public void GetGlobalEnvironment(uint localID, out IWorld world, out IHost host) { // UUID should be changed to object owner. UUID owner = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner; SEUser securityUser = new SEUser(owner, "Name Unassigned"); SecurityCredential creds = new SecurityCredential(securityUser, m_scene); world = new World(m_scene, creds); host = new Host(new SOPObject(m_scene, localID, creds), m_scene, new ExtensionHandler(m_extensions), m_microthreads); }
internal Script(string script, UUID scriptID, uint localID, IConfigSource config, Scene scene, PolicyLevel policy, ScriptAccessor scriptAccessor, bool error2Console) { m_hostSOP = scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localID); m_asset = m_hostSOP.Inventory.GetInventoryItem(scriptID); m_god = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, m_hostSOP.OwnerID); m_name = (m_god.Name + "." + m_hostSOP.Name + "." + m_asset.Name).Replace(" ", ""); m_name = scriptAccessor.AddScript(this); m_scene = scene; m_config = config; m_policy = policy; m_error2Console = config.Configs["MRM"].GetBoolean("ErrorToConsole", true); m_scriptAccessor = scriptAccessor; m_errors = new ArrayList(); SEUser securityUser = new SEUser(m_god.PrincipalID, m_god.Name, this); m_creds = new SecurityCredential(securityUser, m_scene); ScriptText = script; }