public bool addTransaction(TransactionData transaction) { bool bRet = false; string sql = string.Empty; sql += "INSERT INTO " + Table_of_Transaction; sql += " (`UUID`,`sender`,`receiver`,`amount`,`objectUUID`,`regionHandle`,`type`,`time`,`secure`,`status`,`description`) VALUES"; sql += " (?transID,?sender,?receiver,?amount,?objID,?regionHandle,?type,?time,?secure,?status,?desc)"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, dbcon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?transID", transaction.TransUUID.ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?sender", transaction.Sender); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?receiver", transaction.Receiver); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?amount", transaction.Amount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?objID", transaction.ObjectUUID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?regionHandle", transaction.RegionHandle); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?type", transaction.Type); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?time", transaction.Time); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?secure", transaction.SecureCode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("status", transaction.Status); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?desc", transaction.Description); try { if (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) bRet = true; cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("Error adding transation to DB: " + e.ToString()); return false; } return bRet; }
public bool addTransaction(TransactionData transaction) { MySQLSuperManager dbm = GetLockedConnection(); try { return dbm.Manager.addTransaction(transaction); } catch (Exception e) { dbm.Manager.Reconnect(); m_log.Error(e.ToString()); return false; } finally { dbm.Release(); } }
public TransactionData FetchTransaction(UUID transactionID) { TransactionData transactionData = new TransactionData(); transactionData.TransUUID = transactionID; string sql = string.Empty; sql += "SELECT * from " + Table_of_Transaction + " where UUID = ?transID;"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, dbcon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?transID", transactionID.ToString()); using (MySqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Read()) { try { transactionData.Sender = (string)r["sender"]; transactionData.Receiver = (string)r["receiver"]; transactionData.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(r["amount"]); transactionData.ObjectUUID = (string)r["objectUUID"]; transactionData.RegionHandle = (string)r["regionHandle"]; transactionData.Type = Convert.ToInt32(r["type"]); transactionData.Time = Convert.ToInt32(r["time"]); transactionData.Status = Convert.ToInt32(r["status"]); transactionData.CommonName = (string)r["commonName"]; transactionData.Description = (string)r["description"]; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MONEY DB]: Fetching transaction failed: " + e.ToString()); return(null); } } r.Close(); } return(transactionData); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // transaction // public bool addTransaction(TransactionData transaction) { bool bRet = false; string sql = string.Empty; sql += "INSERT INTO " + Table_of_Transaction; sql += " (`UUID`,`sender`,`receiver`,`amount`,`objectUUID`,`regionHandle`,`type`,`time`,`secure`,`status`,`commonName`,`description`) VALUES"; sql += " (?transID,?sender,?receiver,?amount,?objID,?regionHandle,?type,?time,?secure,?status,?cname,?desc)"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, dbcon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?transID", transaction.TransUUID.ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?sender", transaction.Sender); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?receiver", transaction.Receiver); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?amount", transaction.Amount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?objID", transaction.ObjectUUID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?regionHandle", transaction.RegionHandle); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?type", transaction.Type); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?time", transaction.Time); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?secure", transaction.SecureCode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?status", transaction.Status); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?cname", transaction.CommonName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?desc", transaction.Description); try { if (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { bRet = true; } cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MONEY DB]: Error adding transation to DB: " + e.ToString()); return(false); } return(bRet); }
