InvokerInfo.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); return; } catch (UPnPStateVariable.OutOfRangeException oor) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(oor); Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(new UPnPCustomException(402, oor.Message)); WebSession.Send(Response); InvokerInfo.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); return; } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException tie) { Exception inner = tie.InnerException; OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(tie); while (inner.InnerException != null && (typeof(UPnPCustomException).IsInstanceOfType(inner) == false)) { inner = inner.InnerException; } if (typeof(UPnPCustomException).IsInstanceOfType(inner)) { UPnPCustomException ce = (UPnPCustomException)inner; OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(this, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, "UPnP Error [" + ce.ErrorCode.ToString() + "] " + ce.ErrorDescription); Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(ce); WebSession.Send(Response); InvokerInfo.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); return; } else { Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(new UPnPCustomException(500, inner.ToString())); WebSession.Send(Response); OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(inner); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Response.StatusCode = 500; Response.StatusData = "Internal"; Response.StringBuffer = BuildErrorBody(new UPnPCustomException(500, e.ToString())); WebSession.Send(Response); OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(e); return; } WebSession.Send(Response); InvokerInfo.Remove(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); return; } if (Method == "SUBSCRIBE") { String SID = msg.GetTag("SID"); String NT = msg.GetTag("NT"); String Timeout = msg.GetTag("Timeout"); String CallbackURL = msg.GetTag("Callback"); if (Timeout == "") { Timeout = "7200"; // Default = 2 Hours } else { Timeout = Timeout.Substring(Timeout.IndexOf("-") + 1).Trim().ToUpper(); if (Timeout == "INFINITE") { Timeout = "0"; } } if (SID != "") { // Renew RenewEvents(MethodData.Substring(1), SID, Timeout); } else { // Subscribe try { Response2 = SubscribeEvents(ref SID, MethodData.Substring(1), CallbackURL, Timeout); } catch (Exception s_exception) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(s_exception); HTTPMessage err = new HTTPMessage(); err.StatusCode = 500; err.StatusData = s_exception.Message; WebSession.Send(err); return; } } if (Timeout == "0") { Timeout = "Second-infinite"; } else { Timeout = "Second-" + Timeout; } Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.StatusData = "OK"; Response.AddTag("Server", "Windows NT/5.0, UPnP/1.0"); Response.AddTag("SID", SID); Response.AddTag("Timeout", Timeout); WebSession.Send(Response); if (Response2 != null) { Uri[] cbURL = ParseEventURL(CallbackURL); for (int x = 0; x < cbURL.Length; ++x) { Response2.DirectiveObj = HTTPMessage.UnEscapeString(cbURL[x].PathAndQuery); Response2.AddTag("Host", cbURL[x].Host + ":" + cbURL[x].Port.ToString()); IPEndPoint d = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(cbURL[x].Host), cbURL[x].Port); HTTPRequest R = new HTTPRequest(); R.OnResponse += new HTTPRequest.RequestHandler(HandleInitialEvent); this.InitialEventTable[R] = R; R.PipelineRequest(d, Response2, null); } } } if (Method == "UNSUBSCRIBE") { CancelEvent(MethodData.Substring(1), msg.GetTag("SID")); Response.StatusCode = 200; Response.StatusData = "OK"; WebSession.Send(Response); } }
private void ReceiveSink(HTTPSession sender, HTTPMessage msg) { StateData sd = (StateData)sender.StateObject; object Tag = sd.Tag; if (msg.Version == "1.0" || msg.Version == "0.9") { sender.Close(); } else { if (msg.GetTag("Connection").ToUpper() == "CLOSE") { sender.Close(); } } if (OnResponse != null) OnResponse(this, msg, Tag); // If I don't set this to null, this holds a strong reference, resulting in // possible memory leaks sender.StateObject = null; lock (TagQueue) { if (TagQueue.Count == 0) { this.IdleTimeout = true; KeepAliveTimer.Add(this.GetHashCode(), 10); } } }
