public BaseProvider(Actor self, BaseProviderInfo info) { Info = info; this.self = self; devMode = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); progress = total = info.InitialDelay; }
public PowerManager(Actor self, PowerManagerInfo info) { this.self = self; = info; devMode = self.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); wasHackEnabled = devMode.UnlimitedPower; }
public BaseProvider(Actor self, BaseProviderInfo info) { Info = info; this.self = self; devMode = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); progress = total = info.InitialDelay; allyBuildEnabled = self.World.WorldActor.Trait <MapBuildRadius>().AllyBuildRadiusEnabled; }
public CombatDebugOverlay(Actor self) { healthInfo = self.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <HealthInfo>(); coords = Exts.Lazy(self.Trait <BodyOrientation>); var localPlayer = self.World.LocalPlayer; devMode = localPlayer != null?localPlayer.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>() : null; }
public SupportPowerManager(ActorInitializer init) { Self = init.Self; DevMode = Self.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); TechTree = Self.Trait <TechTree>(); RadarPings = Exts.Lazy(() => init.World.WorldActor.TraitOrDefault <RadarPings>()); init.World.ActorAdded += ActorAdded; init.World.ActorRemoved += ActorRemoved; }
public CombatDebugOverlay(Actor self) { attack = Exts.Lazy(() => self.TraitOrDefault <AttackBase>()); coords = Exts.Lazy(() => self.Trait <IBodyOrientation>()); health = Exts.Lazy(() => self.TraitOrDefault <Health>()); var localPlayer = self.World.LocalPlayer; devMode = localPlayer != null?localPlayer.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>() : null; }
void INotifyCreated.Created(Actor self) { playerPower = self.Owner.PlayerActor.TraitOrDefault <PowerManager>(); playerResources = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>(); developerMode = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); techTree = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <TechTree>(); productionTraits = self.TraitsImplementing <Production>().Where(p => p.Info.Produces.Contains(Info.Type)).ToArray(); CacheProducibles(self.Owner.PlayerActor); }
public CombatDebugOverlay(Actor self) { healthInfo = self.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <HealthInfo>(); blockInfo = self.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <BlocksProjectilesInfo>(); attack = Exts.Lazy(() => self.TraitOrDefault <AttackBase>()); coords = Exts.Lazy(() => self.Trait <BodyOrientation>()); var localPlayer = self.World.LocalPlayer; devMode = localPlayer != null?localPlayer.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>() : null; }
public BaseProvider(Actor self, BaseProviderInfo info) : base(info) { this.self = self; devMode = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); progress = total = info.InitialDelay; var mapBuildRadius = self.World.WorldActor.TraitOrDefault <MapBuildRadius>(); allyBuildEnabled = mapBuildRadius != null && mapBuildRadius.AllyBuildRadiusEnabled; buildRadiusEnabled = mapBuildRadius != null && mapBuildRadius.BuildRadiusEnabled; }
public ProductionQueue(ActorInitializer init, Actor playerActor, ProductionQueueInfo info) { self = init.Self; Info = info; playerResources = playerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>(); playerPower = playerActor.Trait <PowerManager>(); developerMode = playerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); Race = init.Contains <RaceInit>() ? init.Get <RaceInit, string>() : self.Owner.Faction.InternalName; Enabled = !info.Race.Any() || info.Race.Contains(Race); CacheProduceables(playerActor); }
public ProductionQueue(ActorInitializer init, Actor playerActor, ProductionQueueInfo info) { self = init.Self; Info = info; playerResources = playerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>(); developerMode = playerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); Faction = init.Contains <FactionInit>() ? init.Get <FactionInit, string>() : self.Owner.Faction.InternalName; IsValidFaction = !info.Factions.Any() || info.Factions.Contains(Faction); Enabled = IsValidFaction; CacheProducibles(playerActor); allProducibles = producible.Where(a => a.Value.Buildable || a.Value.Visible).Select(a => a.Key); buildableProducibles = producible.Where(a => a.Value.Buildable).Select(a => a.Key); }
public SupportPower(Actor self, SupportPowerInfo info) : base(info) { Self = self; = info; // Special case handling is required for the Player actor. // Created is called before Player.PlayerActor is assigned, // so we must query other player traits from self, knowing that // it refers to the same actor as self.Owner.PlayerActor var playerActor = self.Info.Name == "player" ? self : self.Owner.PlayerActor; techTree = playerActor.Trait <TechTree>(); developerMode = playerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); }
void INotifyCreated.Created(Actor self) { // Special case handling is required for the Player actor. // Created is called before Player.PlayerActor is assigned, // so we must query other player traits from self, knowing that // it refers to the same actor as self.Owner.PlayerActor var playerActor = self.Info.Name == "player" ? self : self.Owner.PlayerActor; playerPower = playerActor.TraitOrDefault <PowerManager>(); playerResources = playerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>(); developerMode = playerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); techTree = playerActor.Trait <TechTree>(); productionTraits = self.TraitsImplementing <Production>().Where(p => p.Info.Produces.Contains(Info.Type)).ToArray(); CacheProducibles(playerActor); }
public RenderDebugState(Actor self, RenderDebugStateInfo info) { var buildingInfo = self.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <BuildingInfo>(); var yOffset = buildingInfo == null ? 1 : buildingInfo.Dimensions.Y; offset = new WVec(0, 512 * yOffset, 0); this.self = self; color = GetColor(); font = Game.Renderer.Fonts[info.Font]; var localPlayer = self.World.LocalPlayer; devMode = localPlayer != null?localPlayer.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>() : null; ai = self.Owner.PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing <HackyAI>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnabled); }
public void OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner) { ClearQueue(); playerPower = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <PowerManager>(); playerResources = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>(); developerMode = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); if (!Info.Sticky) { Race = self.Owner.Faction.InternalName; Enabled = !Info.Race.Any() || Info.Race.Contains(Race); } // Regenerate the produceables and tech tree state oldOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <TechTree>().Remove(this); CacheProduceables(newOwner.PlayerActor); newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <TechTree>().Update(); }
void INotifyOwnerChanged.OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner) { ClearQueue(); playerPower = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <PowerManager>(); playerResources = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <PlayerResources>(); developerMode = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); if (!Info.Sticky) { Faction = self.Owner.Faction.InternalName; IsValidFaction = !Info.Factions.Any() || Info.Factions.Contains(Faction); } // Regenerate the producibles and tech tree state oldOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <TechTree>().Remove(this); CacheProducibles(newOwner.PlayerActor); newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <TechTree>().Update(); }
public void OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner) { powerManager = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <PowerManager>(); developerMode = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); }
public PowerTooltip(Actor self) { this.self = self; powerManager = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <PowerManager>(); developerMode = self.Owner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); }
void INotifyOwnerChanged.OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner) { techTree = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <TechTree>(); developerMode = newOwner.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>(); }