public TransactionData[] FetchTransaction(string userID, int startTime, int endTime, uint index,uint retNum) { List<TransactionData> rows = new List<TransactionData>(); string sql = string.Empty; sql += "SELECT * from " + Table_of_Transaction + " where time>=?start AND time<=?end "; sql += "AND (sender=?user or receiver=?user) order by time asc limit ?index,?num;"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, dbcon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?start", startTime); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?end", endTime); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?user", userID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?index", index); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?num", retNum); using (MySqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { for (int i = 0; i < retNum; i++) { if (r.Read()) { try { TransactionData transactionData = new TransactionData(); string uuid = (string)r["UUID"]; UUID transUUID; UUID.TryParse(uuid,out transUUID); transactionData.TransUUID = transUUID; transactionData.Sender = (string)r["sender"]; transactionData.Receiver = (string)r["receiver"]; transactionData.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(r["amount"]); if (r["objectUUID"] is System.DBNull) { transactionData.ObjectUUID = "null"; } else { transactionData.ObjectUUID = (string)r["objectUUID"]; } transactionData.Type = Convert.ToInt32(r["type"]); transactionData.Time = Convert.ToInt32(r["time"]); transactionData.Status = Convert.ToInt32(r["status"]); transactionData.Description = (string)r["description"]; rows.Add(transactionData); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MySQL] Fetching transaction failed: " + e.ToString()); return null; } } } r.Close(); } cmd.Dispose(); return rows.ToArray(); }
public TransactionData FetchTransaction(UUID transactionID) { TransactionData transactionData = new TransactionData(); transactionData.TransUUID = transactionID; string sql = string.Empty; sql += "SELECT * from " + Table_of_Transaction + " where UUID = ?transID;"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, dbcon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?transID", transactionID.ToString()); using (MySqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.Read()) { try { transactionData.Sender = (string)r["sender"]; transactionData.Receiver = (string)r["receiver"]; transactionData.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(r["amount"]); transactionData.ObjectUUID = (string)r["objectUUID"]; transactionData.RegionHandle = (string)r["regionHandle"]; transactionData.Type = Convert.ToInt32(r["type"]); transactionData.Time = Convert.ToInt32(r["time"]); transactionData.Status = Convert.ToInt32(r["status"]); transactionData.Description = (string)r["description"]; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MySQL] Fetching transaction failed: " + e.ToString()); return null; } } r.Close(); } return transactionData; }
// // deleted using ASP.NET by Fumi.Iseki // /// <summary> /// handle incoming transaction /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse handleTransaction(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient) { //m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleTransaction:"); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; int amount = 0; int transactionType = 0; string senderID = string.Empty; string receiverID = string.Empty; string senderSessionID = string.Empty; string senderSecureSessionID = string.Empty; string objectID = string.Empty; string regionHandle = string.Empty; string description = "Newly added on"; string senderUserServIP = string.Empty; string receiverUserServIP = string.Empty; string fmID = string.Empty; string toID = string.Empty; UUID transactionUUID = UUID.Random(); if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderID")) senderID = (string)requestData["senderID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("receiverID")) receiverID = (string)requestData["receiverID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderSessionID")) senderSessionID = (string)requestData["senderSessionID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderSecureSessionID")) senderSecureSessionID = (string)requestData["senderSecureSessionID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("amount")) amount = (Int32)requestData["amount"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("objectID")) objectID = (string)requestData["objectID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("regionHandle")) regionHandle = (string)requestData["regionHandle"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("transactionType")) transactionType = (Int32)requestData["transactionType"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("description")) description = (string)requestData["description"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderUserServIP")) senderUserServIP = (string)requestData["senderUserServIP"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("receiverUserServIP")) receiverUserServIP = (string)requestData["receiverUserServIP"]; fmID = senderID + "@" + senderUserServIP; toID = receiverID + "@" + receiverUserServIP; if (m_sessionDic.ContainsKey(fmID) && m_secureSessionDic.ContainsKey(fmID)) { if (m_sessionDic[fmID]==senderSessionID && m_secureSessionDic[fmID]==senderSecureSessionID) { m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleTransaction: Transfering money from {0} to {1}", fmID, toID); int time = (int)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - TicksToEpoch) / 10000000); try { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction.TransUUID = transactionUUID; transaction.Sender = fmID; transaction.Receiver = toID; transaction.Amount = amount; transaction.ObjectUUID = objectID; transaction.RegionHandle = regionHandle; transaction.Type = transactionType; transaction.Time = time; transaction.SecureCode = UUID.Random().ToString(); transaction.Status = (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS; transaction.Description = description + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); UserInfo rcvr = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(toID); if (rcvr==null) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleTransaction: Receive User is not yet in DB {0}", toID); responseData["success"] = false; return response; } bool result = m_moneyDBService.addTransaction(transaction); if (result) { UserInfo user = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(fmID); if (user!=null) { if (amount!=0) { string snd_message = ""; string rcv_message = ""; if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.Gift) { snd_message = m_BalanceMessageSendGift; rcv_message = m_BalanceMessageReceiveGift; } else if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.LandSale) { snd_message = m_BalanceMessageLandSale; rcv_message = m_BalanceMessageRcvLandSale; } else if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.PayObject) { snd_message = m_BalanceMessageBuyObject; } else if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.ObjectPays) { // ObjectGiveMoney rcv_message = m_BalanceMessageGetMoney; } responseData["success"] = NotifyTransfer(transactionUUID, snd_message, rcv_message); } else { responseData["success"] = true; // No messages for L$0 object. by Fumi.Iseki } return response; } } else // add transaction failed { m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleTransaction: Add transaction for user {0} failed", fmID); } responseData["success"] = false; return response; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleTransaction: Exception occurred while adding transaction " + e.ToString()); responseData["success"] = false; return response; } } } m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleTransaction: Session authentication failure for sender " + fmID); responseData["success"] = false; responseData["message"] = "Session check failure, please re-login later!"; return response; }
// // added by Fumi.Iseki // /// <summary> /// handle sending money transaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse handleSendMoneyBalance(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient) { //m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance:"); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; int amount = 0; int transactionType = 0; string senderID = UUID.Zero.ToString(); string avatarID = string.Empty; string description = "Send Money to Avatar on"; string avatarUserServIP = string.Empty; string clientIP = remoteClient.Address.ToString(); string secretCode = string.Empty; string fmID = string.Empty; string toID = string.Empty; UUID transactionUUID = UUID.Random(); responseData["success"] = false; if (!m_scriptSendMoney || m_scriptAccessKey=="") { m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Not allowed send money to avatar!!"); m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Set enableScriptSendMoney and MoneyScriptAccessKey at [MoneyServer] in MoneyServer.ini"); responseData["message"] = "not allowed set money to avatar!"; return response; } if (requestData.ContainsKey("avatarID")) avatarID = (string)requestData["avatarID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("amount")) amount = (Int32)requestData["amount"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("transactionType")) transactionType = (Int32)requestData["transactionType"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("description")) description = (string)requestData["description"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("avatarUserServIP")) avatarUserServIP = (string)requestData["avatarUserServIP"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("secretAccessCode")) secretCode = (string)requestData["secretAccessCode"]; MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); byte[] code = md5.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(m_scriptAccessKey + "_" + clientIP)); string hash = BitConverter.ToString(code).ToLower().Replace("-", ""); code = md5.ComputeHash(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(hash + "_" + m_scriptIPaddress)); hash = BitConverter.ToString(code).ToLower().Replace("-", ""); if (secretCode.ToLower()!