private HTTPMessage Invoke(String Control, String XML, String SOAPACTION, HTTPSession WebSession) { String MethodTag = ""; ArrayList VarList = new ArrayList(); UPnPArgument VarArg; StringReader MyString = new StringReader(XML); XmlTextReader XMLDoc = new XmlTextReader(MyString); XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); if (XMLDoc.LocalName == "Envelope") { XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); if (XMLDoc.LocalName == "Body") { XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); MethodTag = XMLDoc.LocalName; XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); while ((XMLDoc.LocalName != MethodTag) && (XMLDoc.LocalName != "Envelope") && (XMLDoc.LocalName != "Body")) { // VarArg = new UPnPArgument(XMLDoc.LocalName,UPnPStringFormatter.UnEscapeString(XMLDoc.ReadInnerXml())); VarArg = new UPnPArgument(XMLDoc.LocalName, XMLDoc.ReadString()); VarList.Add(VarArg); if (XMLDoc.LocalName == "" || XMLDoc.IsStartElement() == false || XMLDoc.IsEmptyElement) { XMLDoc.Read(); XMLDoc.MoveToContent(); } } } } Object RetVal = ""; bool found = false; int id = 0; for (id = 0; id < Services.Length; ++id) { if (Services[id].ControlURL == Control) { if (MethodTag != "QueryStateVariable") { UPnPAction A = Services[id].GetAction(MethodTag); if (A == null) { break; } ArrayList tlist = new ArrayList(); InvokerInfoStruct iis = new InvokerInfoStruct(); iis.WebSession = WebSession; iis.MethodName = MethodTag; iis.SOAPAction = SOAPACTION; foreach (UPnPArgument arg in A.Arguments) { if (arg.IsReturnValue == true) iis.RetArg = (UPnPArgument)arg.Clone(); if (arg.Direction == "out") tlist.Add(arg.Clone()); } iis.OutArgs = (UPnPArgument[])tlist.ToArray(typeof(UPnPArgument)); InvokerInfo[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] = iis; } RetVal = Services[id].InvokeLocal(MethodTag, ref VarList); found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { throw (new UPnPCustomException(401, "Invalid Action: " + MethodTag)); } HTTPMessage response = ParseInvokeResponse(MethodTag, SOAPACTION, Services[id].ServiceURN, RetVal, (UPnPArgument[])VarList.ToArray(typeof(UPnPArgument))); return (response); }
private void StreamDoneSink(HTTPSession sender, Stream StreamObject) { //ToDo: Place callback from StateData here, to notify Stream is Done }
private HTTPMessage Post(String MethodData, String XML, String SOAPACTION, HTTPSession WebSession) { return (Invoke(MethodData.Substring(1), XML, SOAPACTION, WebSession)); }
private void CreateSink(HTTPSession ss) { lock (TagQueue) { ss.OnHeader += new HTTPSession.ReceiveHeaderHandler(HeaderSink); ss.OnReceive += new HTTPSession.ReceiveHandler(ReceiveSink); ss.OnClosed += new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(CloseSink); ss.OnStreamDone += new HTTPSession.StreamDoneHandler(StreamDoneSink); ss.OnRequestAnswered += new HTTPSession.SessionHandler(RequestAnsweredSink); if (this.OnSniff != null) ss.OnSniff += new HTTPSession.SniffHandler(SniffSink); if (this.OnSniffPacket != null) ss.OnSniffPacket += new HTTPSession.ReceiveHandler(SniffPacketSink); StateData sd = (StateData)TagQueue.Peek(); try { if (ProxySetting == null) { ss.Send(sd.Request); } else { HTTPMessage pr = (HTTPMessage)sd.Request.Clone(); pr.DirectiveObj = "http://" + sd.Dest.ToString() + pr.DirectiveObj; pr.Version = "1.0"; ss.Send(pr); } } catch (Exception exc) { OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(exc); } } }
private void SniffSessionSink(MiniWebServer Sender, HTTPSession s) { if (OnSniff != null) { s.OnSniff += new HTTPSession.SniffHandler(SniffSessionSink2); } else { if (OnSniffPacket == null) { Sender.OnSession -= new MiniWebServer.NewSessionHandler(SniffSessionSink); } } if (OnSniffPacket != null) { s.OnSniffPacket += new HTTPSession.ReceiveHandler(SniffSessionSink3); } }
private void CreateFailedSink(HTTPSession ss) { lock (TagQueue) { while (TagQueue.Count > 0) { StateData sd = (StateData)TagQueue.Dequeue(); OpenSource.Utilities.EventLogger.Log(this, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, "Connection Attempt to [" + sd.Dest.ToString() + "] Refused/Failed"); object Tag = sd.Tag; if (sd.HeaderCB != null) { sd.HeaderCB(this, ss, null, null, Tag); } else { if (this.OnResponse != null) OnResponse(this, null, Tag); } } s = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the provided HTTP session object /// matches the transfer's session object. /// </summary> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool IsSessionMatch(HTTPSession session) { return (session == Session) ; }