=hash) { m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Not allowed send money to avatar!!"); m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Not match Script Key"); responseData["message"] = "not allowed send money to avatar! not match Script Key"; return response; } fmID = senderID + "@" + avatarUserServIP; toID = avatarID + "@" + avatarUserServIP; m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Send money to avatar {0}", toID); int time = (int)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - TicksToEpoch) / 10000000); try { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction.TransUUID = transactionUUID; transaction.Sender = fmID; transaction.Receiver = toID; transaction.Amount = amount; transaction.ObjectUUID = UUID.Zero.ToString(); transaction.RegionHandle = "0"; transaction.Type = transactionType; transaction.Time = time; transaction.SecureCode = UUID.Random().ToString(); transaction.Status = (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS; transaction.Description = description + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); UserInfo rcvr = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(toID); if (rcvr==null) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Avatar is not yet in DB: {0}", toID); return response; } bool result = m_moneyDBService.addTransaction(transaction); if (result) { if (amount!=0) { if (m_moneyDBService.DoAddMoney(transactionUUID)) { transaction = m_moneyDBService.FetchTransaction(transactionUUID); if (transaction!=null && transaction.Status==(int)Status.SUCCESS_STATUS) { m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Sending money finished successfully, now update balance {0}", transactionUUID.ToString()); string message = string.Format(m_BalanceMessageReceiveMoney, amount, "SYSTEM"); UpdateBalance(transaction.Receiver, message); responseData["success"] = true; } } } else { responseData["success"] = true; // No messages for L$0 add } return response; } else // add transaction failed { m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Add force transaction for user {0} failed", fmID); } return response; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleSendMoneyBalance: Exception occurred while adding money transaction " + e.ToString()); return response; } }
// // added by Fumi.Iseki // /// <summary> /// handle pay charge transaction. no check receiver information. /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse handlePayMoneyCharge(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient) { //m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handlePayMoneyCharge:"); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; int amount = 0; int transactionType = 0; string senderID = string.Empty; string receiverID = UUID.Zero.ToString(); string senderSessionID = string.Empty; string senderSecureSessionID = string.Empty; string objectID = UUID.Zero.ToString(); string regionHandle = string.Empty; string description = "Pay Charge on"; string senderUserServIP = string.Empty; string receiverUserServIP = ""; string fmID = string.Empty; string toID = string.Empty; UUID transactionUUID = UUID.Random(); if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderID")) senderID = (string)requestData["senderID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderSessionID")) senderSessionID = (string)requestData["senderSessionID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderSecureSessionID")) senderSecureSessionID = (string)requestData["senderSecureSessionID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("amount")) amount = (Int32)requestData["amount"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("regionHandle")) regionHandle = (string)requestData["regionHandle"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("transactionType")) transactionType = (Int32)requestData["transactionType"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("description")) description = (string)requestData["description"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderUserServIP")) senderUserServIP = (string)requestData["senderUserServIP"]; fmID = senderID + "@" + senderUserServIP; toID = receiverID + "@" + receiverUserServIP; if (m_sessionDic.ContainsKey(fmID) && m_secureSessionDic.ContainsKey(fmID)) { if (m_sessionDic[fmID]==senderSessionID && m_secureSessionDic[fmID]==senderSecureSessionID) { m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handlePayMoneyCharge: Pay from {0}", fmID); int time = (int)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - TicksToEpoch) / 10000000); try { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction.TransUUID = transactionUUID; transaction.Sender = fmID; transaction.Receiver = toID; transaction.Amount = amount; transaction.ObjectUUID = objectID; transaction.RegionHandle = regionHandle; transaction.Type = transactionType; transaction.Time = time; transaction.SecureCode = UUID.Random().ToString(); transaction.Status = (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS; transaction.Description = description + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); bool result = m_moneyDBService.addTransaction(transaction); if (result) { UserInfo user = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(fmID); if (user!=null) { if (amount!=0) { string message = string.Format(m_BalanceMessagePayCharge, amount, "SYSTEM"); responseData["success"] = NotifyTransfer(transactionUUID, message, ""); } else { responseData["success"] = true; // No messages for L$0 object. by Fumi.Iseki } return response; } } else // add transaction failed { m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY RPC] handlePayMoneyCharge: Pay money transaction for user {0} failed", fmID); } responseData["success"] = false; return response; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handlePayMoneyCharge: Exception occurred while pay money transaction " + e.ToString()); responseData["success"] = false; return response; } } } m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handlePayMoneyCharge: Session authentication failure for sender " + fmID); responseData["success"] = false; responseData["message"] = "Session check failure, please re-login later!"; return response; }
/// <summary> /// RollBack the transaction if user failed to get the object paid /// </summary> /// <param name="transaction"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool RollBackTransaction(TransactionData transaction) { //m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] RollBackTransaction:"); if(m_moneyDBService.withdrawMoney(transaction.TransUUID, transaction.Receiver, transaction.Amount)) { if(m_moneyDBService.giveMoney(transaction.TransUUID, transaction.Sender, transaction.Amount)) { m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] RollBackTransaction: Transaction {0} successfully", transaction.TransUUID.ToString()); m_moneyDBService.updateTransactionStatus(transaction.TransUUID, (int)Status.FAILED_STATUS, "The buyer failed to get the object, roll back the transaction"); UserInfo senderInfo = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(transaction.Sender); UserInfo receiverInfo = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(transaction.Receiver); string senderName = "unknown user"; string receiverName = "unknown user"; if (senderInfo!=null) senderName = senderInfo.Avatar; if (receiverInfo!=null) receiverName = receiverInfo.Avatar; string snd_message = string.Format(m_BalanceMessageRollBack, transaction.Amount, receiverName); string rcv_message = string.Format(m_BalanceMessageRollBack, transaction.Amount, senderName); if (transaction.Sender!=transaction.Receiver) UpdateBalance(transaction.Sender, snd_message); UpdateBalance(transaction.Receiver, rcv_message); return true; } } return false; }
// // added by Fumi.Iseki // /// <summary> /// handle adding money transaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse handleAddBankerMoney(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient) { //m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney:"); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; int amount = 0; int transactionType = 0; string senderID = UUID.Zero.ToString(); string bankerID = string.Empty; string regionHandle = "0"; string description = "Add Money to Avatar on"; string bankerUserServIP = string.Empty; string fmID = string.Empty; string toID = string.Empty; UUID transactionUUID = UUID.Random(); responseData["success"] = false; if (requestData.ContainsKey("bankerID")) bankerID = (string)requestData["bankerID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("amount")) amount = (Int32)requestData["amount"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("regionHandle")) regionHandle = (string)requestData["regionHandle"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("transactionType")) transactionType = (Int32)requestData["transactionType"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("description")) description = (string)requestData["description"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("bankerUserServIP")) bankerUserServIP = (string)requestData["bankerUserServIP"]; // Check Banker Avatar if (m_bankerAvatar!=UUID.Zero.ToString() && m_bankerAvatar!=bankerID) { m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney: Not allowed add money to avatar!!"); m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney: Set BankerAvatar at [MoneyServer] in MoneyServer.ini"); responseData["message"] = "not allowed add money to avatar!"; responseData["banker"] = false; return response; } responseData["banker"] = true; fmID = senderID + "@" + bankerUserServIP; toID = bankerID + "@" + bankerUserServIP; m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney: Add money to avatar {0}", toID); int time = (int)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - TicksToEpoch) / 10000000); try { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction.TransUUID = transactionUUID; transaction.Sender = fmID; transaction.Receiver = toID; transaction.Amount = amount; transaction.ObjectUUID = UUID.Zero.ToString(); transaction.RegionHandle = regionHandle; transaction.Type = transactionType; transaction.Time = time; transaction.SecureCode = UUID.Random().ToString(); transaction.Status = (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS; transaction.Description = description + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); UserInfo rcvr = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(toID); if (rcvr==null) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney: Avatar is not yet in DB {0}", toID); return response; } bool result = m_moneyDBService.addTransaction(transaction); if (result) { if (amount!=0) { if (m_moneyDBService.DoAddMoney(transactionUUID)) { transaction = m_moneyDBService.FetchTransaction(transactionUUID); if (transaction!=null && transaction.Status==(int)Status.SUCCESS_STATUS) { m_log.InfoFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney: Adding money finished successfully, now update balance: {0}", transactionUUID.ToString()); string message = string.Format(m_BalanceMessageBuyMoney, amount, "SYSTEM"); UpdateBalance(transaction.Receiver, message); responseData["success"] = true; } } } else { responseData["success"] = true; // No messages for L$0 add } return response; } else // add transaction failed { m_log.ErrorFormat("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney: Add force transaction for user {0} failed", fmID); } return response; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MONEY RPC] handleAddBankerMoney: Exception occurred while adding money transaction " + e.ToString()); return response; } }
public bool DoTransfer(UUID transactionUUID) { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction = FetchTransaction(transactionUUID); if (transaction != null && transaction.Status == (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS) { int balance = getBalance(transaction.Sender); //check the amount if (transaction.Amount >= 0 && balance >= transaction.Amount) { if (withdrawMoney(transactionUUID, transaction.Sender, transaction.Amount)) { //If receiver not found, add it to DB. if (getBalance(transaction.Receiver) == -1) { addUser(transaction.Receiver, 0, (int)Status.SUCCESS_STATUS); } if (giveMoney(transactionUUID, transaction.Receiver, transaction.Amount)) return true; else // give money to receiver failed. { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] Give money to receiver {0} failed", transaction.Receiver); //Return money to sender if (giveMoney(transactionUUID, transaction.Sender, transaction.Amount)) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] give money to receiver {0} failed but return it to sender {1} successfully", transaction.Receiver, transaction.Sender); updateTransactionStatus(transactionUUID, (int)Status.FAILED_STATUS, "give money to receiver failed but return it to sender successfully"); } else { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] FATAL ERROR: Money withdrawn from sender: {0}, but failed to be given to receiver {1}", transaction.Sender, transaction.Receiver); } } } else // withdraw money failed { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] Withdraw money from sender {0} failed", transaction.Sender); } } else // not enough balance to finish the transaction { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] Not enough balance for user: {0} to apply the transaction.", transaction.Sender); } } else // Can not fetch the transaction or it has expired { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] The transaction:{0} has expired", transactionUUID.ToString()); } return false; }
// by Fumi.Iseki public bool DoAddMoney(UUID transactionUUID) { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction = FetchTransaction(transactionUUID); if (transaction != null && transaction.Status == (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS) { //If receiver not found, add it to DB. if (getBalance(transaction.Receiver)==-1) { addUser(transaction.Receiver, 0, (int)Status.SUCCESS_STATUS); } if (giveMoney(transactionUUID, transaction.Receiver, transaction.Amount)) return true; else // give money to receiver failed. { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] Add money to receiver {0} failed", transaction.Receiver); updateTransactionStatus(transactionUUID, (int)Status.FAILED_STATUS, "add money to receiver failed"); } } else // Can not fetch the transaction or it has expired { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money DB] The transaction:{0} has expired", transactionUUID.ToString()); } return false; }
// // added by Fumi.Iseki // /// <summary> /// handle incoming force transaction. no check senderSessionID and senderSecureSessionID /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse handleForceTransaction(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient) { //Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: handleForceTransaction:"); GetSSLCommonName(request); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; int amount = 0; int transactionType = 0; string senderID = string.Empty; string receiverID = string.Empty; string objectID = string.Empty; string regionHandle = string.Empty; string description = "Newly added on"; UUID transactionUUID = UUID.Random(); // if (!m_forceTransfer) { Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: handleForceTransaction: Not allowed force transfer of Money. Set enableForceTransfer at [MoneyServer] to true in MoneyServer.ini"); responseData["success"] = false; responseData["message"] = "not allowed force transfer of Money!"; return response; } if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderID")) senderID = (string)requestData["senderID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("receiverID")) receiverID = (string)requestData["receiverID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("amount")) amount = (Int32)requestData["amount"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("objectID")) objectID = (string)requestData["objectID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("regionHandle")) regionHandle = (string)requestData["regionHandle"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("transactionType")) transactionType = (Int32)requestData["transactionType"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("description")) description = (string)requestData["description"]; Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: handleForceTransaction: Force transfering money from {0} to {1}", senderID, receiverID); int time = (int)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - TicksToEpoch) / 10000000); try { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction.TransUUID = transactionUUID; transaction.Sender = senderID; transaction.Receiver = receiverID; transaction.Amount = amount; transaction.ObjectUUID = objectID; transaction.RegionHandle = regionHandle; transaction.Type = transactionType; transaction.Time = time; transaction.SecureCode = UUID.Random().ToString(); transaction.Status = (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS; transaction.CommonName = GetSSLCommonName(); transaction.Description = description + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); UserInfo rcvr = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(receiverID); if (rcvr==null) { Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: handleForceTransaction: Force receive User is not yet in DB {0}", receiverID); responseData["success"] = false; return response; } bool result = m_moneyDBService.addTransaction(transaction); if (result) { UserInfo user = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(senderID); if (user!=null) { if (amount!=0) { string snd_message = ""; string rcv_message = ""; if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.Gift) { snd_message = m_BalanceMessageSendGift; rcv_message = m_BalanceMessageReceiveGift; } else if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.LandSale) { snd_message = m_BalanceMessageLandSale; snd_message = m_BalanceMessageRcvLandSale; } else if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.PayObject) { snd_message = m_BalanceMessageBuyObject; } else if (transaction.Type==(int)TransactionType.ObjectPays) { // ObjectGiveMoney rcv_message = m_BalanceMessageGetMoney; } responseData["success"] = NotifyTransfer(transactionUUID, snd_message, rcv_message); } else { responseData["success"] = true; // No messages for L$0 object. by Fumi.Iseki } return response; } } else // add transaction failed { Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: handleForceTransaction: Add force transaction for user {0} failed", senderID); } responseData["success"] = false; return response; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("[MONEY RPC]: handleForceTransaction: Exception occurred while adding force transaction " + e.ToString()); responseData["success"] = false; return response; } }
// // added by Fumi.Iseki // /// <summary> /// handle incoming force transaction. no check senderSessionID and senderSecureSessionID /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse handleForceTransaction(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient) { Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; int amount = 0; int transactionType = 0; string senderID = string.Empty; string receiverID = string.Empty; string objectID = string.Empty; string regionHandle = string.Empty; string description = "Newly added on"; string senderUserServIP = string.Empty; string receiverUserServIP = string.Empty; string fmID = string.Empty; string toID = string.Empty; UUID transactionUUID = UUID.Random(); //m_log.InfoFormat("[Money RPC] in handleForceTransaction"); // if (!m_forceTransfer) { m_log.Error("[Money RPC] Not allowed force transfer of Money. Set enableForceTransfer at [MoneyServer] to true in MoneyServer.ini"); responseData["success"] = false; responseData["message"] = "not allowed force transfer of Money!"; return response; } if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderID")) senderID = (string)requestData["senderID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("receiverID")) receiverID = (string)requestData["receiverID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("amount")) amount = (Int32)requestData["amount"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("objectID")) objectID = (string)requestData["objectID"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("regionHandle")) regionHandle = (string)requestData["regionHandle"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("transactionType")) transactionType = (Int32)requestData["transactionType"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("description")) description = (string)requestData["description"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("senderUserServIP")) senderUserServIP = (string)requestData["senderUserServIP"]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("receiverUserServIP")) receiverUserServIP = (string)requestData["receiverUserServIP"]; fmID = senderID + "@" + senderUserServIP; toID = receiverID + "@" + receiverUserServIP; m_log.InfoFormat("[Money RPC] Force transfering money from {0} to {1}", fmID, toID); int time = (int)((DateTime.Now.Ticks - TicksToEpoch) / 10000000); try { TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); transaction.TransUUID = transactionUUID; transaction.Sender = fmID; transaction.Receiver = toID; transaction.Amount = amount; transaction.ObjectUUID = objectID; transaction.RegionHandle = regionHandle; transaction.Type = transactionType; transaction.Time = time; transaction.SecureCode = UUID.Random().ToString(); transaction.Status = (int)Status.PENDING_STATUS; transaction.Description = description + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); UserInfo rcvr = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(toID); if (rcvr == null) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money RPC] Force receive User is not yet in DB:{0}", toID); responseData["success"] = false; return response; } bool result = m_moneyDBService.addTransaction(transaction); if (result) { UserInfo user = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(fmID); if (user != null) { if (amount!=0) { string snd_message = ""; string rcv_message = ""; if (transaction.Type==5001) { // Gift snd_message = m_BalanceMessageSendGift; rcv_message = m_BalanceMessageReceiveGift; } else if (transaction.Type==5002) { // LandSale snd_message = m_BalanceMessageLandSale; } else if (transaction.Type==5008) { // PayObject snd_message = m_BalanceMessageBuyObject; } else if (transaction.Type==5009) { // ObjectGiveMoney rcv_message = m_BalanceMessageGetMoney; } responseData["success"] = NotifyTransfer(transactionUUID, snd_message, rcv_message); } else { responseData["success"] = true; // No messages for L$0 object. by Fumi.Iseki } return response; } } else // add transaction failed { m_log.ErrorFormat("[Money RPC] Add force transaction for user:{0} failed", fmID); } responseData["success"] = false; return response; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[Money RPC] Exception occurred while adding force transaction " + e.ToString()); responseData["success"] = false; return response; } }
// public XmlRpcResponse handleGetTransaction(XmlRpcRequest request, IPEndPoint remoteClient) { //m_log.InfoFormat("[Money RPC] in handleGetTransaction"); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); TransactionData transaction = new TransactionData(); response.Value = responseData; string secureCode = string.Empty; string transactionID = string.Empty; UUID transactionUUID = UUID.Zero; if (requestData.ContainsKey("transactionID")) { transactionID = (string)requestData["transactionID"]; UUID.TryParse(transactionID, out transactionUUID); } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionID)) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secureCode) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionID)) { responseData["success"] = false; responseData["description"] = "TransactionID can`t be empty"; m_log.Error("[Money RPC] TransactionID can't be empty"); return response; } transaction = m_moneyDBService.FetchTransaction(transactionUUID); if (transaction!=null) { UserInfo senderInfo = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(transaction.Sender); UserInfo receiverInfo = m_moneyDBService.FetchUserInfo(transaction.Receiver); if (senderInfo != null && receiverInfo != null) { responseData["success"] = true; responseData["sender"] = senderInfo.Avatar; responseData["receiver"] = receiverInfo.Avatar; } else { responseData["success"] = false; responseData["sender"] = "Query failed"; responseData["receiver"] = "Query failed"; } responseData["amount"] = transaction.Amount; responseData["time"] = transaction.Time; } return response; }
public TransactionData[] FetchTransaction(string userID, int startTime, int endTime, uint index, uint retNum) { List <TransactionData> rows = new List <TransactionData>(); string sql = string.Empty; sql += "SELECT * from " + Table_of_Transaction + " where time>=?start AND time<=?end "; sql += "AND (sender=?user or receiver=?user) order by time asc limit ?index,?num;"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, dbcon); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?start", startTime); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?end", endTime); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?user", userID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?index", index); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?num", retNum); using (MySqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { for (int i = 0; i < retNum; i++) { if (r.Read()) { try { TransactionData transactionData = new TransactionData(); string uuid = (string)r["UUID"]; UUID transUUID; UUID.TryParse(uuid, out transUUID); transactionData.TransUUID = transUUID; transactionData.Sender = (string)r["sender"]; transactionData.Receiver = (string)r["receiver"]; transactionData.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(r["amount"]); if (r["objectUUID"] is System.DBNull) { transactionData.ObjectUUID = "null"; } else { transactionData.ObjectUUID = (string)r["objectUUID"]; } transactionData.Type = Convert.ToInt32(r["type"]); transactionData.Time = Convert.ToInt32(r["time"]); transactionData.Status = Convert.ToInt32(r["status"]); transactionData.CommonName = (string)r["commonName"]; transactionData.Description = (string)r["description"]; rows.Add(transactionData); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[MONEY DB]: Fetching transaction failed: " + e.ToString()); return(null); } } } r.Close(); } cmd.Dispose(); return(rows.ToArray()); }